I have code that reads in an image file from the same directory as the java files, but currently I can only get it to work if the entier path is given.
picture = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(ImageIO.read(new File("C:\\Users\\...\\ogre.png"))));
The image is in the same folder as the java files. But when I try just "ogre.png" or ".\\ogre.png" or similar it does not work.
My question is this:
I will be exporting to a JAR eventually, will this affect that once the jar is created? (I'm assuming yes, since creating a jar doesnt change the source code).
How can I read the file from the same folder instead of the exact file path, In a situation where the containing folder were to be moved for example.
This is the standard way... (and it will work when everything is in the jar)
URL url = OneOfYourClass.class.getResource("package/pathTo/image/ogre.png");
ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon(url);
OneOfYourClass is a class that you have (maybe the main class)
package/pathTo/image/ is the path from this class to find your image
When running a Java app from eclipse my ImageIcon shows up just fine.
But after creating a jar the path to the image obviously gets screwed up.
Is there a way to extract an image from the jar at runtime so I can then open it up? Or, is there a better way to do this?
I'd like to distribute a single jar file if possible.
To create an ImageIcon from an image file within the same jars your code is loaded:
new javax.swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("myimage.jpeg"))
Class.getResource returns a URL of a resource (or null!). ImageIcon has a constructors that load from a URL.
To construct a URL for a resource in a jar not on your "classpath", see the documentation for java.net.JarURLConnection.
You can try something like:
InputStream stream = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("/images/image.jpg");
In your JAR file, you might have a directory structure of:
- com (class files in here)
- images
This is working for me to load and set the content pane background image:
jar (or build path) contains:
- com
- img
---- bg.png
java contains:
JFrame f = new JFrame("Testing load resource from jar");
try {
BufferedImage bg = ImageIO.read(getClass().getResource("/img/bg.png"));
f.setContentPane(new ImagePanel(bg));
} catch (IOException e) {
Tested and working in both jar and unjarred (is that the technical term) execution.
BTW getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("/img/bg.png") - which I tried first - returned me a null InputStream.
In netbeans 8.1 what I've done is to include the folder of icons and other images called Resources inside the src folder in the project file. So whenever i build Jar file the folder is included there.The file tree should be like this:
src (Java files in source packges are here)
The code should be like:
jToggleButton1.setIcon(new javax.swing.ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource("/resources/image.jpg")));
Load image in from Jar file during run time is the same as loading image when executed from IDE e.g netbeans the difference is that when loading image from JAR file the path must be correct and its case sensitive (very important).
This works for me
image1 = new javax.swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/Pictures/firstgame/habitat1.jpg"));
img = image1.getImage().getScaledInstance(lblhabitat1.getWidth(), lblhabitat1.getHeight(), Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
lblhabitat1.setIcon(new ImageIcon(img));
if p in "/Pictures/firstgame/habitat1.jpg" is in lower case it wont work. check spaces, cases and spelling
When running a Java app from eclipse my ImageIcon shows up just fine.
But after creating a jar the path to the image obviously gets screwed up.
Is there a way to extract an image from the jar at runtime so I can then open it up? Or, is there a better way to do this?
I'd like to distribute a single jar file if possible.
To create an ImageIcon from an image file within the same jars your code is loaded:
new javax.swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("myimage.jpeg"))
Class.getResource returns a URL of a resource (or null!). ImageIcon has a constructors that load from a URL.
To construct a URL for a resource in a jar not on your "classpath", see the documentation for java.net.JarURLConnection.
You can try something like:
InputStream stream = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("/images/image.jpg");
In your JAR file, you might have a directory structure of:
- com (class files in here)
- images
This is working for me to load and set the content pane background image:
jar (or build path) contains:
- com
- img
---- bg.png
java contains:
JFrame f = new JFrame("Testing load resource from jar");
try {
BufferedImage bg = ImageIO.read(getClass().getResource("/img/bg.png"));
f.setContentPane(new ImagePanel(bg));
} catch (IOException e) {
Tested and working in both jar and unjarred (is that the technical term) execution.
BTW getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("/img/bg.png") - which I tried first - returned me a null InputStream.
In netbeans 8.1 what I've done is to include the folder of icons and other images called Resources inside the src folder in the project file. So whenever i build Jar file the folder is included there.The file tree should be like this:
src (Java files in source packges are here)
The code should be like:
jToggleButton1.setIcon(new javax.swing.ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource("/resources/image.jpg")));
Load image in from Jar file during run time is the same as loading image when executed from IDE e.g netbeans the difference is that when loading image from JAR file the path must be correct and its case sensitive (very important).
This works for me
image1 = new javax.swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/Pictures/firstgame/habitat1.jpg"));
img = image1.getImage().getScaledInstance(lblhabitat1.getWidth(), lblhabitat1.getHeight(), Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
lblhabitat1.setIcon(new ImageIcon(img));
if p in "/Pictures/firstgame/habitat1.jpg" is in lower case it wont work. check spaces, cases and spelling
I have been trying to create an image object like this:
Image img = new Image("images/jack.png");
Image img = new Image("jack.png");
or /jack.png or /images/jack.pngetc.
I have looked up the working directory using System.getProperty("user.dir") and it is indeed where I put my image file. When I use file: prefix, it does work, like so:
Image img = new Image("file:images/jack.png");
However, it is also supposed to work without using it. In the textbook it is done without file:. I've seen other codes that work without it.
At the end of a bunch of chained exceptions, it says:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid URL or resource not found
I also tried to read source code from OpenJDK and I could figure anything out because many methods were native and from what I traced I didn't understand how it didn't work. Also, I can create files the same way, I just can't create images. For instance, this works:
File file = new File("fileName.txt");
What causes this problem, what should I do to fix it?
I'm using NetBeans, if that matters.
Note that System.getProperty("user.dir") does not return the working directory. It returns the user directory.
A path relative to the working directory can be specified using a relative file path in the File constructor. However it's bad practice to rely on the working directory. Starting the application from NetBeans results in the working directory being the project directory, but this is not the case, If started in a different way.
Images you need in your application should therefore be added to the jar.
In this case you can retrieve the image URL via Class.getResource(). (convert to String using toExternalForm().)
If you have a File that references a image file, you can use the File instance to get a URL:
File file = ...
String urlString = file.toURI().toURL().toExternalForm();
Those URLs can be used with the Image constructor.
Note that
File file = new File("fileName.txt");
does not create a file. It just represents a file path. This file may or may not exist. Simply invoking the File constructor does not create a new one.
File file = new File("name.txt");
creates a file somewhere. It doesn't read the existing file whereas
Image image = new Image("pathToImage.png");
tries to read the existing image. In order to be able to read an image stored somewhere you need either the absolute path, which requires the protocol (http, file, ftp etc.) or you put your image into the 'known' directory, like the resources dir of your project.
Say, you have your java sources under src/main/java. The resources dir could be src/main/resources. Put your image there and try working with relative path relative to src/main/resources.
I'm making a Java project, and now that it is finished, i want to make a .jar version.
But when i run the .jar version, the images are not included. I'm working with Netbeans on Mac.
I try to make this code :
private static String chemin = System.getProperty("user.dir");
private String fond_path = chemin+"/src/hepta/Images/FondParametres.png";
fondPanels = new ImageIcon(fond_path);
But it looks like not working in the .jar version, even if the images are at the same place than before !
My questin is, why is it different because the path is available ?
(I precise that i make some researches, to find some codes like this :
URL imageurl = getClass().getResource("/images/images2.gif");
Image myPicture = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(imageurl);
JLabel piclabel = new JLabel(new ImageIcon( myPicture ));
but i don't really understand the difference)
Thanks !
The difference is, the first is a file reference. The path points to a file within the file system.
The second is a resource reference, that points to a entry within a zip file, that Java knows how to read.
When you look at the folder that contains the .jar file, you will not there is no directory src/hepta/Images. This means if you were to try and use the file reference, Java would be unable to locate the file in question.
Instead, you need to tell Java to look up the resource, based on it's class path/search path, which points to a resource that has been embedded inside the .jar file - which is just a zip file with some extras...
When running a Java app from eclipse my ImageIcon shows up just fine.
But after creating a jar the path to the image obviously gets screwed up.
Is there a way to extract an image from the jar at runtime so I can then open it up? Or, is there a better way to do this?
I'd like to distribute a single jar file if possible.
To create an ImageIcon from an image file within the same jars your code is loaded:
new javax.swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("myimage.jpeg"))
Class.getResource returns a URL of a resource (or null!). ImageIcon has a constructors that load from a URL.
To construct a URL for a resource in a jar not on your "classpath", see the documentation for java.net.JarURLConnection.
You can try something like:
InputStream stream = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("/images/image.jpg");
In your JAR file, you might have a directory structure of:
- com (class files in here)
- images
This is working for me to load and set the content pane background image:
jar (or build path) contains:
- com
- img
---- bg.png
java contains:
JFrame f = new JFrame("Testing load resource from jar");
try {
BufferedImage bg = ImageIO.read(getClass().getResource("/img/bg.png"));
f.setContentPane(new ImagePanel(bg));
} catch (IOException e) {
Tested and working in both jar and unjarred (is that the technical term) execution.
BTW getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("/img/bg.png") - which I tried first - returned me a null InputStream.
In netbeans 8.1 what I've done is to include the folder of icons and other images called Resources inside the src folder in the project file. So whenever i build Jar file the folder is included there.The file tree should be like this:
src (Java files in source packges are here)
The code should be like:
jToggleButton1.setIcon(new javax.swing.ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource("/resources/image.jpg")));
Load image in from Jar file during run time is the same as loading image when executed from IDE e.g netbeans the difference is that when loading image from JAR file the path must be correct and its case sensitive (very important).
This works for me
image1 = new javax.swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/Pictures/firstgame/habitat1.jpg"));
img = image1.getImage().getScaledInstance(lblhabitat1.getWidth(), lblhabitat1.getHeight(), Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
lblhabitat1.setIcon(new ImageIcon(img));
if p in "/Pictures/firstgame/habitat1.jpg" is in lower case it wont work. check spaces, cases and spelling