Input Stream getting filled with null data - java

So I am creating a server that I am trying to get to handle ASCII data. While I can get the Streams to work and call the methods. However the listening thread to add items to a Queue (ArrayBlockingQueue), and it will loop until the queue is full with null data.
Server code, Client Handler (compressed, let me know if I left something out.):
class ClientThread extends Thread {
// ASCII commands defined here (byte NUL=0x00; byte SOH=0x01; etc.)
private Socket socket;
private InputStream sInput;
private OutputStream sOutput;
BlockingQueue<byte[]> queueIn = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(30, true);
private boolean goodToGo = false;
ClientThread(Socket socket){
id = ++Server.uniqueId; /* To be replaced with UIDs */
this.socket = socket;
/* Create Data Streams */
try {
sInput = (socket.getInputStream());
sOutput= (socket.getOutputStream());
goodToGo = true;
} catch (IOException ex) {
ServerInit.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error Openning Streams!", ex);
public void run(){
boolean keepGoing = true;
System.out.println("Client thread started.");
/* Start listening thread */
new Thread() {
public void run(){
while(goodToGo) {
System.out.println("Listening thread looping.");
try {
byte[] temp = IOUtils.toByteArray(sInput); // read client input using Apache Commons IO.
// Add the result to the queue.
} catch (EOFException eof){
ServerInit.logger.log(Level.INFO,"Remote client closed connection.");
catch (IOException ex) {
ServerInit.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error Reading Stream!", ex);
while (keepGoing && goodToGo){
System.out.println("Main thread looping.");
byte[] message = queueIn.take();
if (message.length >= 4){
/* Message picked apart and worked with here */
} else if (message.length == 0 ){
// Do nothing.
} else {
ServerInit.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to process item from queue.");
} catch (Exception e) {
/* Here just for completeness, I don't catch Exceptions this way. :) */
protected void close(){
// try to close the conection
goodToGo = false;
try {
if (sOutput != null) {
if (sInput != null) {
if (socket != null) {
} catch (Exception e){
ServerInit.logger.log(Level.FINER, "Error closing client connections.", e);
And client code:
public class TestClient{
public static void main(String args[]){
Socket socket = new Socket("localhost", 5525);
OutputStream outputStream = socket.getOutputStream();
byte[] buffer = { 0x02, 0x05, 0x07, 0x04 };
} catch (Exception e) {
/* Again, I don't catch exceptions like normally. */
My Questions: What is causing the "listening" thread to loop and add null data to queue indefinitely?
And While I know this is not the Code Review exchange, if anyone can think of better classes to utilize, If they could just mention it.
Following a suggestion, I changed the queue from an ArrayList<> to an ArrayBlockingQueue.

IOUtils.toByteArray() is not appropriate for this usage. It will read to end of stream and return you one big byte array, not a sequence of messages. So there is certainly no point in calling it twice, or in a loop. After the initial result, all you can get is an infinity of empty byte arrays.

I've not used IOUtils.toByteArray but my suspicion is that if there is no data in the stream when you call it then it either returns null or an empty array.
This makes sense if you think about it since otherwise it has no idea how many bytes to read. It has no way to know if you are sending an array containing 1, 4 or 1000 bytes so it just reads everything that is ready when you call it.
You need to somehow sleep between each call to toByteArray and ignore any empty responses. A better way would be to see if you can sleep until more data arrives on the socket.


ThreadPoolExecutor.shutdownNow() not throwing InterruptedException in Thread

I am implementing a Transfer Server program which takes messages from clients (via console input) and then forwards it to some sort of mailbox.
To allow concurrent reception of several messages by different clients, I first created a class that implements the Runnable interface. Each of this class instances will handle the communication with exactly one client:
public class ClientConnection implements Runnable {
public void run() {
try {
// prepare the input reader and output writer
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream()));
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(clientSocket.getOutputStream(), true);
Message message = new Message();
String request = "";
// read client requests
while ((request = reader.readLine()) != null) {
System.out.println("Client sent the following request: " + request);
String response;
if (request.trim().equals("quit")) {
writer.println("ok bye");
response = message.parseRequest(request);
if (message.isCompleted()) {
message = new Message();
} catch (SocketException e) {
System.out.println("ClientConnection: SocketException while handling socket: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("Client Connection was interrupted!");
} finally {
if (clientSocket != null && !clientSocket.isClosed()) {
try {
} catch (IOException ignored) {}
I do have a parent thread which is responsible for starting and managing all the ClientConnection runnables:
public void run() {
clientConnectionExecutor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
while (true) {
Socket clientSocket;
try {
// wait for a Client to connect
clientSocket = serverSocket.accept();
ClientConnection clientConnection = new ClientConnection(clientSocket, messagesQueue);
} catch (IOException e) {
// when this exception occurs, it means that we want to shut down everything
clientConnectionExecutor.shutdownNow(); // force terminate all ClientConnections
Now according to this Stackoverflow Question, I would have expected that as soon as shutdownNow(); is being called, an InterruptedException would be thrown within my method, and there, it should print Client Connection was interrupted!. But this does not happen, so the catch clause seems never to be reached, the input reading loop just goes on.
I read in another Stackoverflow question that this might be related to some other codeline within the block seems to be consuming the InterruptedException, but there wasn't any particular information on what codeline could do that. So I am thankful for any hints.
Edit: It turns out that as soon as I manually exit the loop by typing "quit" on the client, the loop will quit and then, Client Connection was interrupted! will be printed. So somehow the exception seems to be ignored as long as the loop is running, and only handled afterwards.
From Oracle docs for shutdownNow:
There are no guarantees beyond best-effort attempts to stop processing actively executing tasks. For example, typical implementations will cancel via Thread.interrupt(), so any task that fails to respond to interrupts may never terminate.
If you take a look into ThreadPoolExecutor sources, you will find out that shutdownNow interrupts threads with this code:
void interruptIfStarted() {
Thread t;
if (getState() >= 0 && (t = thread) != null && !t.isInterrupted()) {
try {
} catch (SecurityException ignore) {
Your ClientConnection doesn't check the flag Thread.interrupted. Due to information in the post, I can't figure out which method throws InterruptedException. Probably, some other method, for example, readLine of reader or writer, blocks the thread, because they use socket's InputStream and OutputStream and because it's obvious that socket's streams block the thread if data is not immediatly available.
For example, I wrote this code to test it:
class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Thread thread = new Thread(() -> {
try(ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket()) {
serverSocket.bind(new InetSocketAddress(8080));
Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();
int dataByte = socket.getInputStream().read();
} catch (IOException e) {
On OpenJdk-16.0.2 there is no actual interruption.
I see two possible solutions for your problem:
Check Thread.interrupted inside the while loop if you are sure that Socket doesn't block your thread.
If your are not sure, use SocketChannel in non-blocking mode instead of Socket for checking Thread.interrupted manually.
For the second way I tranformed my example into this:
class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Thread thread = new Thread(() -> {
try(ServerSocketChannel serverSocket = {
serverSocket.bind(new InetSocketAddress(8080));
SocketChannel socket = null;
while (socket == null) {
socket = serverSocket.accept();
if (Thread.interrupted()) {
throw new InterruptedException();
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024);;
byte[] bytes = new byte[byteBuffer.limit()];
System.out.println(new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("Interrupted successfully");
It works.
Good luck with Java :)
I would have expected that as soon as shutdownNow(); is being called, an InterruptedException would be thrown within my
Your messagesQueue should be a BlockingQueue. So messagesQueue.put(message) will make you need to catch an Interrupted exception. So only when the thread is blocked in the put method(queue is full), you call threadpool#shutdownNow, then the thread will receive an Interrupted exception. In other cases, thread will not receive this Interrupted exception.
You can change while ((request = reader.readLine()) != null) to while ((request = reader.readLine()) != null && !Thread.interrupted()).
Another solution is to maintain all client sockets, and close all client sockets when you need to close them, this way, the client thread will directly receive an IOException:
List<Socket> clientSockets = new ArrayList<>();
while (true) {
try {
Socket accept = serverSocket.accept();
executorService.submit(new ClientConnection(accept));
}catch (Exception e) {
for (Socket socket : clientSockets) {
try {
} catch (Exception exception) {

Input Stream Issue

stuck in One Issue ,
I am using BluetoothSocket class, I am sending and receiving data with the help of input and output streams.
when App receives large amount of data from input stream, I am killing my app forcefully and after it I am again restarting my app, but InputStream returns me previous data, which is not needed to discard that old data?
has Anyone Some Solution for this Issue?
Following is my source code:
public class MyBluetoothService {
private static final String TAG = "MY_APP_DEBUG_TAG";
private Handler mHandler; // handler that gets info from Bluetooth service
// Defines several constants used when transmitting messages between the
// service and the UI.
private interface MessageConstants {
public static final int MESSAGE_READ = 0;
public static final int MESSAGE_WRITE = 1;
public static final int MESSAGE_TOAST = 2;
// ... (Add other message types here as needed.)
private class ConnectedThread extends Thread {
private final BluetoothSocket mmSocket;
private final InputStream mmInStream;
private final OutputStream mmOutStream;
private byte[] mmBuffer; // mmBuffer store for the stream
public ConnectedThread(BluetoothSocket socket) {
mmSocket = socket;
InputStream tmpIn = null;
OutputStream tmpOut = null;
// Get the input and output streams; using temp objects because
// member streams are final.
try {
tmpIn = socket.getInputStream();
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error occurred when creating input stream", e);
try {
tmpOut = socket.getOutputStream();
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error occurred when creating output stream", e);
mmInStream = tmpIn;
mmOutStream = tmpOut;
public void run() {
mmBuffer = new byte[1024];
int numBytes; // bytes returned from read()
// Keep listening to the InputStream until an exception occurs.
while (true) {
try {
// Read from the InputStream.
numBytes =;
// Send the obtained bytes to the UI activity.
Message readMsg = mHandler.obtainMessage(
MessageConstants.MESSAGE_READ, numBytes, -1,
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.d(TAG, "Input stream was disconnected", e);
// Call this from the main activity to send data to the remote device.
public void write(byte[] bytes) {
try {
// Share the sent message with the UI activity.
Message writtenMsg = mHandler.obtainMessage(
MessageConstants.MESSAGE_WRITE, -1, -1, mmBuffer);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error occurred when sending data", e);
// Send a failure message back to the activity.
Message writeErrorMsg =
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
"Couldn't send data to the other device");
// Call this method from the main activity to shut down the connection.
public void cancel() {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Could not close the connect socket", e);
// Keep listening to the InputStream until an exception occurs
The problem is here. You should keep reading from the stream until end of stream or an exception occurs. You need to break out of the read loop if read() returns -1.
At present you are reading beyond end of stream, and ignoring the condition altogether, so of course the data that was in the buffer on the last successful read is still there.
For your application to keep seeing that data, you must also be ignoring the read count and assuming the buffer was filled, which also is invalid.
I think you should close the socket to manage the bug.
I recommend you to do this in finalizer like the code below.
private class ConnectedThread extends Thread
private final BluetoothSocket mmSocket;
private final InputStream mmInStream;
private final OutputStream mmOutStream;
private byte[] mmBuffer; // mmBuffer store for the stream
protected void finalize() throws Throwable
Also as I mentioned in comment, it is safer to close every streams before closing the socket.
So, try this cancel() method.
// Call this method from the main activity to shut down the connection.
public void cancel()
try {
} catch( NullPointerException | IOException e) {}
try {
} catch( NullPointerException | IOException e) {}
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Could not close the connect socket", e);
And more information about finalize method.
EDIT: bold ones are important than other suggestions.
Reading comments of EJP I understood why your app stops when you get large data : you maybe have to clear buffers before calling read(). And he says that finalizer can happen not to be called by system (I don't know why).
How about breaking the loop when the read() returned -1?
And just now I found a helpful link about proper method to read a stream. I hope it helped.
Code cited from the link
private String extract(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int read = 0;
while ((read =, 0, buffer.length)) != -1) {
baos.write(buffer, 0, read);
return new String(baos.toByteArray(), "UTF-8");
Though the finalizer may be able not to be called by system closing streams before closing sockets is safer (I read some SO threads before).

Java ObjectOutputStream's Method flush()

I am currently learning networking, specifically client-server classes.
I have done much research and implemented various test programs but I can't figure out why/when one would need to use the flush() method.
How can there be data mistakenly left in the output stream if it is always read in by the input stream? As dictated by the client-server code.
I tried to test my basic echo client server program by omitting the flush() but I could not break it.
When testing the flush() by writing twice from the client side and only reading once for the server's reply all that happened was a backlog (I assume the stream acts like a queue?) in the server's replies.
Then I took the same code and added flush() before and after the second write and it made no difference. It's as if the flush() doesn't actually clear the stream.
So can someone please explain in what scenario with regards to client/server stream interactions would flush() be required?
public class ServerApp
private ServerSocket listener;
private Socket clientCon;
public ServerApp()
listener = new ServerSocket(1234, 10);
} catch (IOException e)
public void listen()
System.out.println("Server is listening!");
clientCon = listener.accept();
System.out.println("Server: Connection made with Client");
} catch (IOException e)
public void processClient()
try(ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(clientCon.getOutputStream()); ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(clientCon.getInputStream()))
String msg;
while(!(msg = (String)in.readObject()).equalsIgnoreCase("Shutdown"))
out.writeObject("Server: " + msg);
out.writeObject("Server is powering down...");
} catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e)
public static void main (String args[])
ServerApp sa = new ServerApp();
public class ClientApp
private Socket serverCon;
public ClientApp()
serverCon = new Socket("", 1234);
} catch (IOException e)
public void communicate()
try (ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(serverCon.getOutputStream()); ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(serverCon.getInputStream());
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
String response = null;
System.out.println("Enter your message for server: ");
out.writeObject("Flush not working");
response = (String) in.readObject();
response = (String) in.readObject();
} while (!response.equalsIgnoreCase("Server is powering down..."));
} catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e)
public static void main(String args[])
ClientApp ca = new ClientApp();
The method flush() is used to flush out any internal buffers that may be in use. For example using a BufferedOutputStream the contents are written in chunks to improve performance (it's slower to write each byte as they come).
Depending on usage, you might never have to call flush(). However let's say you send a small String (converted to byte[]) and it fits nicely in the internal buffer. The contents of the buffer won't be sent until the buffer is full or flush() is called.
Now let's say you're writing over the network, and you expect the other side to answer something to your small String. Since it's still in the buffer, the other side won't receive it and it can result in both sides waiting forever.
Object streams are another beast, and I'm a little disappointed that so many beginners are using them. There should be a warning in the class saying "Objects may be more difficult to send/receive than they appear".
ObjectOutputStream delegates the flush() call to its internal BlockDataOutputStream which has 3 buffers sized 1024, 5 and 256 for "blockdata", header data and characters respectively.
Try it with new ObjectOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(clientCon.getOutputStream())) and you'll see a difference with and without flush(). It causes flushing of the underlying buffered output stream. Without a buffered stream there is no buffer to flush so it does nothing.

Should I call reset() before close() on an ObjectOutputSream?

I'm taking over an existing JAVA project which containing the following code:
class ConnectionHandler extends Thread {
private Socket socket;
public ConnectionHandler(Socket s) {
this.socket = s;
private void doSthForRequest(ObjectInputStream in, ObjectOutputStream out) throws Exception {
// Do something and write output to out:
// out.writeObject(someOutput);
public void run() {
ObjectOutputStream out = null;
ObjectInputStream in = null;
try {
in = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
out = new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
while (true) {
doSthForRequest(in, out);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (out != null && !socket.isOutputShutdown()) {
try {
} catch (Exception ex2) {}
} finally {
if (out != null) {
try {
out.reset(); // any reason for this?
} catch (Exception ee) {}
if (out != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception ee) {}
try {
} catch (Exception e) {}
socket = null;
There are ConnectionHandler threads which serving request and producing output on a socket. And my question is:
Does the reset() call still make any sense if there is a close() call immediately after it?
The original author just leaves one line comment // clear outputstream cache which makes me confused...
Appreciate your help!
No. reset() sends a tag over the wire that tells the peer to clear its handle table. As you're about to close the stream anyway, the reset operation has no meaning, and it's an extra network operation to go wrong. Just close it.
As for other problems:
Construct the ObjectOutputStream before the ObjectInputStream. Otherwise a deadlock can occur.
Use the try-with-resources syntax here. It will simplify the code a lot.

Where and when should I use the close() method to avoid IOException in ObjectInputStream?

I'm trying to read an object from client program over tcp. As you can see in this line I created objectInput:
ObjectInputStream objectInput = new ObjectInputStream(incoming.getInputStream());
And then read my input from the other program. It used to work fine until i made minor changes to clean up the program. Personally Assume I added
My question is, After reading the object should I close the objectInputStream or Keep remain without close? Should I close it straight away after using it or at the end of if block or at the end of program? What are the effect of the close? By the way I have read the close documentation.
Here is the error:
Here is my code:
public static void main(String[] args) {
ServerSocket serverSocket = null;
serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port);
catch (IOException e)
ClientWorker w;
w = new ClientWorker(serverSocket.accept());
Thread t = new Thread(w);
catch(IOException e)
class ClientWorker implements Runnable
private Socket incoming;
public ClientWorker(Socket incoming)
myList = new ArrayList<PureAlbum>();
this.incoming = incoming;
public synchronized void run()
else if(request.compareTo("AddAlbum")==0)
ObjectInputStream objectInput = new ObjectInputStream(incoming.getInputStream()); //This is the line mentioned in the error
PureAlbum object = (PureAlbum) objectInput.readObject();
if(object instanceof CDAlbum)
CDAlbum a = (CDAlbum) object;
System.out.println("Artist = " + a.getArtist());
else if(object instanceof
myList.add((DVDAlbum) object);
System.err.println("Warning : The object to add to database is unknown! "+ object.getClass() + "*");
catch (UnknownHostException e)
System.err.println("Can not read the host name");
catch (IOException e)
System.err.println("Can not read the FILE name"); //This exception has been called
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
Your code fragment is pretty long, so I will try to give you a general answer and it will hopefully help you.
The typical patterns of usage of stream.close() prior to java 7 are:
InputStream in = null;
try {
InputStream in = .....; // create your input stream;
// use input stream
} catch (IOException e) {
// do what you need here
} finally {
if (in != null) {
or simply declare the method as throws IOException and then write:
InputStream in = null;
try {
InputStream in = .....; // create your input stream;
// use input stream
} finally {
if (in != null) {
Pay atention that this example does not contain catch section.
Starting from java 7 we can enjoy the new facilities of the language:
try (
InputStream in = .....; // create your input stream;
) {
// use input stream
You even do not have to call close() at all. All resources defined into header of try block that implement interface Closable will be closed automatically.
This line of stack trace shows that the exception is occurring when you are initializing the ObjectInputStream, not when you are closing.
The most likely cause is that the remote client did not open an ObjectOutputStream. It might have written some other kind of data, or it might have closed its output stream or simply exited.
You should close the Stream when you have completed your reading or writing.
here in this case , you should close the InputStream when you have read the file completely and you no longer require to read file from stream.
In Short , You should close the Stream when its work is over.
It may be in the end of program or after if loop....depends on your use case.
Hope this will help.
I am doing it this way (different example):
private void readFile() throws Exception {
FileInputStream fis = null;
ObjectInputStream ois = null;
Object aux = null;
try {
fis = new FileInputStream("lib.dat");
ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
do {
aux = ois.readObject();
if (aux instanceof MyObject)
this.myObjectInstance.add((MyObject) aux);
} while (true);
} catch (EOFException e) {
This way I am sending any relevant "Error" Exception upstairs to be handled, and once the EndOfFileException is launched this is specifically captured to close the stream properly.
The object has to be defined outside the Try block to be accessible from the Catch block.
The close() method could as well throw an IOException and this can't be caught by our Try block, this would have to be passed by the generic "throw Exception" of readFile() method.

