I am testing to see if ANTLR-4.7.1 is working properly by using a sample, provided by my professor, to match these results for the same printed set of tokens:
% java -jar ./antlr-4.7.1-complete.jar HelloExample.g4
% javac -cp antlr-4.7.1-complete.jar HelloExample*.java
% java -cp .:antlr-4.7.1-complete.jar org.antlr.v4.gui.TestRig HelloExample greeting helloworld.greeting -tokens
(greeting Hello World !)
However, after getting to the 3rd command, my output was instead:
In my output, there are no numbers inside < >, which I believe should be defined from the HelloExample.tokens file that contain:
I get no error information and antlr seemed to have generated all the files I needed, so I don't know where I should be looking to resolve this, please help. And I'm not sure if it'll be of use, but my working directory started with helloworld.greeting and HelloExample.g4 and final directory now contains
As rici already pointed out in the comments, getting the actual rule names instead of their numbers in the token output is a feature and shouldn't worry you.
In order to get the (greeting Hello World !) output at the end, you'll want to add the -tree flag after -tokens.
I have 2 JAR files coming from an SDK that I have to use.
Generation problem
I succeeded in generating the first .pas file, but Java2OP fails to generate the second .pas I need, with the message
Access violation at address 0042AF4A dans the 'Java2OP.exe' module. Read at address 09D00000
Would this come from a common issue? There's no other hints about what causes the problem in the SDK .jar.
I'm using Java2OP located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\18.0\bin\converters\java2op, but I had to first use the solutions in Delphi 10.1 Berlin - Java2OP: class or interface expected before generating the 1st file.
Compilation problem
Anyway, I tried to generate a .hpp file from the generated .pas.
I don't know much about Delphi. Does the problem come from the SDK itself, or the generation of the .pas file?
1st issue solved
Java2OP included Androidapi.JNI.Java.Util
and not Androidapi.JNI.JavaUtil. I had to import Androidapi.JNI.JavaUtil myself, though it is present in the /Program Files(x86)/Embarcadero/... folders.
2nd issue
The same 4 compilation errors happen multiple times across the .pas file on parts using the word this.
Do I have to replace every use of this with self?
E2023 The function require a type of result : Line 4
E2147 The property 'this' doesn't exist in the base class : Line 5
E2029 ',' or ':' awaited but found 'read' identificator : Line 5
E2029 ',' or ':' awaited but found number : Line 5
JDecoderConfigValues_SymbologyFlags = interface(JObject)
function _Getthis$0: JDecoderConfigValues; cdecl;
property this$0: JDecoderConfigValues read _Getthis$0;
JExposureValues_ExposureSettingsMinMax = interface(JObject)
function _Getthis$0: JExposureValues; cdecl;
property this$0: JExposureValues read _Getthis$0;
When I try to compile the below Latex document from Java, my pdflatex run crashes:
\tikzstyle{int}=[draw, fill=blue!20, minimum size=2em]
\tikzstyle{init} = [pin edge={to-,thin,black}]
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2.5cm,auto,>=latex']
\node [int, pin={[init]above:$v_0$}] (a) {$\frac{1}{s}$};
\node (b) [left of=a,node distance=2cm, coordinate] {a};
\node [int, pin={[init]above:$p_0$}] (c) [right of=a] {$\frac{1}{s}$};
\node [coordinate] (end) [right of=c, node distance=2cm]{};
\path[->] (b) edge node {$a$} (a);
\path[->] (a) edge node {$v$} (c);
\draw[->] (c) edge node {$p$} (end) ;
pdflatex doesn't just produce some error, but it simply freezes. The log file is cut off in the middle, even before an enclosing quotation mark is completed (but always at the same position, I think).
I use this Java command to execute pdflatex:
The command executed is:
"C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin\x64\pdflatex.exe" -output-directory "C:\Eig\Lehre\Info2\ImagesTemp" "C:\Eig\Lehre\Info2\ImagesTemp\graph.tex"
Executing the command by hand in a command line works fine! Also, the Java execution works fine when I don't include tikz in the latex document. This seems quite strange to me - is there some bug or am I missing something?
I'm using Miktex 2.9 and Java 8 on Windows, I've tried it on different Windows versions.
This problem is probably caused by not capturing the output of the process. You need to read every byte written to standard out and standard error by the child process else the system buffer will fill up and the process will block when it next attempts to write something.
Here's a related question: Capturing stdout when calling Runtime.exec
Which points to http://www.javaworld.com/article/2071275/core-java/when-runtime-exec---won-t.html for more information.
I've seen other posts about this but I still couldn't get it to work.
http://snowball.tartarus.org/dist/libstemmer_java.tgz <<- this contains the java implementation of the porter2 algorithm.
What I did was extract the contents on my desktop (for easy access) and opened its .java file using Netbeans IDE. I ran it but it returned an error.
Netbeans doesn't read the other java files. Since all the java files are connected to each other, one error from javaX file produces error on javaY file and so on.
TestApp.java is the one which should be ran. But the following errors occur. See the screenshots.
Here are the screenshots:
I cannot see your images any longer. The ext folder will not compile because of 3 unreachable statements in frenchStemmer.java. They can easily be removed, or just delete the entire file if you are not using french.
case 13:
// (, line 155
// call RV, line 155
if (!r_RV())
return false;
// fail, line 155
// (, line 155
// <-, line 155
return false;
break; <<<- remove this
I compiled and ran in the free Community Edition of Intellij, and also using the command line.
I have an python script which I need to run in my java application. I tried to execute it from jython but I have strange problem:
from sys import getdlopenflags
I get:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: cannot import name getdlopenflags
When I try to check contents of sys:
import sys
the output is:
['JYTHON_DEV_JAR', 'JYTHON_JAR', 'PYTHON_CACHEDIR', 'PYTHON_CACHEDIR_SKIP', 'PYTHON_CONSOLE_ENCODING', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__displayhook__', '__excepthook__', '__findattr_ex__', '__name__', '__new__', '__rawdir__', '__setattr__', '__stderr__', '__stdin__', '__stdout__', '_getframe', '_jy_interpreter', '_systemRestart', 'add_classdir', 'add_extdir', 'add_package', 'argv', 'builtin_module_names', 'builtins', 'byteorder', 'classDictInit', 'classLoader', 'cleanup', 'copyright', 'currentWorkingDir', 'defaultencoding', 'determinePlatform', 'displayhook', 'doInitialize', 'exc_clear', 'exc_info', 'excepthook', 'exec_prefix', 'executable', 'exit', 'filesystemencoding', 'getBaseProperties', 'getBuiltin', 'getBuiltins', 'getClassLoader', 'getCurrentWorkingDir', 'getDefaultBuiltins', 'getPath', 'getPathLazy', 'getPlatform', 'getWarnoptions', 'getdefaultencoding', 'getfilesystemencoding', 'getrecursionlimit', 'hexversion', 'initialize', 'isPackageCacheEnabled', 'last_traceback', 'last_type', 'last_value', 'maxint', 'maxunicode', 'meta_path', 'minint', 'modules', 'packageManager', 'path', 'path_hooks', 'path_importer_cache', 'platform', 'prefix', 'ps1', 'ps2', 'recursionlimit', 'registerCloser', 'registry', 'setBuiltins', 'setClassLoader', 'setCurrentWorkingDir', 'setPlatform', 'setWarnoptions', 'setprofile', 'setrecursionlimit', 'settrace', 'shadow', 'stderr', 'stdin', 'stdout', 'subversion', 'toString', 'unregisterCloser', 'version', 'version_info', 'warnoptions']
obviously getdlopenflags is missing. Is it possible to use this function in jython (I have the newest - 2.5.2) According to the documentation on the http://jython.org/docs/library/sys.html the sys.getdlopenflags is present.
Thanks for help
It says "Availability: Unix" in the documentation. The Jython docs seem to have copied that unchanged from the CPython docs. So this function is only available on a Unix installation. Possibly Jython doesn't have it at all - I don't know Java well enough, but since it's supposedly platform-independent, it can't support system-specific functions.