I am pretty new in this world, and I must say sometimes things that looks easy are pretty harsh.
I am stuck with a task that entails dealing with an array and for-loops.
I should iterate over the array and for every iteration step print a different random string. My current code is not working correctly, the only thing I'm getting a random item and the same index printed multiple times.
My output right now:
How can I fix that and get a correct randomized output?
My code:
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i;
String Cofee[] = {"pick it","drink it","relax","put it in a cup",};
java.util.Random randomGenerator = new java.util.Random();
int x = Cofee.length;
int y = randomGenerator.nextInt(x);
String frase = Cofee[y] ;
for(i = 0; i < Cofee.length; i++)
You assign a value to y once, and you print y repeatedly. The value of y doesn't change. To do that, you would need to call randomGenerator.nextInt(x) for each iteration of the loop!
However, if you want to randomize and print the array, use:
public static void main(String[] args)
String[] coffee = {"pick it","drink it","relax","put it in a cup",};
// this wraps the array,
// so modifications to the list are also applied to the array
List<String> coffeeList = Arrays.asList(coffee);
for(String value : coffee)
As an aside, don't use String coffee[], but use String[] coffee. Although Java allows putting the array type after the variable name, it is considered bad form.
Or use a list directly:
public static void main(String[] args)
List<String> coffeeList = Arrays.asList("pick it","drink it","relax","put it in a cup");
for(String value : coffeeList)
For that, you can implement a shuffling algorithm.
It's not so scaring as it might sound at first. One of the famous classic shuffling algorithms, Fisher–Yates shuffle is relatively easy to grasp.
The core idea: iterate over the given array from 0 to the very last index, and for each index swap the element that corresponds to the randomly generated index between 0 and the current index (i) with the element under the current index.
Also, I would advise creating a separate array representing indices and shuffle it in order to preserve the array of string its initial state (you can omit this part and change the code accordingly if you don't need this).
That's how it might be implemented:
public static final Random RANDOM = new Random(); // we need an instance for random to generate indices
A Fisher–Yates shuffle implementation:
public static void shuffle(int[] arr) {
for (int i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
int j = RANDOM.nextInt(i + 1); // generating index in range [0, i]
swap(arr, i, j); // swapping elements `i` and `j`
Helper-method for swapping elements:
public static void swap(int[] arr, int i, int j) {
int temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[j];
arr[j] = temp;
String[] coffee = {"pick it","drink it","relax","put it in a cup"};
int[] indices = new int[coffee.length];
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) indices[i] = i; // or Arrays.setAll(indices, i -> i); if you're compfortable with lambda expressions
for (int i = 0; i < coffee.length; i++) {
String next = coffee[indices[i]];
drink it
pick it
put it in a cup
Essentially I'm writing a program that produces random poems out of an array of nouns and an array of adjectives.
This is accomplished basically using this line
String poem = adjectives[rand.nextInt(3)]+" "+ nouns[rand.nextInt(3)];
Simple enough, but I'm supposed to make sure that it doesn't reuse the same noun or adjective for the next poems until all of them have been used at least once already. I'm not sure how to do that.
Convert the arrays to list, so you can use Collections.shuffle to shuffle them. Once shuffled, you can then simply iterate over them. The values will be random order, and all words will be used exactly once. When you reach the end of an array of words, sort it again, and start from the beginning.
If a poem consists of 1 adjective + 1 noun as in your example, then the program could go something like this:
List<String> adjectives = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(adjectivesArr));
List<String> nouns = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(nounsArr));
int aindex = 0;
int nindex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
String poem = adjectives.get(aindex++) + " " + nouns.get(nindex++);
if (aindex == adjectives.size()) {
aindex = 0;
if (nindex == nouns.size()) {
nindex = 0;
The program will work with other number of adjectives and nouns per poem too.
If you must use an array, you can implement your own shuffle method, for example using the Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm:
private void shuffle(String[] strings) {
Random random = new Random();
for (int i = strings.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
int index = random.nextInt(i + 1);
String temp = strings[i];
strings[i] = strings[index];
strings[index] = temp;
And then rewrite with arrays in terms of this helper shuffle function:
int aindex = 0;
int nindex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
String poem = adjectives[aindex++] + " " + nouns[nindex++];
if (aindex == adjectives.length) {
aindex = 0;
if (nindex == nouns.length) {
nindex = 0;
What you can do is make two more arrays, filled with boolean values, that correspond to the adjective and noun arrays. You can do something like this
boolean adjectiveUsed = new boolean[adjective.length];
boolean nounUsed = new boolean[noun.length];
int adjIndex, nounIndex;
By default all of the elements are initialized to false. You can then do this
adjIndex = rand.nextInt(3);
nounIndex = rand.nextInt(3);
while (adjectiveUsed[adjIndex])
adjIndex = rand.nextInt(3);
while (nounUsed[nounIndex]);
nounIndex = rand.nextInt(3);
Note, once all of the elements have been used, you must reset the boolean arrays to be filled with false again otherwise the while loops will run forever.
There are lots of good options for this. One is to just have a list of the words in random order that get used one by one and are then refreshed when empty.
private List<String> shuffledNouns = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
private String getNoun() {
assert nouns.length > 0;
if (shuffledNouns.isEmpty()) {
shuffledNouns = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(nouns));
return shuffledNouns.remove(0);
Best way to do this is to create a shuffled queue from each array, and then just start popping off the front of the queues to build your poems. Once the queues are empty you just generate new shuffled queues and start over. Here's a good shuffling algorithm:–Yates_shuffle
How about keeping two lists for the adjectives and nouns? You can use Collections.shuffle() to order them randomly.
import java.util.*;
class PoemGen {
static List<String> nouns = Arrays.asList("ball", "foobar", "dog");
static List<String> adjectives = Arrays.asList("slippery", "undulating", "crunchy");
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
System.out.println(String.format("\nPoem %d", i));
private static void generatePoem() {
int nounIndex = nouns.size() - 1;
int adjectiveIndex = adjectives.size() - 1;
while (nounIndex >= 0 && adjectiveIndex >= 0) {
final String poem = adjectives.get(adjectiveIndex--)+" "+ nouns.get(nounIndex--);
Poem 0
crunchy dog
slippery ball
undulating foobar
Poem 1
undulating dog
crunchy ball
slippery foobar
Poem 2
slippery ball
crunchy dog
undulating foobar
Assuming you have the same number of noums and adjectives shuffle both arrays and then merge result. you can shuffle the arrays multiple times if you need (once you get to the end)
for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
String poem = adjectives[i] + " " + nouns[i];
A simple method to shuffle the arrays:
static void shuffleArray( String[] data) {
for (int i = data.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
int index = rnd.nextInt(i + 1);
int aux = data[index];
data[index] = data[i];
data[i] = aux;
This might be overkill for this specific problem but it's an interesting alternative in my opinion:
You can use a linear congruential generator (LCG) to generate the random numbers instead of using rand.nextInt(3). An LCG gives you a pseudo-random sequence of numbers using this simple formula
nextNumber = (a * x + b) % m
Now comes the interesting part (which makes this work for your problem):
The Hull-Dobell-Theorem states that if your parameters a, b and m fit the following set of rules, the generator will generate every number between 0 and m-1 exactly once before repeating.
The conditions are:
m and the offset c are relatively prime
a - 1 is divisible by all prime factors of m
a - 1 is divisible by 4 if m is divisible by 4
This way you could generate your poems with exactly the same line of code as you currently have but instead just generate the array index with the LCG instead of rand.nextInt. This also means that this solution will give you the best performance, since there is no sorting, shuffling or searching involved.
Thanks for the responses everyone! This helped immeasurably. I am now officially traumatized by the sheer number of ways there are to solve even a simple problem.
I'm trying to get random numbers between 0 and 100. But I want them to be unique, not repeated in a sequence. For example if I got 5 numbers, they should be 82,12,53,64,32 and not 82,12,53,12,32
I used this, but it generates same numbers in a sequence.
Random rand = new Random();
selected = rand.nextInt(100);
Add each number in the range sequentially in a list structure.
Shuffle it.
Take the first 'n'.
Here is a simple implementation. This will print 3 unique random numbers from the range 1-10.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
public class UniqueRandomNumbers {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i=1; i<11; i++) list.add(i);
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) System.out.println(list.get(i));
The first part of the fix with the original approach, as Mark Byers pointed out in an answer now deleted, is to use only a single Random instance.
That is what is causing the numbers to be identical. A Random instance is seeded by the current time in milliseconds. For a particular seed value, the 'random' instance will return the exact same sequence of pseudo random numbers.
With Java 8+ you can use the ints method of Random to get an IntStream of random values then distinct and limit to reduce the stream to a number of unique random values.
ThreadLocalRandom.current().ints(0, 100).distinct().limit(5).forEach(System.out::println);
Random also has methods which create LongStreams and DoubleStreams if you need those instead.
If you want all (or a large amount) of the numbers in a range in a random order it might be more efficient to add all of the numbers to a list, shuffle it, and take the first n because the above example is currently implemented by generating random numbers in the range requested and passing them through a set (similarly to Rob Kielty's answer), which may require generating many more than the amount passed to limit because the probability of a generating a new unique number decreases with each one found. Here's an example of the other way:
List<Integer> range = IntStream.range(0, 100).boxed()
range.subList(0, 99).forEach(System.out::println);
Create an array of 100 numbers, then randomize their order.
Devise a pseudo-random number generator that has a range of 100.
Create a boolean array of 100 elements, then set an element true when you pick that number. When you pick the next number check against the array and try again if the array element is set. (You can make an easy-to-clear boolean array with an array of long where you shift and mask to access individual bits.)
Use Collections.shuffle() on all 100 numbers and select the first five, as shown here and below.
59 9 68 24 82
private static final Random rnd = new Random();
private static final int N = 100;
private static final int K = 5;
private static final List<Integer> S = new ArrayList<>(N);
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
S.add(i + 1);
Collections.shuffle(S, rnd);
for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) {
System.out.print(S.get(i) + " ");
I feel like this method is worth mentioning.
private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();
* Pick n numbers between 0 (inclusive) and k (inclusive)
* While there are very deterministic ways to do this,
* for large k and small n, this could be easier than creating
* an large array and sorting, i.e. k = 10,000
public Set<Integer> pickRandom(int n, int k) {
final Set<Integer> picked = new HashSet<>();
while (picked.size() < n) {
picked.add(RANDOM.nextInt(k + 1));
return picked;
I re-factored Anand's answer to make use not only of the unique properties of a Set but also use the boolean false returned by the set.add() when an add to the set fails.
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
public class randomUniqueNumberGenerator {
public static final int SET_SIZE_REQUIRED = 10;
public static final int NUMBER_RANGE = 100;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random random = new Random();
Set set = new HashSet<Integer>(SET_SIZE_REQUIRED);
while(set.size()< SET_SIZE_REQUIRED) {
while (set.add(random.nextInt(NUMBER_RANGE)) != true)
assert set.size() == SET_SIZE_REQUIRED;
I have made this like that.
Random random = new Random();
ArrayList<Integer> arrayList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
while (arrayList.size() < 6) { // how many numbers u need - it will 6
int a = random.nextInt(49)+1; // this will give numbers between 1 and 50.
if (!arrayList.contains(a)) {
This will work to generate unique random numbers................
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Random;
public class RandomExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random rand = new Random();
int e;
int i;
int g = 10;
HashSet<Integer> randomNumbers = new HashSet<Integer>();
for (i = 0; i < g; i++) {
e = rand.nextInt(20);
if (randomNumbers.size() <= 10) {
if (randomNumbers.size() == 10) {
g = 10;
System.out.println("Ten Unique random numbers from 1 to 20 are : " + randomNumbers);
One clever way to do this is to use exponents of a primitive element in modulus.
For example, 2 is a primitive root mod 101, meaning that the powers of 2 mod 101 give you a non-repeating sequence that sees every number from 1 to 100 inclusive:
2^0 mod 101 = 1
2^1 mod 101 = 2
2^2 mod 101 = 4
2^50 mod 101 = 100
2^51 mod 101 = 99
2^52 mod 101 = 97
2^100 mod 101 = 1
In Java code, you would write:
void randInts() {
int num=1;
for (int ii=0; ii<101; ii++) {
num= (num*2) % 101;
Finding a primitive root for a specific modulus can be tricky, but Maple's "primroot" function will do this for you.
I have come here from another question, which has been duplicate of this question (Generating unique random number in java)
Store 1 to 100 numbers in an Array.
Generate random number between 1 to 100 as position and return array[position-1] to get the value
Once you use a number in array, mark the value as -1 ( No need to maintain another array to check if this number is already used)
If value in array is -1, get the random number again to fetch new location in array.
I have easy solution for this problem,
With this we can easily generate n number of unique random numbers,
Its just logic anyone can use it in any language.
for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
rn[i]= GenerateRandomNumber();
for (int j=0;j<i;j++)
if (rn[i] == rn[j])
Choose n unique random numbers from 0 to m-1.
int[] uniqueRand(int n, int m){
Random rand = new Random();
int[] r = new int[n];
int[] result = new int[n];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
r[i] = rand.nextInt(m-i);
result[i] = r[i];
for(int j = i-1; j >= 0; j--){
if(result[i] >= r[j])
return result;
Imagine a list containing numbers from 0 to m-1. To choose the first number, we simply use rand.nextInt(m). Then remove the number from the list. Now there remains m-1 numbers, so we call rand.nextInt(m-1). The number we get represents the position in the list. If it is less than the first number, then it is the second number, since the part of list prior to the first number wasn't changed by the removal of the first number. If the position is greater than or equal to the first number, the second number is position+1. Do some further derivation, you can get this algorithm.
This algorithm has O(n^2) complexity. So it is good for generating small amount of unique numbers from a large set. While the shuffle based algorithm need at least O(m) to do the shuffle.
Also shuffle based algorithm need memory to store every possible outcome to do the shuffle, this algorithm doesn’t need.
Though it's an old thread, but adding another option might not harm. (JDK 1.8 lambda functions seem to make it easy);
The problem could be broken down into the following steps;
Get a minimum value for the provided list of integers (for which to generate unique random numbers)
Get a maximum value for the provided list of integers
Use ThreadLocalRandom class (from JDK 1.8) to generate random integer values against the previously found min and max integer values and then filter to ensure that the values are indeed contained by the originally provided list. Finally apply distinct to the intstream to ensure that generated numbers are unique.
Here is the function with some description:
* Provided an unsequenced / sequenced list of integers, the function returns unique random IDs as defined by the parameter
* #param numberToGenerate
* #param idList
* #return List of unique random integer values from the provided list
private List<Integer> getUniqueRandomInts(List<Integer> idList, Integer numberToGenerate) {
List<Integer> generatedUniqueIds = new ArrayList<>();
Integer minId = (v->v).min().orElseThrow(NoSuchElementException::new);
Integer maxId = (v->v).max().orElseThrow(NoSuchElementException::new);
.forEach(generatedUniqueIds:: add);
return generatedUniqueIds;
So that, to get 11 unique random numbers for 'allIntegers' list object, we'll call the function like;
List<Integer> ids = getUniqueRandomInts(allIntegers,11);
The function declares new arrayList 'generatedUniqueIds' and populates with each unique random integer up to the required number before returning.
P.S. ThreadLocalRandom class avoids common seed value in case of concurrent threads.
try this out
public class RandomValueGenerator {
private volatile List<Double> previousGenValues = new ArrayList<Double>();
public void init() {
public String getNextValue() {
Random random = new Random();
double nextValue=0;
while(previousGenValues.contains(Double.valueOf(nextValue))) {
nextValue = random.nextDouble();
return String.valueOf(nextValue);
This isn't significantly different from other answers, but I wanted the array of integers in the end:
Integer[] indices = new Integer[n];
Arrays.setAll(indices, i -> i);
you can use boolean array to fill the true if value taken else set navigate through boolean array to get value as per given below
package study;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
Created By Sachin Rane on Jul 18, 2018
public class UniqueRandomNumber {
static Boolean[] boolArray;
public static void main(String s[]){
List<Integer> integers = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
//get unique random numbers
boolArray = new Boolean[integers.size()+1];
Arrays.fill(boolArray, false);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
System.out.print(getUniqueRandomNumber(integers) + " ");
private static int getUniqueRandomNumber(List<Integer> integers) {
int randNum =(int) (Math.random()*integers.size());
return randNum;
}else {
return randNum;
This is the most simple method to generate unique random values in a range or from an array.
In this example, I will be using a predefined array but you can adapt this method to generate random numbers as well. First, we will create a sample array to retrieve our data from.
Generate a random number and add it to the new array.
Generate another random number and check if it is already stored in the new array.
If not then add it and continue
else reiterate the step.
ArrayList<Integer> sampleList = new ArrayList<>();
Now from the sampleList we will produce five random numbers that are unique.
int n;
randomList = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
Random random = new Random();
n=random.nextInt(8); //Generate a random index between 0-7
i--; //reiterating the step
This is conceptually very simple. If the random value generated already exists then we will reiterate the step. This will continue until all the values generated are unique.
If you found this answer useful then you can vote it up as it is much simple in concept as compared to the other answers.
Check this
public class RandomNumbers {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
int n = 5;
int A[] = uniqueRandomArray(n);
for(int i = 0; i<n; i++){
public static int[] uniqueRandomArray(int n){
int [] A = new int[n];
for(int i = 0; i< A.length; ){
if(i == A.length){
int b = (int)(Math.random() *n) + 1;
if(f(A,b) == false){
A[i++] = b;
return A;
public static boolean f(int[] A, int n){
for(int i=0; i<A.length; i++){
if(A[i] == n){
return true;
return false;
Below is a way I used to generate unique number always. Random function generates number and stores it in textfile then next time it checks it in file compares it and generate new unique number hence in this way there is always a new unique number.
public int GenerateRandomNo()
int _min = 0000;
int _max = 9999;
Random _rdm = new Random();
return _rdm.Next(_min, _max);
public int rand_num()
randnum = GenerateRandomNo();
string createText = randnum.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
string file_path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Windows.Forms.Application.ExecutablePath) + #"\Invoices\numbers.txt";
File.AppendAllText(file_path, createText);
int number = File.ReadLines(file_path).Count(); //count number of lines in file
System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(file_path);
randnum = GenerateRandomNo();
while ((file.ReadLine()) == randnum.ToString());
return randnum;
You can use the Collections class.
A utility class called Collections offers different actions that can be performed on a collection like an ArrayList (e.g., search the elements, find the maximum or minimum element, reverse the order of elements, and so on). One of the actions it can perform is to shuffle the elements. The shuffle will randomly move each element to a different position in the list. It does this by using a Random object. This means it's deterministic randomness, but it will do in most situations.
To shuffle the ArrayList, add the Collections import to the top of the program and then use the Shuffle static method. It takes the ArrayList to be shuffled as a parameter:
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Lottery {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//define ArrayList to hold Integer objects
ArrayList numbers = new ArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
You can generate n unique random number between 0 to n-1 in java
public static void RandomGenerate(int n)
Set<Integer> st=new HashSet<Integer>();
Random r=new Random();
I'm trying to get random numbers between 0 and 100. But I want them to be unique, not repeated in a sequence. For example if I got 5 numbers, they should be 82,12,53,64,32 and not 82,12,53,12,32
I used this, but it generates same numbers in a sequence.
Random rand = new Random();
selected = rand.nextInt(100);
Add each number in the range sequentially in a list structure.
Shuffle it.
Take the first 'n'.
Here is a simple implementation. This will print 3 unique random numbers from the range 1-10.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
public class UniqueRandomNumbers {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i=1; i<11; i++) list.add(i);
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) System.out.println(list.get(i));
The first part of the fix with the original approach, as Mark Byers pointed out in an answer now deleted, is to use only a single Random instance.
That is what is causing the numbers to be identical. A Random instance is seeded by the current time in milliseconds. For a particular seed value, the 'random' instance will return the exact same sequence of pseudo random numbers.
With Java 8+ you can use the ints method of Random to get an IntStream of random values then distinct and limit to reduce the stream to a number of unique random values.
ThreadLocalRandom.current().ints(0, 100).distinct().limit(5).forEach(System.out::println);
Random also has methods which create LongStreams and DoubleStreams if you need those instead.
If you want all (or a large amount) of the numbers in a range in a random order it might be more efficient to add all of the numbers to a list, shuffle it, and take the first n because the above example is currently implemented by generating random numbers in the range requested and passing them through a set (similarly to Rob Kielty's answer), which may require generating many more than the amount passed to limit because the probability of a generating a new unique number decreases with each one found. Here's an example of the other way:
List<Integer> range = IntStream.range(0, 100).boxed()
range.subList(0, 99).forEach(System.out::println);
Create an array of 100 numbers, then randomize their order.
Devise a pseudo-random number generator that has a range of 100.
Create a boolean array of 100 elements, then set an element true when you pick that number. When you pick the next number check against the array and try again if the array element is set. (You can make an easy-to-clear boolean array with an array of long where you shift and mask to access individual bits.)
Use Collections.shuffle() on all 100 numbers and select the first five, as shown here and below.
59 9 68 24 82
private static final Random rnd = new Random();
private static final int N = 100;
private static final int K = 5;
private static final List<Integer> S = new ArrayList<>(N);
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
S.add(i + 1);
Collections.shuffle(S, rnd);
for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) {
System.out.print(S.get(i) + " ");
I feel like this method is worth mentioning.
private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();
* Pick n numbers between 0 (inclusive) and k (inclusive)
* While there are very deterministic ways to do this,
* for large k and small n, this could be easier than creating
* an large array and sorting, i.e. k = 10,000
public Set<Integer> pickRandom(int n, int k) {
final Set<Integer> picked = new HashSet<>();
while (picked.size() < n) {
picked.add(RANDOM.nextInt(k + 1));
return picked;
I re-factored Anand's answer to make use not only of the unique properties of a Set but also use the boolean false returned by the set.add() when an add to the set fails.
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
public class randomUniqueNumberGenerator {
public static final int SET_SIZE_REQUIRED = 10;
public static final int NUMBER_RANGE = 100;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random random = new Random();
Set set = new HashSet<Integer>(SET_SIZE_REQUIRED);
while(set.size()< SET_SIZE_REQUIRED) {
while (set.add(random.nextInt(NUMBER_RANGE)) != true)
assert set.size() == SET_SIZE_REQUIRED;
I have made this like that.
Random random = new Random();
ArrayList<Integer> arrayList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
while (arrayList.size() < 6) { // how many numbers u need - it will 6
int a = random.nextInt(49)+1; // this will give numbers between 1 and 50.
if (!arrayList.contains(a)) {
This will work to generate unique random numbers................
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Random;
public class RandomExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random rand = new Random();
int e;
int i;
int g = 10;
HashSet<Integer> randomNumbers = new HashSet<Integer>();
for (i = 0; i < g; i++) {
e = rand.nextInt(20);
if (randomNumbers.size() <= 10) {
if (randomNumbers.size() == 10) {
g = 10;
System.out.println("Ten Unique random numbers from 1 to 20 are : " + randomNumbers);
One clever way to do this is to use exponents of a primitive element in modulus.
For example, 2 is a primitive root mod 101, meaning that the powers of 2 mod 101 give you a non-repeating sequence that sees every number from 1 to 100 inclusive:
2^0 mod 101 = 1
2^1 mod 101 = 2
2^2 mod 101 = 4
2^50 mod 101 = 100
2^51 mod 101 = 99
2^52 mod 101 = 97
2^100 mod 101 = 1
In Java code, you would write:
void randInts() {
int num=1;
for (int ii=0; ii<101; ii++) {
num= (num*2) % 101;
Finding a primitive root for a specific modulus can be tricky, but Maple's "primroot" function will do this for you.
I have come here from another question, which has been duplicate of this question (Generating unique random number in java)
Store 1 to 100 numbers in an Array.
Generate random number between 1 to 100 as position and return array[position-1] to get the value
Once you use a number in array, mark the value as -1 ( No need to maintain another array to check if this number is already used)
If value in array is -1, get the random number again to fetch new location in array.
I have easy solution for this problem,
With this we can easily generate n number of unique random numbers,
Its just logic anyone can use it in any language.
for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
rn[i]= GenerateRandomNumber();
for (int j=0;j<i;j++)
if (rn[i] == rn[j])
Choose n unique random numbers from 0 to m-1.
int[] uniqueRand(int n, int m){
Random rand = new Random();
int[] r = new int[n];
int[] result = new int[n];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
r[i] = rand.nextInt(m-i);
result[i] = r[i];
for(int j = i-1; j >= 0; j--){
if(result[i] >= r[j])
return result;
Imagine a list containing numbers from 0 to m-1. To choose the first number, we simply use rand.nextInt(m). Then remove the number from the list. Now there remains m-1 numbers, so we call rand.nextInt(m-1). The number we get represents the position in the list. If it is less than the first number, then it is the second number, since the part of list prior to the first number wasn't changed by the removal of the first number. If the position is greater than or equal to the first number, the second number is position+1. Do some further derivation, you can get this algorithm.
This algorithm has O(n^2) complexity. So it is good for generating small amount of unique numbers from a large set. While the shuffle based algorithm need at least O(m) to do the shuffle.
Also shuffle based algorithm need memory to store every possible outcome to do the shuffle, this algorithm doesn’t need.
Though it's an old thread, but adding another option might not harm. (JDK 1.8 lambda functions seem to make it easy);
The problem could be broken down into the following steps;
Get a minimum value for the provided list of integers (for which to generate unique random numbers)
Get a maximum value for the provided list of integers
Use ThreadLocalRandom class (from JDK 1.8) to generate random integer values against the previously found min and max integer values and then filter to ensure that the values are indeed contained by the originally provided list. Finally apply distinct to the intstream to ensure that generated numbers are unique.
Here is the function with some description:
* Provided an unsequenced / sequenced list of integers, the function returns unique random IDs as defined by the parameter
* #param numberToGenerate
* #param idList
* #return List of unique random integer values from the provided list
private List<Integer> getUniqueRandomInts(List<Integer> idList, Integer numberToGenerate) {
List<Integer> generatedUniqueIds = new ArrayList<>();
Integer minId = (v->v).min().orElseThrow(NoSuchElementException::new);
Integer maxId = (v->v).max().orElseThrow(NoSuchElementException::new);
.forEach(generatedUniqueIds:: add);
return generatedUniqueIds;
So that, to get 11 unique random numbers for 'allIntegers' list object, we'll call the function like;
List<Integer> ids = getUniqueRandomInts(allIntegers,11);
The function declares new arrayList 'generatedUniqueIds' and populates with each unique random integer up to the required number before returning.
P.S. ThreadLocalRandom class avoids common seed value in case of concurrent threads.
try this out
public class RandomValueGenerator {
private volatile List<Double> previousGenValues = new ArrayList<Double>();
public void init() {
public String getNextValue() {
Random random = new Random();
double nextValue=0;
while(previousGenValues.contains(Double.valueOf(nextValue))) {
nextValue = random.nextDouble();
return String.valueOf(nextValue);
This isn't significantly different from other answers, but I wanted the array of integers in the end:
Integer[] indices = new Integer[n];
Arrays.setAll(indices, i -> i);
you can use boolean array to fill the true if value taken else set navigate through boolean array to get value as per given below
package study;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
Created By Sachin Rane on Jul 18, 2018
public class UniqueRandomNumber {
static Boolean[] boolArray;
public static void main(String s[]){
List<Integer> integers = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
//get unique random numbers
boolArray = new Boolean[integers.size()+1];
Arrays.fill(boolArray, false);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
System.out.print(getUniqueRandomNumber(integers) + " ");
private static int getUniqueRandomNumber(List<Integer> integers) {
int randNum =(int) (Math.random()*integers.size());
return randNum;
}else {
return randNum;
This is the most simple method to generate unique random values in a range or from an array.
In this example, I will be using a predefined array but you can adapt this method to generate random numbers as well. First, we will create a sample array to retrieve our data from.
Generate a random number and add it to the new array.
Generate another random number and check if it is already stored in the new array.
If not then add it and continue
else reiterate the step.
ArrayList<Integer> sampleList = new ArrayList<>();
Now from the sampleList we will produce five random numbers that are unique.
int n;
randomList = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
Random random = new Random();
n=random.nextInt(8); //Generate a random index between 0-7
i--; //reiterating the step
This is conceptually very simple. If the random value generated already exists then we will reiterate the step. This will continue until all the values generated are unique.
If you found this answer useful then you can vote it up as it is much simple in concept as compared to the other answers.
Check this
public class RandomNumbers {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
int n = 5;
int A[] = uniqueRandomArray(n);
for(int i = 0; i<n; i++){
public static int[] uniqueRandomArray(int n){
int [] A = new int[n];
for(int i = 0; i< A.length; ){
if(i == A.length){
int b = (int)(Math.random() *n) + 1;
if(f(A,b) == false){
A[i++] = b;
return A;
public static boolean f(int[] A, int n){
for(int i=0; i<A.length; i++){
if(A[i] == n){
return true;
return false;
Below is a way I used to generate unique number always. Random function generates number and stores it in textfile then next time it checks it in file compares it and generate new unique number hence in this way there is always a new unique number.
public int GenerateRandomNo()
int _min = 0000;
int _max = 9999;
Random _rdm = new Random();
return _rdm.Next(_min, _max);
public int rand_num()
randnum = GenerateRandomNo();
string createText = randnum.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
string file_path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Windows.Forms.Application.ExecutablePath) + #"\Invoices\numbers.txt";
File.AppendAllText(file_path, createText);
int number = File.ReadLines(file_path).Count(); //count number of lines in file
System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(file_path);
randnum = GenerateRandomNo();
while ((file.ReadLine()) == randnum.ToString());
return randnum;
You can use the Collections class.
A utility class called Collections offers different actions that can be performed on a collection like an ArrayList (e.g., search the elements, find the maximum or minimum element, reverse the order of elements, and so on). One of the actions it can perform is to shuffle the elements. The shuffle will randomly move each element to a different position in the list. It does this by using a Random object. This means it's deterministic randomness, but it will do in most situations.
To shuffle the ArrayList, add the Collections import to the top of the program and then use the Shuffle static method. It takes the ArrayList to be shuffled as a parameter:
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Lottery {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//define ArrayList to hold Integer objects
ArrayList numbers = new ArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
You can generate n unique random number between 0 to n-1 in java
public static void RandomGenerate(int n)
Set<Integer> st=new HashSet<Integer>();
Random r=new Random();
i want a program that can add the generated random numbers(unique not repeating) to 2 arrays alternatively...
this is what i have done so far:
int n = 56,m=0;
int e=0,f=0;
int[] deck1 = new int[n];
int[] deck2 = new int[m];
Random rng = new Random();
List<Integer> generated = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i=1;i<=53;i++)
next = rng.nextInt(53) + 1;
if (!generated.contains(next))
for(int t = 2;t<=i;t++)
but i am not getting the result. please help.
You can fix your immediate problem by forgetting about the inner for loop (iterating over t) and instead compute using i:
if ( i % 2 == 0 ) {
deck1[e] = next;
} else {
The problem is that currently at each iteration of the loop, you add the element to each array many times (up to i times).
Some other suggestions:
Make generated a Set<Integer> (HashSet<Integer>), it is much better suited to this task
A better algorithm would be to construct a List<Integer> containing the numbers 1 through 53 and shuffle (e.g. with Collections.shuffle()). Then you could just add the first half of the list to deck1 and the second half to deck2.