I have a POJO object that has UpperCamelCase naming. When I do the call to Jackson's ObjectMapper to serialize/marshal it to JSON, the result is lowerCamelCase for field names.
The call is now trivial:
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
jsonText = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(myObjectToJson);
how I can tell ObjectMapper to make UpperCamelCase? Or is it some sort of set-in-stone JSON standard?
I use jackson inside Apache Camel.
edited original answer.
Jackson uses camelCasing as default it seems. They have implemented a PascalCasing strategy. Try this:
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Or annotate your fields with #JsonProperty("UpperCaseProperty")
So I have a object mapper (jackson version is 2.9.5) with following values:
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
but when the final json is created I still see the empty elements like below:
So can I know how exactly to configure the objectMapper to remove all the empty object like this: "security":[]?
I was thinking JsonInclude.Include.NON_EMPTY should work but it is not working.
When I use an ObjectMapper configured as:
DefaultTyping applicability = ObjectMapper.DefaultTyping.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT;
TypeResolverBuilder<?> typer = DefaultTypeResolverBuilder.construct(applicability, validator);
String propertyName = "type";
typer = typer.init(JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, null);
typer = typer.inclusion(JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY);
typer = typer.typeProperty(propertyName);
ObjectMapper mapper=new ObjectMapper();
It produces JSON like:
"type": "ShortClassName",
The type does not have the full package name as expected. However trying to deserialize using this object mapper cause:
How do I specify the base package name as part of the object mapper configuration so that the serialized JSON only has the classname?
You can create a mapper for a specific Object by using mapper.readerFor(...) and specifying which type to extract, in this case this would be
ObjectReader shortClassNameReader = mapper.readerFor(new TypeReference<ShortClassName>(){})
Where ShortClassName is your class's name.
Then you can use this ObjectReader with readValue to deserialize the JSON.
Thanks Ayk - your solution works if the class name is itself the one to be deserialized but if it is nested inside the JSON for another class, it does not work. However I got it working by defining a custom typeIdResolver that translates the ID from/to object in idFromValue and typeFromId respectively. This then works globally without the need for annotation on each object involved in the serialization.
Can someone point me to the correct way to convert xml into json with jackson?
I have one service that accepts a post request with an xml body, I want to take that xml and send it to another service as a json.
I've seen some examples where people use an ObjectMapper, but ideally, I would have an interface ModelJsonView and then use the setMixInAnnotation() method to bind it to the corresponding model class.
Try this:
String xml = "<testName>Tester</testName><testValue>100</testValue>"
JSONObject xmlToJsonObject = XML.toJSONObject(xml);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Object json = mapper.readValue(xmlToJsonObject.toString(), Object.class);
Include org.json and jackson jars.
Is there a way to tell Jackson to only ignore a property if it generates XML with annotations?
I have a JPA entity which is exposed via REST (Spring Boot). I'd like to tell Jackson to ignore e.g. the property street when generating XML but not when generating a JSON String
public class anObject{
String name;
#JsonIgnore //only when converting to XML? Still need it on a JSON String
String street
//Various Getters, Setters, etc.
Thanks in advance!
I presume you have different ObjectMapper for XML and JSON. You can set a mixin annotation only for the XML mapper. E.g.
the mixin annotation :
abstract class anObjectMixIn {
#JsonIgnore String street;
the mapper code :
ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper();
XmlMapper xmlMapper = new XmlMapper();
xmlMapper.addMixIn(anObject.class, anObjectMixIn.class);
And delete the #JsonIgnore over String street. Note how the mixin is only applied on xmlMapper
Jackson allows you tu use JAXB annotations, have a look at the JAXB module.
You can use both Jackson and JAXB together but you can tell which one has priority over the other as mentioned in the documentation, so you can keep your core Jackson annotations for JSON and specialize with JAXB annotations for your XML serialisation.
AnnotationIntrospector primary = new JacksonAnnotationIntrospector();
AnnotationIntrospector secondary = new JaxbAnnotationIntrospector();
AnnotationIntrospector pair = new AnnotationIntrospector.Pair(primaryIntrospector, secondaryIntropsector);
I've started using Jackson as a JSON generator, as an alternative to google GSON. I've run into an issue where Jackson is generating object: null if the object is indeed null. GSON on the other hand generates NO entry in JSON, which is the behavior I want. Is there a way to stop Jackson from generating null object/value when an object is missing?
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
mapper.writeValue(sw, some_complex_object);
String jackson = sw.getBuffer().toString();
System.out.println("********************* START JACKSON JSON ****************************");
System.out.println("********************* END JACKSON JSON ****************************");
generates this:
{"eatwithrustyspoon":{"urlList":null,"device":"iPad","os":"iPhone OS","peer_id":
and GSON looks like this:
Gson gson = new Gson();
String json = gson.toJson(some_complex_object);
System.out.println("********************* START GSON JSON ****************************");
System.out.println("********************* END GSON JSON ****************************");
and it generates this (which is what I want - note that "urlList":null was not generated) :
{"eatwithrustyspoon":{"device":"iPad","os":"iPhone OS","peer_id"
From the Jackson FAQ:
Can I omit writing of Bean properties with null value? ("how to prevent writing of null properties", "how to suppress null values")
Yes. As per JacksonAnnotationSerializeNulls, you can use:
// or (for older versions):
objectMapper.configure(SerializationConfig.WRITE_NULL_PROPERTIES, false);
and voila, no more null values. Note that you MUST configure mapper before beans are serialized, since this setting may be cached along with serializers. So setting it too late might prevent change from taking effect.
my issue was bit different actually i was getting Null values for the properties of POJO class.
however i solved the problem by giving mapping to properties in my pojo class like this :
thought it may help someone :)
The following solution saved me.