I do not understand the compareTo() method and equals() method. How do they work in the code below? Please describe it for me, and look at my comments under the methods.
I do not understand how it prints out the patients ordered according to the prio for each patient. Help would be appreciated.
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
public class Patient implements Comparable<Patient> {
private String firstname;
private String lastname;
private String personNbr;
private int prio;
private int number;
private static int total = 0;
public Patient(String firstname, String lastname, String personNbr, int prio) {
this.firstname = firstname;
this.lastname = lastname;
this.personNbr = personNbr;
this.prio = prio;
number = total;
public int compareTo(Patient rhs) {
if(prio==rhs.prio) {
return number - rhs.number; // what happens here?
} else {
return prio - rhs.prio; // what happens here?
public boolean equals(Object rhs) {
if (rhs instanceof Patient) { // what happens here?
return compareTo((Patient) rhs) == 0; // what happens here?
} else {
return false;
public String toString() {
return this.firstname + this.lastname + this.personNbr + this.prio;
public static void main(String[] args) {
PriorityQueue<Patient> pq = new PriorityQueue<Patient>();
pq.offer(new Patient("Kalle", "Karlsson", "8503622-1213", 3));
pq.offer(new Patient("Lisa", "Svensson", "840312-1224", 7));
pq.offer(new Patient("Lena", "Nilsson", "820323-1224", 9));
pq.offer(new Patient("Kallee", "Karlssonn", "85503622-1213", 3));
the output is
[KalleKarlsson8503622-12133, KalleeKarlssonn85503622-12133, LenaNilsson820323-12249, LisaSvensson840312-12247]
equals() method is used to compare the two instances of the class for equality. It comes from Object class of java. All the class in the java have equals() method available for comparison. You can always provide custom implementation according to the class member and equality definition.
The compareTo() is used primary by Collections framework for sorting the array or ordering the elements in a priority queue. compareTo() comes from Comparable interface.
public int compareTo(Patient rhs) {
if(prio==rhs.prio) {
return number - rhs.number; // First line
} else {
return prio - rhs.prio; // Second line
The compareTo() method is defined on the basis of number and prio attributes of the class. The compareTo() return negative, zero or positive when current instance is smaller then passed, equal or grater respectively.
public boolean equals(Object rhs) {
if (rhs instanceof Patient) { // First Line
return compareTo((Patient) rhs) == 0; // Second Line
} else {
return false;
In the first line, you are checking that argument passed to method is instance of Patient class. Because you are checking the equality of two instance which should be of same type.
Second line, You are using the compareTo() method to define the equality of the instances.
Update in the question:
Here is the toString() method.
public String toString() {
"firstname='" + firstname +
" lastname='" + lastname +
" personNbr='" + personNbr +
" prio=" + prio +
" number=" + number;
You need to poll() instead of just printing them. poll() retrieves and removes the head of this queue. That will represent the true ordering of the elements in the queue, not the toString().
while (!pq.isEmpty()) {
firstname='Kalle lastname='Karlsson personNbr='8503622-1213 prio=3 number=1
firstname='Kallee lastname='Karlssonn personNbr='85503622-1213 prio=3 number=4
firstname='Lisa lastname='Svensson personNbr='840312-1224 prio=7 number=2
firstname='Lena lastname='Nilsson personNbr='820323-1224 prio=9 number=3
Kalle and Kallee have the highest priority (least value), but the number for Kalle is lower than Kallee. Others are organized by the prio.
The conmpareTo method is defining an ordering such that the prio field is sorted first, then the number field. If the prio fields are equal then the difference is derived from the number field. If prio is not equal then it is the prio field that is compared.
The equals method states that two objects are equal if compareTo returns zero - which makes sense if you think about it.
There is a collection of 20 objects of a POJO class. I Want to write a method that return objects with distinct value. Now this is my Pogo class
class Student {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public void setFirstName( String firstName ) {
this.firstName = firstName;
public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public void setLastName( String lastName ) {
this.lastName = lastName;
Now i want some method which returns unique last names values. I could not understand which logic i have to put in this.
If you are using something like Eclipse, you can right-click the source and select Source > "Generate hashCode() and equals()...". Doing so will yield something like this:
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((firstName == null) ? 0 : firstName.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((lastName == null) ? 0 : lastName.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
Student other = (Student) obj;
if (firstName == null) {
if (other.firstName != null)
return false;
} else if (!firstName.equals(other.firstName))
return false;
if (lastName == null) {
if (other.lastName != null)
return false;
} else if (!lastName.equals(other.lastName))
return false;
return true;
Then, you'll want to add your objects to an instance of Set, maybe HashSet. Sounds like you can just return the populated Set then.
See also this.
EDIT: Note that I am not suggesting to put all of this on the Student class. The code shown above goes on Student, but the method that returns the set of distinct students goes somewhere else.
EDIT 2: If you are only interested in unique last names, you could modify hashCode() and equals() to not consider first name, but I concede that this would be quite unintuitive and recommend to avoid this in any circumstance other than an academic exercise. So, more correct might be to layer on an instance of Comparator that only considers last name--see doc and this.
You can use an Arraylist, it has a built in function called .contains() which checks if the arrayList contains a specific value. So you would create an arrayList of last names and if it doesn't exist in the array list, just add it. See http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/ArrayList.html#contains(java.lang.Object)
You can try to use Set, if you need to get only one field, or Map, if you need to know object(student) with this field.
If you need to know all distinct Students (pair: first name + surname), you need to override getHashCode() and equals methods and use HashSet, HashMap
An easy way (for a beginner) to do this is just create a new array (same size of the input array). Then to loop through your array then compare every value to every other value in the array. If you can't find a match, then put this value in the new array.
Pseudo code:
public static Student[] GetUniqueLastNames(Student[] students){
Student[] retArray;//new array
for(i = 0; i < students.size; i++){
unique = true
for(j=0; j < students.size; j++){
if(i != j){//make sure its not comparing the same value
unique = false
retArray[i] = students[i]
return retArray
Note: There are far better ways of doing this, but this is a nice basic way to do it if you're learning Java (or programming in general).
If you don't care about keeping the order of the objects, you can use a set:
public static <S extends Student> Collection<S> uniqByLastName(Collection<S> source){
TreeSet<S> result = new TreeSet<S>(new Comparator<S>() {
public int compare(S s1, S s2) {
return s1.getLastName().compareTo(s2.getLastName());
return result;
If you care about the order
public static <S extends Student> Collection<S> uniqByLastName(Collection<S> source){
Collection<S> result = new ArrayList<S>();
Set<String> addedStudents = new HashSet<String>();
for(S student : source){
String lastName = student.getLastName();
return result;
If you want to modify the collection without returning a new one
public static <S extends Student> void uniqByLastName(Collection<S> source){
Set<String> addedStudents = new HashSet<String>();
Iterator<S> iterator = source.iterator();
S student = iterator.next();
String lastName = student.getLastName();
} else {
If you are using Java 8, you can use lambda expression to solve it. Using following code snippet should solve your problem:
list.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(Student::getLastName, p -> p, (p, q) -> p)).values();
Note: it will return first student with a given last name and as you might have already guessed, you don't need to override equals and hashcode.
I was asked this in interview. using Google Guava or MultiMap is not an option.
I have a class
public class Alpha
String company;
int local;
String title;
I have many instances of this class (in order of millions). I need to process them and at the end find the unique ones and their duplicates.
instance --> instance1, instance5, instance7 (instance1 has instance5 and instance7 as duplicates)
instance2 --> instance2 (no duplicates for instance 2)
My code works fine
declare datastructure
HashMap<Alpha,ArrayList<Alpha>> hashmap = new HashMap<Alpha,ArrayList<Alpha>>();
Add instances
for (Alpha x : arr)
ArrayList<Alpha> list = hashmap.get(x); ///<<<<---- doubt about this. comment#1
if (list == null)
list = new ArrayList<Alpha>();
hashmap.put(x, list);
Print instances and their duplicates.
for (Alpha x : hashmap.keySet())
ArrayList<Alpha> list = hashmap.get(x); //<<< doubt about this. comment#2
System.out.println(x + "<---->");
for(Alpha y : list)
Question: My code works, but why? when I do hashmap.get(x); (comment#1 in code). it is possible that two different instances might have same hashcode. In that case, I will add 2 different objects to the same List.
When I retrieve, I should get a List which has 2 different instances. (comment#2) and when I iterate over the list, I should see at least one instance which is not duplicate of the key but still exists in the list. I don't. Why?. I tried returning constant value from my hashCode function, it works fine.
If you want to see my implementation of equals and hashCode,let me know.
Bonus question: Any way to optimize it?
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj==null || obj.getClass()!=this.getClass())
return false;
if (obj==this)
return true;
Alpha guest = (Alpha)obj;
return guest.getLocal()==this.getLocal()
&& guest.getCompany() == this.getCompany()
&& guest.getTitle() == this.getTitle();
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + (title==null?0:title.hashCode());
result = prime * result + local;
result = prime * result + (company==null?0:company.hashCode());
return result;
it is possible that two different instances might have same hashcode
Yes, but hashCode method is used to identify the index to store the element. Two or more keys could have the same hashCode but that's why they are also evaluated using equals.
From Map#containsKey javadoc:
Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key. More formally, returns true if and only if this map contains a mapping for a key k such that (key==null ? k==null : key.equals(k)). (There can be at most one such mapping.)
Some enhancements to your current code:
Code oriented to interfaces. Use Map and instantiate it by HashMap. Similar to List and ArrayList.
Compare Strings and Objects in general using equals method. == compares references, equals compares the data stored in the Object depending the implementation of this method. So, change the code in Alpha#equals:
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj==null || obj.getClass()!=this.getClass())
return false;
if (obj==this)
return true;
Alpha guest = (Alpha)obj;
return guest.getLocal().equals(this.getLocal())
&& guest.getCompany().equals(this.getCompany())
&& guest.getTitle().equals(this.getTitle());
When navigating through all the elements of a map in pairs, use Map#entrySet instead, you can save the time used by Map#get (since it is supposed to be O(1) you won't save that much but it is better):
for (Map.Entry<Alpha, List<Alpha>> entry : hashmap.keySet()) {
List<Alpha> list = entry.getValuee();
System.out.println(entry.getKey() + "<---->");
for(Alpha y : list) {
Use equals along with hashCode to solve the collision state.
First compare on the basis of title in hashCode()
If the title is same then look into equals() based on company name to resolve the collision state.
Sample code
class Alpha {
String company;
int local;
String title;
public Alpha(String company, int local, String title) {
this.company = company;
this.local = local;
this.title = title;
public int hashCode() {
return title.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof Alpha) {
return this.company.equals(((Alpha) obj).company);
return false;
Map<Alpha, ArrayList<Alpha>> hashmap = new HashMap<Alpha, ArrayList<Alpha>>();
hashmap.put(new Alpha("a", 1, "t1"), new ArrayList<Alpha>());
hashmap.put(new Alpha("b", 2, "t1"), new ArrayList<Alpha>());
hashmap.put(new Alpha("a", 3, "t1"), new ArrayList<Alpha>());
System.out.println("Size : "+hashmap.size());
Size : 2
I want to compare database dump to xml and *.sql. In debagge toRemove and toAdd only differ in dimension. toRemove has size 3, toAdd has size 4. But after running the code, removeAll, toRemove has size 3 and toAdd has size 4. What's wrong?
final DBHashSet fromdb = new DBHashSet(strURL, strUser, strPassword);
final DBHashSet fromxml = new DBHashSet(namefile);
Set<DBRecord> toRemove = new HashSet<DBRecord>(fromdb);
Set<DBRecord> toAdd = new HashSet<DBRecord>(fromxml);
public class DBRecord {
public String depcode;
public String depjob;
public String description;
public DBRecord(String newdepcode, String newdepjobe, String newdesc) {
this.depcode = newdepcode;
this.depjob = newdepjobe;
this.description = newdesc;
public String getKey() {
return depcode + depjob;
public boolean IsEqualsKey(DBRecord rec) {
return (this.getKey().equals(rec.getKey()));
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == this)
return true;
if (o == null)
return false;
if (!(getClass() == o.getClass()))
return false;
else {
DBRecord rec = (DBRecord) o;
if ((rec.depcode.equals(this.depcode)) && (rec.depjob.equals(this.depjob)))
return true;
return false;
In order to properly use HashSet (and HashMap, for that matter), you must implement a hashCode() as per the following contract:
Whenever it is invoked on the same object more than once during an execution of a Java application, the hashCode method must consistently return the same integer, provided no information used in equals comparisons on the object is modified. This integer need not remain consistent from one execution of an application to another execution of the same application.
If two objects are equal according to the equals(Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result.
It is not required that if two objects are unequal according to the equals(java.lang.Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce distinct integer results. However, the programmer should be aware that producing distinct integer results for unequal objects may improve the performance of hash tables.
The code you've supplied for DBRecord does not overide it, hence the problem.
You'd probably want to override it in the following way, or something similar:
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + depcode.hashCode();
result = prime * result + depjob.hashCode());
return result;
Below is my Student class
class Student implements Comparable {
String name;
int rollNo;
public int compareTo(Object obj) {
return ((Student)obj).name.compareTo(this.name);
latest modification: but still no getting the right result
public int compareTo(Object obj) {
Student s = (Student) obj;
if (name.equals(s.name)) { // achieving uniqueness
return 0;
} else {
if (rollNo < s.rollNo) {
return -1;
} else if (rollNo > s.rollNo) {
return 1;
} else {
// this makes `name` the second ordering option.
// names don't equal here
return name.compareTo(s.name);
If I create object of TreeSet<Student>, I am getting sorted list of Student objects based on unique name & ordered by name also.
But I need unique student-name in my TreeSet<Student> with order by student-rollNo.
Is it possible with Comparator? Can anybody help me, Every suggestion is appreciated.
UPDATE: here is the complete program:
public class Student implements Comparable {
int rollNo;
String name;
Student(String n,int rno) {
* #param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
TreeSet<Student> ts = new TreeSet<Student>();
ts.add(new Student("bbb",2));
ts.add(new Student("aaa",4));
ts.add(new Student("bbb",2));
ts.add(new Student("ccc",3));
ts.add(new Student("aaa",1));
ts.add(new Student("bbb",2));
ts.add(new Student("bbb",5));
public int compareTo(Object obj) {
Student s = (Student) obj;
if (name.equals(s.name)) { // achieving uniqueness
return 0;
} else {
if (rollNo < s.rollNo) {
return -1;
} else if (rollNo > s.rollNo) {
return 1;
} else {
// this makes `name` the second ordering option.
// names don't equal here
return name.compareTo(s.name);
public String toString() {
return name + rollNo;
Update:2: Thank you all for your suggestions, I still need some more :)
* Actual scenario is having different properties,
* So here I am just relating my actual scenario with Student class
class Student implements Comparable {
// sorting required on rollNo
int rollNo;
// Unique name is required
String name;
Student(String n, int rno) {
rollNo = rno;
name = n;
* #param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
TreeSet<Student> tsName = new TreeSet<Student>();
// here by default, order & uniqueness by name only
tsName.add(new Student("ccc", 2));
tsName.add(new Student("aaa", 4));
tsName.add(new Student("ddd", 1));
tsName.add(new Student("bbb", 3));
tsName.add(new Student("ddd", 5));
// output: aaa:4, bbb:3, ccc:2, ddd:1
// creating new comparator for student RollNo
TreeSet<Student> tsRollNo = new TreeSet<Student>(new Comparator<Student>() {
public int compare(Student stud1, Student stud2) {
return new Integer(stud1.rollNo).compareTo(stud2.rollNo);
// now got the desire output: ddd:1, ccc:2, bbb:3, aaa:4
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
// internally not used to check equality while adding objects
// in TreeSet
System.out.println("equals() for " + this + " & " + ((Student) obj));
return false;// return false/true doesn't make any sense here
public int compareTo(Object obj) {
Student s = (Student) obj;
// internally inside TreeSet, compareTo is used to decide
// whether two objects are equal or not,
// i.e. compareTo will return 0 for same object(here student name)
System.out.println("compareTo() for " + this + " & " + ((Student) obj));
// achieving uniqueness
return name.compareTo(s.name);
public String toString() {
return name + ":" + rollNo;
compareTo() for aaa:4 & ccc:2
compareTo() for ddd:1 & ccc:2
compareTo() for bbb:3 & ccc:2
compareTo() for bbb:3 & aaa:4
compareTo() for ddd:5 & ccc:2
compareTo() for ddd:5 & ddd:1
[aaa:4, bbb:3, ccc:2, ddd:1]
[ddd:1, ccc:2, bbb:3, aaa:4]
Friends, whatever I got by using two Comparators, Is it possible to
achieve the same while adding the objects ??
I cannot first Add elements & then use new comparator to achieve the desired order.
I am manipulating thousands of values so need to consider performance also.
in TreeSet It will use comparator while adding elements for sorting and unique check,
now the problem is if you use comparator for roll no you will have it sorted by roll no and unique roll nos too. you can't have both together in treeset.
I would suggest you to go for.
TreeSet here you concentrate about duplicate removal
then once you have unique data go for ArrayList and sort it in any order you want
The answer by #ralph on using a TreeSet with a specified comparator is a good one, use that.
You should wrap your concept of a "student database" inside a class that exposes and documents the correct behaviors, rather than just using a raw collection. If obtaining lists of students in particular orders is a design requirement, expose methods (perhaps returning Iterable<Student> that say that. Behind the scenes, you can do a variety of things depending on the usage pattern:
Maintain one or more Sets and or Maps sorting/indexing students by fields of interest.
On-demand in-place array sort using Arrays.sort() and a specified Comparator.
final class StudentTable {
private static final Comparator<Student> studentRollNoComparator = ...;
private final SortedSet<Student> sortedByRollNo =
new TreeSet<Student>(studentRollNoComparator);
public Iterable<Student> studentsOrderedByRollNo()
return sortedByRollNo;
//see below
public void addStudent(final Student foo) { ... }
You need to override equals() and hashCode() on your Student class, to compare only the student name. Then you'll get uniqueness (silently) in your TreeSet. Obviously, if you do this, you need to code defensively to check to see if studentSet.contains(newStudent) before inserting newStudent, so you'll KNOW whether you've got a duplicate or not.
final class Student implements Comparable {
public boolean equals(Object o)
return o!=null &&
o (instanceof Student) &&
public int hashCode()
return name.hashCode(); // good enough for this purpose
With this in place, then your code to insert student can look like:
void addNewStudent(final Student toAdd)
if (studentSet.contains(toAdd)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Student with same name as "+toAdd+" already exists.");
Your treeset is then full of students whose names are unique, and your add operation reports a failure if not. (Throwing an exception is just one potential route, and only appropriate if adding a student with a duplicate name is ACTUALLY an exceptional condition, but you didn't say.)
You can initialize a new TreeSet with an different comparator. - So all you have to do, is to write an new Comparator (implements java.util.Comparator interface), use this comparator to initialize the a new TreeSet and then add all students to the set.
TreeSet<Student> sortedByRollNo new TreeSet<Student>(new RollNoComparator());
TreeSet<Student> sortedByY new TreeSet<Student>(new YComparator());
Each Tree Set can have its own comparator for sorting, if no comparator is specifed, then the Tree Set uses the natural ordering of the set elements.
If you need only the name uniqe Students, then you have two ways:
Implement the comparator in a way, that it returns 0 if the name of the studens is equals (but i belive this is so kinde of hack).
First filter the students by name, and then sort them by rollNo,
A bit like this:
TreeSet<Student> sortedByRollNo new TreeSet<Student>(new RollNoComparator());
sortedByRollNo.addAll(new TreeSet<Student>(allStudends)); //this uses the native comparator to filter by uniqe name
Sorry for being to late here, here is an elegant solution:
public class OwnSortedList<T> extends TreeSet<T> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7109828721678745520L;
public OwnSortedList(Comparator<T> levelScoreComparator) {
public boolean add(T e) {
boolean existsElement = false;
Iterator<T> it = iterator();
while(it.hasNext() && !existsElement){
T nextElement = it.next();
// Element found
existsElement = true;
Comparator<? super T> comparator = comparator();
int compare = comparator.compare(nextElement, e);
if(compare > 0){
//element added so return true
return true;
return false;
I have an array of objects that I want to compare to a target object. I want to return the number of objects that exactly match the target object.
Here is my count method:
public int countMatchingGhosts(Ghost target) {
int count=0;
for (int i=0;i<ghosts.length;i++){
if (ghosts[i].equals(target));
return count;
And here is my equals method:
public boolean equals(Ghost other){
if(this == other) return true;
if( !(other instanceof Ghost) ) return false;
Ghost p = (Ghost)other;
if (this.x == p.x && this.y == p.y && this.direction==p.direction && this.color.equals(p.color))
return true;
return false;
I run some test code, and I expect 1 matching only, but I get 3 instead. Do you see any errors?
There is a ; at the end of your if:
if (ghosts[i].equals(target));
This makes count++; happen always irrespective of what your equals method returns.
You should override this function:
public boolean equals(Object other) { }
Do note the Object class being used in method's signature instead of Ghost. Your can use #Override annotation to get a compiler error if you are not using method signature correctly.
public boolean equals(Object other) { }
Having said that, what's probably happening in your code is what the other answer is stating...
Just thought I add that while implementing the equals method in your code, you must also implement (override) the hashCode method. This is a general contract that you must follow for the best performances.
Below is an excerpt from Joshua Bloch's book "Effective Java"
Item 9: Always override hashCode when you override equals
A common source of bugs is the failure to override the hashCode method. You
must override hashCode in every class that overrides equals. Failure to do so
will result in a violation of the general contract for Object.hashCode, which will
prevent your class from functioning properly in conjunction with all hash-based
collections, including HashMap,HashSet, and Hashtable.
Here is the contract, copied from the Object specification [JavaSE6]:
• Whenever it is invoked on the same object more than once during an execution
of an application, the hashCode method must consistently return the
same integer, provided no information used in equals comparisons on the
object is modified. This integer need not remain consistent from one execution
of an application to another execution of the same application.
• If two objects are equal according to the equals(Object) method, then calling
the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce the same
integer result.
And just like Pablo said, if you use anything other than the Object class in your equals method signature, you aren't actually overriding the equals method, and your program won't work as expected.
Take for example this small program that copies a List to a Set(which cannot contain duplicates) and prints the new Collection. Try swapping equals(Object obj) with equals(Item obj) and see what happens when you run the program. Also, comment out the hashCode() method and run the program and observe the difference between using it and not.
public class Item {
private String name;
private double price;
private String countryOfProduction;
public Item(String name, double price, String countryOfProduction) {
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public double getPrice() {
return price;
public void setPrice(double price) {
this.price = price;
public String getCountryOfProduction() {
return countryOfProduction;
public void setCountryOfProduction(String countryOfProduction) {
this.countryOfProduction = countryOfProduction;
public String toString() {
return "Item Name: " + getName() + "\n" +
"Item Price: N" + getPrice() + "\n" +
"Country of Production: " + getCountryOfProduction() + "\n";
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if(!(obj instanceof Item)) {
return false;
if(obj == this) {
return true;
Item other = (Item)obj;
&& this.getPrice() == other.getPrice()
&& this.getCountryOfProduction().equals(other.countryOfProduction)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 3;
hash = 7 * hash + this.getName().hashCode();
hash = 7 * hash + this.getCountryOfProduction().hashCode();
hash = 7 * hash + Double.valueOf(this.getPrice()).hashCode();
return hash;
public static void main (String[]args) {
List<Item> items = new ArrayList<>();
items.add(new Item("Baseball bat", 45, "United States"));
items.add(new Item("BLUESEAL Vaseline", 1500, "South Africa"));
items.add(new Item("BLUESEAL Vaseline", 1500, "South Africa"));
Collection<Item> noDups = new HashSet<>(items);