Libgdx: How can I load assets after screen has already rendered? - java

I have implemented the loading screen from this example on my Loading Screen that is a child of Game. This is how my asset init method and Screen class looks like. My init method in assets loads classes that contain my AtlasRegion. I have tested that this method is what makes my screen load a black screen as it loads a lot of resources.
public void init (AssetManager assetManager) {
this.assetManager = assetManager;
// set asset manager error handler
assetManager.load(Constants.TEXTURE_ATLAS_OBJECTS, TextureAtlas.class);
assetManager.load(Constants.TEXTURE_ATLAS_UI, TextureAtlas.class);
TextureAtlas atlas = assetManager.get(Constants.TEXTURE_ATLAS_OBJECTS);
TextureAtlas atlasUi = assetManager.get(Constants.TEXTURE_ATLAS_UI);
//font = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("data/font.fnt"), Gdx.files.internal("data/font.png"), false);
clickSound ="data/sounds/click.wav"));
// create game resource objects
fonts = new AssetFonts(assetManager);
skins = new AssetSkins();
background = new AssetBackgroundImage();
cards = new AssetCards(atlas);
cardimages = new AssetImages(atlas);
cardsjson = new AssetList();
suitimages = new AssetSuitImages(atlas);
This is my Loading Screen class:
public class LoadingScreen extends AbstractGameScreen implements Disposable {
private Stage stage;
private Image logo;
private Image loadingFrame;
private Image loadingBarHidden;
private Image screenBg;
private Image loadingBg;
private float startX, endX;
private float percent;
private Actor loadingBar;
public LoadingScreen(CardGame game) {
public InputProcessor getInputProcessor () {
return (null);
public void show() {
// Tell the manager to load assets for the loading screen
game.manager.load("data/images-ui/loading/loading.pack", TextureAtlas.class);
// Wait until they are finished loading
// Initialize the stage where we will place everything
stage = new Stage();
// Get our textureatlas from the manager
TextureAtlas atlas = game.manager.get("data/images-ui/loading/loading.pack", TextureAtlas.class);
// Grab the regions from the atlas and create some images
logo = new Image(atlas.findRegion("libgdx-logo"));
loadingFrame = new Image(atlas.findRegion("loading-frame"));
loadingBarHidden = new Image(atlas.findRegion("loading-bar-hidden"));
screenBg = new Image(atlas.findRegion("screen-bg"));
loadingBg = new Image(atlas.findRegion("loading-frame-bg"));
// Add the loading bar animation
Animation anim = new Animation(0.05f, atlas.findRegions("loading-bar-anim") );
loadingBar = new LoadingBar(anim);
// Or if you only need a static bar, you can do
// loadingBar = new Image(atlas.findRegion("loading-bar1"));
// Add all the actors to the stage
// Add everything to be loaded, for instance:
public void resize(int width, int height) {
// Set our screen to always be XXX x 480 in size
//width = 480 * width / height;
//height = 480;
stage.getViewport().update(width, height, false);
// Make the background fill the screen
screenBg.setSize(width, height);
// Place the logo in the middle of the screen and 100 px up
logo.setX((width - logo.getWidth()) / 2);
logo.setY((height - logo.getHeight()) / 2 + 100);
// Place the loading frame in the middle of the screen
loadingFrame.setX((stage.getWidth() - loadingFrame.getWidth()) / 2);
loadingFrame.setY((stage.getHeight() - loadingFrame.getHeight()) / 2);
// Place the loading bar at the same spot as the frame, adjusted a few px
loadingBar.setX(loadingFrame.getX() + 15);
loadingBar.setY(loadingFrame.getY() + 5);
// Place the image that will hide the bar on top of the bar, adjusted a few px
loadingBarHidden.setX(loadingBar.getX() + 35);
loadingBarHidden.setY(loadingBar.getY() - 3);
// The start position and how far to move the hidden loading bar
startX = loadingBarHidden.getX();
endX = 440;
// The rest of the hidden bar
loadingBg.setSize(450, 50);
loadingBg.setX(loadingBarHidden.getX() + 30);
loadingBg.setY(loadingBarHidden.getY() + 3);
public void render(float delta) {
// Clear the screen;
if (game.manager.update()) { // Load some, will return true if done loading
if (Gdx.input.isTouched()) { // If the screen is touched after the game is done loading, go to the main menu screen
game.setScreen(new MainMenuScreen(game));
// Interpolate the percentage to make it more smooth
percent = Interpolation.linear.apply(percent, game.manager.getProgress(), 0.1f);
// Update positions (and size) to match the percentage
loadingBarHidden.setX(startX + endX * percent);
loadingBg.setX(loadingBarHidden.getX() + 30);
loadingBg.setWidth(450 - 450 * percent);
// Show the loading screen
public void pause () {}
public void resume () {}
public void hide() {
// Dispose the loading assets as we no longer need them
I need to load the screen then load my assets on this Assets.instance.init(new AssetManager()) since it is what is causing a black screen. The problem is my screen loads after loading the assets hence this makes my loading screen to be of no use. How can I load this method after the screen has rendered?

Remove the finishLoading call from your init method. That should do it. finishLoading forces the assets to finish loading immediately which is not what you want here. Calling update on it repeatedly, which you are already doing is the way to load assets asynchronously.
Here's a general structure for how it could be done. Call all the load methods on the asset manager before it ever gets to the render method. Then call update repeatedly until everything is loaded. Then get references to the assets before continuing.
private boolean loadComplete;
public void show(){
loadComplete = false;
private void init(AssetManager assetManager){
this.assetManager = assetManager;
private void onAssetsLoaded(){
loadComplete = true;
myAtlas = assetManager.get("myAtlas.json", TextureAtlas.class);
//and so on
public void render(float delta){;
//load one asset at a time per frame until loading is complete
if (assetManager == null || !assetManager.update()){
//maybe draw a load screen image that's not a texture that's being managed
//by the assetManager. You could even play an animation. Otherwise,
//you can leave the screen blank.
//will only get here when asset manager is done. The first time, you still
//need to get references to its assets
if (!loadComplete)
//the rest of you render method. Everything below here only happens after assets are loaded and asset references have been aquired

After trying so many recommended solutions, I finally managed to fix this problem thanks to this blog post
I used a callback which displays an android framelayout with an image as the assets load asynchronously.


LibGDX Tiled (TMX) Maps + Scene2D, bugs when rendering both

So I've recently started tinkering with LibGDX (desktop only, at the moment) in Java. I'm mildly experienced with other type of OGL libraries in other languages (namely SFML in C++) and quite experienced with the Java language itself, so I tackled LibGDX pretty confidently; and while the results were mostly positive, there's a bug that I just can't figure out.
What I want to achieve is simple: draw a map (Tiled .tmx), draw a Sprite (soon-to-be "player") inbetween layers 1 and 2, and render a couple of GUI widgets on top of all that, using a scene2D stage. I've managed to achieve this partially.
Here's my Game class, it's pretty messy from so much switching things around just to try, but it's pretty clear what it attempts to do:
public class Game extends ApplicationAdapter
private SpriteBatch batch;
private Texture img;
private Sprite playerSprite;
private TiledMap tiledMap;
private OrthographicCamera camera;
private OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer tiledMapRenderer;
private Stage stage;
public void create () {
batch = new SpriteBatch();
img = new Texture("trchar000.png");
playerSprite = new Sprite(img, 0, 0, 32, 48);
playerSprite.setPosition(32, 192);
Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(new InputHandler());
stage = new TestStage(playerSprite);
// inputs
InputMultiplexer im = new InputMultiplexer(stage, new InputHandler());
// tiles
camera = new OrthographicCamera();
tiledMap = new TmxMapLoader().load("map2.tmx");
tiledMapRenderer = new OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer(tiledMap);
public void render () {, 0, 0, 1);, GL20.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);;
int[] groundLayers = {0};
int[] topLayers = {1};
// render layer1 -> player -> layer 2
// the .tmx map doesn't have any other layers (just those 2)
// removing these 3 lines solves the issue, but doesn't render the player
// I've also tried using my regular SpriteBatch instance; same results
// Also, I tried creating a class that extends OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer and overriding the render() method, so that it would draw the player inbetween layers, but again, same results.
tiledMapRenderer.getBatch().draw(playerSprite, playerSprite.getX(), playerSprite.getY());
// just to try, I'm rendering the stage here (not calling it's draw() method). Removing this for loop solves the issue, but doesn't render the GUI
for(Actor a : stage.getActors())
a.draw(batch, 1);
public void dispose () {
Also, here's my TestStage class:
public class TestStage extends Stage {
private Skin skin;
private BitmapFont newDefaultFont;
public TestStage(Sprite player)
super(new ScreenViewport());
// skin
FreeTypeFontGenerator freeTypeFontGenerator = new FreeTypeFontGenerator(Gdx.files.internal("segoeui.ttf"));
FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontParameter parameter = new FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontParameter();
parameter.size = 14;
newDefaultFont = freeTypeFontGenerator.generateFont(parameter);
skin = new Skin();
skin.add("default-font", newDefaultFont, BitmapFont.class);
FileHandle fileHandle = Gdx.files.internal("uiskin.json");
FileHandle atlasFile = fileHandle.sibling("uiskin.atlas");
if (atlasFile.exists()) {
skin.addRegions(new TextureAtlas(atlasFile));
final TextButton button = new TextButton("This is a Button", skin, "default");
button.setPosition(250, 250);
final Label lbl = new Label("Test", skin);
Now here's the deal; this is what it looks like if a try to render everything (as shown in my Game class' render() method):
Image 1
The player, GUI, and layer 2 are rendered correctly, but the layer 1 is all bugged out, and I can't figure out why.
Now, here's how it looks like if a don't render the player, removing the line
tiledMapRenderer.getBatch().draw(playerSprite, playerSprite.getX(), playerSprite.getY());
Image 2
Everything renders fine.
Also, here's what it looks like if I decide not to render the stage actors, commenting this loop:
for(Actor a : stage.getActors())
a.draw(batch, 1);
Image 3
Again, everything renders fine.
The only other classes in my project are the default DesktopLauncher class, and an InputProcessor which I'm sure has nothing to do with this.
This is my first question here ever; I just can't figure this out.
Thanks in advance.

Libgdx spine2d skeleton animation

This is my code:
game init:
playerAtlas = new TextureAtlas(Gdx.files.internal("spineboy.atlas"));
json = new SkeletonJson(playerAtlas);
playerSkeletonData = json.readSkeletonData(Gdx.files.internal("spineboy.json"));
playerAnimationData = new AnimationStateData(playerSkeletonData);
batch = new SpriteBatch();
skeletonRenderer = new SkeletonRenderer();
skeleton = new Skeleton(playerSkeletonData);
animationState = new AnimationState(playerAnimationData);
animationState.setAnimation(0, "walk", true); // trackIndex, name, loop
skeletonRenderer.draw(batch, skeleton);
batch.end();"rendering", "x" +skeleton.getX());"rendering", "y"+skeleton.getY());
skeleton.setPosition(300, 300);
And for some reason, I can't get my animation to show up.
I got this code from here and copied it:
I cant figure out why the animation isn't rendering!!
Can anyone please help?
Try this Test Class :
public class SimpleTest1 extends ApplicationAdapter {
OrthographicCamera camera;
SpriteBatch batch;
SkeletonRenderer renderer;
SkeletonRendererDebug debugRenderer;
TextureAtlas atlas;
Skeleton skeleton;
AnimationState state;
public void create () {
camera = new OrthographicCamera();
batch = new SpriteBatch();
renderer = new SkeletonRenderer();
renderer.setPremultipliedAlpha(true); // PMA results in correct blending without outlines.
debugRenderer = new SkeletonRendererDebug();
atlas = new TextureAtlas(Gdx.files.internal("spineboy/spineboy.atlas"));
SkeletonJson json = new SkeletonJson(atlas); // This loads skeleton JSON data, which is stateless.
json.setScale(0.6f); // Load the skeleton at 60% the size it was in Spine.
SkeletonData skeletonData = json.readSkeletonData(Gdx.files.internal("spineboy/spineboy.json"));
skeleton = new Skeleton(skeletonData); // Skeleton holds skeleton state (bone positions, slot attachments, etc).
skeleton.setPosition(250, 20);
AnimationStateData stateData = new AnimationStateData(skeletonData); // Defines mixing (crossfading) between animations.
stateData.setMix("run", "jump", 0.2f);
stateData.setMix("jump", "run", 0.2f);
state = new AnimationState(stateData); // Holds the animation state for a skeleton (current animation, time, etc).
state.setTimeScale(0.5f); // Slow all animations down to 50% speed.
// Queue animations on track 0.
state.setAnimation(0, "run", true);
state.addAnimation(0, "jump", false, 2); // Jump after 2 seconds.
state.addAnimation(0, "run", true, 0); // Run after the jump.
public void render () {
state.update(; // Update the animation time.;
state.apply(skeleton); // Poses skeleton using current animations. This sets the bones' local SRT.
skeleton.updateWorldTransform(); // Uses the bones' local SRT to compute their world SRT.
// Configure the camera, SpriteBatch, and SkeletonRendererDebug.
renderer.draw(batch, skeleton); // Draw the skeleton images.
debugRenderer.draw(skeleton); // Draw debug lines.
public void resize (int width, int height) {
camera.setToOrtho(false); // Update camera with new size.
public void dispose () {
I can't add comments, but there is a some additional info for Abhishek Aryan's post.
Now (oct, 22)you should use:
PolygonSpriteBatch batch;
batch = new PolygonSpriteBatch ();
to make his code work.

how to display three images consecutively in a stage using libgdx

I'm creating a splash screen in libgdx so i need to display three images consecutively to my stage
private float time;
private int counter=10;
public void update(float delta) {
if (counter==3)
else if(counter==2)
else if(counter==1)
You've NullPointerException because your splashImg is null when you're setting origin of oneImg Image.
Texture one = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("img/one.png"));
oneImg = new Image(one);
oneImg.setOrigin(splashImg.getWidth() / 2, splashImg.getHeight() / 2); // splashImag is null here
And one more thing show() called once in Screen Lifecycle and counter having 10 value at that time so your Actor oneImg, twoImg and splashImg will not added to stage. In Screen Lifecycle render() called after show() .
if (counter==3){
else if(counter==2){
else if(counter==1){

Libgdx: place 2 actors one on another

I use libgdx's scene2d built-in UI library to make an UI in my game. I'm interesting how can I draw 2 images(or actors) in a table one on another? I'm looking to the similar like LayerDrawable in Android. Is there any exists stuff to make it?
There is a Stack widget in libGDX UI library for these purposes.
UPDATE: if you want to place one widget on top of another widget and these widgets have different size then you should wrap the smaller widget. Something like:
//First add actual content
//Second add wrapped overlay object
Table overlay = new Table();
stack variable is a Stack instance
It's an actual excerpt from my project. You should tune it for your case.
You can use somethings like this :
//create stage
stage = new Stage(new StretchViewport(game.width, game.height));
//create table
Table table = new Table();
table.setSize(game.width,game.height); //fullscreen
//add Image 1
table.add(new Image("image1")));
//add Image 2 (create new col)
table.add(new Image("image2"))).width(xx).height(xx);
//add new row
//add Image 3 - padding to draw over image1/2 && colspan
table.add(new Image("image3"))).width(xx).height(xx).padTop(-50f).colspan(2);
//add table to stage
* Add action
public void render(float delta) {
//don't forget to draw ur stage
stage.act(delta); // or stage.act(
Also you can add action to stage/table or image etc ... :
Actions.delay(0.1f), Runnable() {
public void run() {
//mmmm new screen
game.setScreen(new BoobsScreen(game));
Of course you can draw more than image : button, textbutton, label etc or add scrollPane for Table but before take a look at Skin on libgdx
For exemple a programmatically ninepatch textbutton :
private NinePatch processNinePatchFile(String fname) {
final Texture t = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal(fname));
final int width = t.getWidth() - 2;
final int height = t.getHeight() - 2;
return new NinePatch(new TextureRegion(t, 1, 1, width, height), 3, 3, 3, 3);
//create skin
skin = new Skin();
//create font
//create ninepatch button from android/assets/style/button
NinePatch ninepatch = processNinePatchFile("style/button.9.png");
skin.add("button.9", ninepatch);
//create textbuttonstyle
TextButton.TextButtonStyle textButtonStyle = new TextButton.TextButtonStyle();
textButtonStyle.font = skin.getFont("font_black_38");
textButtonStyle.fontColor = Color.DARK_GRAY;
textButtonStyle.up = skin.getDrawable("button.9");
skin.add("buttonTextStyle", textButtonStyle);
//now you can create textbutton
TextButton btn = new TextButton("Hello","buttonTextStyle", TextButton.TextButtonStyle.class));
//add a clicklistener
btn.addListener(new ClickListener(){
public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) {
//mmmmmm add action for exemple
stage.addAction(Actions.sequence(Actions.fadeOut(0.5f), Runnable() {
public void run() {
//dispose and load screen
game.setScreen(new MoreBoobsScreen(game));
To create bitmapfont take a look at Gdx freetype, it's really easy to use.

LibGDX - Stage.setViewport(new Viewport()) black screen

For organization's sake, I use multiple scenes for my game and rather than having each scene have a constructor that receives a Viewport (my game is scalable), I would like to set each stage's viewport separate of the constructor, then after the viewport is set, add the actors. In the main class, it would happen like this:
public void setStage(Stage s)
if(currentStage != null)
currentStage = s;
To make this go fluidly, each stage has an init method that is called within an overriden setViewport:
public void setViewport(Viewport v)
However, all this gives me is a black screen... I have tried updating the camera and viewport, but no avail (note that the actors are having their render methods called).
Why am I getting this black screen and how do I fix it? If it's not possible I'll just revert to using the constructor.
If I understood correctly you want to do this:
Stage stage1 = new Stage();
stage1.getViewport().update(width, height);
rather than this:
Stage stage1 = new Stage (new StretchViewport(width, height)); // It doesn't have to be StretchViewport
In the first case (what you are trying to do) a ScalingViewport will be costructed automatically for you with dimensions of the and an orthographic camera and acts like a StretchViewport. Why not using the second case directly where you pass the viewport you want. You can always alter your viewport whenever you want by calling stage1.getViewport().update(width, height);
or by calling stage1.setViewport(width, height, false); in older Libgdx versions.
Viewport has changed recently so if you can extend Viewport class to Override the update method maybe you can achieve what you want:
public class ViewportExtendClass extends StretchViewport{
public ViewportExtendClass(float worldWidth, float worldHeight) {
super(worldWidth, worldHeight);
public void update (int screenWidth, int screenHeight, boolean centerCamera) {
super.update(screenWidth, screenHeight, centerCamera);
From your main class you create new stage :
Stage stage1 = new Stage (new ViewportExtendClass (width, height));
and then you call :
stage1.getViewport().update(width, height);
Like this you can alter stage viewport and re initialize your assets.
public void setViewport(Viewport v)
this.getViewport().update(,, false);
Camera c = this.getViewport().getCamera();
c.position.set(c.viewportWidth/2, c.viewportHeight/2, 0);
This works, but you should also be able to update the Viewport like that at the begin of your application, if you continue to use the same one. I set the position like that instead of centering because some of my Stages will be larger than the screen.

