I'm consuming a web service using Spring's RestTemplate and deserializing with Jackson.
In my JSON response from the server, one of the fields can be either an object or a list. meaning it can be either "result": [{}] or "result": {}.
Is there a way to handle this kind of things by annotations on the type I'm deserializing to ? define the member as an array[] or List<> and insert a single object in case of the second example ?
Can I write a new HttpMessageConverter that will handle it ?
Since you are using Jackson I think what you need is JsonDeserializer class (javadoc).
You can implement it like this:
public class ListOrObjectGenericJsonDeserializer<T> extends JsonDeserializer<List<T>> {
private final Class<T> cls;
public ListOrObjectGenericJsonDeserializer() {
final ParameterizedType type = (ParameterizedType) this.getClass().getGenericSuperclass();
this.cls = (Class<T>) type.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
public List<T> deserialize(final JsonParser p, final DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
final ObjectCodec objectCodec = p.getCodec();
final JsonNode listOrObjectNode = objectCodec.readTree(p);
final List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>();
if (listOrObjectNode.isArray()) {
for (JsonNode node : listOrObjectNode) {
result.add(objectCodec.treeToValue(node, cls));
} else {
result.add(objectCodec.treeToValue(listOrObjectNode, cls));
return result;
public class ListOrObjectResultItemJsonDeserializer extends ListOrObjectGenericJsonDeserializer<ResultItem> {}
Next you need to annotate your POJO field. Let's say you have classes like Result and ResultItem:
public class Result {
// here you add your custom deserializer so jackson will be able to use it
#JsonDeserialize(using = ListOrObjectResultItemJsonDeserializer.class)
private List<ResultItem> result;
public void setResult(final List<ResultItem> result) {
this.result = result;
public List<ResultItem> getResult() {
return result;
public class ResultItem {
private String value;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(final String value) {
this.value = value;
Now you can check your deserializer:
// list of values
final String json1 = "{\"result\": [{\"value\": \"test\"}]}";
final Result result1 = new ObjectMapper().readValue(json1, Result.class);
// one value
final String json2 = "{\"result\": {\"value\": \"test\"}}";
final Result result2 = new ObjectMapper().readValue(json2, Result.class);
result1 and result2 contain the same value.
You can achieve what you want with a configuration flag in Jackson's ObjectMapper:
ObjectMapper mapper = Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder.json()
Just set this ObjectMapper instance to your RestTemplate as explained in this answer, and in the class you are deserializing to, always use a collection, i.e. a List:
public class Response {
private List<Result> result;
// getter and setter
I am trying to deserialize a JSON data to a POJO.
The issue is that the list object is coming as a string, and gson gives an IllegalStateExceptioState. How can I parse the string as a list to an ArrayList using gson?
"message":"Array\n(\n [name] => SOMENAME\n [age] => 36\n [gender] => male\n)\n"
public class EventData {
private static Gson gson = new Gson();
public String reportID;
public String historyID;
public String projectID;
public ArrayList<String> ownerEmails = new ArrayList<String>();
public String message;
public String title;
public CrawlerNotifiedEventData(){
this.projectID = "Undefined";
this.reportID = "Undefined";
this.historyID = "Undefined";
this.title = "";
public String toJson(boolean base64Encode) throws java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException{
String json = gson.toJson(this, CrawlerNotifiedEventData.class);
return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(json.getBytes("UTF8"));
return json;
public String toJson() throws java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException{
return this.toJson(false);
public static EventData builder(String json){
return gson.fromJson(json, EventData.class);
EventData eventData = EventData.builder(json);
While deserializing i get the following error
com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was STRING at line 1 column 252 path $.owner_emails
Boxing structured data in a string where it is unnecessary is a very common design issue across different serialization approaches. Fortunately, Gson can deal with fields like owner_emails (but not message of course).
Merely create a type adapter factory than can create a type adapter for a particular type by substituting the original one and doing a bit of more work. The adapter is supposed to read the payload as string and delegate the string deserialization to the type adapter it substitutes.
public final class JsonStringBoxTypeAdapterFactory
implements TypeAdapterFactory {
private JsonStringBoxTypeAdapterFactory() {
public <T> TypeAdapter<T> create(final Gson gson, final TypeToken<T> typeToken) {
final TypeAdapter<T> adapter = gson.getAdapter(typeToken);
return new TypeAdapter<T>() {
public void write(final JsonWriter out, final T value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); // TODO
public T read(final JsonReader in)
throws IOException {
return adapter.fromJson(in.nextString());
final class EventData {
List<String> ownerEmails;
The unit test below will be green:
final EventData eventData = gson.fromJson(json, EventData.class);
Assertions.assertEquals(new EventData(ImmutableList.of("abcd#xyz.com")), eventData);
That's it.
"owner_emails" is curently a string as follows
It should be
"owner_emails": ["abcd#xyz.com"]
to be considered as array. You can manually remove the quotes and parse it.
Or you can parse it using JsonElement in Gson
You can use ObjectMapper from jackson library for this conversion.
Sample code of conversion::
public <T> T mapResource(Object resource, Class<T> clazz) {
try {
return objectMapper.readValue(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(resource), clazz);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new Exception();
Modify the model for a list like::
public class Reportdata{
private List<String> owner_emails = new ArrayList();
#JsonDeserialize(contentAs = CustomClass.class)
private List<CustomClass> customClassList = new ArrayList();
....// setter and getter
In addition to this, while creating the ObjectMapper object you can pass or register the module/ your custom module for deserialization in object like below.
objectMapper.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());
Consider the following json, getting from an public API:
anyObject : {
attributes: [
As you can see, sometimes the value is a simple string and sometimes its an object. Is it somehow possible to deserialize those kind of json-results, to something like:
class AnyObject {
List<Attribute> attributes;
class Attribute {
private String key;
private String label;
How would I design my model to cover both cases. Is that possible ?
Despite being hard to manage as others have pointed out, you can do what you want. Add a custom deserializer to handle this situation. I rewrote your beans because I felt your Attribute class was a bit misleading. The AttributeEntry class in the object that is an entry in that "attributes" list. The ValueObject is the class that represents that "key"/"label" object. Those beans are below, but here's the custom deserializer. The idea is to check the type in the JSON, and instantiate the appropriate AttributeEntry based on its "value" type.
public class AttributeDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<AttributeEntry> {
public AttributeEntry deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
JsonNode root = p.readValueAsTree();
String name = root.get("name").asText();
if (root.get("value").isObject()) {
// use your object mapper here, this is just an example
ValueObject attribute = new ObjectMapper().readValue(root.get("value").asText(), ValueObject.class);
return new AttributeEntry(name, attribute);
} else if (root.get("value").isTextual()) {
String stringValue = root.get("value").asText();
return new AttributeEntry(name, stringValue);
} else {
return null; // or whatever
Because of this ambiguous type inconvenience, you will have to do some type checking throughout your code base.
You can then add this custom deserializer to your object mapper like so:
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
SimpleModule simpleModule = new SimpleModule();
simpleModule.addDeserializer(AttributeEntry.class, new AttributeDeserializer());
Here's the AttributeEntry:
public class AttributeEntry {
private String name;
private Object value;
public AttributeEntry(String name, String value) {
this.name = name;
this.value = value;
public AttributeEntry(String name, ValueObject attributes) {
this.name = name;
this.value = attributes;
/* getters/setters */
Here's the ValueObject:
public class ValueObject {
private String key;
private String label;
/* getters/setters */
I made a litte serialization system, that uses Gson and only affects Fields with a specific Annotation.
public #interface Store {
String valueName() default "";
boolean throwIfDefault() default false;
throwIfDefault() determines whether or not the Field should be saved to the file if it's value equals to the default value (I check that by comparing the field's value to the same field but in a static instance of the class).
It works perfectly, but what I'm trying to achive, is that the same works for the Map, Array and Set objects:
The entries of these objects should only be saved, if they are not contained in the default instatiation of that particular Field.
It also has to work for deserialisation:
The default values that are not yet in the loaded object, should be added during deserialisation or the default object is loaded first and then modified with the entries of the loaded object.
Is this possible by creating a custom Json(De)Serializer for these obejcts or how would you do it?
Here's the de-serialization part:
public void Load() throws FileNotFoundException {
Type typeOfHashMap = new TypeToken<LinkedHashMap<String, Object>>(){}.getType();
FileReader reader = new FileReader(file);
HashMap<String, Object> loadedMap = mainGson.fromJson(reader,typeOfHashMap);
for(Field f: this.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) {
if (!f.isAnnotationPresent(Store.class)) {
try {
Store annotation = f.getAnnotation(Store.class);
Object defaultValue = DefaultRegistrator.getDefault(this.getClass(),f);
if (!loadedMap.containsKey(annotation.valueName())) {
f.set(this, defaultValue);
Object loadedValue = mainGson.fromJson(
loadedMap.get(annotation.valueName()).toString(), f.getType()
f.set(this, loadedValue);
} catch(IllegalAccessException e) {
Let's say your JSON object is
{"defParam1": 999,
"defParam2": 999,
"defParam3": 999,
"param4": 999,
"param5": 999,
"param6": 999}
The parameter defParam1, defParam2, defParam3 not will be set.
Parsing JSON object to specific object with default parameters
The default parameters are set in the constructor, so you don't need using annotation
Your Java Object is:
public class ObjStore {
public ObjStore(){
// Load default parameters directly into the constructor
public ObjStore(boolean loadDefault){
if( loadDefault ){
defParam1 = 123; // (int) DefaultRegistrator.getDefault("ObjStore", "defParam1");
defParam2 = 123; // (int) DefaultRegistrator.getDefault("ObjStore", "defParam2");
defParam3 = 123; // (int) DefaultRegistrator.getDefault("ObjStore", "defParam3");
public int getDefParam1() {
return defParam1;
public int getDefParam2() {
return defParam2;
public int getDefParam3() {
return defParam3;
public int getParam4() {
return param4;
public void setParam4(int param4) {
this.param4 = param4;
public int getParam5() {
return param5;
public void setParam5(int param5) {
this.param5 = param5;
public int getParam6() {
return param6;
public void setParam6(int param6) {
this.param6 = param6;
private int defParam1;
private int defParam2;
private int defParam3;
private int param4;
private int param5;
private int param6;
For deserialization you need to register new custom typeAdapter in this way:
GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();
gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(ObjStore.class, new JsonDeserializer<ObjStore>() {
public ObjStore deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
ObjStore objStore = new ObjStore(true);
JsonObject jo = json.getAsJsonObject();
objStore.setParam4( jo.get("param4").getAsInt() );
return objStore;
Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create();
You parse the JSON object using:
ObjStore objStore = gson.fromJson("{\"defParam1\": 999,\"defParam2\": 999,\"defParam3\": 999,\"param4\": 999,\"param5\": 999,\"param6\": 999}", ObjStore.class);
Parsing JSON object to Map object with default parameters
The default parameters are set in the constructor, so you don't need using annotation.
Define this class that wrap your Map object
public class ObjMapStore {
public ObjMapStore(){
public ObjMapStore(boolean loadDefault){
map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("defParam1", 123); // (int) DefaultRegistrator.getDefault("ObjMapStore", "defParam1");
map.put("defParam2", 123); // (int) DefaultRegistrator.getDefault("ObjMapStore", "defParam2");
map.put("defParam3", 123); // (int) DefaultRegistrator.getDefault("ObjMapStore", "defParam3");
public void put(String key, Object value){
map.put(key, value);
public Map<String, Object> getMap(){
return map;
private Map<String, Object> map;
Again for deserialization you need to register new custom typeAdapter in this way:
GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();
gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(ObjMapStore.class, new JsonDeserializer<ObjMapStore>() {
public ObjMapStore deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
ObjMapStore objMapStore = new ObjMapStore();
JsonObject jo = json.getAsJsonObject();
objMapStore.put("param4", jo.get("param4").getAsInt());
objMapStore.put("param5", jo.get("param5").getAsInt());
objMapStore.put("param6", jo.get("param6").getAsInt());
return objMapStore;
Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create();
As done before you get the map Object using this:
Map<String, Object> objMapStore = gson.fromJson("{\"defParam1\": 999,\"defParam2\": 999,\"defParam3\": 999,\"param4\": 999,\"param5\": 999,\"param6\": 999}", ObjMapStore.class).getMap();
Stay alert to this call .getMap(); because allow you to get the Map defined into the object returned by ObjMapStore
Glad to have helped, Write a comment for any question. Remember to vote up and check the response if it helped. Byee
I have three classes which inherits from a super class (SensorData)
#JsonDeserialize(using = SensorDataDeserializer.class)
public abstract class SensorData {
public class HumiditySensorData extends SensorData {
public class LuminositySensorData extends SensorData {
public class TemperatureSensorData extends SensorData {
I want convert a json input into one of this classes depending on a parameter. I'm trying to use Jackson StdDeserializer and I create a custom deserializer
public class SensorDataDeserializer extends StdDeserializer<SensorData> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3625068688939160875L;
private SensorManager sensorManager;
private static final String discriminator = "name";
public SensorDataDeserializer() {
public SensorData deserialize(JsonParser parser,
DeserializationContext context) throws IOException,
JsonProcessingException {
ObjectMapper mapper = (ObjectMapper) parser.getCodec();
ObjectNode root = (ObjectNode) mapper.readTree(parser);
ObjectNode sensor = (ObjectNode) root.get("data");
String type = root.get(discriminator).asText();
Class<? extends SensorData> clazz = this.sensorManager
if (clazz == null) {
// TODO should throw exception
return null;
return mapper.readValue(sensor.traverse(), clazz);
My problem is that when I determine the correct type to mapping the concrete class, the mapper call again to the custom StdDeserializer. So I need a way
to broke the cycle when I have the correct type. The stacktrace is the next one
at com.hp.psiot.mapping.SensorDataDeserializer.deserialize(SensorDataDeserializer.java:38)
at com.hp.psiot.mapping.SensorDataDeserializer.deserialize(SensorDataDeserializer.java:1)
at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper._readValue(ObjectMapper.java:3532)
at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper.readValue(ObjectMapper.java:1868)
at com.hp.psiot.mapping.SensorDataDeserializer.deserialize(SensorDataDeserializer.java:47)
at com.hp.psiot.mapping.SensorDataDeserializer.deserialize(SensorDataDeserializer.java:1)
at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper._readMapAndClose(ObjectMapper.java:3560)
at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper.readValue(ObjectMapper.java:2660)
at org.springframework.http.converter.json.AbstractJackson2HttpMessageConverter.readJavaType(AbstractJackson2HttpMessageConverter.java:205)
at org.springframework.http.converter.json.AbstractJackson2HttpMessageConverter.read(AbstractJackson2HttpMessageConverter.java:200)
at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.AbstractMessageConverterMethodArgumentResolver.readWithMessageConverters (AbstractMessageConverterMethodArgumentResolver.java:138)
at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor.readWithMessageConverters(RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor.java:184)
at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor.resolveArgument(RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor.java:105)
An example of input
"data": {
I only include the stacktrace to show that the mapper is calling again to the deserializer. The reason for the nullPointerException is that when the second the ObjectMapper is called the input is
So, An exception is threw because we don't have the information to determine the type and it doesn't check if the input is correct
I want to avoid using JsonSubTypes and JsonTypeInfo if it's posible.
Thanks in advance!
Partial solution
In my case the SensorData is wrapped in other class (ServiceData)
class ServiceData {
#JsonDeserialize(using = SensorDataDeserializer.class)
List<SensorData> sensors;
So, I get rid of JsonDeserializer in SensorData class and put it in the field avoiding the cycle. The solution isn't the best, but in my case it helps me. But in the case that the class isn't wrapped in another one we still have the same problem.
Note that if you have a Collection and you annotate with JsonDeserialize that field you have to handle all the collection. Here is the modification
in my case
public class SensorDataDeserializer extends StdDeserializer<List<SensorData>> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3625068688939160875L;
private SensorManager sensorManager;
private static final String discriminator = "name";
public SensorDataDeserializer() {
public List<SensorData> deserialize(JsonParser parser,
DeserializationContext context) throws IOException,
JsonProcessingException {
try {
ObjectMapper mapper = (ObjectMapper) parser.getCodec();
ArrayNode root = (ArrayNode) mapper.readTree(parser);
int size = root.size();
List<SensorData> sensors = new ArrayList<SensorData>();
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
ObjectNode sensorHead = (ObjectNode) root.get(i);
ObjectNode sensorData = (ObjectNode) sensorHead.get("data");
String tag = sensorHead.get(discriminator).asText();
Class<? extends SensorData> clazz = this.sensorManager
if (clazz == null) {
throw new InvalidJson("unbound sensor");
SensorData parsed = mapper.readValue(sensorData.traverse(),
if (parsed == null) {
throw new InvalidJson("unbound sensor");
return sensors;
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new InvalidJson("invalid data");
Hope it helps someone :)
Why don't you just use #JsonTypeInfo? Polymorphic handling is the specific use case for it.
In this case, you would want to use something like:
#JsonTypeInfo(use=Id.NAME, include=As.PROPERTY, property="name")
#JsonSubTypes({ HumiditySensorData.class, ... }) // or register via mapper
public abstract class SensorData { ... }
public class TemperaratureSensorData extends SensorData {
public TemperaratureSensorData(#JsonProperty("data") JsonNode data) {
// extract pieces out
which would handle resolution from 'name' into sub-type, bind contents of 'data' as JsonNode (or, if you prefer can use Map or Object or whatever type matches).
I would like serialize an object such that one of the fields will be named differently based on the type of the field. For example:
public class Response {
private Status status;
private String error;
private Object data;
[ getters, setters ]
Here, I would like the field data to be serialized to something like data.getClass.getName() instead of always having a field called data which contains a different type depending on the situation.
How might I achieve such a trick using Jackson?
I had a simpler solution using #JsonAnyGetter annotation, and it worked like a charm.
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
public class Response {
private Status status;
private String error;
private Object data;
[getters, setters]
public Map<String, Object> any() {
//add the custom name here
//use full HashMap if you need more than one property
return Collections.singletonMap(data.getClass().getName(), data);
No wrapper needed, no custom serializer needed.
Using a custom JsonSerializer.
public class Response {
private String status;
private String error;
#JsonSerialize(using = CustomSerializer.class)
private Object data;
// ...
public class CustomSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Object> {
public void serialize(Object value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
jgen.writeObjectField(value.getClass().getName(), value);
And then, suppose you want to serialize the following two objects:
public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Response r1 = new Response("Error", "Some error", 20);
Response r2 = new Response("Error", "Some error", "some string");
The first one will print:
{"status":"Error","error":"Some error","p":{"java.lang.Integer":20}}
And the second one:
{"status":"Error","error":"Some error","p":{"java.lang.String":"some string"}}
I have used the name p for the wrapper object since it will merely serve as a placeholder. If you want to remove it, you'd have to write a custom serializer for the entire class, i.e., a JsonSerializer<Response>.
my own solution.
#JsonSerialize(using = ElementsListBean.CustomSerializer.class)
public class ElementsListBean<T> {
public ElementsListBean()
public ElementsListBean(final String fieldName, final List<T> elements)
this.fieldName = fieldName;
this.elements = elements;
private String fieldName;
private List<T> elements;
public int length()
return (this.elements != null) ? this.elements.size() : 0;
private static class CustomSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Object> {
public void serialize(Object value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException,
if (value instanceof ElementsListBean) {
final ElementsListBean<?> o = (ElementsListBean<?>) value;
for (Object e : o.getElements()) {
jgen.writeNumberField("length", o.length());
You can use the annotation JsonTypeInfo, which tell Jackson exactly that and you don't need to write a custom serializer. There's various way to include this information, but for your specific question you'd use As.WRAPPER_OBJECT and Id.CLASS. For example:
public static class Response {
private Status status;
private String error;
#JsonTypeInfo(include = As.WRAPPER_OBJECT, use = Id.CLASS)
private Object data;
This, however, will not work on primitive type, such as a String or Integer. You don't need that information for primitives anyways, since they are natively represented in JSON and Jackson knows how to handle them. The added bonus with using the annotation is that you get deserialization for free, if you ever need it. Here's an example:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Response r1 = new Response("Status", "An error", "some data");
Response r2 = new Response("Status", "An error", 10);
Response r3 = new Response("Status", "An error", new MyClass("data"));
public static class MyClass{
private String data;
public MyClass(String data) {
this.data = data;
and the result:
{"status":"Status","error":"An error","data":"some data"}
{"status":"Status","error":"An error","data":10}
{"status":"Status","error":"An error","data":{"some.package.MyClass":{"data":"data"}}}
Based on #tlogbon response,
Here is my solution to wrap a List of Items with a specific/dynamic filed name
public class ListResource<T> {
private List<T> items;
private String fieldName;
public ListResource(String fieldName, List<T> items) {
this.items = items;
this.fieldName = fieldName;
public Map<String, List<T>> getMap() {
return Collections.singletonMap(fieldName, items);