SQL Query containing Timestamp Date comparison - java

I have a table - event_log which has a field in Timestamp format. Some of the example entries are - '2016-01-28 12:37:48' , '2016-01-28 15:26:51'
Now I want to write a query that will select some rows between startTime and endTime. When I fire this Query in an SQL client
SELECT Time,Data
FROM event_log
WHERE Data IN ('player disconnected','Player connected to server')
AND Player_Details_ID = '1'
AND Time > '2016-01-28 11:46:49' AND Time < '2016-02-09 14:38:39'
it gives me the desired output. But when I write a similar query in Java it fails to give me the result.
sqlQuery = "Select e.Time,e.Data"
+ " from event_log e "
+ "where e.Data IN ('player disconnected','Player connected to server') "
+ "and e.Player_Details_ID = '1' and "
+ "e.TIME > " + "' + startSqlDate + '" + " and e.TIME < " + "' + endSqlDate + '"
+ " order by e.Time";
Where am I going wrong?

Regardless of the values of any 'startSqlDate' and 'endSqlDate' variables you may have defined, the query submitted to the database will invariably be:
Select e.Time,e.Data from event_log e where e.Data IN ('player disconnected','Player connected to server') and e.Player_Details_ID = '1' and e.TIME > ' + startSqlDate + ' and e.TIME < ' + endSqlDate + ' order by e.Time
That is because your variables names are in the string. Change it to this:
"Select e.Time,e.Data" + " from event_log e " + "where e.Data IN ('player disconnected','Player connected to server') " + "and e.Player_Details_ID = '1' and " + "e.TIME > '" + startSqlDate + "' and e.TIME < '" + endSqlDate + "' order by e.Time"

Your 5th line should be:
+ "e.TIME > '" + startSqlDate + "' and e.TIME < '" + endSqlDate + "'"
(Provided your variables are Strings in the right format.)
Your version doesn't use your variables at all, but compiles to a static String.

"e.TIME > " + "' + startSqlDate + '" + " and e.TIME < " + "' + endSqlDate + '"
instead of this , try below
"e.TIME > '"+ startSqlDate + "' and e.TIME < '"+ endSqlDate + '"+ " order by e.Time";

In my opinion you need to write \' than '.
This should avoid some problems with strings.
Also as you can see you have variable names in string.
Something like that should work:
sqlQuery = "SELECT e.Time,e.Data"
+ " FROM event_log e "
+ "WHERE e.Data IN (\'player disconnected\',\'Player connected to server\') "
+ "AND e.Player_Details_ID = \'1\' AND "
+ "e.TIME > " + "\'" + startSqlDate + "\'" + " AND e.TIME < " + "\'" + endSqlDate + "\'"
+ " ORDER BY e.Time";


CASE expression in JPQL

In my SpringBoot project I have CrudRepository with next method:
public interface LoanRequestRepository extends CrudRepository<LoanRequest, UUID> {
value = "select " +
"lr.id as id," +
"lr.state as state," +
"lr.iban as iban," +
"lr.amount as amount," +
"lr.rate as rate," +
"lr.term as term," +
"lr.best_offer as best_offer," +
"lr.contract_number as contract_number," +
"lr.created as created," +
"lr.company_id as company_id," +
"lr.closed as closed," +
"lr.loan_colvir_id as loan_colvir_id," +
"lr.contract_date as contract_date," +
"lr.first_payment_date as first_payment_date, " +
"lr.gesv as gesv, " +
"c.id as comp_id," +
"c.name as comp_name," +
"c.bin as comp_bin," +
"c.colvir_id as comp_colvir_id," +
"c.kod as comp_kod," +
"c.type as comp_type," +
"c.location_address as comp_location_address," +
"c.registration_address as comp_registration_address," +
"c.legal_address as comp_legal_address," +
"c.actual_address as comp_actual_address," +
"c.department_code as comp_department_code," +
"c.department_name as comp_department_name," +
"c.resident as comp_resident," +
"c.created as comp_created," +
"c.registration_date as comp_registration_date," +
"c.economic_sector as comp_economic_sector," +
"c.short_name as comp_short_name," +
"c.colvir_reference_id as comp_colvir_reference_id," +
"c.card_system_id as comp_card_system_id," +
"c.initial_registration as comp_initial_registration " +
"from loan_request lr " +
"left join company c on c.id = lr.company_id " +
"where 1=1 " +
"and case when :amount is not null " +
" then lr.amount = :amount " +
" else 1=1 end " +
"and case when cast(:dateFrom as date) is not null " +
" then lr.created >= cast(:dateFrom as date)" +
" else 1=1 end " +
"and case when cast(:dateTo as date) is not null " +
" then lr.created <= cast(:dateTo as date) " +
" else 1=1 end " +
"and case when :bin is not null " +
" then c.bin like concat('%', :bin, '%') " +
" else 1=1 end " +
"and case when :companyName is not null " +
" then lower(c.name) like lower(concat('%', :companyName, '%')) " +
" else 1=1 end " +
" group by lr.id, c.id " +
"order by " +
" CASE WHEN :isAscending = true THEN :orderBy END ASC, " +
" CASE WHEN :isAscending = false THEN :orderBy END DESC " +
"limit :size offset :page;")
Iterable<LoanRequestDto> findAllLoanRequestDtoByFilters(#Param("dateFrom") LocalDate dateFrom,
#Param("dateTo") LocalDate dateTo,
#Param("bin") String bin,
#Param("amount") BigDecimal amount,
#Param("companyName") String companyName,
#Param("page") Integer page,
#Param("size") Integer size,
#Param("orderBy") String orderBy,
#Param("isAscending") Boolean isAscending);
All query works well, but it ignores "order by" with case expression and list comes in inordered way. I am sending values as "lr.iban", "c.name" to orderBy parameter, and if translate it to sql, it works. But in JPQL it does not work.
So, where am I wrong? How can I solve it?
Also, if change last part with CASE expression to the next:
order by CASE WHEN :isAscending = true THEN c.name END ASC
It also works, well in JPQL. List comes in ordered way.

problem while using database column value into Date() sqlite android

i have small problem, i googled it many times but i couldn't get it...
i'm using a query (sqlite) to retrieve some data ..
in this query their is Date() used to increase certain date dynamic number of days (coming from column in the same table) ..
if i put this days static (1,2,3,.....) it works fine but if i put column name it doesn't.
this query fails and i want it to work:
String selectQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM " + TABLE_NAME + " WHERE "
+ DATE + " = date('" + targetDate + "',' " + REPETITIONS + " day') ";
this works fine :
String selectQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM " + TABLE_NAME + " WHERE "
+ DATE + " = date('" + targetDate + "','2 day') ";
targetDate: date entered by user to get events of that date
DATE: date of every event in the table
REPETETIONS: dynamic number (column in the same table)
the problem is using REPETITIONS in the date function...
create statement
TITLE + " TEXT ," +
DATE + " TEXT , " +
NOTE + " TEXT ," +
" );";
and this is the selecting statement
String selectQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM " + TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + DATE + " = '" + targetDate
+ "' OR (( " + REPEAT + " = '1' AND " + REPEAT_DURATION + " = '0' ) AND " + DATE + " <= '" + targetDate + "')"
+ " OR( " + REPEAT + " = '1' AND " + REPEAT_DURATION + " = '3' ) AND " + DATE + " <= '" + targetDate + "' AND " + CERTAIN_DATE + " >= '" + targetDate + "'"
+ " OR (" + REPEAT + " = '1' AND " + REPEAT_DURATION + "= '2' ) AND " + targetDate + " >= '" + DATE + "' AND "+ targetDate+ " <= date('" + DATE + "','" + REPETITIONS + " days')";
The variable REPETITIONS in this statement:
String selectQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM " + TABLE_NAME + " WHERE "
+ DATE + " = date('" + targetDate + "',' " + REPETITIONS + " day') ";
should be a number and not a column name.
The date function in SQLite has various syntaxes but you use this one:
SELECT date('2014-10-23','+7 day');
you must supply a number before day.
Edit try this:
String selectQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM " + TABLE_NAME + " WHERE "
+ DATE + " = date('" + targetDate + "', " + REPETITIONS + " || ' day') ";
In sqlite date() function, the NNN days is a string modifier and not an expression. Therefore you cannot use column names or even || string concatenation there.
You can format the modifier string in your code and place it in the SQL. This requires additional query to the database, which is likely not what you want.
If you can assume each day is 24 hours (which is not always true, consider e.g. DST events), you could try something like
... date(strftime('%s', '" + targetDate + "', " + REPETITIONS + "*24*60*60, 'unixepoch') ...
where strftime('%s', ...) converts to seconds and date(..., 'unixepoch') converts back to datestamp.
But seriously I'd consider redesigning the schema to better support your functional requirements.

Case insensitive GROUP BY query in SQLite

I am trying to make query and make case insensitive grouping of results by a field. Here is what I tried, but it doesn't work.
Lower keyword after group by doesn't make any difference.
"SELECT " + MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST + ", count(LOWER(" + MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST +
")) FROM " + PlaylistDB.TABLE_ALL_TRACKS + " GROUP BY LOWER(" + MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST
+") HAVING " + MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST
+ " LIKE ? ORDER BY "+ MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST + " COLLATE NOCASE ASC";
Also I tried COLLATE NOCASE. Also doesn't work.
"SELECT " + MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST + ", count(LOWER(" + MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST +
")) FROM " + PlaylistDB.TABLE_ALL_TRACKS + " GROUP BY LOWER(" + MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST
+") HAVING " + MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST
+ " LIKE ? ORDER BY "+ MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST + " COLLATE NOCASE ASC";
Is there anything you can suggest me to get case insensitive grouping?
I fix the issue. The lower keyword works with group by fine. But my mistake was that some fields were with additional space at the end. So I fixed it by using the trim keyword. The code below works as I need
"SELECT " + MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST + ", count(LOWER(TRIM(" + MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST +
"))) FROM " + PlaylistDB.TABLE_ALL_TRACKS + " GROUP BY LOWER(TRIM(" + MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST
+")) HAVING " + MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST
+ " LIKE ? ORDER BY "+ MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST + " COLLATE NOCASE ASC";

ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string site:community.oracle.com

Could you please help what wrong with this query when calling from Java. When I run the same query in PL/SQL developer it runs perfectly but not when i call from java,.
CRE_DTTM is in DATE datatype
String query4="SELECT NVL(SUM(cur_amt),0) FIRST_PAY" +
" FROM ci_ft ft " +
"WHERE sa_id IN "+
" (SELECT sA_id FROM ci_Sa WHERE acct_id='"+acctid.getIdValue()+"' )" +
"AND TRUNC(crE_dttm)>= (SELECT MAX(crE_Dttm) FROM ci_bill" +
" WHERE accT_id='"+acctid.getIdValue()+"' AND crE_dttm<= (SELECT add_months(To_Date('2016-03-10','YYYY-MM-DD'), -1) FROM dual ) )" +
"AND fT_type_flg IN ('PS','PX')AND ft.cRE_dttm <= (" +
" CASE" +
" WHEN ( to_Date(" +
" (SELECT MAX(crE_Dttm)" +
" FROM ci_bill" +
" WHERE accT_id ='"+acctid.getIdValue()+"'" +
" AND crE_dttm < To_Date('2016-03-10','YYYY-MM-DD')" +
" ) , 'YYYY-MM-DD') = to_Date (" +
" (SELECT MAX(crE_Dttm)" +
" FROM ci_bill" +
" WHERE accT_id='"+acctid.getIdValue()+"'" +
" AND crE_dttm<=" +
" (SELECT add_months(To_Date('2016-03-10','YYYY-MM-DD'), -1) FROM dual" +
" ) ) ,'YYYY-MM-DD'))" +
" THEN To_Date('2016-03-10','YYYY-MM-DD')" +
" ELSE" +
" ( SELECT MAX(crE_Dttm)" +
" FROM ci_bill" +
" WHERE accT_id='"+acctid.getIdValue()+"'" +
" AND crE_dttm < To_Date('2016-03-10','YYYY-MM-DD')) " +
" END)";
com.splwg.base.api.sql.PreparedStatement ps4 = createPreparedStatement(query4);
first_pay=new BigDecimal(ps4.list().get(0).get("FIRST_PAY").toString());
The error is:
ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string site:community.oracle.com
Please note the PreparedStatement is from com.splwg.base.api.sql.PreparedStatement
I think you are passing different date formats in your where clause. Please try matching the date format of crE_dttm with To_Date('2016-03-10','YYYY-MM-DD')
e.g. to_date(crE_dttm, 'YYYY-MM-DD') < To_Date('2016-03-10','YYYY-MM-DD')

Can't figure out why this big double inner join isn't working, but when split it does

Here is my queries split up that work perfectly fine...
String sqlstatement = "SELECT WBLinkWebsiteID, WBLinkCategoryParentID, WBLinkTitle, WBLinkURL FROM WEBSITECATEGORY_TABLE WHERE WBLinkCategoryID = ?";
String[] args = { CategorySubID };
Part 2
sqlstatement = "SELECT LOCATIONS_TABLE.LocationWebsiteID, "
+ "LOCATIONS_TABLE.locationCity, "
+ "LOCATIONS_TABLE.locationState, "
+ "LOCATIONS_TABLE.locationCountry, LOCATIONS_TABLE.locationType, "
+ "LOCATIONS_TABLE.locationUrl, "
+ "PREF_TABLE.Pref_SavedTitle "
+ "WHERE "
+ "PREF_TABLE.Pref_SavedTitle = '" + theSavedPref + "' ORDER BY LOCATIONS_TABLE.locationState, LOCATIONS_TABLE.locationCity";
Now here is my attempt to combine the two instead of just having 2 go in row back to back and burn time/resources...
String NewSqlstatement = "SELECT LOCATIONS_TABLE.LocationWebsiteID, "
+ "LOCATIONS_TABLE.locationCity, "
+ "LOCATIONS_TABLE.locationState, "
+ "LOCATIONS_TABLE.locationCountry, "
+ "LOCATIONS_TABLE.locationUrl, "
+ "PREF_TABLE.Pref_SavedTitle, "
+ "WHERE "
+ "PREF_TABLE.Pref_SavedTitle = '" + theSavedPref + "'";
Now when I try to do my "SINGLE" way it keeps returning the WHOLE database of Locations in the LOCATIONS_TABLE query. It doesn't do just the exact ones I need.
I know the query works, because I have tested it here: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/ede97/2
Now I know my example on sqlfiddle is using MS Server 2014, but I assumed the syntax should be pretty much the same since its just standard SELECT with inner joins, but I could be wrong?
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Any help is greatly appreciated
EDIT - Fixed the SQLFIDDLE, I put the wrong statement in the example
Aren't you missing your filter on WBLinkCategoryID in the combined query. Shouldn't you have this:
+ "WHERE "
+ "WEBSITECATEGORY_TABLE.WBLinkCategoryID IN (<value1>,...,<valueN>) AND "
+ "PREF_TABLE.Pref_SavedTitle = '" + theSavedPref + "'";

