JPA 2.1 StoredProcedureQuery with PostgreSQL and REF_CURSORs - java

I have a function I created in my PostgreSQL DB that I want to call using JPA 2.1's StoredProcedureQuery method.
Here is my PostgreSQL query:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_values(date text) returns refcursor
AS $$
DECLARE tuples refcursor;
FROM my_table
WHERE date_ = date
GROUP BY user;
return tuples;
LANGUAGE plpgsql
This is just a simple query to count users on a particular day. This is just a demo query to test how the StoredProcedureQueries work. And in fact, it works just fine when used via postgreSQL alone.
Now, let's try and call this using JPA 2.1 and in Javaland:
StoredProcedureQuery storedProcedure = em.createStoredProcedureQuery("get_values");
storedProcedure.registerStoredProcedureParameter(2, String.class, ParameterMode.IN);
storedProcedure.registerStoredProcedureParameter(1, Object.class, ParameterMode.REF_CURSOR);
storedProcedure.setParameter(2, "2015-02-01");
When I do this, I get back the following exception:
org.hibernate.HibernateException: PostgreSQL supports only one REF_CURSOR parameter, but multiple were registered
There is only a single ref cursor declared! In fact, if I just register the single REF_CURSOR parameter and hardcode in a value for my Postgresql function for the WHERE date_ = date, this call works just fine.
So it would seem adding any additional parameters to a storedprocedurequery with a ref_cursor breaks the functionality. Alone, the ref_cursor parameters works fine.
Anybody see why this would happen?? Why is it that adding parameters to the StoredProcedureQuery for my PostgreSQL function breaks it?
Example of when it works:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_values(date text) returns refcursor
AS $$
DECLARE tuples refcursor;
FROM my_table
WHERE date_ = '2015-02-01'
GROUP BY user;
return tuples;
LANGUAGE plpgsql
and in javaland:
StoredProcedureQuery storedProcedure = em.createStoredProcedureQuery("get_values");
storedProcedure.registerStoredProcedureParameter(1, Object.class, ParameterMode.REF_CURSOR);

Short answer: Reverse the order of your two calls to registerStoredProcedureParameter():
storedProcedure.registerStoredProcedureParameter(1, Object.class, ParameterMode.REF_CURSOR);
storedProcedure.registerStoredProcedureParameter(2, String.class, ParameterMode.IN);
Long answer: I did some digging in the Hibernate source code for Postgress callable statement support, and found that each registerStoredProcedureParameter() call creates a ParameterRegistrationImplementor instance that gets tacked into a list and passed around. You'll note that this class stores the position of the parameter, which is independent of its position within the list.
Later, this list is analyzed and assumes that the REF_CURSOR parameter will be first in line, and throws your error message if a REF_CURSOR parameter is not first, regardless of what the parameter number is.
Not a very bright way of doing things (IMHO), but at least the workaround is easy: if you swap the order of your calls, you should be fine.


How to retrieve output param from Stored Procedure with Hibernate

I am trying to execute a Stored Procedure which updates a column and retrieves the filename from the same table after updating
CREATE DEFINER=`test`#`%` PROCEDURE `update_count`(
IN in_testID VARCHAR(64),
OUT out_FileName VARCHAR(100),
OUT out_Message VARCHAR(100))
UPDATE files SET count=count+1 WHERE testID=in_testID;
SELECT FileName INTO out_FileName FROM files WHERE testID = in_testID;
SET out_Message = 'File updated uccessfully';
JavaCode to execute this StoredProcedure:
Query query = session.createSQLQuery("CALL update_count(:in_testID, #out_FileName, #out_Message)").addEntity(FilesBean.class)
Updated the query.executeUpdate() with query.list(). But the line returning a error ResultSet is from UPDATE. No Data
I need to fix this with using the createSQLQuery
The easiest way to do that is return the out parameter as part of the returning parameters (relevant only if you have access to the store procedures).
just add a store procedure like the following one
create procedure myProcedure_only_in_prams (
in in_Id int)
call myProcedure(in_id,#out_Id) ;
select #out_id
after done that it quite simple to use it with Hibernate in the following way
Query query = session.createSQLQuery(
"CALL myProcedure_only_in_parms (:in_Id)")
.setParameter("in_id", 123);
List result = query.list();
The result contains the out parameter, if you want return multiply parameters you can add it by doing select #parm1,#parm2,... ,#parmn
Hope it helped

spring-data-jpa not casting from oracle.jdbc.driver.forwardonlyreswultset

i'm making a connection to an oracle db. I just solved problem with dependency (into the following url there's the needed code like respository, entity etc.):
spring-data-jpa 1.11.16 stored procedure with cursor
Now i'm facing problem with casting exeption when i call the repository.
The repository sent me back a list of ForwardOnlyResultSet and i'm not able to map my results.
that's the error:
Cannot cast 'oracle.jdbc.driver.ForwardOnlyResultSet' to 'procedure.entity.PocRegions'
my oracle pl/sql procedure is that:
o_cursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) is
--Opening the cursor to return matched rows
open o_cursor for
select *
where POC_REGIONS.REGION_ID = id_region;
Then i tryed to bot implement the call with jpa calls and spring-data-jpa call:
StoredProcedureQuery query = entityManager.createStoredProcedureQuery( "POC_PKG_GEO.PRO_RETURN_REGION");
query.registerStoredProcedureParameter("id_region", BigDecimal.class, ParameterMode.IN);
query.registerStoredProcedureParameter("o_cursor", void.class, ParameterMode.REF_CURSOR);
query.setParameter("id_region", id);
//Contains a forwardonlyreswultset (jpa call)
Object res = query.getOutputParameterValue("o_cursor");
//Contains an array of 2 Object not mapped (jpa call)
List<PocRegions> resultList = query.getResultList();
//Contains a forwardonlyreswultset (spring-data-jpa call)
List<PocRegions> region = geoRegionRepo.getRegion(id);
How should I be supposed to convert/map the retrieved value, to my entity?
Thank you

Table-valued parameters into stored procedure using Hibernate

I'm trying to use a table-valued parameter for a stored procedure we're calling using Hibernate's Session.createSQLQuery.
I have created a type and stored procedure in SQL:
StringText NVARCHAR(256)
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[TestStringListType]
#stringList StringListType READONLY
SELECT * FROM #stringList
I can use this in SQL with:
Declare #StringListTemp As StringListType
insert INTO #StringListTemp (StringText)
values ('foo'), ('bar'), ('baz')
EXEC TestStringListType #StringListTemp
What I would like to do in Java is something like:
String fakeQueryStr = "call TestStringListType :list";
SQLQuery fakeQuery = getSession().createSQLQuery(fakeQueryStr);
ArrayList<String> data = Lists.newArrayList("foo", "bar", "baz");
fakeQuery.setParameter("list", data);
return fakeQuery.list();
Neither setParameter or setParameterList work here of course. How do I map my list of Strings to this type to use as a parameter?
I was unable to find a solution for this problem as written. My work-around was to copy the entirety of the stored procedure into a string in Java. In the above example, that would mean that I replaced:
String fakeQueryStr = "call TestStringListType :list";
String fakeQueryStr = "SELECT * FROM :list";
In my actual code, this was undesirable, because the stored procedure was a significantly longer set of statements, but it does still work when wrapped in BEGIN and END within the string.

Couchbase uses wrong indexes with N1QL parameterized queries

I have problems with understanding of way couchbase query plan works.
I use SpringData with Couchbase 4.1 and I provide custom implementation of Couchbase Repository. Inside my custom implememtnation of Couchbase Repository I have below method:
String queryAsString = "SELECT MyDatabase.*, META().id as _ID, META().cas as _CAS FROM MyDatabase WHERE segmentId = $id AND _class = $class ORDER BY executionTime DESC LIMIT 1";
JsonObject params = JsonObject.create()
.put(CLASS_VARIABLE, MyClass.class.getCanonicalName())
.put(ID_VARIABLE, segmentId);
N1qlQuery query = N1qlQuery.parameterized(queryAsString, params);
List<MyClass> resultList = couchbaseTemplate.findByN1QL(query, SegmentMembers.class);
return resultList.isEmpty() ? null : resultList.get(0);
In a result, Spring Data produces following json object represented query to Couchbase:
"statement":"SELECT MyDatabase.*, META().id as _ID, META().cas as _CAS from MyDatabase where segmentId = $id AND _class = $class ORDER BY executionTime DESC LIMIT 1",
And the problem is with performance when I execute it via Java and N1QL Rest Api or via cbq consol. For execute this query in cbq I simply replace parameters reference with exact values.
After adding EXPLAIN clause before select statement I mentioned different execution plans. Execution this query as parameterized query via Java Spring Data or N1QL Rest Api I've mentioned that query doesn't use index that I created exactly for this case. Index definiton can be found below:
CREATE INDEX `testMembers` ON MyDatabase `m`(`_class`,`segmentId`,`executionTime`) WHERE (`_class` = "path/MyClass") USING GSI;
So, when I execute query via cbq consol, Couchbase uses my idnex and query performance is very good. But, when I execute this query via N1QL rest api or Java i see that query doesn't use my index. Below you can find part of execution plan that proves this fact:
"~children": [
"#operator": "PrimaryScan",
"index": "#primary",
"keyspace": "CSM",
"namespace": "default",
"using": "gsi"
So, the question is that the right and legal behavior of couchbase query optimizer? And does it mean that query plan does not take into account real values of parameters? And have I manually put values into query string or exist eny other way to use N1Ql parameterized query with correct index selection?
According to shashi raj answer I add parameter to parameterized N1QL query. This doesn't solve my problem, because I still have performance problem with this query. Moreover, when I print query I see that it is the same as I described earlier. So, my query still wrong analyzed and cause performance decline.
first of all you need to know how N1QL parameterized queries works query should be passed as:
String query= select * from bucketName where _class=$_class and segmentId=$segmentId LIMIT $limit ;
Now the query should be passed as:
where jsonObject will have all the placeholder values.
JsonObject jsonObject=JsonObject.create().put("_class","com.entity,user").put("segmentId","12345").put("limit",100); is optional since if you want your query to be optimized it will make use of it. It makes use of LRU where it keeps track of previously query entered and it keeps record of it so that next time it doesn't need to parse query and fetch it from previous what we call as prepared statement.
The only problem is couchbase only keeps record of last 5000 queried.
The problem in your case is caused by the fact that you have an index with 'where' clause WHERE ( _class = "path/MyClass"), and at the same time, you passing the _class as a parameter in your query.
Thus, the query optimizer analyzing the parametrized query has no idea that this query might use an index created for _class = "path/MyClass", cause it's _class = $class in a select's where. Pretty simple, right?
So, don't pass any fields mentioned in your index's 'where' as select parameters. Instead, hardcode _class = "path/MyClass" in your select in the same way you did for create index. And everything should be fine.
Here's the ticket in the couchbase issue tracking system about that.

Is it possible to Create, Delete or Update an Oracle DB user via JPA?

At the first stage i'm managing my app via JDBC, so i'm the resposible to build and validate all the SQL. But i was wondering if JPA could give me a hand on these tasks.
So, at this moment i've already have a DbaUser model, which was generated from the DBA_USERS table on the OracleDB, and i can actually list all of them.
However, i'm trying to manage to create or update more, but whenever i try to create using
em.createQuery("CREATE USER C##ANTONIO IDENTIFIED BY Antionio123").executeUpdate();
An syntax exception is launched: The query does not start with a valid identifier, has to be either SELECT, UPDATE or DELETE FROM.
Could you guys enlighten me a bit more or pointing me to some proper tutorials? I've been googling but nothing concrete apprears on Oracle DBs system tables.
Update1 (Thanks to #JB Nizet)
After replacing the execution of the query from JPQL to Native SQL, i've got an error such as:
Query: DataModifyQuery(sql="CREATE USER C? IDENTIFIED BY ANTONIO123").
I've replaced the hashtags with a scape character "...C##..." with "...C\#\#..." but the issue earns a different flavour:
Query: DataModifyQuery(sql="CREATE USER C\? IDENTIFIED BY ANTONIO123")
... and i really need to send the "##" to the Oracle DB. How can i force these special characters?
Update 2
So...after googling a bit more, i've found out positional parameters, and i've also discovered that we cannot have named paramteres on JPA native queries. After this, i've tried:
em.createNativeQuery("CREATE USER ?1 IDENTIFIED BY ANTONIO123").setParameter(1, "C##ANTONIO").executeUpdate();
Which triggers: ORA-01935: missing user or role name
alongside with
Error Code: 1935
Which tells me that this binding doesn't work. Is there another way to do it?
Kind regards and thanks in advance,
createQuery() expects a JPQL query. What you passed is not JPQL. It's SQL.
Use createNativeQuery() to execute SQL.
To create a common user (prefixed with C##) you (i.e. your JPA connection pool user) need a specific priviledges.
Those are not a typical privileges granted to a JPA connection, so I'm guessing you will fail with the creation of a new common user.
Additionally you need to be connected to the root container.
The further example are plain JDBC called from Groovy, it should be easy possible to pass it to JPA if you get the DB connection.
def stmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CON_NAME') CON_NAME FROM dual")
def rs = stmt.executeQuery()
println "container name= ${rs.getString('CON_NAME')}"
container name= CDB$ROOT
Note that if you are connected to a local DB, you get an error while trying to create a user prefixed with C##
ORA-65094: invalid local user or role name
If both conditions are fulfilled, it is possible to create / drop the common user:
String cu = "create user \"C##TEST\" identified by password123 profile \"DEFAULT\" account unlock"
cu = "drop user \"C##TEST\""
Finally should be stated, that this exercise was done for the aim of completeness only. I do not see a real use case for a JPA pool connection to be granted such privileges and connecting the root container. The database maintenance is typically done not using JPA.
Another option would be to create a stored procedure in the database and then invoke stored procedure from JPA, thus you do not need to bother about caveats and syntax.
E.g.assume that JPA provider is EclipseLink
Database stored procedure
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE p_user_creation (p_username IN VARCHAR2,
p_password IN VARCHAR2,
p_return OUT NUMBER)
v_syntax VARCHAR2 (256);
IF (p_username IS NOT NULL)
v_syntax :=
|| p_username
|| ''' IDENTIFIED BY '''
|| p_password
|| '''';
p_return := 0;
raise_application_error (-20002, 'An error has occurred!');
Java code snippet to invoke stored procedure
try {
Integer returnValue = null;
StoredProcedureQuery storedProcedureQuery =
storedProcedureQuery.registerStoredProcedureParameter("p_username", String.class, ParameterMode.IN);
storedProcedureQuery.registerStoredProcedureParameter("p_password", String.class, ParameterMode.IN);
storedProcedureQuery.registerStoredProcedureParameter("p_return", Integer.class, ParameterMode.OUT);
storedProcedureQuery.setParameter("p_username", "SCOTT");
storedProcedureQuery.setParameter("p_password", "tiger");
returnValue = (Integer) storedProcedureQuery.getOutputParameterValue("p_return");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error " + e.getMessage());

