Have a java property like below
query={name} in {address:-}
Currently using StrSubstitutor to replace the values
valuesMap.put("name", "Har");
valuesMap.put("address", "Park Street");
String queryString= properties.get("query");
StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor(valuesMap);
String resolvedString = sub.replace(queryString);
resolvedString = Har in Park Street
What I need is that if the "address" isn't available, the resolved string should be as :
resolvedString = Har instead of resolvedString = Har in
Is it possible to achieve this using StrSubstitutor or by anyother means like using template engine?
Do not want any Java code dependency as the query pattern can change.
This could be a way not to loose generality:
query1={name} in {address}
String queryString;
if (valueMap.get("address") == "") {
queryString= properties.get("query2");
} else {
queryString= properties.get("query1");
StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor(valuesMap);
String resolvedString = sub.replace(queryString);
in this way even if in the future queries have to change, you'll be able to manage the difference between the two cases.
EDIT: if in the future you want to add new properties such in your comment:
{name} as {alias} in {address}
I think a way to proceed could be to put even "as" and "in" into the query:
query = {name} {as} {alias} {in} {address}
and the populate the database or the valueMap (don't know where the data come from in your application)) in the right way (so {as}="" when no "alias" and {in}="" when no address). Would that be feasible for you?
I'm currently training a model for a classifier. yesterday I found out that it will be more accurate if you also test the created classify model. I tried searching on the internet how to test a model : testing openNLP model. But I cant get it to work. I think the reason is because i'm using OpenNLP version 1.83 instead of 1.5. Could anyone explain me how to properly test my model in this version of OpenNLP?
Thanks in advance.
Below is the way im training my model:
public static DoccatModel trainClassifier() throws IOException
// read the training data
final int iterations = 100;
InputStreamFactory dataIn = new MarkableFileInputStreamFactory(new File("src/main/resources/trainingSets/trainingssetTest.txt"));
ObjectStream<String> lineStream = new PlainTextByLineStream(dataIn, "UTF-8");
ObjectStream<DocumentSample> sampleStream = new DocumentSampleStream(lineStream);
// define the training parameters
TrainingParameters params = new TrainingParameters();
params.put(TrainingParameters.ITERATIONS_PARAM, iterations+"");
params.put(TrainingParameters.CUTOFF_PARAM, 0+"");
params.put(AbstractTrainer.ALGORITHM_PARAM, NaiveBayesTrainer.NAIVE_BAYES_VALUE);
// create a model from traning data
DoccatModel model = DocumentCategorizerME.train("NL", sampleStream, params, new DoccatFactory());
return model;
I can think of two ways to test your model. Either way, you will need to have annotated documents (an by annotated I really mean expert-classified).
The first way involves using the opennlp DocCatEvaluator. The syntax would be something akin to
opennlp DoccatEvaluator -model model -data sampleData
The format of your sampleData should be
OUTCOME <document text....>
documents are separated by the new line character.
The second way involves creating an DocumentCategorizer. Something like:
(the model is the DocCat model from your question)
DocumentCategorizer categorizer = new DocumentCategorizerME(model);
// could also use: Tokenizer tokenizer = new TokenizerME(tokenizerModel)
Tokenizer tokenizer = WhitespaceTokenizer.INSTANCE();
// linesample is like in your question...
for(String sample=linesample.read(); sample != null; sample=linesample.read()){
String[] tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(sample);
double[] outcomeProb = categorizer.categorize(tokens);
String sampleOutcome = categorizer.getBestCategory(outcomeProb);
// check if the outcome is right...
// keep track of # right and wrong...
// calculate agreement metric of your choice
Since I typed the code here there may be a syntax error or two (either I or the SO community can fix), but the idea for running through your data, tokenizing, running it through the document categorizer and keeping track of the results is how you want to evaluate your model.
Hope it helps...
I'm facing a little problem, I think some workaround can be find but I'm searching for the proper way to do it.
I use Selenium with Grid, and then I configure all my nodes with JSON files. Some browsers (Chrome, IE) needs specific drivers.
These drivers are defined by a key of that form: webdriver.browser.driver with browser = chrome or ie. So, we've got for example:
{"browserName": "chrome",
"maxInstances": 5,
"platform": "WINDOWS",
"webdriver.chrome.driver": "C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe" }
{"browserName": "internet explorer",
"maxInstances": 1,
"platform": "WINDOWS",
"webdriver.ie.driver": "C:/Program Files (x86)/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe" }
I want to get the value and put it in: private String driverPath of my POJO.
Is there a way to get the value of the key dynamically? Like a regex?
Conceptually speaking, in both of your objects, the attributes "webdriver.chrome.driver" and "webdriver.ie.driver" represents the same entity: the driver, so the attribute should just be called driver.
Usually a POJO <-> JSON conversion is intended to be one to one, so one Java field per JSON field.
If you cannot change the JSON or you feel that you need them to be like they are right now, at least in Jackson and GSON, you can register a Custom Deserializer and manually make the parsing for that value.
You can see examples here: http://www.baeldung.com/jackson-deserialization
Parse it as a List, for example using jackson:
List<Map> list = (List<Map>) new ObjectMapper().readValue(json, List.class);
Here's some working code:
String json = "[{\"browserName\": \"chrome\", \"maxInstances\": 5,\n \"platform\": \"WINDOWS\",\n" +
" \"webdriver.chrome.driver\": \"C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe\" }," +
"{\"browserName\": \"internet explorer\", \"maxInstances\": 1," +
" \"platform\": \"WINDOWS\", \"webdriver.ie.driver\": \"C:/Program Files (x86)/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe\" }]";
List<Map> list = (List<Map>) new ObjectMapper().readValue(json, List.class);
String browser = "chrome";
String driver = list.stream()
.<String>map(m -> (String) m.get("webdriver." + browser + ".driver"))
.filter(s -> s != null)
.orElse(null); // C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe
driver will be null if not found
I am trying to use querydsl for building dynamic queries for dynamic schemas. I am trying to get just the query instead of having to actually execute it.
So far I have faced two issues:
- The schema.table notation is absent. Instead I only get the table name.
- I have been able to get the query but it separates out the variables and puts '?' instead which is understandable. But I am wondering if there is some way to get fully materialized query including the parameters.
Here is my current attempt and result(I am using MySQLTemplates to create the configuration):
private SQLTemplates templates = new MySQLTemplates();
private Configuration configuration = new Configuration(templates);
String table = "sometable"
Path<Object> userPath = new PathImpl<Object>(Object.class, table);
StringPath usernamePath = Expressions.stringPath(userPath, "username");
NumberPath<Long> idPath = Expressions.numberPath(Long.class, userPath, "id");
SQLQuery sqlQuery = new SQLQuery(connection, configuration)
String query = sqlQuery.getSQL(usernamePath).getSQL();
return query;
And what I get is:
select sometable.username
from sometable
where sometable.id = ?
limit ?
What I wanted to get was:
select sometable.username
from someschema.sometable
where sometable.id = ?
limit ?
Update: I came up with this sort of hack to get parameters materialized(Not ideal and would love better solution) But still could not get Schema.Table notation to work:
Hack follows. Please suggest cleaner QueryDsl way of doing it:
String query = cleanQuery(sqlQuery.getSQL(usernamePath));
private String cleanQuery(SQLBindings bindings){
String query = bindings.getSQL();
for (Object binding : bindings.getBindings()) {
query = query.replaceFirst("\\?", binding.toString());
return query;
To enable schema printing use the following pattern
SQLTemplates templates = MySQLTemplates.builder()
SQLTemplates subclasses were used before, but since some time the builder pattern is the official way to customize the templates http://www.querydsl.com/static/querydsl/3.3.1/reference/html/ch02s03.html#d0e904
And to enable direct serialization of literals use
//configuration level
//query level
Here is a full example
// configuration
SQLTemplates templates = MySQLTemplates.builder()
Configuration configuration = new Configuration(templates);
// querying
SQLQuery sqlQuery = new SQLQuery(connection, configuration)
String query = sqlQuery.getSQL(usernamePath).getSQL();
If you always just want the SQL query string out, move setUseLiterals from query to configuration.
Concerning the usage of Querydsl expressions the usage of code generation like documented here is advised http://www.querydsl.com/static/querydsl/3.3.1/reference/html/ch02s03.html
It will make your code typesafe, compact and readable.
If you want to try Querydsl without code generation you can replace
Path<Object> userPath = new PathImpl<Object>(Object.class, variable);
Path<Object> userPath = new RelationalPathBase<Object>(Object.class, variable, schema, table);
When working with QueryDSL, you must provide a template for the database platform to build the query for. I see you are already are doing this here:
private SQLTemplates templates = new MySQLTemplates();
private Configuration configuration = new Configuration(templates);
To make the schema name appear in the generated query, the only way I have found to do this is (there may be an easier way) is to extend the template class and explicitly call this.setPrintSchema(true); inside the constructor. Here is a class that should work for MySql:
import com.mysema.query.sql.MySQLTemplates;
public class NewMySqlTemplates extends MySQLTemplates {
public NewMySqlTemplates() {
super('\\', false);
public NewMySqlTemplates(boolean quote) {
super('\\', quote);
public NewMySqlTemplates(char escape, boolean quote) {
super(escape, quote);
Then simply use this NewMySqlTemplates class in place of the MySQLTemplates class like this:
private SQLTemplates templates = new NewMySQLTemplates();
private Configuration configuration = new Configuration(templates);
I have this working using PostgresTemplates, so I may have a typo or mistake in the NewMySqlTemplates class above, but you should be able to get it to work. Good luck!
Is there any way to have message.properties records as follows
message.myMessage=This message is for ${name} in ${location}
as opposed to
message.myMessage = This message is for {0} in {1}
When I am creating the messages, I don't neccessarily know the order / how many parameters are needed, but I am able just pass in several properties by name, and just the correct ones would be used.
After facing the very same question and poking in source code I found a "loop-hole" that makes it possible in a very easy way:
message.myMessage = This message is for {0,,name} in {1,,location}
This approach doesn't eliminate usage of numbers. The reason to use it is to give hints to translation folks.
I am afraid not, parameters are an Object array so there is no way to define names for them. If you always passes in the array of parameter in the same order though you could use them like this:
message.myMessage = This message is for {0} in {1}
message.myNameMessage = This message is for {0}
message.myLocationMessage = This message is for people in {1}
message.myAlternateMessage = The message params are location: {1}; name: {0}
Take a look at ICU4J
It allows for something like this:
message.myMessage=This message is for {name} in {location}.
And it is way more powerful than the simple replacements suggested, because can do locale aware formatting of the parameters (ie: "Subscription expires on: {expirationDate, date, long})
Unfortunately the MessageFormat API does not support named parameters, only argument-index:
Patterns and Their Interpretation
MessageFormat uses patterns of the following form:
MessageFormatPattern FormatElement String
{ ArgumentIndex }
{ ArgumentIndex , FormatType }
{ ArgumentIndex , FormatType , FormatStyle }
Everything is possible for those who try... I never heard about something like that for Java, but you can write it by yourself.
Please take a look at this example:
public String format(String message, String... arguments) {
for (String argument : arguments) {
String[] keyValue = argument.split("=");
if (keyValue.length != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incorrect argument: " + argument);
String placeholder = "${" + keyValue[0] + "}";
if (!message.contains(placeholder))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(keyValue[0] + " does not exists.");
while (message.contains(placeholder))
message = message.replace(placeholder, keyValue[1]);
return message;
It is not ideal, as you actually would call it with hardcoded string (which is generally bad idea) and you would be forced to use Strings only, but it can be done. The only question is if it is practical.
It is possible using apache commons lang library.
Properties messages = ...
Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<>();
m.put("name", "Mithu");
m.put("location", "Dhaka");
StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor(m);
String msg = sub.replace(messages.getProperty("message.myMessage"));
// msg = This message is for Mithu in Dhaka
I'm trying to parse RSS/Atom feeds with the ROME library. I am new to Java, so I am not in tune with many of its intricacies.
Does ROME automatically use its modules to handle different feeds as it comes across them, or do I have to ask it to use them? If so, any direction on this.
How do I get to the correct 'source'? I was trying to use item.getSource(), but it is giving me fits. I guess I am using the wrong interface. Some direction would be much appreciated.
Here is the meat of what I have for collection my data.
I noted two areas where I am having problems, both revolving around getting Source Information of the feed. And by source, I want CNN, or FoxNews, or whomever, not the Author.
Judging from my reading, .getSource() is the correct method.
List<String> feedList = theFeeds.getFeeds();
List<FeedData> feedOutput = new ArrayList<FeedData>();
for (String sites : feedList ) {
URL feedUrl = new URL(sites);
SyndFeedInput input = new SyndFeedInput();
SyndFeed feed = input.build(new XmlReader(feedUrl));
List<SyndEntry> entries = feed.getEntries();
for (SyndEntry item : entries){
String title = item.getTitle();
String link = item.getUri();
Date date = item.getPublishedDate();
Problem here --> ** SyndEntry source = item.getSource();
String description;
if (item.getDescription()== null){
description = "";
} else {
description = item.getDescription().getValue();
String cleanDescription = description.replaceAll("\\<.*?>","").replaceAll("\\s+", " ");
FeedData feedData = new FeedData();
And Here --> ** feedData.setSource(link);
String preview =createPreview(cleanDescription);
// lets print out my pieces.
System.out.println("Title: " + title);
System.out.println("Date: " + date);
System.out.println("Text: " + cleanDescription);
System.out.println("Preview: " + preview);
getSource() is definitely wrong - it returns back SyndFeed to which entry in question belongs. Perhaps what you want is getContributors()?
As far as modules go, they should be selected automatically. You can even write your own and plug it in as described here
What about trying regex the source from the URL without using the API?
That was my first thought, anyway I checked against the RSS standardized format itself to get an idea if this option is actually available at this level, and then try to trace its implementation upwards...
In RSS 2.0, I have found the source element, however it appears that it doesn't exist in previous versions of the spec- not good news for us!
[ is an optional sub-element of 1
Its value is the name of the RSS channel that the item came from, derived from its . It has one required attribute, url, which links to the XMLization of the source.