I have to integrate our j2ee application with a REST webservice. And I wanted to use the RestEasy JAX-RS implementation from JBoss. The webservice returns an array in JSON format. I've this piece of code:
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget target = client.target("http://myservices.com/schemes/all");
Response response = target.request().get();
Can I map this "response" object to List<Scheme> using RestEasy? Thanks
Provided that your JSON provider is capable of converting JSON to appropriate entities, then yes. The get method you call in the code has an overloaded version which accepts the class of entity to which the result is to be converted. Since there are problems with serializing certain collections' implementations, your type has to be wrapped in GenericType class, like that:
List<Scheme> schema = [...].get(new GenericType<List<Scheme>>(){});
The above method should work with just about every JAX-RS-compliant implementation.
You can also use Jackson library, which allows you (amongst other things) to pass collections without need of wrapping them.
My goal is to build a set of REST apis using aws api gateway, back with java Lambda functions and DynamoDB. The payload of the requests and responses is json. I want to avoid tedious field level mapping code between json and java and between java and dynamodb so am trying to use gson to map json to java objects the enhance dynamodb client so I can use java pojos as inputs and outputs of dynamodb queries. This all works fine when testing the functions stand alone.
The issue I am having is passing json between the Gateway and Lambda when trying to integrate gateway apis to the functions. I've tried the two interfaces of Lambda functions, RequestHandler and RequestStreamHandler. I can each of these to do half of what I need, but with RequestHander I have an get runtime errors when returning the response body as json, with RequestStreamHandler I can successfully set the response body as json, but I have problems receiving the request body as json.
It seems that something in the aws gateway framework is converting the body json into an escaped string and then another part of the framework is trying to convert the escaped string into json and failing.
What I am trying to do would seem the most basic REST api use case for aws gateway and Lambda, but I can't find any code examples in aws documentation beyond the trivial "hello world" type. Aws documentation seems pretty thin too, so has anyone out there been successfully in building REST apis with json payloads using aws gateway and Lambda who could share the secret of success?
Here's a bit of background as to what I've tried:
API Gateway:
I've created gateway apis using Lambda proxy integration to my Lambda functions. I've not specified any models to validate the input. I've just taken the default settings. I am passing a json object as the body of my HTTP requests to test the apis.
Lambda Functions
Coded in java using V2 of the SDK.
RequestHandler function - I have created a class the implements the RequestHandler interface specifying the input parameter as a HashMap and output as String. I have successfully got the body of the HTTP request from the hashmap and used Gson to convert the body to my Java pojo. All good.
However I fail trying to include json as the body of the response. I've used both Gson and org.json to construct my http response and include json as the body. I can unit test the function successfully, but when integrated with my gateway api I get an error in the gateway (not that the response has been escaped):
Tue Jan 12 11:12:23 UTC 2021 : Endpoint response body before transformations: "{"body":{"message":"hello world"},"isBase64encoded":false,"statusCode":200}"
Tue Jan 12 11:06:59 UTC 2021 : Execution failed due to configuration error: Malformed Lambda proxy response
The signature of the handleRequest method is:
public void handleRequest(InputStream input, OutputStream output, Context context)
In this case, I can successfully create a json response using gson and write it to the output stream and the api gateway is fine with it.
However I have a problem with the input. I have tried to use gson to parse the input stream and extract the body. This is fine, but the body is not json, it is an escaped json string, for example:
"{\r\n "id": "10",\r\n "title": "Ski trips",\r\n "owner": "captain",\r\n "locations": \r\n [\r\n {"latitude": 55, "longitude":-2 }\r\n ]\r\n}"
I can't use Gson to parse this nor use Gson to convert it to a pojo. If I try then I get runtime exceptions. To get round this I have used org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils to remove the escape characters and then removed the leading and trailing quotes round the string. I can then use Gson to convert the resultant string to my pojo class. This is tedious in the extreme.
I've tried changing the classes used for the inputs and outputs of the handleRequest methods, for example to return a JsonObject to see if that changed what I receive but to no avail. If the body contains just a string rather than json, then there is no problem. So just returning "hello world" as the body is fine as per the examples I've found.
I must be missing something, possible in the definition of the gateway api or in the types of the input and output parameters of the Lambda functions but without documentation it really is just wandering around in the dark. Hey all I want to do is to take a json object from the body of a rest request and write it as a json document to a nosql database, getting tripped up by conversion and mapping is really frustrating.
Thanks to anyone who can help me.
Lets say this is our Hander class with ApiGatewayRequest and ApiGatewayProxyResponse are request and response class names.
public class MyHandler implements RequestHandler<ApiGatewayRequest, ApiGatewayProxyResponse> {
public ApiGatewayProxyResponse handleRequest(ApiGatewayRequest request, Context context) {
Request Class
public class ApiGatewayRequest {
private String body;
private Map<String, String> headers;
private Map<String, String> queryStringParameters;
private Map<String, String> pathParameters;
private boolean isBase64Encoded;
Response Class
public class ApiGatewayProxyResponse {
private int statusCode;
private Map<String, String> headers;
private String body;
Json string should be sent in body with com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper something like
String body = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(ouputObject)
necessary headers ex: Access-Control-Allow-Credentials, Access-Control-Allow-Origin or Content-Type
I have solved my own problem. In aws gateway I had chosen my api to be of type Rest, which seemed the obvious choice for creating Rest services accessed over HTTP. I created a new api of type Http to integrate with the same Lambda function and to cut a long story short that solved the problem. The body of my post request as passed to the Lambda function is not escaped and can be process as json, and likewise the body in my response is not escaped or rejected before being returned to an http client. However I found this out through trial and error rather than by following clear documentation or working examples. My next step is to implement examples of get, post, put and delete HTTP methods to understand how parameters are passed in the case of path variables and query strings, as well as completing the integration with dynamodb. I'll post my working code once done.
I have been exploring on how to consume the web services and I found a good articles on JAX-Rs and it is the way to consume Rest Webservices. my task is to hit the URL which returns the XML as response and should be converted into Object which I have achieved using following code.
client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
//example query params: ?q=Turku&cnt=10&mode=json&units=metric
target = client.target(
.queryParam("appid", apikey)
.queryParam("units", "metric")
And here is the piece of code which will map my XML response to java object
Example exampleObject = target.request(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).get(Example.class);
This works fine, but the issue is my lead is saying use JIBX since it's faster.
Question 1 : How does target.request converts the xml response (does it use jibx or jaxb etc ?? )
Question 2 : If I have use JIBX I need to download the response as stream and do the marshalling and unmarshalling which I found not a right way to consume webservices, I am I right??
Please do help on this.
1: JAX-RS uses MessageBodyReaders to convert the HTTP entity stream into an object. By default, all JAX-RS implementations are required to ship a MessageBodyReader (and Writer) that uses JAXB to serialize/deserialize to/from XML when the content type is application/xml.
2: If you want to use something other than JAXB to deserialize XML, you could write your own MessageBodyReader that consumes “application/xml”. That would override the built-in JAXB reader.
An example of how to do this is available here:
Hope this helps, Andy
Suppose I need to write a Java client, which calls a REST API (with HTTP GET). I know it returns the data in JSON by default and I do not need to supply any headers.
Now I can use either Apache HttpClient to invoke the API or read the URL directly (get a stream from the URL with url.openStream and read the data). The second approach seems to me much simpler. Which one would you suggest and why ?
All the REST clients provide a wrapper over basic java URL based APIs. These clients are easy to use and provide all the necessary functionality. Your code will be much cleaner in case you use Apache HttpClient. And Apache's API are quite reliable.
I would use special libraries for that, like Jersey client or Apache CXF client.
These ones are part of Java EE standard, a well defined specification which is widely used.
For JSON, consider https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson. Depending on what client you use, you will find information about how to make it work.
If you are not a big fan of JavaEE, and you look for neat and elegant API, and you are interested in working with a language on top of Java, Groovy HTTPBuilder is such a library that works like a charm!
twitter = new RESTClient( 'https://twitter.com/statuses/' )
resp = twitter.post( path : 'update.xml',
body : [ status:msg, source:'httpbuilder' ],
requestContentType : URLENC )
assert resp.status == 200
assert resp.data.user.screen_name == userName
You can use spring-data-rest and Spring's RestTemplate. No need to write a webapp as you can bootstrap Spring easily into a standalone java application putting AnnotationConfigApplicationContext in the Main(). It's quite simple.
For example, suppose you have a Restful URL, http://localhost:8080/croot/books/ that returns a list of books (deserialized into objects of type Book).
Using Spring's RestTemplate you can do the following:
public Resource<List<Resource<Book>>> findAll() {
return restTemplate
new ParameterizedTypeReference<Resource<List<Resource<Book>>>>() {
You can also process this using spring-data-hateoas allowing you to further decouple the client from the server and helps process what to do next, say in pagination.
This is a very simplified/contrived example but the REST support in Spring 3 combined with the spring-data framework is quite elegant.
Using Spring you also get the advantage of Jackson for JSON processing as the RestTemplate will have one of the flavors of Jackson's message converters (provided through MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter for example) in it's list of default converters used for processing.
I am writing a REST client for my REST webservice using apache httpclient (4.x). I am using JAXB (JSON) for the request/response. In one of my webservice, I have a PUT request in which I have send the JSON request which is represented as the JAXB object. I know I have to use any implementation class of HttpEntity. One of the way I can think of is marshalling the JAXB object to json & use StringEntity. Is there any other way of doing it?
The best way to ensure most efficient content generation with HttpClient is to create a custom HttpEntity implementation. You can leave HttpEntity#getContent unimplemented and only provide HttpEntity#writeTo(OutputStream) method, inside which you can write out your JAXB object using JAXB object serialization facilities.
I have a REST server which sends JSON in response body. I have recently started reading about Apache Camel. I use following to send requests to my REST service.
from("direct:start").setHeader("token", simple("234da"))
Now the response will be a JSON, is there any way I get this JSON directly into a POJO using some method ahead of to() (something like this)?
I would prefer a non Spring solution.
Little details from my side - although late
Create jsonFormatter and then unmarshal with class you need
JsonDataFormat jsonDataFormat = new JsonDataFormat(JsonLibrary.Jackson);
this can be used in marshalling
.log("calling bean method...")
//.process(svProcessor) // any extra process if you want
.unmarshal().json(JsonLibrary.Jackson, Greeting.class)
.bean(GreetingHelper.class, "print")
.log("converted to bean ...")
Helper class method
public void print (#Body Greeting greeting) {
Apache Camel provides a component to marshal and unmarshal POJO to and from JSON.
In your case, it would be :
from("direct:start").setHeader("token", simple("234da"))
By the way, you may need to configure your json library to do it and I suggest you take look at the official configuration.