Java Spring 4 JSON response - missing attributes - java

I'm using Spring 4 JPQL / Criteria API to get results for aggregate query, i've created the special constructor in the entity class (with sum and key) and it works without any issues, however the return JSON does not return all the attributes from that class...any idea how I can control what the JSON return structure is? What's even weirder - when running in debug mode then in the following break point:
List<ActivityResponse> tActivityResponses = responseRepository.getTRXByMonths(months);
return tActivityResponses;
I am looking at the list and each member of the model class has the correct attributes, like month but month does not appear in the JSON.

Thanks everyone for the replies, i found the answer:
In the REST config class I had to specify config.exposeIdsFor(class name), and that showed all those missing fields.


Custom numbers in Jhipster jdl

I am trying to modify my existing entity using the .jdl file for jhipster.
Now, my requirement for the field is to have only numbers till 1 to 10.
I know this can be easily handled in the fronted or the ts file.
However, is there any way JHipster can do it ??
For example we have maxlength and minlength attributes for a field:
entity test {
label String required minlength(3);
Thank you in advance.
Thank you... I guess this problem can be solved using the pattern where I can add my custom regular expression.
Issue Resolved

How to make a dynamic DTO without to send a complete Payload in Spring

I have the updateProvider(ProviderUpdateDto providerUpdt) method in my Spring controller, But I do not see the need to send the whole payload of the provider entity, if for example the client can only update the name or other attribute, that is, it is not necessary to send the whole entity if only it is necessary to update a field, this produces a Excessive bandwidth consumption when it is not necessary.
What is a better practice to send only the fields that are going to be updated and be able to build a DTO dynamically? and How would I do if I'm using Spring Boot to build my API?
You can use Jackson library, it provides the annotation #JsonInclude(Include.NON_NULL) and with this only properties with not null values will be passed to your client.
Check the link for an example.
There are many technique to improve bandwidth usage
not pretty print Json
enable HTTP GZIP compression
However, it is more important to ensure ur API is logically sound, omitting some fields may break the business rules, too fine grain API design will also increase the interface complexity
Another option would be to have a DTO object for field changes which would work for every entity you have. E.g:
class EntityUpdateDTO {
// The class of the object you are updating. Or just use a custom identifier
private Class<? extends DTO> entityClass;
// the id of such object
private Long entityId;
// the fields you are updating
private String[] updateFields;
// the values of those fields...
private Object[] updateValues;
Example of a json object:
entityClass: 'MyEntityDTO',
entityId: 324123,
updateFields: [
updateValues: [
Might bring some issues if any of your updateValues are complex objects themselves though...
Your API would become updateProvider(EntityUpdateDTO update);.
Of course you should leave out the entityClass field if you have an update API for each DTO, as you'd already know which class entity you are working on...
Still, unless you are working with huge objects I wouldn't worry about bandwidth.

How to code #QueryResult class to properly capture cypher result. (Without trial and error)

What is the best way to go about defining #QueryResult classes?
I have defined a repository method annotated with query like
"MATCH(p:Person{name:{0}) - [r]-(e)
RETURN distinct label(e) as type ,count(label(e)) as count;"
On neo4j console output looks like map.
type count
---- -----
Account 2
Document 5
Organization 4
So i have defined return type of the method like Map<String, Long> but doesn't work. Then I tried other ways - it returns the counts combined not individual. now am planning to use java driver to solve this problem. What the best way to go about designing #QueryResult to fit my situation. Any resources will be helpful along with the answer to my problem. :)
Your query should return count(e) and not count(labels(e)).
You can then use a org.neo4j.ogm.model.Result to hold the results of your query :
#Query("MATCH(p:Person{lastName:{0}}) -[r]-(e) RETURN distinct labels(e) as type ,count(e) as count")
Result resultExample(String name);

include_in_all setting in spring data elasticsearch

According to Elasticsearch documentation it is possible to exclude a field from _all field using include_in_all setting (set to false). I need to exclude a field from _all and I'm using spring data elasticsearch do define my mappings. I haven't found a way to do it this way.
Is this possible using spring data elasticsearch annotations?
Unfortunately, Spring Data Elasticsearch cannot do this thing. The improvement request is already a year old, but its priority is minor, so there is no hope for now:
In my last project I had to do a lot of simple searches (instead of one by "_all" fields, I used 1 search per each field), and then I united all the results. I assume that there is no nice solve for that problem by Spring Data Elasticsearch.
You can save the mapping of your type into a json file. Then you add the '"include_in_all": false' to the field you want to exclude. This should look something like this.
"my_type": {
"properties": {
"excludedField": {
"type": "text",
"include_in_all": false
Then you load the file using your favorite JSON reader, parse it as a string and change your mapping with the elasticsearch api .
EDIT: I just noticed you wanted to use annotations for it. Maybe the #Field annotation has a parameter for it? I'm sorry, I have no experience with the annotations.

Converting #RequestBody to an object

Guys, Well I have done enough research still I can't find the solution to this.
In a nutshell, I'm simply passing url encoded form data to the Controller method and trying to convert it as a domain object which has Date and integers.
#RequestMapping(value = "/savePassport", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public #ResponseBody
AjaxResponse savePassport(#RequestBody StaffPassport passport, HttpServletResponse response) {
// Some operations.
The Staff Passport looks like this:
import java.sql.Date;
public class StaffPassport {
private int staffId;
private String passportNumber;
private String placeOfIssue;
private Date issueDate;
private Date expiryDate;
private String spouseName;
private String oldPassportRef;
private String visaInfo;
private String description;
When I invoke the /savePassport, I get unsupported media exception. I guess it's related to casting.
I can't this working right. Of course I can catch individual form data using #RequestParam and manually do the casting but that's not the point of a framework isn't it?
Where am I going wrong? And you are right. I'm a beginner in Spring, but I love it.
Looks like you're using the wrong annotation. #RequestBody is for taking a request that has arbitrary content in its body,such as JSON, some application defined XML, comma separated variables.. whatever. And using a marshaller that you configure in the dispatcher servlet to turn it into objects.
If all you want to do is ask Spring to bind a plain old form post onto the backing object for you, the correct annotation to put on the method parameter is #ModelAttribute.
If you are posting a JSON Object with jQuery and you want Spring to be able to process it with #RequestBody, use JSON.stringify(....) in your data. Here an example:
var data = { "id": 3, "name": "test" }
$.post("processJsonData.html",JSON.stringify(data), function(data){
If you don't use the JSON.stringify() then you will submit the data as form data and Spring will tell you that you have an unsupported media type.
First of all be sure that you have
<mvc:annotation-driven />
in your Spring configuration file. This is mandatory for working with JSOn in SPring MVC.
Second, I recommend you to test wether request to the server has application/json content type. I belive Fiddler2 will help you to do so.
Third, but I'm not sure about it, Try to change Date items in your POJO from SQL type to regular java type.
just looked at the Form and it seems like your "Accept" HTTP Header should be also application/json. Please test this issue with Fiddler2 as well.
I assume that you are posting JSON and want Spring to convert to StaffPassport. If you are getting an Unsupported media exception, it is because Spring could not figure out an appropriate way to perform the conversion.
For Spring to convert JSON, it needs Jackson -- make sure you have the Jackson jars in your project. If this is a Maven based project you can add the jackson-mapper-asl artifact ID to your pom.xml. This should give you the jackson-mapper and jackson-core jars.
Edit: I should mention that this applies to Spring 3 (I recently ran into this problem). I'm not sure what else is required for previous versions of Spring.
Check into HttpMessageConverter interface and its implementations. You could write your own implementation of it to convert it to the domain model you want. By the time the control gets to your method, you can access it as if your domain model object is passed.
Ok, I think I should refine my answer. I do not have direct experience of using it in a spring-mvc project but spring-integration. I am pretty sure the applicable media type (application/x-url-form-encoded) is already handled and converted to MultiMap by Spring framework; so, retrieve the values from that just like any other map with the key value being your form variable and populate your business model.

