Using jmx and jconsole for Solr in Windows - java

In solr wiki ( there are informations on how to run Solr with JMX enabled, but it does not work for my windows dev box.
I'm using solr 5.3.1 and even if I start techproduct example (with bin/solr -e techproducts instance of solr does not show up in jconsole.
I'm able to connect to solrmeter and even to elasticsearch node started locally, but not on local solr instance. The only local processes listed by JConsole is SolrMeter and elasticsearch.
Any idea of what is missing?

In the Solr PDF reference guide 6.1 page 547 (CTRL-F jconsole) I found the solution:
In Jconsole use chose remote process and add localhost:18983. The click the "insecure connection".

very easy vi solr-5.1.0/bin/ , add follow content into sh :
restart solr , you can use jconsole connect it in windows . enjoy it !


Jmeter and MemCached Sets and Gets

So apologies if what I ask is trivial but I am experimenting with Memcached and Jmeter. I have a Memcached server setup (as far as I can tell) and am able to make telnet requests to it via telnet IP PORT and additionally set and get using commands set and get appropriately.
Now point me to a different application if perhaps this is the wrong choice; but my understanding was that Jmeter should allow me to pound the server with equivalent Set and Get requests.
Unfortunately the experimental platform is a remote linux PC running Rockylinux which is similar to CentOS / RedHat to my understanding (I didn't set this part up); and as a result I do not have a GUI to launch while on the Linux PC. I have however opened Jmeter up on my local PC on windows and understand I should be able to send the test file over and run it.
I followed these instructions to try to setup a TCP sampler and set the "text to send" field as below; after doing the additional step in the link regarding the precompiler.
set tutorialspoint 0 900 9${CR}${LF}
Running the above as a headless jmeter session doesn't generate any errors called [./jmeter -n -t "Sample.jmx" -l testresults.jtl"] but when I connect via telnet I'm also not seeing the value for the key "tutorialspoint" get updated. When manually doing the get and set I am seeing updates. Any ideas what I could be doing wrong? Checking the log indicates ResponseCode 200 OK as expected. Is there a good method to debug something in a Headless setup?
Thanks for your time.
I believe the easiest way is using Memcached Java Client library
Download spymemcached-2.12.3.jar and drop it to "lib" folder of your JMeter installation (or any other location in JMeter Classpath)
Restart JMeter to pick the .jar up
Add JSR223 Sampler to your test plan and use the following code snippets:
def client = new net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClient(new InetSocketAddress('your-memcached-host', your-memcached-port)) - for connecting to the server
client.set('tutorialspoint', 900, 'memcached').done to write memcached to the tutorialspoint key for 15 minutes
client.get('tutorialspoint') - to read the value of tutorialspoint key
client.shutdown() - to disconnect
More information on Groovy scripting in JMeter: Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It

How to limit AEM access to localhost?

To load some code, I need a clean local AEM Author instance running on my laptop. I start it using CLI like :
bash$ java -jar aem-author-p4502.jar -nointeractive
Default user/password is then admin/admin to access AEM on http://localhost:4502. I'm ok with that but I've tested from another computer and port 4502 is open from full local network.
I'd like to limit access only from localhost, maybe by configuring listener address to only. How ?
Recent AEM versions uses Apache Felix Lightweight HTTP Service as HTTP Server. I found how to bind it to when it is embedded in AEM.
Configuration file is crx-quickstart/launchpad/config/org/apache/felix/http.config. I added last line :
org.apache.felix.https.jetty.protocols.excluded=[ \
"SSLv3", \
Now AEM Author is available only from localhost.
Maybe you can try to add an exception on your firewall to the port 4502 and only enable connections from your local and deny the others.

How to setup AWS Lambda service for a local server

I am trying to setup an application server for AWS Lambda but on a local network so that an application won't have to go out to the internet to execute. I would prefer to use a linux box and my programming environment is Java.
The skill from the echo will execute and then communicate with the local server rather than going out to the internet and communicating with Amazon's application server.
My question is this: How do I setup the application server to handle the skill? I've done the example from Amazon, do I only need to have the linux box run the Java application or is there more to the setup than that? I see there are AMIs (Amazon Machine Images) but can I deploy those locally or are they only for use on the AWS console?
Any insight into this would be great, thank you.
So this is how usual interaction between echo works:
User--->Echo--->Skill--->(Internet)Applicaton server (I'm using Amazon hosted AWS lambda)
I would like to use :
User--->Echo--->Skill--->(LAN)Application server (without ever using the internet).
Currently I have setup echo and a skill but no application server on the LAN. What do I need for the application server? JAWS and something else?
I'm not sure if this question is still relevant or not, but I'm using DEEP Framework to test the code locally and/or deploy it on AWS Lambda. Check this out:
npm install deepify -g
deepify run-lambda --help
run-lambda#1.6.8 - Run Lambda function locally
Usage example: deepify run-lambda path/to/the/lambda -e='{"Name":"John Doe"}'
path: The path to the Lambda (directory of handler itself)
--event|-e: JSON string used as the Lambda payload
--skip-frontend-build|-f: Skip picking up _build path from the microservices Frontend
--db-server|-l: Local DynamoDB server implementation (ex. LocalDynamo, Dynalite)
--version|-v: Prints command version
--help|-h: Prints command help
Also, you might want consider using the server option:
deepify server --help
server#1.6.9 - Run local development server
Usage example: deepify server path/to/web_app -o
path: The path to the Lambda (directory of handler itself)
--build-path|-b: The path to the build (in order to pick up config)
--skip-frontend-build|-f: Skip picking up _build path from the microservices Frontend
--skip-backend-build|-s: Skip building backend (dependencies installation in Lambdas and linking aws-sdk)
--skip-build-hook|-h: Skip running build hook (
--port|-p: Port to listen to
--db-server|-l: Local DynamoDB server implementation (ex. LocalDynamo, Dynalite)
--open-browser|-o: Open browser after the server starts
--version|-v: Prints command version
--help|-h: Prints command help
Disclosure: I am one of the contributors to this framework

GlassFish server unable to start in NetBeans IDE 8.0

I'm using NetBeans IDE 8.0 to create Java Web Applictions . It was working perfectly , but today whenever I try to run my project , it displays the error :-
Could not start GlassFish Server: HTTP or HTTPS listener port is occupied while server is not running See the server log for details.
What can I do to get the server started . I recently installed Oracle XE 10g and this is the first time I opened NetBeans after doing so .
What could be wrong ? Please explain how to resolve this problem with steps.
Immediate help would be appreciated !
Thanks !
Both GlassFish and Oracle XE 10g uses http 8080 port by default, try changing either of those.
First Debug that is problem with Oracle xe or not/
Stop oracle xe : if you are using windows 7 directly from programmer file you can stop it
After that start glass Fish server.. if the gF is started successfully that is problem with Oracle XE Start Menu >> Programs >> Oracle Database 10G Express Edition >> stop oracle xe
Then change port of oracle xe
from cmd give this
CONNECT system
If you need Oracle running then you can change the port that Glassfish uses - see the instructions here.
Even mine case was the same. What I did to get the problem fixed was as::
Find the program(it's PID) which is using port on which GlassFish Server will run(default 1527). To do so use command netstat -ano | find "1527". Now find the details about given process and stop the services related to it. In mine case it was Oracle Database services. Disable them from there if they are not required. Else if you can't disable the services( assuming they are important) you can make GlassFish server to open on a different port by editing it's domain.xm file located inside Glassfish installation folders.
<network-listener port="1527" protocol="http-listener-1" transport="tcp" name="http-listener-1" thread-pool="http-thread-pool"></network-listener>
Change 1527 to other port which is free.
Hope this fixed your problem.
Happy Coding :)

How can I make "jconsole" work with Websphere 6.1?

I've deployed some Managed Beans on WebSphere 6.1 and I've managed to invoke them through a standalone client, but when I try to use the application "jconsole" distributed with the standard JDK can can't make it works.
Has anyone achieved to connect the jconsole with WAS 6.1?
IBM WebSphere 6.1 it's supossed to support JSR 160 JavaTM Management Extensions (JMX) Remote API. Furthermore, it uses the MX4J implementation ( But I can't make it works with neither "jconsole" nor "MC4J".
I have the Classpath and the JAVA_HOME correctly setted, so the issue it's not there.
WebSphere's support for JMX is crap. Particularly, if you need to connect to any secured JMX beans. Here's an interesting tidbit, their own implementation of jConsole will not connect to their own JVM. I have had a PMR open with IBM for over a year to fix this issue, and have gotten nothing but the runaround. They clearly don't want to fix this issue.
The only way I have been able to invoke remote secured JMX beans hosted on WebSphere has been to implement a client using the "WebSphere application client". This is basically a stripped down app server used for stuff like this.
Open a PMR with IBM. Perhaps if more people report this issue, they will actually fix it.
Update: You can run your application as a WebSphere Application Client in RAD. Open the run menu, then choose "Run...". In the dialog that opens, towards the bottom on the left hand side, you will see "WebSphere v6.1 Application Client". I'm not sure how to start and Application Client outside of RAD.
IT WORKS !;jsessionid=FB20DD5973F01DD2D470FB9A1B45D209?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Aall-tabpanel
1) Change the config.xml and start the server.
-see here how to change config.xml:
2) start the jconsole with : jconsole\var\security\keystores\geronimo-default\var\security\keystores\geronimo-default -J-Djava.class.path=%JAVA_HOME%\lib\jconsole.jar;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar;%GERONIMO_HOME%\repository\org\apache\geronimo\framework\geronimo-kernel\2.1.4\geronimo-kernel-2.1.4.jar
[or your version of geronimo-kernel jar]
3) in the jconsole interface->advanced, input:
JMX URL: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/JMXSecureConnector
user name: system
password: manager
4) click the connect button.
If you want the WebSphere MBeans this one works for me:
The key is to configure the classpath and the security properly.
in one line:
jconsole -J-Dwas.install.root=C:/was61 -J-Djava.ext.dirs=C:/was61/plugins;C:/was61/plugins/;C:/was61/lib;C:/was61/java/jre/lib/ext"file:../../properties/ssl.client.props""file:../../properties/sas.client.props" service:jmx:iiop://host:port/jndi/JMXConnector
where port = bootstrap port ex: (2809)
Be careful when setting the sas and the ssl props.
I have successfully connected to ActiveMQ and ServiceMix using the JConsole. Does WAS 6.1 use Java Management Extension (JMX) technology? JMX is required for JConsole.
If your path is set correctly it should work fine. On windows you go to System Properties -> Advanced Tab -> Environment Variables. Have your JAVA_HOME System variable set to the path of your JDK or JRE and your Path variable with %JAVA_HOME%/bin added somewhere in there. Then all you need to do is go to Start->Run->JConsole. Select the correct Process Name and your done.
Where are you having problems at? I hope this helps.
Here is the Java Doc's on JConsole.
Hmm... I know that WebSphere is kind of hard to configure. Thats part of the reason we used ServiceMix for our ESB. Maybe its not enabled by default in WebSphere and you would have to turn it on in the config somewhere.
Websphere 6.1 does not support the JConsole for some reason even though it fully implements the JMS specs. Seems to be a week area at the moment. Your best bet is to look at the Admin client to implement you own console.
You all seem to be incorrect. I am running Websphere 6.1.041 , using JDK 1.5 , and I just started up Jconsole and used the "simple connect" tab to connect to localhost with port=0 and without a username and password and it works fine.

