Element not visible exception - even if different Selenium waits are used - java

I am trying to automate functional testing of a web application using Selenium and Java. In my application there are several menus. When clicked on a particular menu, a drop down of sub menus appear
click to view screenshot of menu
I use below code to click sub menu
but the issue is that it throws a 'ElementNotVisibleException' at the second line. The same happens even if I use implicit wait
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
explicit wait
WebElement element = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath("id=sub_menu_a")));
and fluent wait.
Wait<WebDriver> fluentWait=new FluentWait<WebDriver>(driver)
.withTimeout(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.pollingEvery(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
WebElement element=fluentWait.until(new Function<WebDriver, WebElement>() {
public WebElement apply(WebDriver driver){
return driver.findElement(By.xpath("id=sub_menu_a"));
but no luck. But the code works fine if add sleep time using
before and after the first line of code. But it is not a permanent solution since the page load time may vary depend on the network speed and the data in the page. Is there any other solution?

Try this
WebElement menu=driver.findElement(By.xpath("id=menu"));
JavascriptExecutor executor = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
executor.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", menu);
WebElement subMenu=driver.findElement(By.xpath("id=sub_menu_a"));
executor.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", subMenu);
Hope this work

Try to use Actions class and see if it works or not ...
WebElement subMenu=driver.findElement(By.xpath("id=sub_menu_a"));
Actions myaction = new Actions(driver);
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 15);

Fluent waits should work fine.
Try using something like this:
Wait<WebDriver> wait = new FluentWait<WebDriver>(driver).withTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS).ignoring(NoSuchElementException.class);
but I would go for css Selectors they are perfect for html pages.
Wait<WebDriver> wait = new FluentWait<WebDriver>(driver).withTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS).ignoring(NoSuchElementException.class);
Or if your sub_menu_a is a child of menu I would go for
Wait<WebDriver> wait = new FluentWait<WebDriver>(driver).withTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS).ignoring(NoSuchElementException.class);
wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.cssSelector("#menu #sub_menu_a")));

Could you try
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 15);
Also it would be better if you can give html to find the right xpath as I think better XPATH will yield the result of click on the submenu.

Long time ago I have the similar issue (don't remember the exact case so indeed your HTML page snipped would be helpful) so I was forced to use Thread.sleep()
To avoid long waits will propose something like this method:
static void waitAndClick(WebDriver driver, By by, int attempts, int sleep) throws InterruptedException {
for (int i = 0; i < attempts; i++) {
WebElement element = null;
try {
element = driver.findElement(by);
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
// Do nothing
if (element == null) {
int time = sleep * (i + 1);
} else {
throw new NoSuchElementException("Error");
It's not a 100% complete solution but just an idea.


Locating WebElement using different locators(NoSuchElementException)

I am having problem with locating WebElement using different locators. In the below html tag I tried locating the "write a review" WebElement with different locators like linkText,xpath,classname but still getting NoSuchElementException
-->url https://www.tripadvisor.in/-->search for Club Mahindra-->click on Club Mahindra-->click on write a review.
<a href="/UserReview-g641714-d1156207-Club_Mahindra_Madikeri_Coorg-
Madikeri_Kodagu_Coorg_Karnataka.html" target="_blank" class="ui_button
primary">Write a review</a>
Locators used
By.className("ui_button primary")
By.linkText("Write a review")
I am really confused. What am I doing wrong?
I have tired to analyse and implement the same. Below are my findings:
-> Application waiting time is more as there are lots of dynamic loads applicable for the page.
-> Proper waits needs to be implemented
-> Check whether all the pages are getting opened in the same tab or clicking on each link is redirecting to new tabs, if so then we have to switch to that particular window.
-> Below code works like a pro for me.
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 120);
WebElement ele1 =
wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath("//*[text()='Where to?']")));
WebElement ele2= wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath("//*[#placeholder='Where to?']")));
ele2.sendKeys("club mahindra, india");
WebElement ele3= wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath("//span[contains(text(),'Search for ')]")));
WebElement ele4= wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath("//span[contains(text(),'Club Mahindra Madikeri, Coorg')]")));
ele4.click(); //this click leads to a new tab
Set<String> winHandles = driver.getWindowHandles();
for(String str : winHandles) {
WebElement ele;
int i=1;
while(true) {
try {
ele = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath("//*[text()='Write a review']")));
}catch(Exception e) {
Actions action = new Actions(driver);
System.out.println("Clicked on the 'Write a review button'");
you can try
//a[contains(text(),'Write a review')]

Selenium Webdriver: How to wait untill progressbar vanishes and click on the button [duplicate]

I used explicit waits and I have the warning:
Element is not clickable at point (36, 72). Other element would receive
the click: ...
Command duration or timeout: 393 milliseconds
If I use Thread.sleep(2000) I don't receive any warnings.
#Test(dataProvider = "menuData")
public void Main(String btnMenu, String TitleResultPage, String Text) throws InterruptedException {
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Assert.assertEquals(driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(TitleResultPage)).getText(), Text);
WebDriverException: Element is not clickable at point (x, y)
This is a typical org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException which extends java.lang.RuntimeException.
The fields of this exception are :
BASE_SUPPORT_URL : protected static final java.lang.String BASE_SUPPORT_URL
DRIVER_INFO : public static final java.lang.String DRIVER_INFO
SESSION_ID : public static final java.lang.String SESSION_ID
About your individual usecase, the error tells it all :
WebDriverException: Element is not clickable at point (x, y). Other element would receive the click
It is clear from your code block that you have defined the wait as WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10); but you are calling the click() method on the element before the ExplicitWait comes into play as in until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable).
The error Element is not clickable at point (x, y) can arise from different factors. You can address them by either of the following procedures:
1. Element not getting clicked due to JavaScript or AJAX calls present
Try to use Actions Class:
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.id("navigationPageButton"));
Actions actions = new Actions(driver);
2. Element not getting clicked as it is not within Viewport
Try to use JavascriptExecutor to bring the element within the Viewport:
WebElement myelement = driver.findElement(By.id("navigationPageButton"));
JavascriptExecutor jse2 = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
jse2.executeScript("arguments[0].scrollIntoView()", myelement);
3. The page is getting refreshed before the element gets clickable.
In this case induce ExplicitWait i.e WebDriverWait as mentioned in point 4.
4. Element is present in the DOM but not clickable.
In this case induce ExplicitWait with ExpectedConditions set to elementToBeClickable for the element to be clickable:
WebDriverWait wait2 = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
5. Element is present but having temporary Overlay.
In this case, induce ExplicitWait with ExpectedConditions set to invisibilityOfElementLocated for the Overlay to be invisible.
WebDriverWait wait3 = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
6. Element is present but having permanent Overlay.
Use JavascriptExecutor to send the click directly on the element.
WebElement ele = driver.findElement(By.xpath("element_xpath"));
JavascriptExecutor executor = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
executor.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", ele);
In case you need to use it with Javascript
We can use arguments[0].click() to simulate click operation.
var element = element(by.linkText('webdriverjs'));
I ran into this error while trying to click some element (or its overlay, I didn't care), and the other answers didn't work for me. I fixed it by using the elementFromPoint DOM API to find the element that Selenium wanted me to click on instead:
element_i_care_about = something()
loc = element_i_care_about.location
element_to_click = driver.execute_script(
"return document.elementFromPoint(arguments[0], arguments[1]);",
I've also had situations where an element was moving, for example because an element above it on the page was doing an animated expand or collapse. In that case, this Expected Condition class helped. You give it the elements that are animated, not the ones you want to click. This version only works for jQuery animations.
class elements_not_to_be_animated(object):
def __init__(self, locator):
self.locator = locator
def __call__(self, driver):
elements = EC._find_elements(driver, self.locator)
# :animated is an artificial jQuery selector for things that are
# currently animated by jQuery.
return driver.execute_script(
'return !jQuery(arguments[0]).filter(":animated").length;',
except StaleElementReferenceException:
return False
You can try
WebElement navigationPageButton = (new WebDriverWait(driver, 10))
Scrolling the page to the near by point mentioned in the exception did the trick for me. Below is code snippet:
$wd_host = 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub';
$capabilities =
\WebDriverCapabilityType::BROWSER_NAME => 'chrome',
\WebDriverCapabilityType::PROXY => [
'proxyType' => 'manual',
'httpProxy' => PROXY_DOMAIN.':'.PROXY_PORT,
'sslProxy' => PROXY_DOMAIN.':'.PROXY_PORT,
'noProxy' => PROXY_EXCEPTION // to run locally
$webDriver = \RemoteWebDriver::create($wd_host, $capabilities, 250000, 250000);
// Wait for 3 seconds
// Scrolls the page vertically by 70 pixels
$webDriver->executeScript("window.scrollTo(0, 70);");
NOTE: I use Facebook php webdriver
If element is not clickable and overlay issue is ocuring we use arguments[0].click().
WebElement ele = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#class='input-group-btn']/input"));
JavascriptExecutor executor = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
executor.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", ele);
The best solution is to override the click functionality:
public void _click(WebElement element){
boolean flag = false;
while(true) {
catch (Exception e){
flag = false;
catch (Exception e){
System.out.printf("Element: " +element+ " has beed clicked, Selenium exception triggered: " + e.getMessage());
In C#, I had problem with checking RadioButton,
and this worked for me:
driver.ExecuteJavaScript("arguments[0].checked=true", radio);
Can try with below code
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 30);
Pass other element would receive the click:<a class="navbar-brand" href="#"></a>
boolean invisiable = wait.until(ExpectedConditions
Pass clickable button id as shown below
if (invisiable) {
WebElement ele = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#id='button']");

Webdriver fails to click element after a WebDriverWait

First, I was facing an issue that selenium webdriver was not always finding the element and clicking, and I found that WebDriverWait should solve the problem. So, I used this code, for instance:
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 20);
But now I am having a timeout issue, Observing the test to run, I can see that the element is being hover(because it changes the color), but webdriver is not clicking.
Does anyone have tips on how to solve this?
I would recommend refactoring like this, to separate the wait from the click event. Otherwise, its hard to diagnose the cause of your click failure:
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 20);
By locator = By.xpath(".//ul/li[3]/a");
WebElement we = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(locator))
try {
} catch (WebDriverException wde)
LOGGER.info("Click failed.", wde);
Put the wait and then try JavascriptExecutor to click on your element
WebElement element= driver.findElement(YOUR Locator);
JavascriptExecutor executor = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
executor.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", element);
Hope it will help you :)

Selenium 2 wait until AJAX done in JAVA

I using Selenium 2 and Java 1.7.
I want to wait my HtmlUnitDriver until ajax done when i clicked filter button.
My driver:
Webdriver driver = new HtmlUnitDriver(true);
Filter button and click action:
WebElement weFilterButton = driver.findElement(By.name("filterButton"));
I tried three ways for wait AJAX done.
WebElement el = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.id("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Reports1_ajaxloadingImage")));
Boolean el = wait.until(new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
return (Boolean) js.executeScript("return document.readyState").toString().equals("complete");
and although it is not a good solution
driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
but is not work.
Selenium dependency is :
Use the code below. It checks if the JQuery is active or not and wait till it is active.
Boolean isJqueryUsed = (Boolean)((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript("return (typeof(jQuery) != 'undefined')"));
while (true){
// JavaScript test to verify jQuery is active or not
Boolean ajaxIsComplete = (Boolean)(((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript("return jQuery.active == 0"));
if (ajaxIsComplete) break;
}catch (InterruptedException e) {}
The main problem is after you click something you have to wait for the ajax load to be invisible not visible.That means you have to wait for the element to fade away or hide.
You can achieve that by using not in ExpectedConditions.It will return a boolean type.If it is true you can proceed .Else increase the wait time and see..
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 60);
Boolean present = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.not(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.id("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Reports1_ajaxloadingImage"))));
Give a try with "return Ajax.activeRequestCount == 0"

How to wait for page to load completely using JavaScript in Selenium

I'm trying get for page to load completely before doing an action. I don't want to start an action while loading circle on the browser tab is still turning. My wait for ajax function is not working for some cases, especially for new page loading. My function is JQuery based:
JavascriptExecutor jsDriver = (JavascriptExecutor) webDriver;
boolean stillRunningAjax = (Boolean) jsDriver
.executeScript("return window.jQuery != undefined && jQuery.active != 0");
return !stillRunningAjax;
if that comes false, running it again.
But for page loading, after it returns true, browser is still loading (loading circle is turning) for a couple of seconds more (sometimes much more).
I've tried implicitlyWait but it stops the function at the same time with my function.
Some says there is not a complete solution for this in selenium. But there should be. Maybe a JavaScript included solution, anything.
Using javascript to wait for page to load:
void waitForLoad(WebDriver driver) {
ExpectedCondition<Boolean> pageLoadCondition = new
ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
return ((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript("return document.readyState").equals("complete");
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 30);
If you're waiting for an ajax to display an element on page, you can wait for the element itself.
WebElement myDynamicElement = (new WebDriverWait(driver, 10))

