JavaFX: Binding a TextProperty (eg. Label) to a simple Integer - java

The general question: Is there any way to update a label when the value of a simple integer changes ?
I'm talking about simple int's and not stuff like ReadOnlyIntegerWrappers. I've tried the following according to Converting Integer to ObservableValue<Integer> in javafx
(I had to change the identifier (is that what it's called ?) of ObservableValue from Integer to String because I couldn't find a way to bind it to the TextProperty otherwise)
I've included my demo code below which somehow seems to result in a NullPointerException at label.textProperty().bind(m.getObsValue());. The application is written in a MVC-pattern.
public class Model {
private int value;
private ObservableValue<String> obsInt;
public Model(){
value = 5;
obsInt = new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<>(value + "");
public int getValue(){
return value;
public void setValue(int value){
this.value = value;
public ObservableValue<String> getObsValue(){
return obsInt;
public class Controller {
private Model m;
private View v;
public Controller(Model m, View v){
this.m = m;
this.v = v;
public void handleMouseclick(MouseEvent e){
m.setValue(m.getValue() + 5);
public void init(){
public class View extends Region{
private Model m;
private Label label;
public View(Model m)
this.m = m;
public void paint(){
public double computePrefHeight(double width){
return 800;
public double computePrefWidth(double height){
return 600;
As you might've noticed I'm currently still studying JavaFX. So I probably just missed something stupid. Any advice would be greatly appreciated !

Let's start from the end - the exception is because you never initialize label, so it is null - as simple as that. Using label = new Label(); should solve it.
And now for the bindings - you say you don't want to use IntegerProperty or ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper, but rather use a simple int - that means you have no convenient way of knowing when the value is changed! The label will always contain the initial value of your integer, so you may as well do something like:
Instead, I would advise you to do something like
public class Model {
private SimpleIntegerProperty value = new SimpleIntegerProperty(this, "value");
public Model() {
public int getValue(){
return value.get();
public void setValue(int value){
public IntegerProperty valueProperty(){
return value;
then you can bind the label's text property using Bindings.convert:
this way, whenever the model's value is changed, the label text would automatically reflect this.
As you can see, SimpleIntegerProperty is nothing to be afraid of! The arguments in the constructor are optional, but recommended - they are the object this property belongs to (this), and the name of the property ("value", in this case). You can also pass the initial value in the constructor, instead of explicitly setting it in your Model constructor.


Create tasks[] an array of task

My current problem is that I am assigned to created a program that should within the private fields assign tasks[] an array of task. Then within the constructor, that creates the task[] array, giving it the capacity of INITIAL_CAPAITY, and setting numTasks to zero.
I am new and confused on I can tackle this problem
I have tried declaring it within the constructor but there has been no luck.
public class Task {
private String name;
private int priority;
private int estMinsToComplete;
public Task(String name, int priority, int estMinsToComplete) {;
this.estMinsToComplete = estMinsToComplete;
public String getName() {
return name;
public int getPriority() {
return priority;
public int getEstMinsToComplete() {
return estMinsToComplete;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public void setEstMinsToComplete(int newestMinsToComplete) {
this.estMinsToComplete = newestMinsToComplete;
public String toString() {
return name+","+priority+","+estMinsToComplete;
public void increasePriority(int amount) {
if(amount>0) {
public void decreasePriority(int amount) {
if (amount>priority) {
else {
public class HoneyDoList extends Task{
private String[] tasks;
//this issue to my knowledge is the line of code above this
private int numTasks;
private int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 5;
public HoneyDoList(String tasks, int numTasks, int INITIAL_CAPACITY,int estMinsToComplete, String name,int priority) {
numTasks = 0;
tasks = new String[]{name,priority,estMinsToComplete};
//as well as here^^^^^^^^
My expected result is to be able to print out the list through honeydo class. I need to manipulate the code a bit more after adding a few other methods.
Your problem is that your constructor parameter tasks has the same name as that field of your class.
So you assign to the method parameter in your constructor, not to the field. And luckily those two different "tasks" entities have different types, otherwise you would not even notice that something is wrong.
Solution: use
this.tasks = new String...
within the body of the constructor!
And the real answer: you have to pay a lot attention to such subtle details. And by using different names for different things you avoid a whole class of issues!
Also note: it sounds a bit strange that a class named Task contains a list of tasks, which are then strings. The overall design is a bit weird...

Java array list returning 0 value

I have created a class like this, which contains a bunch of arraylist as you can see. I've been setting the array with the methods add.. and then retrieving it with get.., when i tried to System.out.println numberofcitizen for example it is returning 0. Note that i have instantiated the class in another class to set the values.
public int numberOfCitizen;
private final ArrayList<Integer> citizenid = new ArrayList<>();
private final ArrayList<String> citizenName = new ArrayList<>();
private final ArrayList<Integer> citizenWaste = new ArrayList<>();
private final ArrayList<Float> longitude = new ArrayList<>();
private final ArrayList<Float> latitude = new ArrayList<>();
private final ArrayList<String> address = new ArrayList<>();
public void working() {
System.out.println("executing fine");
public void setnoOfcit(int number) {
this.numberOfCitizen = number;
public int getnumber() {
return this.numberOfCitizen;
public void addCitizenId(int citizen) {
public int getCitizenid(int i) {
int citId = citizenid.get(i);
return citId;
public void addCitizenName(String citizenname) {
public String getCitizenName(int i) {
return citizenName.get(i);
public void addCitizenWaste(int waste) {
public int getCitizenWaste(int i) {
return citizenWaste.get(i);
public void addLatitude(float lat) {
public float getLat(int i) {
return latitude.get(i);
public void addlng(float lng) {
public float getlng(int i) {
return longitude.get(i);
com.graphhopper.jsprit.core.problem.VehicleRoutingProblem.Builder vrpBuilder = com.graphhopper.jsprit.core.problem.VehicleRoutingProblem.Builder.newInstance();
public void runVPRSolver() {
//create a loop to fill parameters
Probable source of problem :
numberOfCitizen is a member attribute that you seem to never change. If you want it to represent the number of elements in your lists, either use citizenName.size() or increment the value of numberOfCitizen in one of the add methods.
Design flaw :
Your design takes for granted that your other class always use that one properly. Anytime you or someone uses that class, he must make sure that he add every single element manually. This adds code that could be grouped inside your class, which would be cleaner and easier to maintain.
So instead of several add method like this :
Design an other Citizen class which will contain those elements, and use a single list of instances of that class. That way you can use only one method :
private List<Citizen> citizenList = new ArrayList<>();
public void addCitizen(Citizen c) {
/*Add element in your list*/
This programming methodology is called "Encapsulation" which you can read about here
You need to increment numberOfCitizen in your add methods. For example:
public void addCitizenId(int citizen){
I would also suggest encapsulating your variables into Objects, so create a citizen class:
public class Citizen {
private Integer id;
private Integer name;
private Integer waste;
And change your variable to an ArrayList of objects:
ArrayList<Citizen> citizens;

How to make the value of a String variable not change after once assigned? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Declare final variable, but set later
(7 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
How can I make sure that the value of String variable doesnot change after being assigned once? Assignment is not at the time of declaration.
More clarity :-
String x = y; (y is another string)
Even if y changes x should not change. How to make sure this?
What I have tried :-
Created a custom class:-
public class MyDs {
private final String unitName;
public MyDs(String iUnitName){
unitName = iUnitName;
public String getUnitName(){
return unitName;
in the main method :-
String iName = "xyz";
MyDs MyDsObj = new MyDs(iName);
But even after this, the value changes when the variable changes.
How can I solve this issue?
Your class be should be design as mentioned in below code
public class TestingClas {
private String name;
public void setName(String name) {
if ( == null && name != null) = name;
public String getName() {
return name;
Now use below code for testing purpose
TestingClas testingClas = new TestingClas();
testingClas.setName("Abdul Waheed");
testingClas.setName("You cannot change me any more now");
String updatedString = testingClas.getName();
updatedString variable will be having old value
as far as I understand ,you should design your class in a way that your variable should be final . with this approach you set it in constructor and then nothing can make it changes. even the referance it is holding is changed the value remains the same I mean a new object is created in heap and value of your final variable is kept same. below is a kind of design which makes the variable x set once and never be able to changed afterwards. Of course this is in instance scope, for class scope you can make your class singelton etc.
public class Test {
private final String x;
private String y;
public Test(String x){
public String getY() {
return y;
public void setY(String y) {
this.y = y;
public String getX() {
return x;
Change your MyDs class to a singleton class
Making this a singleton class ensures that the final String unitName is updated only once and then it will cannot be altered again.
public class MyDs {
private final String unitName;
private static MyDs myDs;
public static MyDs getMyDsObject(String iUnitName) {
if (myDs == null) {
myDs = new MyDs(iUnitName);
return myDs;
private MyDs(String iUnitName) {
unitName = iUnitName;
public String getUnitName() {
return unitName;
Here the values "xyz" is stored in unitName and doesnot get updated again when you change to "zxy".
MyDs MyDsObj = MyDs.getMyDsObject("xyz");
Log.i("value", "" + MyDsObj.getUnitName());
MyDs MyDsObj1 = MyDs.getMyDsObject("zxy");
Well, you question is not really clear (and the comment section is really chaty...), but if you want to only be able to set a value once but not during the initialisation, setters are not a bad choice. Just add a constraint.
public class MyClass{
private static final String DEFAULT_VALUE = new String("");
private String value = DEFAULT_VALUE;
public final void setValue(String value){
if(this.value != DEFAULT_VALUE) //use the reference on purpose
throw new IllegalArgumentException("This value can't be changed anymore");
this.value = value;
// Don't return `DEFAULT_VALUE` to prevent someone to gain access to that instance
public final String getValue(){
return this.value == DEFAULT_VALUE ? null : this.value;
This will be done at runtime, but this would do the trick.
Now, this is an immutable instance, with some mutable instance you might want to do a copy of it to be sure it can't be modifier using the original reference.

How would I use enum on my project?

I have a class with an instance field lockAction, value 1 is lock and 3 is unlock. I'd like to introduce enum on to my EJB project. How do I got about that?
public enum lockUnlock {
LOCK, //1
you can use something like this.
public enum lockUnlock {
int value;
lockUnlock(int value) {
this.value = value;
public int getValue() {
return value;
class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
lockUnlock[] b = lockUnlock.values();
for (lockUnlock b1 : b) {
System.out.println(b1 + "........" + b1.getValue());
You could assign a value to the enum like so.
public enum LockUnlock {
private final int value;
private LockUnlock(int value) {
this.value = value;
public int getValue() { return value; }
#eldix_ you can use enums when you know that some of the Constant data in your code can't be changed by the user.
For example.
if you want to show some data in a drop down on the screen like below
as shown in the example, where the drop down values are constants, which client has to select.
we can change this at one place use it any where, without data being changed.

Detecting Class of an object implementing an interface

I'm writing a game, as part of this players should be able to click on various GUI items and see further details on a specific area of the GUI. I'm mangaing this through an interface Detailable which is implemented by suitable game obects and sends the appropriate information to the JPanel
There are also containers (all of which implement Detailable) that contain other (Detailable implementing) objects. The goal being it is possible to click on a container and, amongst its stats, see its contents which can then be in turn clicked on to see their stats, etc.
The problem I am having is in writing the addToContents(Detailable d) method of my containers. Each container as an ArrayList<String> of the "type" of container - wardrobe, bookcase, etc. I want to be able to add only certain classes to a given container - so a container with a type of "bookcase" will only accept objects of class Book or Curio for example.
What I currently have is:
public boolean addToContents(Detailable d){
if(this.types.contains("bookcase") && d.getClass().getName().equals("Book")){
//do some stuff
//I know "Book" isn't the right syntax, this is just to demo
return true;
else if(this.types.contains("bookcase") && d.getClass().getName().equals("Curio")){
//other stuff
return true;
return false;
But this feels like the wrong way of doing it. Is there a better way? Ideally, for sake of easy code, I'd have something like (pseudocode)
private ArrayList<Class> classesAccepted = <list of classes>
if (classesAccepted.contains(d.getClass()){
add the thingie to contents
return true
return false;
but I can't seem to find a way of adding a list of classes to the constructor - of translating the ArrayList of class names to an ArrayList of references to the actual class.
Containers are currently read from a JSON so comprise two classes:
public class FurnitureType {
private String name;
private List<String> type;
private int cost;
private String description;
private int comfortBonus;
private int capacity;
//plus getters for all the above
public class Furniture implements Detailable, ListSelectionListener{
private String name;
private List<String> types;
private int cost;
private String description;
private int comfortBonus;
private int capacity;
private ArrayList<Detailable> contents;
private transient DetailPanel dp = null;
public Furniture (FurnitureType type){;
this.types = type.getType();
this.cost = type.getCost();
this.description = type.getDescription();
this.comfortBonus = type.getComfortBonus();
this.capacity = type.getCapacity();
this.contents = new ArrayList();
//appropriate getters
public boolean addToContents(Detailable d){
if(this.types.contains("bookcase") && d.getClass().getName().equals("Book")){
//do some stuff
//I know "Book" isn't the right syntax, this is just to demo
return true;
else if(this.types.contains("bookcase") && d.getClass().getName().equals("Curio")){
//other stuff
return true;
return false;
public String toString(){
return description;
public Icon getBigPic() {
return null;
public JComponent getStats() {
Object [] objectContents = contents.toArray();
JList contentList = new JList(objectContents);
contentList.setPreferredSize(new Dimension (400, 300));
contentList.setCellRenderer(new CustomCellRenderer());
//the CustomCellRenderer class simply makes long descriptions into multiline cells
return contentList;
public void addPanel(DetailPanel dp) {
this.dp = dp;
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent lse) {
Detailable d = contents.get(lse.getFirstIndex());
You can actually use a Map as shown below:
private static Map<String, List<Class<? extends Detailable>>>
bookcaseContainer = new HashMap<>();
static {
//load the bookcaseContainer Map from properties/database
bookcaseContainer.put("bookcase", list1);
bookcaseContainer.put("wardrobe", list2);
if(bookcaseContainer.get("bookcase") != null &&
bookcaseContainer.get("bookcase").contains(d.getClass())) {
//do something here
} else if(bookcaseContainer.get("wardrobe") != null &&
bookcaseContainer.get("wardrobe").contains(d.getClass())) {
//do something here
If I understand your question correctly, you are looking for something like this
ArrayList <Class<? extends Detailable>> acceptedClasses = new ArrayList<>();
and then do something akin to
boolean test = -> aClass.isInstance(detailableInstance));
to check if the instance is of an acceptable type

