gradle to maven plugin conversion - java

How can I write equivalent maven plugin for the following gradle plugin defined?
* Plugin to copy system properties from gradle JVM to testing JVM
* Code was copied from gradle discussion froum:
class SystemPropertiesMappingPlugin implements Plugin{
public void apply(Project project){
project.tasks.withType(Test){ testTask ->
testTask.ext.mappedSystemProperties = []
mappedSystemProperties.each{mappedPropertyKey ->
def systemPropertyValue = System.getProperty(mappedPropertyKey)
testTask.systemProperty(mappedPropertyKey, systemPropertyValue)

It really depends on what exactly you want to achieve.
In case you want to help with writing a maven plugin in general, you'll have to read the documentation.
In case you want to filter system properties that Maven JVM passes to your test JVM, I don't see any other option than extending the maven-surefire-plugin plugin and add there an option to do such mapping. (Note that by default Maven passes all its System Properties to the test JVM.) That is definitely doable but maybe you can achieve your goal with something maven already offers.
You can definitely pass additional system properties to your test JVM from Maven by using:
as documented
In this case you can set the value of anotherProperty from command line by invoking maven
mvn test -DmyMavenProperty=theValueThatWillBePassedToTheTestJVMAsProperty_anotherProperty
You can also use Surefire argline to pass multiple properties to the JVM. For instance
and execute maven as follows
mvn test -DpropertiesIWantToSetFromMvnCommandLine="-Dfoo=bar -Dhello=ahoy"
in this case, you'll see properties foo and hello with values bar and ahoy, respectively, in your test JVM.


How do I get Maven Surefire to run all classes and tests?

I have a Java JUnit Selenium test framework running some tests. There are two classes with two tests each.
I have maven surefire configured like this
I'd like it to run 4 tests simultaneously, but no matter what combination of threadCount, parallel and fork settings I use, I can only seem to get 1 class worth of test cases to run at a time. It seems like this should work, can anyone provide a solution?
Do you want to run suites in parallel or methods or tests in parallel?
The only working solution that I found for running Suites in parallel is setting
in the pom.xml. Every other combination did not work as I needed the tests to run on same JVM, not start forked processes.
I use the following configuration for surefire v2.20.1 in maven v3.5.0
I believe this is working as our test suite is a lot quicker than it used to be and windows reports the running processes as largely increased specifically when surefire is running.
Probably 1 year too late for you, but just in case it can help someone.
Using parallel=methods like you did will launch all tests (methods) at a time, but 1 class at a time (sequential). So in your example, 2 classes having 2 tests, you will have all tests of of ClassA to execute, then all tests of ClassB.
If you were to use parallel=classes, then all the classes would launch at the same time, but running 1 test (method) at a time (sequential). So in your example, 2 classes having 2 tests, you will have Test1 of ClassA and Test1 of ClassB to start in parallel, and then Test2 of ClassA and Test2 of ClassB to execute afterward.
Since you want all 4 tests to execute in parallel, then use parallel=all.
Both methods and classes will execute in parallel.
Note : alternatively, you may want to remove the < configuration > block and set them as parameters in your mvn command line.
Ex: mvn clean test -Dparallel=all -DthreadCount=10

Spring maven - run specific tests (via annotations or maven profile)

Using a Spring maven context, I would like to run specific tests based on a maven profile. I would like to have an easy way of tagging the test groups. If possible I would like to use the annotations.
Which options are there, like maven command line parameters, maven profiles specification, etc.
Say I have the following tests:
// annotation("integration")
public class GeopointFormatterTest {
public void testIntegration1() { ... }
public void testIntegration2() { ... }
Annotations like #Profile (which is for creating beans) and #ActiveProfile (which is for selecting specific profiles for creating beans) cannot be used for selecting tests, of course. All tests just run for statements like:
mvn clean install -Pdevelopment
mvn clean install -Pdevelopment
mvn clean install -Pdevelopment
As suggested, I used also #IfProfileValue. This is a good way for selecting tests based on system property values. System property values can be overruled by a CustomProfileValueSource class, like in: #ProfileValueSourceConfiguration(CustomProfileValueSource.class)
The GREAT answers below focus on JUnit's #Category mechanism. Thanks to all!
A different approach is via these steps: [1] set a property within a maven profile and [2] use the property to skip tests via the of the standard surefire test plugin.
[1] Setting the properties via a profile:
... other profiles
[2] Using the properties in the surefire test plugin to skip tests.
<!-- Run the integration test-->
Start in maven: mvn clean install –Pintegrationtests
Take a look at junit categories.
You'd tag your tests with specific category annotations
public interface FastTests { /* category marker */ }
public interface SlowTests { /* category marker */ }
public class A {
#Test public void a() {}
then form a suite like
#SuiteClasses({A.class, B.class})
public static class FastTestSuite {
And then run it with
mvn -Dtest=FastTestSuite test
Note also that if you don't want to manually specify your unit test case classes in the suite class, you can also use the help of ClasspathSuite and then just limit based on categories.
You will probably need to categorize your tests using the #Category annotation. A complete example has been provided in the Surefire documentation provided here - search for the string Using JUnit Categories.
Assuming that you have categorized your tests accordingly, you will now be able to setup one or more profiles in your maven build which will trigger these tests as per the category
You can specify one or more profiles on the command line when running the tests.
mvn test -Pslow-tests,fast-tests
You can specify the profile with this flag:
mvn test
In my latest project I have an "integration" profile that I use to run the integration tests against an embedded H2 database.
We did solved categorization of junit in the following steps.
I did create a project for you in github.
Caveat:- Junit Categorization packages still says as experimental.
1) Created a category of interfaces
* This interface used to categories Junit Test
* those Tests will be executed during bamboo build run
public interface ReleaseTest {
2) Tagged the unit testcases with the category you want
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import org.junit.internal.runners.JUnit4ClassRunner;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import com.github.djaganathan.unit.test.category.ReleaseTest;
public class GeneralTest {
public void doTestForRelease(){}
public void doTestForDev(){}
3) Create profile in maven and attach to it
4) Run the command as mvn test -PreleaseTest
Based on the answers of a number of posts, I created a simple test project that demonstrates a number of code quality & testing features:
Performing either unit tests OR integration tests with plugins Surefire and Failsafe.
Improving code quality via the plugin findbugs.
Determine test coverage stats with plugin Jacoco.

Maven Invoker: IllegalStateException

I have a multi-module Maven project (
One of my modules I need run programmatically the command from Maven build "clean install", but when I invoke the execution of these goals the following error occurs:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Maven application directory was not specified, and ${maven.home} is not provided in the system properties. Please specify at least on of these.
In the Maven Invoker documentation is said that M2_HOME environment variable must exist.
Already have this variable set in my SO. This should not be enough to make the method invoke work? Follows the code snippet where I run the method in question:
Invoker invoker = new DefaultInvoker();
invoker.setLocalRepositoryDirectory(new File("C:\\git\\msplearning"));
InvocationRequest request = new DefaultInvocationRequest();
request.setGoals(Arrays.asList("clean", "install"));
InvocationResult result = invoker.execute(request); // Exception occours here...
Already, thanks!
EDITED (The Solution)
I had to set the POM and also set the Maven Home, which in my case is in the M3_HOME environment variable:
InvocationRequest request = new DefaultInvocationRequest();
request.setPomFile(new File("C:\\git\\msplearning\\pom.xml"));
Invoker invoker = new DefaultInvoker();
invoker.setMavenHome(new File(System.getenv("M3_HOME")));
InvocationResult result = invoker.execute(request);
Thanks #RobertScholte and #khmarbaise!
Either set the request.pomFile or request.baseDirectory so the Invoker knows from which directory or file Apache Maven should be executed.
If you're running from a Maven-Surefire unit test then it's best to request that Surefire passes the maven.home system property on to its child processes. Per you can do this by adding the following config stanza:
<version>2.12.4</version> <!-- see surefire-page for available versions -->

How can I pass Hudson's env.EXECUTOR_NUMBER to log4j properties and Java's System.getProperty

My Hudson job calls a single XML database collection and a single log file. E.g.
I'd like to inject Hudson's env.EXECUTOR_NUMBER in both paths to avoid concurrent execution clashes. E.g.
/db/project {$EXECUTOR_NUMBER}
{$user.home}/logs {$EXECUTOR_NUMBER}/logging.log
I've found out the following:
Hudson site states that I need to pass Hudson's EXECUTOR_NUMBER to Maven as part of the build goal.
Log4J can only use system variables not environment variables (as these are a platform specific concept)
Now that I've got Hudson's EXECUTOR_NUMBER variable specified in the build goal, how can I use this as a system property for use by Log4J and Java's System.getProperties() class?
You can pass System Properties to any Java process using the -D syntax.
For a test class in a forked run, you will additionally have to configure the surefire plugin to pass the system property to the forked vm:

JUnit + Maven: accessing ${} value

In my unit tests I want to create a tmp directory inside the ${}. How can I access the value of ${} inside my unit test?
One way, which I could think of, is to provide a filtered properties file in the test resources, which holdes that value. (I haven't tried yet, but I think that should work.)
Is there a direct way to access/ pass this property value?
I've used something like this with some success before. The unit test will still run even if not using Maven, the target directory will still get created two dirs up relative to the cwd of wherever the tests are run.
public File targetDir(){
String relPath = getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getFile();
File targetDir = new File(relPath+"../../target");
if(!targetDir.exists()) {
return targetDir;
I think using system properties is quite straightforward if you configure the surefire-plugin as explained here . Even the example there is answering your question directly:
Remember, that your unit tests don't have to be executed from Maven surefire plugin, so ${} property might not be available. To make your tests more portable I would rather recommend using File.createTempFile().

