How to read file into Java Object - java

I don't really understand the logic behind this question and as a result, I can't really accurately search whether something like this already exists.
Let's say I create a Java class for an object. It only consists of instance variables, getters/setters, and a constructor to create an empty object. For example:
public class Bicycle {
private int speed;
private String model;
public Bicycle(int speed, String model) {
this.speed = speed;
this.model = model;
public int getSpeed() {
return speed;
public void setSpeed() {
this.speed = speed;
public String getModel() {
return model;
public void setModel(String model) {
this.model = model;
And now let's say I had a text file of bicycles like:
Bike 1234, 60
Bike 333, 50
Bike 555, 20
How would I read the file and then assign each part of the text file to the variables in
I want to be able to use the getters and setters in other methods. For example:
public static String searchBikes(int speed, String model) {
if (Bicycle bike.getSpeed().equals(speed) && etc. etc.
I'm unsure as to how to assign each bicycle in the text file to the variables in Bicycle class. Do I need another class (like a database) of sorts? I'm just very lost on this.

Scanner fileScan = new Scanner(new File("yourfile.txt"));
List<Bicycle> bikes = new ArrayList<>();
String[] line = fileScan.nextLine().split(",");
Bicycle bike = new Bicycle(line[1],line[0]);
Bikes in your file are now in bikes list.

The best approach now a days is java serialization, you can define a human-readable data structure for the bikes and try to convert it to a POJO (plain old java objects), one of the options is using Json format, it es easy t read and there are many APIs for converting strings (son objects to POJO) Gson, Jackson etc etc
a json representation of your file can b:
"speed": 33,
"model": 50
and with this infomation you can get instances of a class Bicycles, where the attributes model and speed are available as in a "Normal" java object.
take a look at this and this tutorials...

You should read more on "classes and objects" to fully understand what is a CLASS and what is an instance of a class - object.
Oracle's web site can be a good start
Concerning your concrete problem, well since we talk about object oriented programming, why not just copy the real world model ? Where are bicycles made - in a factory, using a specification of some sort, let's call it a blueprint.
You can create a class called BycicleFactory with a method called "createBycicles(File blueprints)" that returns an ArrayList for example. Here is some more info about the design pattern (best practice) called Factory Design Pattern
Inside your factory, you will have to read the file (the blueprint) and create a new Bycicle object per line. I suggest you youse a Scanner, since it is the easiest.


Encapsulation and Getters

I was reading this article on why getter and setters are evil. The article doesn't say not to use them ever, but, it's telling you to think in a way that limits the use of those methods, or to quote the article:
Don't ask for the information you need to do the work; ask the object
that has the information to do the work for you.
what happens when you need to display data in a GUI, but don't have getter methods? The article covers this briefly, but not fully. It mentions passing a JComponent to the class, but if you're GUI changes, it could lead to a lot of work to fix.
Take for example, you have a Book class (making this example limited to keep it readable).
public final class Book {
private String title;
//Authors is class with the attributes authorFirstname, authorLastname
private List<Author> listofAuthors;
public Book(String title, List<Author> listofAuthors)
//other methods that do work
If I have a GUI that has a JTextField to display the book title and a JTable to display the list of authors, how would I write my method to "do the work" for me and display the result? Is this one of those times where a getter is necessary?
Allen Holub's article (the one you mentioned) is completely right, you shouldn't ask for data, at least when you're doing Object-Orientation. And no, displaying things is not a valid excuse to open up an object.
If you have a Book, just ask for the Book to display itself! It shouldn't matter whether that uses a JTextField or JTable or whatever. Depending on your requirements of course, you could do:
public final class Book {
JComponent display() {
The point of Object-Orientation is of course, that you are trying to localize changes (restrict to one class as much as possible). The only way to do that is to localize the functionality that depends on the same things into (preferably) the same class. Also called increasing "cohesion".
So now, if the Book internals change, all of the things, including how the Book is displayed is in the Book itself, so there is no need to "hunt" for code that uses the Book.
Now, for the answer that this is not "clean", because you are mixing presentation code with "business logic". It may be interesting to note, that the whole idea of not mixing presentation with "business logic" comes from earlier times, when we still thought that presentation might be "remote" to the "business objects", where "business objects" might be used by multiple applications for different things. Ie. multi-tier designs. YAGNI. Most of the time there is no real reason to have artificial technical boundaries inside a single application. There is no harm done if the Book knows it's part of a GUI application, and there are real benefits (maintainability) to have.
Edit: this is how the `display() method could look like in detail, with displaying the title and authors (pseudocode for Swing):
public final class Book {
private final String title;
private final List<Author> authors;
public JComponent display() {
JPanel bookPanel = new JPanel();
bookPanel.add(new JLabel(title));
JList authorsList = new JList(); // Or similar
for (Author author: authors) {
return bookPanel;
And then you can simply add() that component to whatever swing container you want to display the book in.
Think of it this way: Getters (public functions) are a bridge for private attributes.
I'll write you a simple example to modify your TextField using OOP.
Book class:
public final class Book {
private String title;
//Authors is class with the attributes authorFirstname, authorLastname
private List<Author> listofAuthors;
public Book(String title, List<Author> listofAuthors)
public String getTitle() {
return this.title; }
author1 = new Author("jhon");
author 2 = new Author("alsojhon");
list = new ArrayList();
b = new Book("stack",list);
JTextField field;
You can create three kind of classes:
Entity, classes that represents a business concept and have only one unique id, like Client class with Id the username. It is usually a mutable class. You should have all the business logic here. You should not open his data with getters and setters.
Value object, classes that represents a business concept but not have an unique id, like Email class. It is usually an imm.utable class. You should have all the business logic here.
Data structure (kind of DTO), classes to save data only, without behavior, maybe you have setters and getters to access those datas.
What can I do if I need to access all Client data if I do not have accesors? Well, you should transform Client to a DTO. You can use a framework like Orika. Or you can create a method into Client class to ask for information (mediator pattern).
I like second option but it implies more work:
class Client{
private String name;
public void publishInfo(ClientInfo c){
class ClientInfo{
private String name;
Are you asking about a method to display all the information for you? I'm not following.
If that is what you're asking, here's my recommendation: Don't write it in the class with the window code in it. It won't be very clean. Make a new class with that method in it (Yes, getters are necessary, they make OOP easier, but that's biased).
What I do if I want to iterate through a list is make a StringBuilder, along with a for loop, that adds the name of the author. Then, have the method return the list of authors.
List<Authors> a;
StringBuilder d = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {
d.append(a.get(i).getName() + ", ");
return d.toString();
//It's just sudo code, but still.

Create JSON File Serializing the class in Java

I have the following class:
public class PDFValues {
private String value;
private int xPos;
private int yPos;
public PDFValues(){
public PDFValues(String value, int x, int y){
public void setValue(String value){
this.value = value;
public void setX(int x){
this.xPos = x;
public void setY(int y){
this.yPos = y;
public String getValue(){
return this.value;
public int getX(){
return this.xPos;
public int getY(){
return this.yPos;
And then I want to do this:
public class PDFtoJSONTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<PDFValues> listaElementos = new ArrayList<PDFValues>();
listaElementos.add(new PDFValues("Anubis Lockward Botello",
new Integer(100), new Integer(633)));
....more code
What I want to do, is save all the PDFValues in the ArrayList, as a JSON file, but I don't know how to make it automatic, I thought of Serializing the object or something, but I can't find a solution to this and I'm not sure how I could make the PDFValues object serializable.
I want to do this to save those values in a JSON file and then use them as properties to generate a PDF file, I'm using PDFBox for the generation of the PDFs files and SimpleJSON for the .json ones.
I'm working on a project where I'd have to generate thousands of pdf files out of some processed data. I've already managed to parse the data which consists of about 500+ MBs of text and holds around five thousand account statements which need to be generated as PDFs.
The thing is, that seeings as the Text data is generated in PDFs, one needs to indicate the position of the starting character in a string to PDFValues, to generate a PDFTextInfo object and then add it to the PDF, the file would need to contain images and text and other stuff.
Note: If there's a better way to accomplish what I'm trying to do, I'm open to suggestions, but I'd also like an answer to what I'm trying to do, and know if it would work or not, and why for both cases.
I'd like to make my code as fast as possible, right now I'm able to process the whole TXT file from RAW to mostly clean data in under 2 minutes and I know it might be optimized but right now that's not the point :D
I'd like to generate the PDFs files as fast as possible, but I've been working with that project in Java for like 1 1/2 months now, and I've only learned about JSON and PDF file generation in the past's been three days of working on the JSON file and I'm a bit lost.
Here's an example of the file output for the JSON file that I'm trying to accomplish, this one I generated it manually and I managed to read and process the file, now I'm trying to generate it automatically:
"Header": {
"Name":"Anubis Lockward Botello",
..... more elements .....
As you can see, I'm trying to divide the elements on the pdf files as if they were panels, like HEADER, BALANCES, TRANSACTIONS and stuff, and build the PDF file as if they were pieces of a puzzle, but right now I'm trying to "build" the name element on the header.
I would guess there is a better way to do build PDF files than writing and then re-reading a file, but I can provide one answer for your JSON question.
Use the Apache commons-lang3 library and look into ToStringBuilder. You can then define a toString() method on your object and use the built-in ToStringStyle.JSON_STYLE format. You'd then have to wrap your list of PDFValues in some other object that can store a PDFValue for Header, FullName, etc..
public String toString() {
return new ToStringBuilder(this, ToStringStyle.JSON_STYLE)
.append("Name", value)
.append("Horizontal", xPos)
.append("Vertical", yPos)
I should note that you could pull in Jackson or similar libraries, annotate your objects with the required JsonProperty annotations and use the library to serialize your object to JSON as you would for REST or similar. But, for a simple use case like yours, the ToStringBuilder is simple and effective.
OK, I managed to get this far thanks to JudgingNotJudging, what I did was taking his answer and applying a Decorator Pattern to the object, so that I have a PDFValue, that's inside a PDFElement, that's part of a PDFContainer, so it goes like this:
Header: (this is our PDFContainer)
FullName: (so, Header HAS-A FullName element)
PDFValue: (and FullName HAS-A a PDFValue, that has the Name or value to be shown, and the X and Y coordinates inside the PDF)
Here's the code:
The PDFValue class is still the same, and I added the overridden toString() method according to JudgingNotJudging's answer.
public class PDFValuesDecorator extends PDFValues{
In PDFValuesDecorator we don't do anything, we're just going to extend PDFValues so that we have the correct type of the class we want to add behavior to, and still get a common type for all the different classes we might create this way.
public class PDFElement extends PDFValuesDecorator {
private PDFValues pdfValue;
private String elementID;
public PDFElement(PDFValues pdfValue, String elementID){
this.pdfValue = pdfValue;
this.elementID = elementID;
public String toString() {
return new ToStringBuilder(this, ToStringStyle.JSON_STYLE)
.append(elementID, pdfValue.toString())
In the constructor we save the instance of the object we're trying to "wrap" so that we can "add" something to it. In this case, we're adding an ID for the element and we're modifying the toString() method of the element to also include the toString() method of the PDFValue, so that they both show both of their values in the appropriate order.
Finally, here's my main method:
public class PDFtoJSONTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<PDFValues> listaElementos = new ArrayList<PDFValues>();
PDFValues name =
new PDFValues(
"Anubis Lockward Botello",
new Integer(100),
new Integer(633)
PDFElement fullName = new PDFElement(name, "FullName");
PDFElement header = new PDFElement(fullName, "Header");
for(PDFValues value : listaElementos){
System.out.println("Valor: " + value.toJSONString());
As you can see, the first thing I do is create an ArrayList of PDFValues, then I create a single object for the name value, then that name is wrapped inside the FullName element, and then that's stored inside a Header element. As you can see, I can pass around the List object and do with it whatever I want.
And also, I could create other PDFElements like images and stuff, and I can save all of them inside the ArrayList and pass them around and then when I want to save them, I just have to call the toString method once and I would get the correct output, btw, here's the resulting value from the JSON string:
Valor: {"Header":"{"FullName":"{"Name":"Anubis Lockward Botello","Horizontal":100,"Vertical":633}"}"}

How do I initialize classes with lots of fields in an elegant way?

In my application, I have to instantiate many different types of objects. Each type contains some fields and needs to be added to a containing type. How can I do this in an elegant way?
My current initialization step looks something like this:
public void testRequest() {
//All these below used classes are generated classes from xsd schema file.
CheckRequest checkRequest = new CheckRequest();
Offers offers = new Offers();
Offer offer = new Offer();
HotelOnly hotelOnly = new HotelOnly();
Hotel hotel = new Hotel();
Hotels hotels = new Hotels();
Touroperator touroperator = new Touroperator();
Provider provider = new Provider();
Rooms rooms = new Rooms();
Room room = new Room();
PersonAssignments personAssignments = new PersonAssignments();
PersonAssignment personAssignment = new PersonAssignment();
Persons persons = new Persons();
Person person = new Person();
Amounts amounts = new Amounts();
// ...and so on and so on
I really want to avoid writing code like this, because it's a little messy having to instantiate each object separately and then initialize each field across multiple lines of code (e.g. having to call new Offer() and then setHotelOnly(hotelOnly) and then add(offer)).
What elegant methods can I use instead of what I have? Are there any "Factories" that can be used? Do you have any references/examples to avoid writing code like this?
I'm really interested in implementing clean code.
I'm developing a RestClient Application for sending post requests to a Webservice.
The API is represented as a xsd schema file and I created all the Objects with JAXB
Before sending a request I have to instantiate many Objects because they have dependencies with each other.
(An Offer has Hotels, a Hotel has Rooms, a Room has Persons... And these Classes are the generated ones)
Thanks for your help.
You can either use a constructor or a builder pattern or a variation of the builder pattern to fix the problem of having too many fields in your initialization step.
I'm going to extend your example a bit to prove my point of why these options are useful.
Understanding your example:
Lets say an Offer is simply a container class for 4 fields:
public class Offer {
private int price;
private Date dateOfOffer;
private double duration;
private HotelOnly hotelOnly;
// etc. for as many or as few fields as you need
public int getPrice() {
return price;
public Date getDateOfOffer() {
return dateOfOffer;
// etc.
As it stands in your example, to set values to these fields, you use setters:
public void setHotelOnly(HotelOnly hotelOnly) {
this.hotelOnly = hotelOnly;
Unfortunately, this means if you need an offer with values in all of the fields, you have to do what you have:
Offers offers = new Offers();
Offer offer = new Offer();
Now let's look at improving this.
Option 1: Constructors!
A constructor other than the default constructor (the default constructor is currently Offer() ) is useful for initializing the values of the fields in your class.
A version of Offer using constructors would look like this:
public class Offer {
private int price;
private Date dateOfOffer;
public Offer(int price, Date dateOfOffer, double duration, HotelOnly hotelOnly) {
this.price = price;
this.dateOfOffer = dateOfOffer;
// Your getters and/or setters
Now, we can initialize it in one line!
Offers offers = new Offers();
Offer offer = new Offer(price, date, duration, hotelOnly);
Even better, if you never use offer other than that single line: offers.add(offer); you don't even need to save it in a variable!
Offers offers = new Offers();
offers.add( new Offer(price, date, duration, hotelOnly) ); // Works the same as above
Option 2: Builder Pattern
A builder pattern is useful if you want the option of having default values for any of your fields.
The problem a builder pattern solves is the following messy code:
public class Offer {
private int price;
private Date dateOfOffer;
// etc.
// The original constructor. Sets all the fields to the specified values
public Offer(int price, Date dateOfOffer, double duration, HotelOnly hotelOnly) {
this.price = price;
this.dateOfOffer = dateOfOffer;
// etc.
// A constructor that uses default values for all of the fields
public Offer() {
// Calls the top constructor with default values
this(100, new Date("10-13-2015"), 14.5, new HotelOnly());
// A constructor that uses default values for all of the fields except price
public Offer(int price) {
// Calls the top constructor with default values, except price
this(price, new Date("10-13-2015"), 14.5, new HotelOnly());
// A constructor that uses default values for all of the fields except Date and HotelOnly
public Offer(Date date, HotelOnly hotelOnly) {
this(100, date, 14.5, hotelOnly);
// A bunch more constructors of different combinations of default and specified values
See how messy that can get?
The builder pattern is another class that you put inside your class.
public class Offer {
private int price;
// etc.
public Offer(int price, ...) {
// Same from above
public static class OfferBuilder {
private int buildPrice = 100;
private Date buildDate = new Date("10-13-2015");
// etc. Initialize all these new "build" fields with default values
public OfferBuilder setPrice(int price) {
// Overrides the default value
this.buildPrice = price;
// Why this is here will become evident later
return this;
public OfferBuilder setDateOfOffer(Date date) {
this.buildDate = date;
return this;
// etc. for each field
public Offer build() {
// Builds an offer with whatever values are stored
return new Offer(price, date, duration, hotelOnly);
Now, you can not have to have so many constructors, but still are able to choose which values you want to leave default, and which you want to initialize.
Offers offers = new Offers();
offers.add(new OfferBuilder().setPrice(20).setHotelOnly(hotelOnly).build());
offers.add(new OfferBuilder().setDuration(14.5).setDate(new Date("10-14-2015")).setPrice(200).build());
offers.add(new OfferBuilder().build());
That last offer is simply one with all default values. The others are default values except the ones that I set.
See how that makes things easier?
Option 3: Variation of Builder Pattern
You can also use the builder pattern by simply making your current setters return the same Offer object. It's exactly the same, except without the extra OfferBuilder class.
Warning: As user WW states below, this option breaks JavaBeans - a standard programming convention for container classes such as Offer. So, you shouldn't use this for professional purposes, and should limit your use in your own practices.
public class Offer {
private int price = 100;
private Date date = new Date("10-13-2015");
// etc. Initialize with default values
// Don't make any constructors
// Have a getter for each field
public int getPrice() {
return price;
// Make your setters return the same object
public Offer setPrice(int price) {
// The same structure as in the builder class
this.price = price;
return this;
// etc. for each field
// No need for OfferBuilder class or build() method
And your new initialization code is
Offers offers = new Offers();
offers.add(new Offer().setPrice(20).setHotelOnly(hotelOnly));
offers.add(new Offer().setDuration(14.5).setDate(new Date("10-14-2015")).setPrice(200));
offers.add(new Offer());
That last offer is simply one with all default values. The others are default values except the ones that I set.
So, while it's a lot of work, if you want to clean up your initialization step, you need to use one of these options for each of your classes that have fields in them. Then use the initialization methods that I included with each method.
Good luck! Does any of this need further explanation?
I've always preferred using builder-pattern-with-a-twist because it provides much more than the basic approach of the builder pattern.
But what happens when you want to tell the user that she must call one builder method or the other, since it is crucial for the class you’re trying to build.
Think about a builder for a URL component. How would one think about the builder methods for encapsulating access to URL attributes, are they equally important, do they interact with each other, etc? While the query parameters or fragment are optional the hostname is not; you could say that protocol is also required but for that you can have a meaningful default, like http right?
Anyway, I don't know if this makes sense to your particular problem but I thought it would be worth mentioning for others to have a look at it.
Some nice answeres are already given here!
What came to my mind as an addition is Domain Driven Design. Specific the Building blocks part, with Entity, Value Object, Aggregate, Factory etc.
A nice introduction is given in Domain Driven Design - Quickly (pdf).
I just provide this answer because it was mentioned in a comment and I think it should also be a part of this enumeration of Design Patterns.
Null Object Design Pattern
The intent of a Null Object is to encapsulate the absence of an object by providing a substitutable alternative that offers suitable default do nothing behavior. In short, a design where "nothing will come of nothing"
Use the Null Object pattern when
an object requires a collaborator. The Null Object pattern does not introduce this collaboration--it makes use of a collaboration that already exists
some collaborator instances should do nothing
you want to abstract the handling of null away from the client
Here you find the full part of "Null Object" Design Pattern
Ideally, an object should not be concerned about instantiating its dependencies. It should only worry about things that it is supposed to do with them.
Have you considered any dependency injection framework? Spring or Google's Juice are quite versatile and have a small footprint.
The idea is simple, you declare the dependencies and let the framework decide when/how/where to create them and 'inject' it into your classes.
If you don't want to use any framework, you can take design notes from them and try to emulate their design patterns and tweak it for your use-case.
Also, you can simplify things to a certain extent by making proper use of Collections. For example, what additional feature does Offers have other than storing a collection of Offer? I'm not sure what your constraints there are but, if you can make that part a bit more cleaner you would have massive gains in all places where you are instantiating the objects.
Dozer framework provides nice way to do copy values from ws object to your dto. Here is another example. Additionally if the getter/setter names are the same of both class you dont need custom converter

Java: creating several instances of object in class itself or how to restructure

I'm a java beginner and have a question concerning how to best structure a cooking program.
I have a class called Ingredient, this class currently looks like this:
public class Ingredient {
private String identifier;
private double ingredientFactor;
private String titleInterface;
public Ingredient(String identifier, double ingredientFactor,String titleInterface) {
this.identifier = identifier;
this.ingredientFactor = ingredientFactor;
this.titleInterface = titleInterface;
I want to initialize several objects (about 40) with certain values as instance variables and save them in a Map, for example
Map<String, Ingredient> allIngredients = new HashMap<String, Ingredient>();
allIngredients.put("Almonds (ground)", new Ingredient("Almonds (ground)", 0.7185, "Almonds (ground)");
Later on I want to retrieve all these objects in the form of a Map/HashMap in a different class.
I'm not sure how to proceed best, initialize all these objects in the Ingredient class itself or provide a method that initializes it or would it be better to create an super class (AllIngredients or something like that?) that has a Map with Ingredients as instance variables?
Happy for any suggestions, thanks in advance :)
Please do not initialize all these objects in the Ingredient class itself. That would be a bad practice for oops.
Just think your class is a template from which you create copies(objects) with different values for attributes. In real world if your class represent model for a toy plane which you would use to create multiple toy planes but each bearing different name and color then think how such a system would be designed. You will have a model(class). Then a system(another class) for getting required color and name from different selection of colors and names present(like in database,files,property file ) etc.
Regarding your situation .
If predetermined values store the values in a text file,properties file,database,constants in class etc depending on the sensitivity of the data.
Create Ingredient class with constructors
Create a class which will have methods to initialize Ingredient class using predetermined values,update the values if required,save the values to text file -database etc and in your case return as map .
Also check the links below
Sounds to me like you are looking for a static Map.
public class Ingredient {
private String identifier;
private double ingredientFactor;
private String titleInterface;
public Ingredient(String identifier, double ingredientFactor, String titleInterface) {
this.identifier = identifier;
this.ingredientFactor = ingredientFactor;
this.titleInterface = titleInterface;
static Map<String, Ingredient> allIngredients = new HashMap<String, Ingredient>();
static {
// Build my main set.
allIngredients.put("Almonds (ground)", new Ingredient("Almonds (ground)", 0.7185, "Almonds (ground)"));

How to load data into java program without bloating main method

I'm looking for some object oriented design help basically.
At the start of my program I need to load a whole bunch of data into the program(not from a database or anywhere; in this case I'm just loading it into the program) by building objects and assigning variables. However this takes up a lot of room and I feel like I'm just clogging up the main method and making it unreadable.
I'm wondering what's the right way to approach this is, as far as OOP goes.
I tried to make a class SubjectBuilder, and create everything in the constructor or variable space, and then create a new object in the main method. But it seems that alldata is out of the scope of the main method so when I need to manipulate it later I can't.
Student jack = new Student("Jack Smith"); // Creating all the Student objects
Student jim = new Student("Jim Lucas");
Student beck = new Student("Beck Barber");
Student ann = new Student("Ann Walker");
Student lucy = new Student("Lucy Boxer");
Subject maths = new Subject("Maths"); // Creating all the Subject objects
Subject business = new Subject("Business");
Subject java = new Subject("Java");
Subject design = new Subject("Design");
Subject project = new Subject("Project");
business.addStudent(jack, 70);
business.addStudent(jim, 65);
business.addStudent(beck, 70);
business.addStudent(ann, 83);
business.addStudent(lucy, 78);
^^ That's a snippet data I need to load. I have a bunch of marks for each subject.
At this stage I only have the Application class, Subject class (HashMap of student and Integer mark), and Student.
All I need to do is create this program that displays individual data for students or subjects and allows changes to particular marks etc. I'm confident I could complete the whole project in the main method but I feel like that's not very object oriented. I just don't know how to do it otherwise.
Firstly, how about creating a method to do this so it is not in your main
Class MyClass {
public void main (String args[]) {
myClass mc = new MyClass();
mc.loaddata ();
private void loadData () {
Now in your loadData method you could load this data from a CSV file maybe? See
A simple suggestion for: create a StudentFactory to encapsulate students instantiation, the facory method might looks like: public List createAllStudents();
And the same to Subject class.
If you are only going to access the students from the business class you could do the following
business.addStudent(new Student("Jack Smith"), 70);
business.addStudent(new Student("Jim Lucas"), 65);
business.addStudent(new Student("Beck Barber"), 70);
business.addStudent(new Student("Ann Walker"), 83);
business.addStudent(new Student("Lucy Boxer"), 78);
Keep your data in arrays or some other data structure like
String names = {"Jack Smith","John","Asley"};
int grades = {70,65,85}; //you can generate local or global array , its up to you
int main()
for(int i=0;i<names.length;i++)
//Do your work in load method
You should use a map to hold your students, and use Long or String or any other immutable class as your key. I recommend using a Map because it's O(1) to access data from this kind of collection, against O(n) if you use, for instance, an ArrayList<Students>.
private Map<Long, Student> students = new HashMap<>();
Then you should move your loading data to a method such as:
private void loadStudents(){
student.put(1L , new Student("Jack Smith"));
student.put(2L , new Student("Joe Doe"));
student.put(3L , new Student("Jane Doe"));
For your Subject you could use again some map:
private void loadSubjects(){
subjects.put("MATH" , new Subject("Mathematics"));
subjects.put("JAVA" , new Subject("Java"));
subjects.put("DESING_PATTERNS" , new Subject("DesingPatterns"));
//for instance you could have more advanced subjects such as:
subjects.put("C++" , new Subject("C++" , "lecture" , "class 101" , "prof. T. Richards"));
Since by calling an object's constructor means that that object is ready for use, you should call your loadStudent() (and possibly loadSubjects() method, or any methods you use to load your data into the application) into this constructor.
public BusinessLogic(){
//and so on
This is the prefered way against having to call load data methods on your newly created object, and always remembering you have to call these methods before using your object:
BusinessLogic business = new BusinessLogic();
business.calculateFinalGrades(); // NOT GOOD BECAUSE YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN TO CALL loadStudents();
So, you'll end up having something like:
public static void main(String[] args){
buildUI();//build your command line interface / graphical user interface
BusinessLogic businessLogic = new BusinessLogic();//you can probably now make this object a Singleton in order to prevent having multiple instances
You are right, building the whole application in the main is not the way to do it. In my opinion you should build a class that provides data let's say DataProvider that has methods for providing given data. As there are multiple ways of storing data, you can make this an interface/ abstract class depending on the common code. As your project can evolve and later maybe you want to extract data from DB or XML or something else. Like this it will be loose coupled and easy to replace. It might look like this:
interface DataProvider<T> {
Collection<T> loadData();
//...other useful methods
class DummyStudentDataProvider implements DataProvide<Student> {
Collection<Student> loadData() {
///...your logic
I used generics as the same logic could be used for different classes that you might need. Hope this helps you.

