I'm stuck at work for like a week now,
can some1 with CM JavaAPI exprience guide me what am I doing wrong?
I try to connect to the server where the Case Manger is installed and start a
session, maybe I'm doing it all wrong but IBM Knowledge Center did not help.
package *packacge*;
// jars from the the CM different installation folders on the server
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import javax.security.auth.Subject;
import com.filenet.api.core.Connection;
import com.filenet.api.core.ObjectStore;
import com.filenet.api.util.UserContext;
import com.ibm.casemgmt.api.CaseType;
import com.ibm.casemgmt.api.DeployedSolution;
import com.ibm.casemgmt.api.context.CaseMgmtContext;
import com.ibm.casemgmt.api.context.P8ConnectionCache;
import com.ibm.casemgmt.api.context.SimpleP8ConnectionCache;
import com.ibm.casemgmt.api.context.SimpleVWSessionCache;
import com.ibm.casemgmt.api.objectref.ObjectStoreReference;
public class CaseMgmtSession {
public static void main(String[] args) {
P8ConnectionCache connCache = new SimpleP8ConnectionCache();
Connection conn = connCache.getP8Connection("http://*ip of the server CM is installed on*/wsi/FNCEWS40MTOM/");
Subject subject = UserContext.createSubject(conn, *user of CM builder admin*, *pass of CM builder admin*, "FileNetP8WSI");
UserContext uc = UserContext.get();
Locale origLocale = uc.getLocale();
CaseMgmtContext origCmctx = CaseMgmtContext.set(new CaseMgmtContext(new SimpleVWSessionCache(), connCache));
try {
// Code that calls the Case Java API or
// directly calls the CE Java API
// checking the connection is working
ObjectStore os = P8Connector.getObjectStore(*some object store name*);
ObjectStoreReference osRef = new ObjectStoreReference(os);
DeployedSolution someSolution = DeployedSolution.fetchInstance(osRef, *some deployed solution name*);
List<CaseType> caseTypes = someSolution.getCaseTypes();
for(CaseType ct : caseTypes) {
finally {
where P8Connector is a class i wrote that returns an objectstore
I dont know which version of Case Manager you are talking about. However, for 5.2.1.x, you will find ample references on IBM's site. For example - here and here.
I am trying to write integration test for neo4j using spring boot. I am using test container. Can anyone help me how to load database dump file to testcontainer?
here's one way to do this (using current Neo4j 5.3). I have a dump file called neo4j.dump created from a local instance and I use withCopyFileToContainer to copy it to the container before it starts.
As I use the community edition in this example, there is no online backup/restore, but only dump/load. So therefor I have to change the startup command. The load needs to happen before Neo4j starts. I can't stop Neo4j in the container because it would stop the container.
Therefor I create a small shell script that executes the desired other command and than delegates to the original entry point.
This script is transferred with file mode 0100555, corresponding to r-xr-xr-x so that it is executable.
Finally, the container is started with the above script as command.
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance;
import org.neo4j.driver.AuthTokens;
import org.neo4j.driver.Driver;
import org.neo4j.driver.GraphDatabase;
import org.testcontainers.containers.Neo4jContainer;
import org.testcontainers.images.builder.Transferable;
import org.testcontainers.utility.MountableFile;
public class LoadDumpTest {
Neo4jContainer<?> neo4j;
Driver driver;
void initNeo4j() {
neo4j = new Neo4jContainer<>("neo4j:5.3.0")
#!/bin/bash -eu
/var/lib/neo4j/bin/neo4j-admin database load neo4j
/startup/docker-entrypoint.sh neo4j
""", 0100555), "/startup/load-dump-and-start.sh")
.withLogConsumer(f -> System.out.print(f.getUtf8String()));
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(neo4j.getBoltUrl(), AuthTokens.basic("neo4j", neo4j.getAdminPassword()));
void dataShouldHaveBeenLoaded() {
try (var session = driver.session()) {
var numNodes = session.run("MATCH (n) RETURN count(n)").single().get(0).asLong();
Assertions.assertTrue(numNodes > 0);
void stopNeo4j() {
If you are on a recent enterprise edition, Christophe suggested the following solution on Twitter, which I do personally think it's superior, as it is less hacky.
It makes use of seed URIs for databases. Copying or binding the resource in his example works the same as in mine.
If you're using Neo4j 5, I suggest you make backups instead of dumps. Using backups you can take advantage of the seedUri option when creating a database, meaning you can create a database from an URI pointing to a backup on disk ( or in the neo4j container ). https://neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/current/clustering/databases/#cluster-seed-uri
Here is an example using Testcontainers
package dev.ikwattro;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance;
import org.neo4j.driver.AuthTokens;
import org.neo4j.driver.Driver;
import org.neo4j.driver.GraphDatabase;
import org.neo4j.driver.Session;
import org.neo4j.driver.SessionConfig;
import org.testcontainers.containers.BindMode;
import org.testcontainers.containers.Neo4jContainer;
import org.testcontainers.junit.jupiter.Container;
import org.testcontainers.junit.jupiter.Testcontainers;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
#Testcontainers(disabledWithoutDocker = true)
public class Neo4j5RestoreBackupExampleTest {
private Neo4jContainer<?> neo4j = new Neo4jContainer<>("neo4j:5.3.0-enterprise")
.withEnv("NEO4J_dbms_memory_heap_max__size", "256M")
.withEnv("NEO4J_dbms_databases_seed__from__uri__providers", "URLConnectionSeedProvider")
.withClasspathResourceMapping("backups", "/backups", BindMode.READ_ONLY)
void beforeAll() {
void testCreatingDbFromBackup() {
try (Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver(neo4j.getBoltUrl(), AuthTokens.basic("neo4j", "password"))) {
try (Session session = driver.session(SessionConfig.forDatabase("worldcup22"))) {
var result = session.run("MATCH (n) RETURN count(n) AS c").single().get("c").asLong();
private void createDbFromBackup() {
try (Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver(neo4j.getBoltUrl(), AuthTokens.basic("neo4j", "password"))) {
try (Session session = driver.session(SessionConfig.forDatabase("system"))) {
CREATE DATABASE worldcup22 OPTIONS { existingData: "use", seedUri: "file:///backups/world-cup-2022-neo4j.backup"}
You can find a working maven project here https://github.com/ikwattro/neo4j-5-testcontainers-restore-backup
I'm interested in Tekton these days.
However there are some issue when I implement Task with java fabric8.tekton apis.
There exist api which is adding steps in spec in units of container(withContainer) in TaskBuilder class.
However I got error message in rune time like below,
Can I get some advices?
Tekton version - v0.10.1
I used packages like below:
Here is my complete test code.
package com.example.tekton;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.Container;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ContainerBuilder;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.BaseClient;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.Config;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.ConfigBuilder;
import io.fabric8.tekton.client.TektonClient;
import io.fabric8.tekton.client.DefaultTektonClient;
import io.fabric8.tekton.client.handlers.TaskHandler;
import io.fabric8.tekton.client.handlers.TaskRunHandler;
import io.fabric8.tekton.pipeline.v1alpha1.ArrayOrString;
import io.fabric8.tekton.pipeline.v1alpha1.Task;
import io.fabric8.tekton.pipeline.v1alpha1.TaskBuilder;
import io.fabric8.tekton.pipeline.v1alpha1.TaskRun;
import io.fabric8.tekton.pipeline.v1alpha1.TaskRunBuilder;
import io.fabric8.tekton.pipeline.v1alpha1.TaskRefBuilder;
public class DefaultKubernetesTest {
public Task getTask() {
Container con = new ContainerBuilder()
.addNewArg("hello jinwon world")
Task task = new TaskBuilder()
return task;
public TaskRun getTaskRun() {
TaskRun taskRun = new TaskRunBuilder()
.withTaskRef(new TaskRefBuilder().withName("echo-hello-world-test").withApiVersion("tekton.dev/v1alpha1").withKind("Task").build())
return taskRun;
public static void main(String[] args) {
ConfigBuilder config = new ConfigBuilder();
DefaultKubernetesTest kubeTest = new DefaultKubernetesTest();
String username = "testUser";
String password = "testPwd";
config = config.withMasterUrl("");
config = config.withUsername(username);
config = config.withPassword(password);
Config kubeConfig = config.build();
try (DefaultTektonClient test = new DefaultTektonClient(kubeConfig)) {
Task task = kubeTest.getTask();
TaskRun taskRun = kubeTest.getTaskRun();
Tekton ships with an admission controller, which validates the CRD specs before allowing them into the cluster. Because the project is still in alpha, its moving quite fast. Fabric8 may be templating out K8s objects against a different spec from what has been installed on your cluster. You should be able to validate the spec version used in Fabric8 and remove all the Tekton objects in your cluster and re-apply them at a specific version.
I am trying to connect a java program through my local organization git repository, and I am using gitlab4j-api open source API, I am able to login & get the project details from basic Java program. But which method can help me to do check out(individual user can get latest copy from their branch) process ?
package git4j.git4j;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.gitlab4j.api.CommitsApi;
import org.gitlab4j.api.GitLabApi;
import org.gitlab4j.api.GitLabApiException;
import org.gitlab4j.api.ProjectApi;
import org.gitlab4j.api.models.Commit;
import org.gitlab4j.api.models.CommitAction;
import org.gitlab4j.api.models.Project;
import org.gitlab4j.api.models.CommitAction.Action;
import org.gitlab4j.api.models.CommitAction.Encoding;
public class App
public static void main( String[] args )throws GitLabApiException
GitLabApi api = GitLabApi.login("http://organizationt_git.ad.com/", "username", "password");
ProjectApi projApi=api.getProjectApi();
Project p = projApi.getProject(project_id);
System.out.println("project rendered is"+p.getName());
List <Project> pList=projApi.getProjects("project_name");
for(Project p:pList){
CommitAction ca= new CommitAction();
Action a = Action.UPDATE;
ca.setContent("test content");
List<CommitAction> caList = new
CommitsApi cApi=api.getCommitsApi();
Commit c = cApi.createCommit(project_id,"branch", "commit message", "branch_refer_to", "", "username", caList);
Is there a way to use the azure-notificationhubs-java-backend library behind a corporate proxy with authentication?
I will be using the library under an application server (JBoss 6), so I'd like to avoid the classic Java system properties approach (https.proxyHost, https.proxyPort, etc.), since it affects the whole JVM.
Thanks in advance.
Nuno Guerreiro
I managed to solve this problem. I'm posting the solution here, just in case anyone needs it ;).
In my specific case, I use a Windows 8 PC and my proxy requires Windows (NTLM) authentication. The code below uses NTLM integrated authentication, i.e., no username and password need to be explicitly set, since the security credentials of the currently logged-on user will be used.
import com.windowsazure.messaging.*;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import org.apache.http.auth.AuthSchemeProvider;
import org.apache.http.client.CredentialsProvider;
import org.apache.http.client.config.AuthSchemes;
import org.apache.http.concurrent.FutureCallback;
import org.apache.http.config.Registry;
import org.apache.http.config.RegistryBuilder;
import org.apache.http.HttpHost;
import org.apache.http.impl.auth.BasicSchemeFactory;
import org.apache.http.impl.auth.DigestSchemeFactory;
import org.apache.http.impl.auth.win.WindowsCredentialsProvider;
import org.apache.http.impl.auth.win.WindowsNTLMSchemeFactory;
import org.apache.http.impl.auth.win.WindowsNegotiateSchemeFactory;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.SystemDefaultCredentialsProvider;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.WinHttpClients;
import org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.CloseableHttpAsyncClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.HttpAsyncClientBuilder;
public class Test9 {
private static HttpAsyncClientBuilder createAsyncBuilderWithProxy(String proxyHost, int proxyPort) {
if (WinHttpClients.isWinAuthAvailable()) {
final Registry<AuthSchemeProvider> authSchemeRegistry = RegistryBuilder.<AuthSchemeProvider>create()
.register(AuthSchemes.BASIC, new BasicSchemeFactory())
.register(AuthSchemes.DIGEST, new DigestSchemeFactory())
.register(AuthSchemes.NTLM, new WindowsNTLMSchemeFactory(null))
.register(AuthSchemes.SPNEGO, new WindowsNegotiateSchemeFactory(null))
final CredentialsProvider credsProvider = new WindowsCredentialsProvider(new SystemDefaultCredentialsProvider());
return HttpAsyncClientBuilder.create()
.setProxy(new HttpHost(proxyHost, proxyPort));
} else {
return HttpAsyncClientBuilder.create().setProxy(new HttpHost(proxyHost, proxyPort));
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if(args.length < 4) {
System.err.println("syntax: java Test9 <hub connection string> <hub name> <push notification address> <push message>");
} else {
String hubConnectionString = args[0];
String hubName = args[1];
String pushNotificationAddress = args[2];
String pushMessage = args[3];
CloseableHttpAsyncClient httpClient = createAsyncBuilderWithProxy("proxy.corporate.com", 8080).build();
NotificationHub hub = new NotificationHub(hubConnectionString, hubName);
Notification notification = Notification.createGcmNotifiation(pushMessage);
hub.sendDirectNotification(notification, pushNotificationAddress);
System.out.println("Notification sent!");
Based on the azure-notificationhubs-java-backend library without the proxy setting apis, there seems to be not any way to use it via proxy with authentication without any affection for the whole JVM of your JBoss.
So per my experience, the only way is creating a new instance of JBoss server using Java system properties for proxy settings to run your Azure notificationhubs java backend and communicate with your main application on the other JBoss server instance via the RPC ways like REST API, WS* API, etc.
Hope it helps.
Downloaded latest android Studio (android-studio-bundle-162.3871768-windows).
We were using com.android.sdklib.SdkManager class in our software but in latest Android Studio I'm not able to find the above mentioned class in any jar present inside the tools\lib folder.
Can anyone suggest what is the better alternative for this?
if you want to get a list of all the targets installed for knowledge, then you can just simply run the SDK manager. But since you want to call the getTargets() method, it means you need it for other purposes. check up the documentation on the android studio web page to find out if it the class you are searching for exists and the location of its jar file.
We can find the soure code of all the android classes in the below link.
SdkManagerCli class have equivalent method listPackages()which will list the packages.
We need to import sdklib-25.3.2.jar, repository-25.3.2.jar and common-25.3.2.jar to project.
Below is the working code for listing packages:-
import java.io.File;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import com.android.repository.Revision;
import com.android.repository.api.ConsoleProgressIndicator;
import com.android.repository.api.LocalPackage;
import com.android.repository.api.ProgressIndicator;
import com.android.repository.api.RepoManager;
import com.android.repository.impl.meta.RepositoryPackages;
import com.android.sdklib.repository.AndroidSdkHandler;
public class AndroidTesting {
public static void main(String[] args) {
private static void listPackages() {
AndroidSdkHandler mHandler = AndroidSdkHandler.getInstance(new
File("filePath")); //for eg:-sdk/platforms for API
ProgressIndicator progress = new ConsoleProgressIndicator();
RepoManager mRepoManager = mHandler.getSdkManager(progress);
mRepoManager.loadSynchronously(cacheExpirationMs, progress,
downloader, settings)(0, progress, null, null);
RepositoryPackages packages = mRepoManager.getPackages();
Collection<LocalPackage> locals = new TreeSet<LocalPackage>();
Collection<LocalPackage> localObsoletes = new
for (LocalPackage local : packages.getLocalPackages().values()) {
if (local.obsolete()) {
} else {
Revision version = local.getVersion();
System.out.println(local.getDisplayName() + " "
+ local.getVersion() );