I want to set a property in a .properties file. It should reference another package or project. I am using spring / spring boot
For example:
some_file: ${another_package_name}/src/main/resources/some_file.txt
Where you say ${another_package_name} that is where the project would be for a gradle or maven project so I'm going to assume you are attempting to cross reference resources between projects.
The location of
could also be called
So then you would just need to make sure that both projects are on the classpath and then some_file.txt should be available to the project as a whole.
What you are asking for is not possible.
Java properties do not have any semantic values; they are just dumb strings with key / value. If you want such logic, you have to build yourself; like some "processor" that checks for the presence of certain properties and that then "interprets" the value as file name of another property file.
You might want to check if there are any libraries out there that provide such logic.
I am working on a Micronaut + Maven project.
I need to parametrize some values of my application.yml such as passwords and connection strings, to avoid committing them.
I know values can be parametrized this way:
secret-value: '${SECRET_VALUE}'
But i cant find any other way to set SECRET_VALUE except setting bash value in .bashrc or .profile or .envoirment script files.
I would like to use a .env file somehow, in order to commit a .env.example file in git repo.
Any thoughts?
According to maven-resource-plugin documentation :
You could add a filter file in the filters tag of your pom file.
See we can separate "your.name" from the POM by specifying a filter file my-filter-values.properties containing: in the documentation above.
I may have lost the focus of the question.
the solution was simply create a .env file with required values, then run application using something like
dotenv run ./mvnw mn:run.
regarding #yunandtidus solution:
That is good only for "fixed" variables, such as application name, as pom values are shared between environments (assuming that we have an application-dev.yml and an application-prod.yml).
Keep in mind that, unlike .env, pom.xml must be committed, as any application.yml you have.
I have migrated to Maven project (using Spring) where I don't need to use my old *.xml config files.
The adaptation was easy but what I still can't figure out is: how to let know to my project that I have properties file and wanna use it?
(If you know how to register properties file in POM, please add some brief description how to load data from this file. (if there is any significant difference in using )
In old project, I had just spring-mvc-dmo-servlet.xml config file, where I put every configs (like "scan all components in my projects, cus I don't wanna declare them explicitly"...
If I wanted to let my spring project know I have special file (In this case countries.properties with content what I wanna use - I had to put following code into the config file -
<util:properties id="countryOptions" location="classpath:../countries.properties" />
... only after that, i could wire the content from the file with fields in my classes...
like this
private Map<String, String> countryOptions;
(but now I don't have any spring-mvc-dmo-servlet.xml anymore, now I have only POM.xml and in POM my old expression doesnt work ofc )
So my question is:
What I have to put into my POM to say my spring project "HEY THERE IS SPECIAL FILE !"
And how to wire it (#{countryOptions} or ${countryOptions} or something else)
You need to use a maven plugin to load the properties from file
One of them is
In one of our spring boot projects, the path to a property file is passed trough command line using the option:
Then to get the values:
/** The property to get. */
private String propertyToGet;
You can also take a look at #PropertySource annotation
See https://www.mkyong.com/spring/spring-propertysources-example/
I'm going to have a lot of submodules in my main project directory x, like x/module1, x/module2...
can i avoid manually adding every single module into settings.gradle? can i somehow script it to find all the subdirectories and add them automatically?
As cricket_007 already mentioned, Gradle is based on the Groovy programming language (which is, like Java, executed in the JVM) and the settings.gradle file is nothing more but a Groovy script.
Whenever you use include 'project', the include method of a Settings instance is called, so for your goal, you could simply create a loop which iterates over all folders and calls include for each of them.
A more 'groovyesque' approach would be the usage of a closure for each subdirectory, provided by the Groovy SDK extension for the File class:
file('.').eachDir { sub ->
include sub.name
There are multiple ways to solve your problem, e.g. since the include method accepts an array of project path strings, you could also aggregate all required paths first and pass them all together. Simply get familiar with the Gradle docs and decide on your own, what solution suits your case the best.
I am looking to create a hierarchy based on the Spring configurations. The simplest form is several "core" libraries and several "custom" projects that are able to override the beans in the "core" libraries.
When running very simply unit tests via Maven the "core" configuration isn't able to found causing the test to fail.
final Resource[] resources = applicatonContext.getResources("classpath*:core-*spring.xml");
Returns nothing. It isn't able to find the expected core-one-spring.xml or core-two-spring.xml that are located in my custom projects core dependencies.
Isn't it default behavior of Spring to look into the JARs on the classpath as well? Or is there something special I have to do?
When I run in my IDE (IntelliJ) the tests pass perfectly because the entire project is loaded and they are just files that Spring can find.
Spring is able to find the files if I add them explicitly without wildcards.
#ContextConfiguration({"classpath:core-one-spring.xml", "classpath:core-two-spring.xml", "classpath:custom-spring.xml", "classpath:test-spring.xml"})
final Resource[] resources = custom.getResources("classpath:core-one-spring.xml");
From the manual
Please note that " classpath*:" when combined with Ant-style patterns will only work reliably with at least one root directory before the pattern starts, unless the actual target files reside in the file system. This means that a pattern like " classpath*:*.xml" will not retrieve files from the root of jar files but rather only from the root of expanded directories. This originates from a limitation in the JDK’s ClassLoader.getResources() method which only returns file system locations for a passed-in empty string (indicating potential roots to search).
I am currently working on a JUnit test that checks functionality responsible for loading/saving a process configuration from/to some file. Given that a particular configuration file is present in resources, the functionality loads parameters from the file. Otherwise the functionality attempts to create new configuration file and persist a default configuration coded in the class. Right now I am using .class.getResource() method to check if configuration file exists, and to retrieve the necessary information. This approach is proven to be working fine from both maven's "test-class" and "class" directories. However, I am having problems while attempting to save default configuration when the file does not exist, namely the .class.getResource() method returns null, as the resource does not yet exist. This stops me from building the target resource directory (context-dependent) where the file should be saved.
Is there a way to code my functionality to evaluate whether particular object is being executed as a test or in production? More precisely, how can I build a relative path to my resource files to point to either production resources (../classes/...) or test resources (../test-classes/..) depending on the execution mode in which the project currently is?
My question is somewhat similar to the following How should I discover test-resource files in a Maven-managed Java project? but I think it is different enough to warrant new thread.
If I understand you right, essentially your issue is that you have a Maven project, which reads a particular file (normally, and during unit tests), that determines the application's behaviour. If that file doesn't exist, your application creates it.
The problem with ClassLoader.getSystemResource(...), is that it's not actually scanning a single directory. Instead it's looking at Java's classpath to determine the location of that particular resource. If there's multiple directories on the classpath, it'll have a number of areas that the file could potentially be located in.
In a sense then, .getSystemResource(...) is one way. You're able to look-up the location of a file, but not get the appropriate location to place it.
*So what about when you need to put the file in the correct location?*
You have two options essentially:
Hard-code the location of the file: Noone likes doing that.
The locations that are scanned on the classpath are passed into the classloader. You could use, for example, the first one and create the file there.
The second option isn't actually a bad one; have a look at this sample code.
final Enumeration<URL> urls = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResources("");
if(! urls.hasMoreElements()) {
LOG.error("No entries exist on the class path!");
final File configFile = new File(urls.nextElement().getFile(), "config.xml");
LOG.info("Create a new configuration file: " + configFile.getPath());
This resolved the configuration file to be within my target folder: ..\target\classes\config.xml
Up to you what you do; happy to provide more tips & advice if you feel more is required.
It sounds like you want to do the following:
When your code runs, it tries to load the configuration file. When the configuration file is not found you want to create the configuration file. The twist is that
if you are executing the code in "production mode" (I presume using something like the exec-maven-plugin or jetty-maven-plugin depending on the nature of your code) you want the configuration file to be placed in ${project.build.outputDirectory}
if you are executing the code in "test mode" (e.g. via surefire or failsafe) you want the configuration file to be placed in ${project.build.testOutputDirectory}
What I would do is use the ServiceLoader pattern.
You create a ConfigFileStore interface that is responsible for storing your configuration.
The ConfigFileStoreFactory enumerates all the services implementing that interface (using the ServiceLoader API by getting all the /META-INF/services/com.yourpackage.ConfigFileStore resources and extracting the class names from those. If there are no implementations registered then it will instantiate a default implementation that stores the file in the path based on getClass() (i.e. working backwards to get to the ${project.build.outputDirectory} note that it should handle the case where the classes get bundled up into a JAR, and I would presume in such a case the config file might get stored adjacent to the JAR)
Note: The default implementation will not be registered in /META-INF/services
Then in src/test/java you extend the default implementation and register that extended implementation in src/test/resources/META-INF/services/com.yourpackage.ConfigFileStore
Now when running code that has the test code on the classpath, the test version will be found, that will pick up the getClass() for a class from ${project.build.testOutputDirectory} because it is from the test classpath's /META-INF/services.
When running code that does not have the test code on the classpath, the default implementation will pick up the getClass() for a class from ${project.build.outputDirectory}
Should do what you want.