In my application, users can upload any kind of files.
I would like to store them (or their data, byte[]) encrypted in the file-system, and when the user wants to re-download them, de-crypt them on the fly, transparently for the user.
The files must not be user-private, as they can be shared between groups of users.
Someone with only file-system access should not be able to get the file data.
What would be the best practice to achieve this kind of encryption requirement ?
Security should be the most important consideration.
As ideal I would see an api which I can pass the file-data as byte[] which takes care of en/decryption. This way the would not need to know about the encryption at all.
A salt could maybe be provided from the file's metatada, while the key could e.g. be provided on application startup.
Edit 2
The comment from #Jared points to an article which kind of sovles my requirement:
The application runs under a system account so encrypt a folder for only that account.
Store the uploaded files in that encrypted folder.
Don't give anyone the password for that account.
Windows has this built in and there are many ways to achieve this on *NIX.
This meets all of your requirements.
If i include a properties file in my project that contains a database password, how do i stop someone from browsing the .jar file and accessing it.
Currently i have it hardcoded, but you can decompile and access it even with Obfuscation.
Is there a best method for handling sensitive data in app code?
Short answer: You can't
Longer answer:
Protecting a JAR file is not really possible if the attacker has access to the file system and hence the JAR file. You could encrypt the property file that contains the database password, but then you're facing the same issue again as to where store the encryption password.
In the end, having passwords stored in property files is not optimal for security. If possible, you should use a password safe with an API usable by your application. Cyberark or Vault (and many more that I don't know) are examples of such password safes.
I'm trying to secure a java app that I'm working on. This app has service wrapper that contains a list of parameters, among these a database password. So there are 3 solutions but I'm not sure that any one of them is possible.
1) encrypt the whole file without yet keep it usable.
2) store an encrypted password and add a encryption function to the file
3) create an external program that restores the encrypted password and call it's result in the wrapper.config file
After desperately searching the internet for a response I didn't find any helpful so I'm hoping to find someone who had a similar issue in here.
Another alternative would be to use a key store, as shown in this blog post, however you would still need to find a safe place to store the key to the key store itself. To go around this, you could make your application ask the user the password to the key store, this way the data will be secure but you do not store any (keystore) passwords. That being said, if you are willing to ask your user for a password each time the application switches on, one might as well simply ask the user for the DB password right away.
If you are encrypting the file, you would still need to ship the key with which the application will need to do the decryption. This would mean that potentially users would still be able to look into your application and decrypt the file as they please.
I think that if you really want a safe solution, the answer would be to simply not store the password yourself, but rather ask the users for the password each time.
When you compile a .java file into a .class file, if you had a line like
String s = "This is a String"
If you open up the .class file in a text editor, you will see
This is a String
Somewhere in the file amidst the gobblety gook.
Which is fine and dandy for most stuff, but not when dealing with sensitive information like API keys.
Of course, one alternative is to read the API key in from another file, but that just makes it EASIER to find the key, as now the person can just open "key.txt" when they open the .jar file.
So how do you encrypt a string literal in your .class file?
When you send code to a 3rd party, you loose all control over it. Even if you where to embed the API key as an encrypted string, an attacker could still try, and potentially succeed in breaking it, which would make all your encryption/decryption efforts in vain.
The best solution, in my opinion, would be to not provide any sensitive information within the application, but rather provide it with an ID of some sort. Any sensitive values which it needs would be then pulled through the use of a secure connection.
If you use a key to access a 3rd party API there is no way to protect that key from the end-user IF you ship it with your code / application or you want your application to be able to access the 3rd party API without a middleman.
The end-user could just read all data send from your app to the end-point and know the API key. Regardless of any measures you took to encrypt it you will need to send it atleast once decrypted to the 3rd party.
The safe way to do this is to require your user to log in to a service provided by you, send a request to YOUR service and then YOUR service (which is presumably not located on the machine of your end-user) sends a request to the API with the key. So the end-user never knows of the key.
If you store the information in the class file, the decryption key should come from outside of the class. You can crypt the data, but if you have all the information within the class file, you are lost.
You should store API keys in config files. You have a different API keys for development and for the live, right?
Other possible solution is to use KeyStore, which allows you to store sensitive information in publicly accessible format. Only the holder of the secret key can decrypt the sensitive data.
Even if you keep that information encrypted in your class, a hacker can find the mechanism to decrypt that from your code only. So IMHO it's better to keep that encrypted information in some other file, and read that file. Also, restrict the access to that file using OS security mechanisms.
I recently found that the databases of Android apps are totally exposed. That said, my configuration is exposed, I save there passwords.
So, now my doubt resumes on java code.
String value = "example";
This could be an example where I store a password to pass by reference to webservice.
People, with some kind of software (like this example Is there a way to get the source code from an APK file?) could be able to get all the code? (I tried to follow the steps without success)
I read about, how do I know that it's already implemented in my project?
When you create an Android project, a proguard.cfg file is
automatically generated in the root directory of the project.
I checked my root directory and I don't have that file.
Thank you guys.
Obfuscation does not guarantee that your code won't be de-compiled. people who get your apk will still be able to review the code (although the flow of the app will be significantly more difficult to understand). Function names, variables and class names are changed but the code is still viewable.
password and other sensitive information should be kept in Android's keychain , where it's protected. never save passwords in a configuration file (preferences file).
You can look into encrypting your local database with sqlcipher. Proguard obfuscates code but will not hide your passwords if you have them hardcoded anywhere, it is not a tool to be used for security[reference]. Also all of your network traffic is vulnerable unless you use some sort of TLS.
As you describe your app now it is trivial to get the passwords in your app.
You can use char[ ] instead of string data type for storing sensitive values like password. This will make it difficult to recover if someone takes memory dump as value is not present string literal pool if used char[] data type.
The app I am working on gets all the files from the sdcard but these files are really important and the app should maintain a security issue .So is there a way that the folder or directory that contains the file may be encrypted or locked with a key and only be used by my app?
Please help I am newbie and stuck at this point.
On Android, anything stored on the SD card is not protected by permissions and can be accessed by any application that has permission to touch the SD card (and by anything/anyone that can pull the card out and read it elsewhere). Basically, you need to assume that if you put resources there, they can be accessed by anyone. So, you are correct, you want to encrypt these resources so that even with that access, no one can access them.
Android includes plenty of support for well-known cryptography. In this case, you'll want to use symmetric encryption. The current best practice here is to use AES with 256-bit keys, all of which are natively supported in the Android class libraries. There are plenty of resources on how to do this in the developer documentation online and there is a complete rundown of all the issues you need to think about, and code examples of the entire process, in Application Security for the Android Platform (disclaimer: I'm the author of this book).
You do need a key to encrypt this data, and you need to keep that key secret (anyone that knows it can decrypt the data). You have two options...(1) ask the user for a password every time they use the application and then derive the key from that password, or (2) store the password in your application. (2) is dangerous as Android applications can be readily reverse engineered, where an attacker can simply look into your application and find the key. (1) is preferred as then there is no key stored for an attacker to recover...the tradeoff is that your users need to type in a password to use your application. What you should do here is a function of the risk important is this data? Do you need it protected in a strong manner, or are you protecting it to just make things harder for an attacker? Only you can answer that, based on your use cases and the sensitivity/risk of your data.
Have a look at those resources:
You should be aware that of course you shouldn't store the key to the encrypted data in cleartext but rather encrypt that itself with a password a user can choose or similar.
This is how to make a new folder:
String SaveFolder = "/Save";
String extStorageDirectory = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString();
File mySaveFolder = new File(extStorageDirectory + SaveFolder);
Got this code in the public void onCreate
Now it makes a folder with the name "Save".
I looked there is not a way to set a password or something.
Though I read here it is possible to save files in the internal memory, where users can't get acces too, but I never used that, so I can't help you with that.