change volume up and down using touchDragged (libGDX) - java

In this image How can I use touchDragged to drag this in x axis only ??
This is my code to make this action:
iBtnDrag = new Image(tBtnDrag);
iBtnDrag.addListener(new ClickListener() {
public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
return true;
public void touchDragged(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer) {
iBtnDrag.setPosition(x, 448,;

you should create DragListener
float startX;
DragListener listener = new DragListener()
public void dragStart(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer)
startX = x;
public void drag(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer)
//x, y are delta from starting point so
iBtnDrag.setPosition(startX + x, 448,;
public void dragStop(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer)
//when stopping drag
buuuut a way better would be to just create the Slider. To achieve it the best would be use skin mechanism
your skin file should be like for example:
default-horizontal: { background: greenBackground, disabledBackground: sliderDisabled, knob: woodenKnob, disabledKnob: transparent },
and then you are creating slider like
music= new Slider(minValue, maxValue, stepSize, isVertical, skin);
music.setWidth( musicSiderWidth );
Slider allows you to get its value by calling
which is actually very convenient


Use actions instead Drawable with buttons in libGDX?

I'm developing a game in libGDX and I want to add custom buttons. When the button is pressed, I want to add an action like scaleBy, because it looks better like that in Android. I made a class called Trigger which is an empty actor with a listener that add actions to the actor when the Trigger is pressed, entered, released, exited... So I create a Group with two actors: a TextButton (Touchable.disabled) and the Trigger.
It actually works but I have a problem: I can't add groups in Dialog's button method.
I think a better solution is creating a class which extends TextButton or Button, but I don't know how to do it.
If you want the code, just tell.
EDIT: I tried to make the class:
private Runnable runnable;
private UIScreen screen;
public static TextButtonStyle transformStyle(Skin skin) {
TextButtonStyle s = skin.get(TextButtonStyle.class);
TextButtonStyle style = new TextButtonStyle(s.up, null, null, s.font);
return style;
public static TextButtonStyle transformStyle(TextButtonStyle style) {
TextButtonStyle s = new TextButtonStyle(style.up, null, null, style.font);
return s;
public DTextButton(String text, Skin skin, UIScreen screen, Runnable runnable) {
super(text, transformStyle(skin));
this.runnable = runnable;
this.screen = screen;
addListener(new ButtonListener());
public void draw(Batch batch, float parentAlpha) {
super.draw(batch, parentAlpha);
public class ButtonListener extends ClickListener {
private boolean isPressed = false;
private int lastButton = 0;
public void press() {
isPressed = true;
public void release(){
isPressed = false;
public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
if(button == Buttons.LEFT)
return true;
public void enter(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, Actor fromActor) {
lastButton = (Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Buttons.LEFT)) ? Buttons.LEFT : -1;
if(pointer == 0 && !isPressed && screen.wasButtonPressed())
public void exit(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, Actor toActor) {
if(toActor == DTextButton.this && lastButton == Buttons.LEFT){;
if(pointer == 0 && isPressed)
public void touchUp(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
lastButton = button;
if(pointer == 0 && isPressed && button == Buttons.LEFT)
public interface UIScreen {
* Return if any UI is pressed.
* #return return buttonPressed
public boolean wasButtonPressed();
* Set if any UI is pressed.
* #param pressed if pressed or not.
public void setButtonPressed(boolean pressed);
public static void applyPressedAction(Actor actor) {
actor.addAction(Actions.scaleBy(-0.2f, -0.2f, 0.2f, Interpolation.pow2Out));
public static void applyReleasedAction(Actor actor) {
actor.addAction(Actions.scaleBy(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.3f, Interpolation.swingOut));
So I only used style.up and I added the same Trigger's listener. The listener doesn't work well. Any suggestion?
I think you're over-complicating this. You can merely add an input listener to the button and make sure it's set to transform. And you probably want its origin centered. No need for subclasses or wrapper Groups or anything like that.
Also, you want to scale to, not by, to avoid error building up as you change states multiple times.
Here's a helper method:
public static void makeButtonScale (final Button button, final float hoverScale, final float pressedScale, final float duration){
button.addListener(new ClickListener(){
void scaleTo (float targetScale){
button.addAction(Actions.scaleTo(targetScale, targetScale, duration, Interpolation.fade));
public boolean touchDown (InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
super.touchDown(event, x, y, pointer, button);
return true;
public void touchUp (InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
super.touchUp(event, x, y, pointer, button);
scaleTo(isOver() ? hoverScale : 1f);
public void enter (InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, Actor fromActor) {
super.enter(event, x, y, pointer, fromActor);
scaleTo(isPressed() ? pressedScale : hoverScale);
public void exit (InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, Actor toActor) {
super.exit(event, x, y, pointer, toActor);
Example usage:
makeButtonScale(myDialogButton, 1.2f, 1.5f, 0.2f);
Note, this will not look very good unless you are using a linear mag filter on your texture atlas.

libGDX Actor not receiving input

I'm learning libGDX, just for fun, and have hit a wall pretty early on. My actor doesn't seem to be receiving touch/mouse input. I have googled extensively and have checked for all the common mistakes (setting inputprocess, setting bounds, setting touchable) but still no luck. Can someone help me out.
/* */
public class GameStage extends Stage{
private Game gameInstance;
public GameStage(Game gameInstance) {
super(new ScreenViewport());
Tile tile = new Tile(2);
/* */
public class Tile extends Actor{
public enum Side{
private int value;
private Texture backTexture;
private Texture frontTexture;
private Side currentSide;
public Tile(int value) {
this.value = value;
backTexture = new Texture("TileBack.png");
frontTexture = new Texture("Tile " + String.valueOf(value)+".png");
currentSide = Side.BACK;
setPosition(0, 0);
setSize(128, 128);
setBounds(getX(), getY(), getWidth(), getHeight());
addListener(new InputListener(){
public void touchUp(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
super.touchUp(event, x, y, pointer, button);
public void draw(Batch batch, float parentAlpha) {
Color color = getColor();
batch.setColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a * parentAlpha);
if(currentSide == Side.BACK){
batch.draw(backTexture, getX(), getY(), getWidth(), getHeight());
batch.draw(frontTexture, getX(), getY(), getWidth(), getHeight());
public int getValue() {
return value;
What am I missing?? I've also tried implementing touchUp in the stage and returning false and true but no luck.
Thanks in advance!
touchUp event is only called if touchDown returns true (default is false). You can fix your code by doing the following:
addListener(new InputListener(){
public void touchUp(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
super.touchUp(event, x, y, pointer, button);
// Add this:
public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
return true; // Important!
On a side note: It's better to use GDX logger instead of System.out.println.

LibGDX variable accessed from within inner class

I want to make a method(addButton) that would all what's now done by the constructor, but taking some variables. Now i'm stuck cause there is an error which says that I need to make the boolean final, but I don't want to do that. How should I go about this?
Here is the code:
public void addButton(Table table,String key,boolean bool){
atlas=new TextureAtlas(Gdx.files.internal("buttons/buttons.pack"));
skin=new Skin(atlas);
button=new Button(buttonStyle);
button.addListener(new ClickListener(){
public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
bool=true; //this boolean
return super.touchDown(event, x, y, pointer, button);
public void touchUp(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
bool=false; //and this
super.touchUp(event, x, y, pointer, button);
There are many ways to do it. If you just want to know if the button is pressed or not, you can use Button.isPressed(), because Button already keeps track of that.
If you want to do something else, you would be better off creating your own MyButton which extends Button. MyButton could have a field private boolean bool and add that ClickListener in the constructor. This click listener will then be able to access the field of the button via MyButton.this.bool and can change it.
public class MyButton extends Button {
private boolean bool;
public MyButton(...) {
addListener(new ClickListener(){
public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
return super.touchDown(event, x, y, pointer, button);
public void touchUp(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
super.touchUp(event, x, y, pointer, button);
Another solution would be to keep your current setup, but wrap the primitive value in another class:
public class DataWrapper {
public boolean bool;
public void addButton(Table table,String key, final DataWrapper data) {
button=new Button(buttonStyle);
button.addListener(new ClickListener(){
public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
return super.touchDown(event, x, y, pointer, button);
public void touchUp(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
super.touchUp(event, x, y, pointer, button);

How to make buttons play sound in Libgdx?

How can I make a TextButton play a sound when the mouse hovers over it? Something like:
TextButton play = new TextButton("Play", textButtonStyle);
play.addListener(new ButtonHoverListener() {
public void doSomething() {
play.addListener(new InputListener(){
boolean playing = false;
public void enter(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, Actor fromActor) {
super.enter(event, x, y, pointer, fromActor);
if (!playing) {
Sound sound ="data/mysound.mp3"));;
playing = true;
public void exit(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, Actor toActor) {
super.exit(event, x, y, pointer, toActor);
playing = false;

LibGDX updating a label while a mouse button is being clicked

I have a float value that is set from 0 to 100, and I want to register a long click and update a Label progressivly, so that like every 0.25seconds the label's text will be updated. For now I am using a custom made Label that has a method to update the text displayed.
I tried using touchDown like this:
while (Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Buttons.LEFT)) {
double currentValue = Double.parseDouble(Button.getText()
if ((int) currentValue != 0)
but that doesn't seem to work, how do I update a label while a button is clicked?
Edit: Most of the code for the ClickListener:
public void enter(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer,
Actor fromActor) {
super.enter(event, x, y, pointer, fromActor);
TextButtonStyle style = ButtonLower.getStyle();
style.font = red;
public void exit(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer,
Actor toActor) {
super.exit(event, x, y, pointer, toActor);
TextButtonStyle style = ButtonLower.getStyle();
style.font = white;
public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) {
super.clicked(event, x, y);
double currentValue = Double.parseDouble(Button.getText()
if ((int) currentValue != 0)
public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y,
int pointer, int button) {
if (Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Buttons.LEFT)) {
double currentValue = Double.parseDouble(Button.getText()
if ((int) currentValue != 0)
return super.touchDown(event, x, y, pointer, button);
without knowing which of your classes implements your InputListener, it's a little hard to tell you exactly what to do to fix your problem. However, in the general sense what you probably want to do is have a boolean flag set to true on your touchDown method, set to false on your touchUp method, and then in some method that gets called every frame (act, draw, etc., depending on your implementation), youll want to update your text.
The code would look something like
private boolean flag = false;
public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y,
int pointer, int button) {
if (button == Buttons.LEFT) {
flag = true;
//other stuff
return true; //or whatever you want
public boolean touchUp(InputEvent event, float x, float y,
int pointer, int button) {
if (button == Buttons.LEFT) {
flag = false;
//other stuff
return false; //or whatever you want
public void act(float delta) {
if (flag) {
double currentValue = Double.parseDouble(Button.getText()
if ((int) currentValue != 0)
//other stuff
depending on your targetted audience, you may also have to deal with pointer id's in some way (this code example wont work if the user clicks on the label with two fingers, then releases one but not the other)

