What is the difference between the Apache sources.jar and .jar files? - java

I'm curious about Apache commons-io, why do they include a sources-jar inside the code package. We will not compile the program like so :
javac -cp .;.\lib\commons-io-2.4-sources.jar myCode.java
But we compile it like this :
javac -cp .;.\lib\commons-io-2.4.jar myCode.java
So why do the libraries also include a -sources jar in the download code ? I'm guessing it's for studying the source code, if we want to add/improve ?

The source JAR is so you can read the code is you want to. If you use an IDE, it can know to down load this JAR and if you look at a class in it, it will show your the source. esp useful when debugging a program. If you are not using an IDE, you can unpack the source and read it to understand what it is doing.
The reason the source is not included in the compiled JAR is so it can be easily dropped if all your are doing is running the program e.g. in production.


How to use apache commons io for Java in Linux terminal?

I tried to compile (using only javac filename.java) a class with the following import:
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
This threw an error: "package org.apache.commons.io does not exist".
So after some googling I realized that I need some sort of commons-io .jar file and that I can try to compile with something like,
javac -cp .:common-io-xx.jar filename.java
I guess the xx part is a placehodler meant to be replaced when I know the proper name of the file that I'm trying to add to my classpath (tell me if I'm wrong).
I tried finding this .jar file but on the following site:(http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-io/download_io.cgi) I could only find some .tar files which as far as I could see did not contain any .jar files. Thus I need help with two things:
1) Where can I find the correct file containing the source code I need to use the commons-io library?
2) Upon finding that file, how do I successfully compile (and run) my program in the Linux terminal?
Please note that I am completely new to the concept of classpath and need help with how to apply this in the terminal.
I know similar questions have been asked before, but none so elementary that I could use their answers, I'm afraid.
1) You don't need the source code of commons-io in order to compile your code. As you have been trying to do, you just need the commons-io jar file. If you are interested learning how the code works in that particular jar, a quick google search will bring you to this github repo: https://github.com/apache/commons-io
2) The files from http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-io/download_io.cgi are compressed files. The easiest option for you is to download commons-io-X.Y-bin.zip (replace X and Y with whatever version you are looking for). Unzip the zip file you downloaded (https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/156261/unzipping-a-gz-file-without-removing-the-gzipped-file), then compile with the command you have above (make sure your classpath, source file locations are correct).

How to decompile to java files intellij idea

IDEA has a great built-in feature - decompiler. It works great.I can copy source code, but I cannot find option to extract all decompiled java classes to java files.
This project has a lot of java classes and packages, so I will be to long to copy this manually.
Does anyone know how to extract to java source files.
As of August 2017 and IntelliJ V2017.2, the accepted answer does not seem to be entirely accurate anymore: there is no fernflower.jar to use.
The jar file is called java-decompiler.jar and does not include a main manifest... Instead you can use the following command (from a Mac install):
java -cp "/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA.app/Contents/plugins/java-decompiler/lib/java-decompiler.jar" org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.decompiler.ConsoleDecompiler
(you will get the wrong Usage command, but it does work).
Follow instructions for IntelliJ JD plugin. Or see an excerpt from the instructions below.
java -jar fernflower.jar [<source>]+ <destination>
+ means 1 or more times
<source>: file or directory with files to be decompiled. Directories are recursively scanned. Allowed file extensions are class, zip and jar.
<destination>: destination directory
java -jar fernflower.jar -hdc=0 -dgs=1 -rsy=1 -lit=1 c:\Temp\binary\ -e=c:\Java\rt.jar c:\Temp\source\
Be aware that if you pass it a ".jar" file for the source, it will create another ".jar" file in the destination, however, within the new ".jar" file, the files will be .java instead of .class files (it doesn't explode the jar).
People ask me: How do I get the fernflower.jar?
If you have any IntelliJ product installed, chances are that you already have the Fernflower decompiler on your computer. IntelliJ IDEA comes with Java Bytecode Decompiler plugin (bundled) which is a modern extension of Fernflower.
Locate the file in ${IntelliJ_INSTALL_DIR}\plugins\java-decompiler\lib\java-decompiler.jar (example: C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2018\plugins\java-decompiler\lib).
Copy it somewhere and rename to fernflower.jar (optional).
This JAR is not executable, so we can't run it using java -jar. However something like this works:
java -cp fernflower.jar org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.decompiler.ConsoleDecompiler [<source>]+ <destination>
org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.decompiler.ConsoleDecompiler is the class that contains the main method to run the decompiler.
mkdir output_src
java -cp fernflower.jar org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.decompiler.ConsoleDecompiler -hdc=0 -dgs=1 -rsy=1 -lit=1 ./input.jar ./output_src
If you don't have IntelliJ products installed, either download it now (available on jetbrains.com) or make your own decompiler executable from sources (available on Github).
Open an existing project or create a new one.
Go to Project structure settings > Libraries. Add the jar you want to decompile in libraries by clicking the + symbol.
Go to the Project tool window shown on the left. Search for jar name that you added in the previous step. Navigate to the desired class or package.
You can see the decompiled java files for that jar.
You could use one of these (you can both use them online or download them, there is some info about each of them) :
The one IntelliJ IDEA uses is fernflower, but it can't handle recent things - like String/Enum switches, generics (didn't test this one personally, only read about it), ...
I just tried cfr from the above website and the result was the same as with the built-in decompiler (except for the Enum switch I had in my class).
Download jar from
Command :
java -jar fernflower.jar -hes=0 -hdc=0 C:\binary C:\source
Place your jar file in folder C:\binary and source will be extracted and packed in a jar inside C:\source.
The decompiler of IntelliJ IDEA was not built with this kind of usage in mind. It is only meant to help programmers peek at the bytecode of the java classes that they are developing. For decompiling lots of class files of which you do not have source code, you will need some other java decompiler, which is specialized for this job, and most likely runs standalone, like jad, fernflower, etc.
Some time ago I used JAD (JAva Decompiler) to achieve this - I do not think IntelliJ's decompiler was incorporated with exporting in mind. It is more of a tool to help look through classes where sources are not available.
JAD is still available for download, but I do not think anyone maintains it anymore: http://varaneckas.com/jad/
There were numerous plugins for it, namely Jadclipse (you guessed it, a way to use JAD in Eclipse - see decompiled classes where code is not available :)).
I use JD-GUI for extract all decompiled java classes to java files.
Someone had gave good answers. I made another instruction clue step by step.
First, open your studio and search. You can find the decompier is Fernflower.
Second, we can find it in the plugins directory.
/Applications/Android Studio.app/Contents/plugins/java-decompiler/lib/java-decompiler.jar
Third, run it, you will get the usage
java -cp "/Applications/Android Studio.app/Contents/plugins/java-decompiler/lib/java-decompiler.jar" org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.decompiler.ConsoleDecompiler
Usage: java -jar fernflower.jar [-<option>=<value>]* [<source>]+ <destination>
Example: java -jar fernflower.jar -dgs=true c:\my\source\ c:\my.jar d:\decompiled\
Finally, The studio's nest options for decompiler list as follows according IdeaDecompiler.kt
-hdc=0 -dgs=1 -rsy=1 -rbr=1 -lit=1 -nls=1 -mpm=60 -lac=1
IFernflowerPreferences.HIDE_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR to "0",
IFernflowerPreferences.DECOMPILE_GENERIC_SIGNATURES to "1",
IFernflowerPreferences.REMOVE_SYNTHETIC to "1",
IFernflowerPreferences.REMOVE_BRIDGE to "1",
IFernflowerPreferences.LITERALS_AS_IS to "1",
IFernflowerPreferences.NEW_LINE_SEPARATOR to "1",
**IFernflowerPreferences.BANNER to BANNER,**
IFernflowerPreferences.MAX_PROCESSING_METHOD to 60,
**IFernflowerPreferences.INDENT_STRING to indent,**
**IFernflowerPreferences.IGNORE_INVALID_BYTECODE to "1",**
IFernflowerPreferences.VERIFY_ANONYMOUS_CLASSES to "1",
**IFernflowerPreferences.UNIT_TEST_MODE to if (ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode) "1" else "0")**
I cant find the sutialbe option for the asterisk items.
Hope these steps will make the question clear.
Like any experienced developer who's being honest, I have to admit it -- I'm lazy. More is less and less is better when it comes to typing. The answers from #naXa and #yan are fine, except for having to open a terminal and type :-(
To decompile a jar right from within intellij, create a reusable JAR Application run configuration:
Copy java-decompiler.jar to a folder in your project (I used lib). Get from:: Windows: C:\Program Files\Intellij\plugins\java-decompiler\lib; or from github (documentation is here)
Copy source jar or class files to same folder
Create a run configuration with settings like these:
Path to JAR: browse to java-decompiler.jar
Program arguments: -hdc=0 -dgs=1 -rsy=1 -lit=1 your.jar lib
Working directory: lib
JRE: 11
In this case, your.jar is the source and lib is the output directory. Save it, run it, and watch it do its thing :-)
Need to do it again with different class files or jars? Duplicate the run config and update Program arguments.
---- package jar (java) jar -cvfM0 test.jar
---Decompile jar(class)>>>>>>>>>jar(java) java -cp "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1\plugins\java-decompiler\lib\java-decompiler.jar" org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.decompiler.ConsoleDecompiler -dgs=true C:\ Users\luo\Desktop\sf1\pxks\test.jar C:\Users\luo\Desktop\sf1
Unzip manually
Or use the following command to decompress
find the path
jar -xvf test.jar
Reference http://t.csdn.cn/3YLK4

jar file with source code only

Suggest I have a HelloWorld.jar file, this file contains only HelloWorld.java , which is the source code of the application.
Will it be possible to run this jar file and execute the application, even though I don't have HelloWorld.class?
Yes, it can be done: See the javax.tools api. It is not easy, but it can be done....
You will likely be better off with a script that unjars the file, compiles it, and runs it.
Directly? No. java accepts only classfiles. To use source it must be compiled with javac. Nothing keeps you or a utility from compiling the source files to class files and using those, however.

Imports, jars, and heart Ache

first off let me start by saying I am completely new to Java, but to give you an idea of how new; I started reading lots of books, examples and so forth and began programming Java using Eclipse about 2 months ago. However, I found a really cool bit of advise about using notepad and the terminal to program instead. Kinda crazy for a newbie to go the hard route, but I love a challenge and I'm serious about learning.
So, In Eclipse I had a really good grasp of how to import, add jars compile etc. When I started using pico and using the terminal (I'm running ubuntu) to compile all went really well, until I wanted to use packages. I've spent two days pulling my hair out because no matter what I do I can't figure it out.
I'm trying to use the acm.jar (which I have many times in Eclipse) however I'm completely lost on how to use it when compiling from the javac in terminal.
So what I'm asking for, is for someone to explain the process getting my jar file to work.
All I'm using to create my java programs is the pico (or notepad) and the javac in the terminal.
To compile and run a java class using external libraries, you have to add that library to the classpath. The classpath is the set of places where the java compiler and the JVM look to find any external libraries/classes that it needs during the process of compiling/executing.
Setting the classpath can be done in 2 ways:
Set an environment variable called CLASSPATH
Set it when your run javac/java
Setting the classpath when running javac/java is done like this:
javac -cp path/to/jar1:path/to/jar2:path/to/jar3:path/to/dirContainingClasses
To run:
java -cp path/to/jar1:path/to/jar2:path/to/jar3:path/to/dirContainingClasses
: is used as a separator on Linux, for windows use ;
Assuming your source files are in src. Assuming you want your compiled classes to be in classes. Assuming your source files reference classes that are in lib/acm.jar:
javac -cp classes:lib/acm.jar -d classes src/com/foo/bar/MyClass.java
will compile the class com.foo.bar.MyClass and put the generated MyClass.class file in classes/com/foo/bar.
You need the acm.jar file in the classpath. That's what the -cp lib/acm.jar option does. You also need classes in the classpath, because MyClass probably references other classes that you have already compiled and that are in your classes directory.
To run your class, it has to be in the classpath, and acm.jar as well:
java -cp classes:lib/acm.jar com.foo.bar.MyClass
As you see, the classpath contains jar files, and directories containing the folder hierarchy which matches the package hierarchy.
I wouldn't use javac from the command line directly, though. Try using a real build tool, that will build all your classes at once, like Gradle or Ant. Maven is also very popular, but I hate it with passion.

How to compile a single Java file

I have searched this, but I could'n find or understand what I found.
Now I'm not a Java programmer, but I have the need to compile a single Java file into an existing (compiled) Java program. The source of this Java code is not available to me, therefore I cannot compile the entire project.
I'm not interested in decompiling the original project.
How to quickly do this using only the JDK and javac? (Through the command line is what I prefer.)
I understand that to do so error checking outside of the single java file will have to be disabled, because it can't read the dependencies.
Thanks in advance,
EDIT: I do have the JAR file, thanks for the answer :)
As far as I can understand you want to re-compile a single java file and replace it in an existing jar file..
So you compile it..
cmd>javac -classpath jar1.jar;jar2.jar my.company.MyClassToReplace.java
and replace it in the jar.
cmd>jar uf myJarFile.jar my/company/MyClassToReplace.class
You need to have the jar(s) which contains all the things your class depends on to compile it.
You can then compile the Class with
javac -classpath jar1:jar2 mypackage.MyNewClass
If you have no access to the original Jars, you will have to create mock classes and method etc (which don't have to do anything, just be there so your class compiles) Using an IDE can make both processes easier. (That is what it is for ;)

