Incorrect output in Java program - java

This is the description of the problem and here is the code that I got:
PP 10.1 Design and implement a program that reads a series of 10 inte- gers from
the user and prints their average. Read each input value as a string, and then
attempt to convert it to an integer using the Integer.parseInt method. If this process
throws a NumberFormatException (meaning that the input is not a valid number),
print an appropriate error message and prompt for the number again. Continue
reading values until 10 valid integers have been entered.
This is the code I have so far:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class average
private int number_values;
private int[] int_values;
private double average;
public average(int number_values)
this.number_values = number_values;
public void values()
String value_string = null;
int int_value = 0,a;
Scanner number = null;
a = 0;
int_values = new int [number_values];
while (a < number_values)
number = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Please enter a value:");
value_string = number.nextLine();
int_value = Integer.parseInt(value_string);
int_values[a++] = int_value;
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
System.out.print("This is an invalid input. Please renter another number:");
public void printValues()
System.out.println("The values are:");
for (int a = 0; a < number_values; a++)
System.out.println("Number - " + (a + 1) + " = " + int_values);
public double get_average()
int sum = 0;
for(int a = 0; a < number_values; a++)
sum += int_values[a];
average = (double) sum / number_values;
return (average);
public static void main(String[] args)
average a = new average(10);
System.out.println("Average = " + a.get_average());
When I enter an incorrect character it says "This is an invalid input. Please renter another number:Please enter a value:"
And when I displays the average it says Number - 1 = [I#330bedb4" for all of the values.
So the println string when I enter a incorrect input is messed up and the values are messed up. What am I missing?

Try intValues[i], if you want to output a specific item of your array. Otherwise you get the toString representation of the array object itself.
And please next time post your code instread of screenshots ;)

You're not printing the elements of the array. You're printing the array string representation directly. The error is done in your printValues() method.
To solve this, you must call an element of the array. In this case, you want to call all elements, so you must use a loop. Here:
public void printValues()
System.out.println("The values are:");
for (int a = 0; a < number_values; a++)
System.out.println("Number - " + (a + 1) + " = " + int_values[i]);


JAVA array pair for student grades [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 1 year ago.
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how do I pair the student array with the grade array? When I find the highest grade the corresponding student should also show, and same with the lowest graded student. I cant figure out how to make this program perform as such with two separate arrays.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Asm7 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner Scan = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("How many students do you have?: ");
int AMOUNT = 0;
AMOUNT = Scan.nextInt();
String[] STUDENT = new String [AMOUNT];
int COUNTER = 0;
int GRADE [] = new int [AMOUNT];
if (AMOUNT <= 0) {
System.out.println("Invalid student amount");
else {
for(int i = 0; i < AMOUNT; i++){
System.out.println("Enter student's first name: " + (i+1));
System.out.println("Enter student's grade in order added: ");
GRADE[i] = Scan.nextInt();
for(int i = 0; i < AMOUNT; i++){
System.out.println(STUDENT[i] + " received the final grade of " + GRADE[i]);}
int [] Results = MinMax(GRADE);
System.out.println("The highest grade in the class was " + Results[1]);
System.out.println("The lowest grade in the class was "+ Results[0]);
public static int[] MinMax(int[] value) {
int[] Result = new int[]{Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE};
for (int i : value) {
Result[0] = i < Result[0] ? i : Result[0];
Result[1] = i > Result[1] ? i : Result[1];
return Result;
Your while loop validation for number of students is a little late. You want to do this before you declare and initialize your arrays. However, the fact that the while loop was actually used in an attempt towards some form of validation is a really good sign. It's more than most new programmers tend to do. All input should be validated and provide a User the opportunity to supply a correct solution. This can only lead to a smoother, trouble free application and a much better experience for the User. Take a look at this while loop which is in your code:
while (amount < 0) {
System.out.println("Invalid student amount");
What is going to happen if the User supplies -1 (this is a valid integer value as is +1)? That's right...your application will end up in an infinite loop spitting out Invalid student amount to the Console Window. Your validation scheme should encompass the entire prompt and then the means to exit it should be more logically defined. With a while loop the best exit is done through its conditional statement, if the condition is false then exit the loop, for example:
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
// Number Of Students...
String inputString = "";
while (inputString.isEmpty()) {
System.out.print("How many students do you have?: --> ");
inputString = scan.nextLine().trim();
/* Is the supplied Number Of Students valid and within
range (1 to 50 inclusive)? */
if (!inputString.matches("\\d+") || Integer.valueOf(inputString) < 1
|| Integer.valueOf(inputString) > 50) {
// No...
System.err.println("Invalid entry (" + inputString + ") for Student "
+ "amount! Try again...");
inputString = ""; // Empty inputString so we loop again.
// Valid amount provided.
int amount = Integer.valueOf(inputString);
String[] student = new String[amount];
int grade[] = new int[amount];
Right away you will notice some obvious changes here. The entire How many students do you have? prompt is contained within a while loop block. If the User does not supply a valid response then that User is asked to try again. The student and grade parallel arrays are declared and initialized only after a valid response for the number of students is provided.
You will also notice that the while loop condition doesn't rely on a integer value but instead it relies on actual string content (regardless of what it is) instead. If the variable is empty ("") then loop again. This is because the Scanner#nextLine() method is used to collect the Users input instead of the Scanner#nextInt() method. The prompt still expects an integer value to be supplied, just a string representation of an integer value and this is validated using the String#matches() method along with a small Regular Expression (regex).
I personally prefer to use the Scanner#nextLine() method for a number of reasons. I personally find it more flexible especially if you want to accept both Alpha and Numerical input from a single prompt. If the prompt above stated:
How many students do you have? (q to quit)
you would just need to add another if statement above the numerical validation code to see if 'q' or 'Q' was supplied, for example:
// If either q or Q is entered then quit application.
if (amountString.matches("[qQ]")) {
Also, with a good expression passed to the matches() method, there is no need to trap exceptions in order to carry out validations, not that there is anything wrong with this, many people do it, I especially don't however when I have no need to do so.
Side Note: I'm going to state the obvious here and I'm sure you've heard it a hundred times before and you're sick of hearing it but I'm going to tell you again:
Your class methods should start with a lowercase letter (see Java Naming
I know you don't hear the compiler complaining but it does make it a
little more difficult (at times) to read the code. Everyone that reads
your code will appreciate you for it.
Because the student and grade arrays are parallel arrays you would want the minGrade() and maxGrade() methods to return a specific array index value to either the lowest or highest grade so that a referential relationship can be made toward the student that contains that specific grade determined. So, this would be far more useful:
public static int minGrade(int[] arr, int size) {
// Initialize min to have the highest possible value.
int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int returnableIndex = -1;
// loop to find lowest grade in array
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] < min) {
min = arr[i];
returnableIndex = i;
return returnableIndex;
public static int maxGrade(int[] arr, int size) {
int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int returnableIndex = -1;
// loop to find highest grade in array
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (arr[i] > max) {
max = arr[i];
returnableIndex = i;
return returnableIndex;
With everything in play your code might look like this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
// Number Of Students...
String amountString = "";
while (amountString.isEmpty()) {
System.out.print("How many students do you have?: --> ");
amountString = scan.nextLine().trim();
// Is the supplied Number Of Students valid and within
// range (1 to 50 inclusive)?
if (!amountString.matches("\\d+") || Integer.valueOf(amountString) < 1
|| Integer.valueOf(amountString) > 50) {
// No...
System.err.println("Invalid entry (" + amountString + ") for Student "
+ "amount! Try again...");
amountString = ""; // Empty inputString so we loop again.
// Valid amount provided.
int amount = Integer.valueOf(amountString);
// Declare and initialize parallel arrays
String[] student = new String[amount];
int grade[] = new int[amount];
// Student Names and Grade...
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
// Student Name...
String name = "";
while (name.isEmpty()) {
System.out.print("Enter student #" + (i + 1) + " name: --> ");
name = scan.nextLine().trim();
/* Is the name valid (contains upper or lower case letters from
A-Z and a single whitespaces separating first and last name?
Whitespace and last name is optional. */
if (!name.matches("(?i)([a-z]+)(\\s{1})?([a-z]+)?")) {
// No..
System.err.println("Invalid Student #" + (i + 1) + " name ("
+ name + ")! Try Again...");
name = ""; // Empty name so we loop again.
// Valid Student name provided...
student[i] = name;
// Student Grade...
String gradeString = "";
while (gradeString.isEmpty()) {
System.out.print("Enter student #" + (i + 1) + " grade: --> ");
gradeString = scan.nextLine().trim();
// Is the supplied grade valid and within range (0 to 100 inclusive)?
if (!gradeString.matches("\\d+")
|| Integer.valueOf(gradeString) < 0
|| Integer.valueOf(gradeString) > 100) {
// No...
System.err.println("Invalid entry (" + gradeString + ") for "
+ "Student #" + (i + 1) + " grade! Try again...");
gradeString = "";
// Valid Student grade provided...
grade[i] = Integer.valueOf(gradeString);
// Display everyone's grade
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
System.out.println(student[i] + " received the final grade of " + grade[i]);
//Display who is highest and lowest...
int index = maxGrade(grade, amount);
System.out.println("The highest grade in the class was by '" + student[index]
+ "' with a grade of: " + grade[index]);
index = minGrade(grade, amount);
System.out.println("The lowest grade in the class was by '" + student[index]
+ "' with a grade of: " + grade[index]);
public static int minGrade(int[] arr, int size) {
// Initialize min to have the highest possible value.
int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int returnableIndex = -1;
// loop to find lowest grade in array
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] < min) {
min = arr[i];
returnableIndex = i;
return returnableIndex;
public static int maxGrade(int[] arr, int size) {
int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int returnableIndex = -1;
// loop to find highest grade in array
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (arr[i] > max) {
max = arr[i];
returnableIndex = i;
return returnableIndex;
If the data are not sorted, it would be better to find both min and max grades in the same loop, after printing the students and their grades.
Then no loop is needed to print min and max grades:
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
System.out.println(student[i] + " received the final grade of " + grade[i]);
int min = grade[0];
int max = grade[0];
for (int i = 1; i < amount; i++) {
if (grade[i] < min) {
min = grade[i];
} else if (grade[i] > max) {
max = grade[i];
System.out.println("The highest grade in the class was " + max);
System.out.println("The lowest grade in the class was " + min);
If the index of min/max is sought, it would be possible to print the name of the students who get the min and max grades.
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] grades = new int[]{50, 51, 52, 50, 60, 22, 53, 70, 60, 94, 56, 41};
int[] result = getMinMax(grades);
System.out.println("Min: " + result[0] + ", Max: " + result[1]);
public static int[] getMinMax(int[] values) {
int[] result = new int[]{Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE};
for (int i : values) {
result[0] = i < result[0] ? i : result[0];
result[1] = i > result[1] ? i : result[1];
return result;
You'll need to handle the case of int[] values being null or empty. You can decide that (Throw an exception, return null... or whatever)

I need to get from the user input random

import java.util.Scanner;
public class hh {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter the size of the array: ");
int numbers = input.nextInt();
// Declare an array called numbers with a size of 10
int[] numbers1 = new int[numbers];
// Print size of numbers
System.out.println("Initial Array: ");
for (int i = 0; i < numbers1.length; i++) {
System.out.print(numbers1[i] + " ");
//Print First and Last Elements
System.out.println("First and Last Elements");
int [] lastStep = lastStep(numbers1);
for (int i = 0; i < lastStep.length; i++) {
System.out.print(lastStep[i] + ", ");
} // end main
public static int[] lastStep(int[] numbers1) {
//to get first
int [] firstElement= numbers1.get(0);
//last number
int [] lastElement= numbers1.get(numbers1.size()-1);
return lastStep;
public static void insertRandomNumbers(int[] x) {
for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
x[i] = random();
// System.out.print(x[i] + " ");
// System.out.println();
public static int random() {
int r = 0 + (int) (Math.random() * (101 - 0)) + 0;
return r;
My program ask the user to enter a number, then if 10 is entered 10 random numbers are created. With those 10 numbers I need to get the first and last numbers. The way I have my method right now I am getting ERROR: Cannot invoke get(int) on the array type int[]
public static int[] lastStep(int[] numbers1) {
//to get first
int [] firstElement= numbers1.array[0];
//last number
int [] lastElement= numbers1.array[numbers1.size()-1];
return lastStep;
I get that array cannot be resolved or is not a field
That's because you're using an Array not an ArrayList. Try using numbers1[0] and numbers1[numbers.length - 1]
You should consider changing your lastStep function. From what I can see, it does nothing, because the return statement is outside the function braces. There is also no variable lastStep inside the function that can be returned. Try the following:
public static string firstAndLast(int[] numberArray)
return numberArray[0] + ", " + numberArray[numberArray.length - 1];
Then just call it like:
You can't use .get(0) on an array, you have to use array[0].
In your case it would be: numbers1[0]
Use Array List for to add random numbers , then print the last and first one.

OutOfBoundsException When Calling Return For A Method JAVA

i'll get straight to the chase. If a user wants to read another file they must type r in the menu, then they are thrown with a return readFile(); method which takes them to the top of the program and asks them the same question it did at the beggining when they first ran this program. Only issue is when you type R or Default it throws an OutOFBoundsException. BTW It is Reading a CSV file
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1000
at studentrecs.StudentRecs.readFile(
at studentrecs.StudentRecs.main(
Java Result: 1
public static Boolean readFile(String filename) throws IOException { //Constructor for filename
try {
Scanner userInput = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Type R To Read a File or Type Default for the default file");
user = userInput.nextLine();
if (user.equalsIgnoreCase("r")) {
user = userInput.nextLine();
filename = user;
if (user.equalsIgnoreCase("default")) {
filename = "newreg2.csv";
Scanner input = new Scanner(new FileReader(filename));
while (input.hasNext()) {
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
public static void in(String reader) {
String splitter[];
splitter = reader.split(",");
stu[numstu] = new StuRec();
stu[numstu].studentID = splitter[0];
stu[numstu].lastName = splitter[1];
stu[numstu].firstName = splitter[2];
stu[numstu].phoneNumber = splitter[3];
stu[numstu].courseCode = splitter[4];
stu[numstu].periodNumber = Integer.parseInt(splitter[5]); // parseInt turns a string of digits into an integer
stu[numstu].mark = Integer.parseInt(splitter[6]);
public static boolean menu() throws IOException {
String choice;
Scanner userInput = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Type R To Read Another File");
System.out.println("Type L To Print all File Records");
System.out.println("Type AA To Print The Average Of All The Marks");
System.out.println("Type X To Exit The Program");
choice = userInput.nextLine();
double average = 0.0; // declare average
if (choice.equalsIgnoreCase("L")) {
for (int i = 0; i < numstu; i++) {
System.out.println(stu[i].lastName + ", " + stu[i].firstName + ", " + stu[i].studentID + ", " + stu[i].phoneNumber + ", " + stu[i].courseCode + ", " + stu[i].periodNumber + ", " + stu[i].mark);
}else if (choice.equalsIgnoreCase("R")){
return readFile(filename);
} else if (choice.equalsIgnoreCase("AA")) {
for (int i = 0; i < numstu; i++) {
average += stu[i].mark; // keep adding to average
}else if (choice.equalsIgnoreCase("X")) {
for (int i = 0; i < numstu; i++) {
}else if (choice.equalsIgnoreCase("AC")) {
} else {System.err.println("Unknown Key Try Again...");
// divide by zero protection
if ( choice.equalsIgnoreCase("AA") && numstu > 0 ) {
average = average/numstu; // compute the average. Always use the size in terms of a variable whenever possible.
System.out.println(average); // as noted below, if this is an integer value, < #of students computations will eval to 0.
else if (!choice.equalsIgnoreCase("AA") && numstu < 0) {
System.out.println("Oops! No Marks To Calculate! :(");
return menu();
It looks like EITHER you have initialised numstu to start at 1, OR you have more than 1000 lines in your file.
The effect of either of these errors would be that you eventually attempt to write data to entry 1000 of stu. But since you've initialised stu with 1000 entries, numbered from 0 to 999, this gives your error.
You should make sure that numstu is initially 0, not 1.
And next time you post a question, post ALL of your code, not just the parts where you think the error might be. It's very difficult for most people to find bugs in code that they can't see.

How to find average mark of an array list that comes from a csv file (JAVA) [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
Improve this question
I have a csv file that has a list with student id's, lastname, firstname, marks, phone number, etc. I have organized them into an array list so when you call stu[100].mark it will find the mark of the 100th student on the list of the csv file. There are 1000 students. I need to calculate the total overall average mark for all the students (each student only has one mark) I have put it in a loop, but it just prints out their mark. If you need more details, than I apologize.
Here is the code:
public class StudentRecs {
public static String user;
public int StuRec;
public static int numstu;
public static double average;
//public static StuRec[] stu;
static StuRec[] stu = new StuRec[1000];
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
stu[i] = new StuRec();
StuRec stu = new StuRec();
public static String filename;
Scanner reader = new Scanner(filename);
public static Boolean readFile(String filename) throws IOException { //Constructor for filename
try {
Scanner userInput = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Type R To Read a File or Type Default for the default file");
user = userInput.nextLine();
if (user.equalsIgnoreCase("r")) {
user = userInput.nextLine();
filename = user;
if (user.equalsIgnoreCase("default")) {
filename = "newreg2.csv";
Scanner input = new Scanner(new FileReader(filename));
while (input.hasNext()) {
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
public static void in(String reader) {
String splitter[];
splitter = reader.split(",");
stu[numstu] = new StuRec();
stu[numstu].studentID = splitter[0];
stu[numstu].lastName = splitter[1];
stu[numstu].firstName = splitter[2];
stu[numstu].phoneNumber = splitter[3];
stu[numstu].courseCode = splitter[4];
stu[numstu].periodNumber = Integer.parseInt(splitter[5]); // parseInt turns a string of digits into an integer
stu[numstu].mark = Integer.parseInt(splitter[6]);
public static boolean menu() {
int total = 0;
String choice;
Scanner userInput = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Type R To Read Another File");
System.out.println("Type L To Print all File Records");
System.out.println("Type AA To Print The Average Of All The Marks");
choice = userInput.nextLine();
for (int i = 0; i < numstu; i++) {
if (choice.equalsIgnoreCase("L")) {
System.out.println(stu[i].lastName + ", " + stu[i].firstName + ", " + stu[i].studentID + ", " + stu[i].phoneNumber + ", " + stu[i].courseCode + ", " + stu[i].periodNumber + ", " + stu[i].mark);
}else if (choice.equalsIgnoreCase("R")){
} else if (choice.equalsIgnoreCase("AA")) {
total = total + stu[i].mark;
} else {
System.err.println("Unknown Key Try Again...");
average = total / 1000; // compute the average.
} return menu();
Your average routine is computing incorrectly. It's simply taking the n'th mark and adding it to itself, divided by 1000. Since you're using integers, it will just round down, effectively giving you n'th mark + 0 for average on each iteration, leaving you with the last mark on the loop completion.
You need to keep adding to average, and divide by 1000 when you are done to get the value.
public static boolean menu() {
String choice;
Scanner userInput = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Type R To Read Another File");
System.out.println("Type L To Print all File Records");
System.out.println("Type AA To Print The Average Of All The Marks");
choice = userInput.nextLine();
for (int i = 0; i < numstu; i++) {
if (choice.equalsIgnoreCase("L")) {
System.out.println(stu[i].lastName + ", " + stu[i].firstName + ", " + stu[i].studentID + ", " + stu[i].phoneNumber + ", " + stu[i].courseCode + ", " + stu[i].periodNumber + ", " + stu[i].mark);
}else if (choice.equalsIgnoreCase("R")){
} else if (choice.equalsIgnoreCase("AA")) {
average += stu[i].mark; // keep adding to average
} else {
System.err.println("Unknown Key Try Again...");
// divide by zero protection
if ( numstu > 0 ) {
average = average/numstu; // compute the average. Always use the size in terms of a variable whenever possible.
System.out.println(average); // as noted below, if this is an integer value, < #of students computations will eval to 0.
// might be better to use double
else {
System.out.println("Oops! No students! :(");
return menu();
Note that your menu is a little inefficient, but the problem at hand should be solved.
Others have already pointed out the issue with not correctly calculating the sum of the scores, the numerator of the average calculation. I want to focus on the issue of the number of scores, the denominator of the average calculation.
Think real world. As others have mentioned, you cannot depend on the number of students in the file being fixed. File/class size can vary, so you cannot divide by a fixed number.
But neither can you depend on the number of scores being the same as the number of students, so you cannot simply divide by the number of students in that file. A student might not have a mark for a particular assignment (sickness, excused absence, or whatever). A good routine will account for the possibility of blanks (as well as invalid values), and thus I would expect you to need to count the valid, non-blank marks at the same time that you total them so that you can take the appropriate quotient at the end.
This statement is the problem
average = stu[i].mark + stu[i].mark / 1000;
This does not accumulate a total. Instead try
total = total + stu[i].mark;
And then at the end, outside the loop
average = total / 1000;

How to record array of ints, and print frequency of duplicates

Note: Just a practice problem, not for marks.
This is a practice problem given in a first year Java course:
Design and implement an application that reads an arbitrary number of integers, by the user, that are in the range 0 to 50 inclusive, and counts how many occurrences of each are entered. After all the input has been processed, print all of the values (with the number of occurrences) that were entered one or more times.
In addition, write a method that returns no value which would compute the average of the occurrences of all numbers entered by the user.
This is what I have (I have skipped the "average occurrence" part until I clean this up):
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main
public static Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
public static int[] userIntegers() // this method will build the array of integers, stopping when an out-of-range input is given
System.out.println("Enter the number of integers to be recorded: ");
int numInts = scan.nextInt();
int[] userArray = new int[numInts];
int i = 0;
while(i < numInts)
System.out.println("Enter an integer between 1-50 inclusive: ");
int userInteger = scan.nextInt();
userArray[i] = userInteger;
else if(isValidInteger(userInteger) == false)
System.out.println("Try again.");
return userArray;
public static void occurrenceOutput(int[] input) // this method will print the occurrence data for a given array
int[] occurrenceArray = new int[51];
int j = 0;
while(j < 51) // iterates through all integers from 0 to 50, while the integer in the array is equal to integer j, the corresponding occurance array element increments.
for(int eachInteger : input)
occurrenceArray[j] = (eachInteger == j)? occurrenceArray[j]+=1: occurrenceArray[j];
int k = 0;
for(int eachOccurrence : occurrenceArray) // as long as there is more than one occurrence, the information will be printed.
if(eachOccurrence > 1)
System.out.println("The integer " + k + " occurrs " + eachOccurrence + " times.");
public static boolean isValidInteger(int userInput) // checks if a user input is between 0-50 inclusive
boolean validInt = (51 >= userInput && userInput >= 0)? true: false;
return validInt;
public static void main(String[] args)
Can someone point me in a more elegant direction?
EDIT: Thanks for the help! This is where I am at now:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class simpleHist
public static void main(String[] args)
getIntFreqAndPrint(intArray, numberOfInts);
private static int numberOfInts;
private static int[] intArray;
private static int[] intFreqArray = new int[51];
public static void getUserInputAndPrint()
// The user is prompted to choose the number of integers to enter:
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter the number of Integers: ");
numberOfInts = input.nextInt();
// The array is filled withchInteger = integer; integers ranging from 0-50:
intArray = new int[numberOfInts];
int integer = 0;
int i = 0;
while(i < intArray.length)
System.out.println("Enter integer value(s): ");
integer = input.nextInt();
if(integer > 50 || integer < 0)
System.out.println("Invalid input. Integer(s) must be between 0-50 (inclusive).");
intArray[i] = integer;
// Here the number of integers, as well as all the integers entered are printed:
System.out.println("Integers: " + numberOfInts);
int j = 0;
for(int eachInteger : intArray)
System.out.println("Index[" + j + "] : " + eachInteger);
public static void getIntFreqAndPrint(int[] intArray, int numberOfInts)
// Frequency of each integer is assigned to its corresponding index of intFreqArray:
for(int eachInt : intArray)
// Average frequency is calculated:
int totalOccurrences = 0;
for(int eachFreq : intFreqArray)
totalOccurrences += eachFreq;
double averageFrequency = totalOccurrences / numberOfInts;
// Integers occurring more than once are printed:
for(int k = 0; k < intFreqArray.length; k++)
if(intFreqArray[k] > 1)
System.out.println("Integer " + k + " occurs " + intFreqArray[k] + " times.");
// Average occurrence of integers entered is printed:
System.out.println("The average occurrence for integers entered is " + averageFrequency);
You are actually looking for a histogram. You can implement it by using a Map<Integer,Integer>, or since the range of elements is limited to 0-50, you can use an array with 51 elements [0-50], and increase histogram[i] when you read i.
Bonus: understanding this idea, and you have understood the basics of count-sort
To calculate occurences, you can do something like this:
for(int eachInteger : input) {
This will replace your while loop.

