I normally do my web development in java using wicket or php building my UI using zurb foundation. Recently though I was asked to do some development using GWT. I am coming up to speed but am wondering if there is a way to add in a front-end framework like foundation. I found a bootstrap implementation here and am wondering if creating such a wrapper is the only way to do something like this.
There's a #JsInterop in GWT 2.8.0 - Something that should ease the integration between native JavaScript frameworks and GWT. If you want to import a widget library yourself - this should be the way.
Also you can just access your JS-widget through JSNI (but having lots of js code kills the idea of using GWT if you ask me)
Another way - Use existing GWT frameworks: Sencha GXT, Vaadin and maybe SmartGWT Also check the jQuery~ish library for GWT if you like your selectors https://github.com/ArcBees/gwtquery
As Java developer, I always felt comfortable developing web applications using GWT, but every now and then I am trying to check if there is a better framework that I can use for developing a large scale web application.
I tried out React, and I liked it, but as a Java developer I am not feeling as comfortable developing using JS, and I am scared that when the project will become really big I will have troubles maintaining it, and I will get "spaghetti code".
Basically I wanted to know what are the benefits of React over GWT? and am I right to be scared of big scale projects developed in JS?
Now you could try VueGWT: Github project
The idea is to write your control in Java and your views with vueJS templates. We have started (only a few part for now) to use it for GenMyModel, a very big GWT application.
I'm a java born developper who now works in react-redux and miss the object language. If you try to develop a real good application you will have to add redux to react but its pattern is quite weird and not well documented.
If you feel more comfortable with Java than JS you should use GWT. It's true that ag-grid with infinite loading for example, may not exist in GWT for the moment but you have Google support. If you want the latest amazing widgets (the react virtualized select is another example) for your app and you really need them you will have to document yourself about these (with lacks of documentation) and use react.
I have been trying for the past week or so to wrap my head around how I would go about creating a web application using java. I have looked into many services such as Vaadin, GWT, and CUBA, but because I don't really know which I need I haven't had much luck. Here is what I need:
Web application framework in java (I don't know HTML or Javascript)
Ability to use polymer elements
I would also prefer a minimized use of XML files, but I could work with them if need be.
The Java framework for web development is J2EE. It provides a Web Container to run web application (.war file) as well as other stuff.
Web application can be servlet, JSP etc.
If you are not familiar with Java Web Application, you may want to start with using Eclipse. The following video shows how to use eclipse to build a project for web application
Since one criteria is to use Polymer I recommend having a look at
there are already a few tutorials how to get started and also ready to use templates.
Anyway I believe that you've to dig a little into GWT ...
As stated in the question, I am looking for a Java-based (hopefully that does not require a full application server) event-based web applications development framework.
I have tried Vaadin, it was driving me insane. ZK Framework seems interesting, but it is pretty complex and there are no good examples of complex MVVC applications I know of, even though MVVC is the "way to go" in this framework.
Preferably, the framework I am looking for would be as much as possible similar to Android API, in the sense that the API is really well designed and that one can build very complex applications with it (i.e. CRUD interface within a CRUD, within a CRUD, with everything working as expected).
Another thing which we need is that the framework can be used not just for building business application, but also that web frontend can be built on top of it (even if special controls/widgets are needed).
Any ideas?
You can try GWT. Google Web toolkit is powerful tool for creating rich web application using Java as development language and eclipse as IDE. GWT provide cross browser ability and boilerplate code, so it is easy to bring rich AJAX based widgets. GWT is nice when you really need rich behavior capabilities on your client (GMail-like application).
It works very well with CRUD operation.
If you want to avoid "server-side only" frameworks you may have also a look at Apache Wicket as an alternative to JSF
I am new to Java web. Can anyone recommend some useful and efficient web framework to create UI and develop the code using Java? I am a core Java developer.
Thank you for your guidance guys i am planning to go with GWT ..and once again Thankyou...
Java Web Frameworks might not help you in designing UI, in real sense. You might need to look at JavaScript frameworks for that, i.e. YUI, jQuery, Scriptaculous, extJS etc..
However, Wicket and Stripes, are good among Java Web Frameworks for rapid development. Found a related thread about mostly used Java Web Frameworks.
You may use GWT ( http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/ ). This will allow you to create most of your UI using Java only.
Vaadin (www.vaadin.com) may be one to try.
You can use Adobe Flex (licensed) and integrate it with Java. It provides rich UI toolkit.
I would also recommend GWT. Not only for client side possibilities, but also for integration in IDE - Eclipse plugin, Netbeans plugin (GWT4NB), client-server capabilities with RPC helps to use a lot of already done work (java libraries) on server side.
Integration with Tomcat or another servlet container is of course also the main funcionality.
Why should there be problems with deploying GWT in Tomcat?
I was reading asp.net webpart technology which gives users some personalization abilities under some rules and tools of webparts.
are there something like webpart technology lib under java ?
There's always the ill-fated Portlet.
I don't know of any JSF or JSP implementations of this, and I don't think they even exist.
It is, however, possible to create such a thing with GWT from Google and GWT-Dnd .
These let you create javascript webapplications, but you write them in Java.
Here's an example created with GWT-DND: http://www.wibokr.com
You can use the following stuff:
JSF (or any other implementation - Icefaces, Richfaces, MyFaces, etc)
Google Web Toolkit
Spring MVC
Template-based solution (Freemarker or Velocity)
Haven't seen any frameworks which would directly support such functionality beyond the very basics, but there's a lot of frameworks which enable you to develop such a system if you want to. From other answers only the GWT and Portlet ones are actually valid so far.
If you want to find something compatible, you should start searching for web frameworks which support either of the Portlet API specifications (1.0 is JSR-168, 2.0 is JSR-286). Otherwise you just may as well roll out your own based on the web framework you find most comfortable to work with, whether that's GWT, Seam, Wicket, Tapestry, Vaadin...