Maven verifier intergration tests don't find artifact under test - java

I have a maven project (github) that uses the Maven integration test verifier extensively.
The tests refer to the project I'm testing. For example, this pom does:
<!-- My project which customizes the plugin. -->
Where that dependency is to relative path ../../../../../pom.xml.
Then my junit test uses a Verifier to run the integration test.
// testProjectName is the basename of the directory
// containing the POM above.
File testDir = ResourceExtractor.simpleExtractResources(
getClass(), "/" + testProjectName);
Verifier verifier = new Verifier(
null, debug == Debug.VERBOSE, true /* forkJvm */);
// Clean up after previous runs.
Result goalResult = Result.PASS;
try {
} catch (#SuppressWarnings("unused") VerificationException ex) {
goalResult = Result.FAIL;
I can test this by doing mvn install -DskipTests=true && mvn test but that is less than ideal, because if I ever change code without reinstalling, I end up running tests against an out-of-date version, and because someone downloading the project for the first time can't just do mvn test.
Is there some way to tweak the POM or the junit TestCase so that the dependency is on the classes that were just compiled to target/classes?

You need to either build and install the depenendy before you built the dependend project or both have to be part of the same reactor build. I think it does not work if it is in the same module (at least not with an artifact dependency, the test classes are automatically on the test class path - but the plugin might not load from there).


Cucumber Junit5 ignoring #Before Annotation

I have been working with cucumber/Java and JUnit4 (CucumberOptions) for years without trouble running the tests in both IntelliJ and maven command line.
Recently, i have been trying to make the move to JUnit5 and i was able to have all tests running in IntelliJ (only, unfortunately)
My POC project has the following structure:
-Features (folder with feature files)
-resources (folder with files used in tests)
----AllTest (testrunner wip)
----JU4Test (testrunner JUnit4)
----JU5Test (testrunner Junit5)
---resources (test resources)
The file :
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.ConfigurationParameter;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.SelectDirectories;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.Suite;
import stepdefs.SetupEnvHook;
import static io.cucumber.core.options.Constants.*;
//#ConfigurationParameter(key = PARALLEL_EXECUTION_ENABLED_PROPERTY_NAME, value = "true")
#ConfigurationParameter(key = PLUGIN_PUBLISH_ENABLED_PROPERTY_NAME, value = "false")
#ConfigurationParameter(key = PLUGIN_PUBLISH_QUIET_PROPERTY_NAME, value = "true")
#ConfigurationParameter(key = PLUGIN_PROPERTY_NAME, value = "json:target/cucumber-reports/cucumber.json")
#ConfigurationParameter(key = GLUE_PROPERTY_NAME, value = "stepdefs, my.external.steps.stepdefinition")
public class JU5Test {
public static void beforeSuite() {
The beforeSuite() method is also used in the JU4Test.
When i set a breakpoint in SetupEnvHook.setEnvironment("QA"); it is completely ignored due to the fact that the Before Annotation is not working, while another breakpoint inside the same = 9999)
Annotation in SetupEnvHook class is triggered correctly.
My pom file is as follows :
Please ignore the my external dependancy. This dependancy is related to the stepdefinitions in the test runner file glue property.
I know that group and version values are also missing but these are all fed from the same dependancy in red so as to have more control on the versions everyone uses.
This is all done in Java 8 using
I already tried using different Annotations not only from but also from org.junit (which is basically JUnit4) and org.junit.jupiter.api with no success obviously.
Running through maven command line ends up with :
Results :
Tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.4:test (default-test) on project junit5: No tests were executed!
It does not however state that 'no tests were found', had that issue initially and got it solved.
From looking at the error i suspect i may have something missing from the pom.xml surefire plugin but i cannot figure out what. (this pom is the same used to run the JU4Test without issues)
Anyone else have any thoughts on what i can try next? or better yet, the solution for this xD
Edit: remove images
It does not however state that 'no tests were found', had that issue initially and got it solved.
From looking at the error i suspect i may have something missing from the pom.xml surefire plugin but i cannot figure out what. (this pom is the same used to run the JU4Test without issues)
From your description it is impossible to say what is wrong with your project. Your list of depencies includes dependencies not included in your POM.
You may want to consider starting your project from scratch. You can use the for that.
When i set a breakpoint in SetupEnvHook.setEnvironment("QA"); it is completely ignored due to the fact that the Before Annotation is not working
The reason the #Before annotation is ignored is because you are using a Cucumber annotation on a class that is not part of the glue path.
Though I suspect you are trying to find a mapping for JUnit 4s #BeforeClass. Currently there is not such thing in JUnit 5s Suite Engine. If you need it, you should consider making a pull requests.
Alternatively you could create a package with a single class for each environment and use Cucumbers #BeforeAll hooks to set the environment. Then for each #Suite you configure a different glue path to include those hooks.
Though I think it would be even better to read the target environment from an environment variable and have it default to something sane. You can then use different CI jobs for each environment.

Eclipse Plug-in Test execution for JUnit4

I have a JUnit4 test suite and I want to execute it under the JUnit Plug-in Test run configuration.
It passes successfully when running through the JUnit Test configuration, but for plug-in conf it fails in different ways.
For example if I use JUnit4TestAdapter it fails with ClassCastException, and if I trying to run it only through the #RunWith annotation it wrotes "No methods found" error. For both implementations I use JUnit4 Test Runner setting inside run configuration.
I use
Eclipse Neon.1a Release (4.6.1)
Jdk 1.8
linking JUnit 4.1 lib to the plugin.
For first case it seems that Eclipse proceed to use the JUnit3 version when executing the suite.
Here it is:
#SuiteClasses({ DndTest.class })
public class JSTestSuite {
public static Test suite() {
return new JUnit4TestAdapter(JSTestSuite.class);
And exception is:
java.lang.ClassCastException: junit.framework.JUnit4TestAdapter cannot be cast to junit.framework.Test
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.getTest(
While starting the test I have a strange log message in console:
!ENTRY org.eclipse.update.configurator 2017-05-04 17:58:57.279
!MESSAGE Could not install bundle ../../platform/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.junit4.runtime_1.1.600.v20160505-0715.jar No match is available for the required execution environment: J2SE-1.5
I see this lib is on the place, but I can't understand why it failing to be loaded. For JUnit3 Test Runner setting junit3 lib is loaded ok.
There are some bugs related to such issues (like this) but it is really hard to understand what can I do in this case.
For second case I just try to execute simple JUnit4 case without using the JUnit4TestAdapter, but it can't find any methods.
Reloading of eclipse and renaming of the methods didn't help.
What can I do in this case?
I found that there are couple of issues. First I consider one by one to solve the issue.
Issue#1: No match is available for the required execution environment: J2SE-1.5
Issue#2: java.lang.ClassCastException: junit.framework.JUnit4TestAdapter cannot be cast to
Solution for Issue#1:
First solution:
Right-click on your project
Click Properties
Click the "Java Compiler" option on the left menu
Under JDK compliance section on the right, change it to "1.8"
Second solution:
If you use maven in your project, then you can change pom.xml file as below:
Resource Link: Maven "build path specifies execution environment J2SE-1.5", even though I changed it to 1.7
Solution for Issue#2:
JUnit runner has a dependency on JUnit 3.8. It won't be used but without it, the whole platform can't be initialized.
So you need 2 versions like the following
Check you have below plugins
org.junit (3.8.2)
org.junit (4.8.2)
How to check for JUnit?
In eclipse, please check in 2 sections.
Check your Project Properties->Java Build Path->Libraries (tab)
Check you Project's Run Configurations->JUnit->Classpath (tab)
How to fix?
To fix the error make sure you have org.junit 3.8 in the target platform!
All credit goes to A Paul.
Resource Link:
Aaron Digulla has commented like below:
Despite the fact that org.eclipse.xtext.junit4 imports org.junit
4.5.0, org.eclipse.xtext.junit (note the missing "4" at the end) seems to have a dependency to JUnit 3.8. After adding the old, outdated
JUnit bundle, the plugin tests started.

Why does Maven test not work after mvn clean unless I run mvn update?

I'm running some service testing using restassured and cucumber and they work fine locally just using Maven test.
The issue is if I run Maven clean, then I must run Maven update or it will not work (Says it can't find my Cucumber feature files). For reference it says:
No features found at [classpath:classpath/classpath]
This wouldn't be a huge issue except I need to have this running through Bamboo where I can't call Maven update.
So I either need to figure out what is wrong with my POM to begin with to cause this issue, or how I can run Maven update through the goals/environment variables.
The POM is fairly simple, only having the needed dependencies/reporting stuff.
The build part of the POM is as follows:
This is all in Java 8 using Eclipse as the IDE.
I would avoid specifying anything in the build section in my pom and instead use the default values.
That is, I would keep my feature files in the same package as the runner or a sub package.
The runner could for example live in the package se/thinkcode/tage
As in the directory:
This means that the feature files should live in the directory:
This would allow me to minimize the configuration in the runner. I typically use runners that looks like this:
package se.thinkcode.tage;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
public class RunCukesTest {
This is the smallest configuration possible if you want to run Cucumber using JUnit from Maven.
It is even smaller that the example supplied by the Cucumber team:
Looks like defining the features/glue in the cucumber options fixed this.
I do believe there is a better option though.
I added the following cucumber options:
features ="src/test/java",
glue = "packagename",

Manually create jar for use with maven [duplicate]

Maven 2 is driving me crazy during the experimentation / quick and dirty mock-up phase of development.
I have a pom.xml file that defines the dependencies for the web-app framework I want to use, and I can quickly generate starter projects from that file. However, sometimes I want to link to a 3rd party library that doesn't already have a pom.xml file defined, so rather than create the pom.xml file for the 3rd party lib by hand and install it, and add the dependency to my pom.xml, I would just like to tell Maven: "In addition to my defined dependencies, include any jars that are in /lib too."
It seems like this ought to be simple, but if it is, I am missing something.
Any pointers on how to do this are greatly appreciated. Short of that, if there is a simple way to point maven to a /lib directory and easily create a pom.xml with all the enclosed jars mapped to a single dependency which I could then name / install and link to in one fell swoop would also suffice.
Problems of popular approaches
Most of the answers you'll find around the internet will suggest you to either install the dependency to your local repository or specify a "system" scope in the pom and distribute the dependency with the source of your project. But both of these solutions are actually flawed.
Why you shouldn't apply the "Install to Local Repo" approach
When you install a dependency to your local repository it remains there. Your distribution artifact will do fine as long as it has access to this repository. The problem is in most cases this repository will reside on your local machine, so there'll be no way to resolve this dependency on any other machine. Clearly making your artifact depend on a specific machine is not a way to handle things. Otherwise this dependency will have to be locally installed on every machine working with that project which is not any better.
Why you shouldn't apply the "System Scope" approach
The jars you depend on with the "System Scope" approach neither get installed to any repository or attached to your target packages. That's why your distribution package won't have a way to resolve that dependency when used. That I believe was the reason why the use of system scope even got deprecated. Anyway you don't want to rely on a deprecated feature.
The static in-project repository solution
After putting this in your pom:
for each artifact with a group id of form x.y.z Maven will include the following location inside your project dir in its search for artifacts:
| - x/
| | - y/
| | | - z/
| | | | - ${artifactId}/
| | | | | - ${version}/
| | | | | | - ${artifactId}-${version}.jar
To elaborate more on this you can read this blog post.
Use Maven to install to project repo
Instead of creating this structure by hand I recommend to use a Maven plugin to install your jars as artifacts. So, to install an artifact to an in-project repository under repo folder execute:
mvn install:install-file -DlocalRepositoryPath=repo -DcreateChecksum=true -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=[your-jar] -DgroupId=[...] -DartifactId=[...] -Dversion=[...]
If you'll choose this approach you'll be able to simplify the repository declaration in pom to:
A helper script
Since executing installation command for each lib is kinda annoying and definitely error prone, I've created a utility script which automatically installs all the jars from a lib folder to a project repository, while automatically resolving all metadata (groupId, artifactId and etc.) from names of files. The script also prints out the dependencies xml for you to copy-paste in your pom.
Include the dependencies in your target package
When you'll have your in-project repository created you'll have solved a problem of distributing the dependencies of the project with its source, but since then your project's target artifact will depend on non-published jars, so when you'll install it to a repository it will have unresolvable dependencies.
To beat this problem I suggest to include these dependencies in your target package. This you can do with either the Assembly Plugin or better with the OneJar Plugin. The official documentaion on OneJar is easy to grasp.
For throw away code only
set scope == system and just make up a groupId, artifactId, and version
Note: system dependencies are not copied into resulted jar/war
(see How to include system dependencies in war built using maven)
You may create local repository on your project
For example if you have libs folder in project structure
In libs folder you should create directory structure like: /groupId/artifactId/version/artifactId-version.jar
In your pom.xml you should register repository
and add dependency as usual
That is all.
For detailed information: How to add external libraries in Maven (archived)
Note: When using the System scope (as mentioned on this page), Maven needs absolute paths.
If your jars are under your project's root, you'll want to prefix your systemPath values with ${basedir}.
This is what I have done, it also works around the package issue and it works with checked out code.
I created a new folder in the project in my case I used repo, but feel free to use src/repo
In my POM I had a dependency that is not in any public maven repositories
I then created the following directories repo/com/dovetail/zoslog4j/1.0.1 and copied the JAR file into that folder.
I created the following POM file to represent the downloaded file (this step is optional, but it removes a WARNING) and helps the next guy figure out where I got the file to begin with.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>z/OS Log4J Appenders</name>
<description>Apache Log4j Appender for z/OS Logstreams, files, etc.</description>
Two optional files I create are the SHA1 checksums for the POM and the JAR to remove the missing checksum warnings.
shasum -b < repo/com/dovetail/zoslog4j/1.0.1/zoslog4j-1.0.1.jar \
> repo/com/dovetail/zoslog4j/1.0.1/zoslog4j-1.0.1.jar.sha1
shasum -b < repo/com/dovetail/zoslog4j/1.0.1/zoslog4j-1.0.1.pom \
> repo/com/dovetail/zoslog4j/1.0.1/zoslog4j-1.0.1.pom.sha1
Finally I add the following fragment to my pom.xml that allows me to refer to the local repository
This is how we add or install a local jar
i gave some default groupId and artifactId because they are mandatory :)
You really ought to get a framework in place via a repository and identifying your dependencies up front. Using the system scope is a common mistake people use, because they "don't care about the dependency management." The trouble is that doing this you end up with a perverted maven build that will not show maven in a normal condition. You would be better off following an approach like this.
Maven install plugin has command line usage to install a jar into the local repository, POM is optional but you will have to specify the GroupId, ArtifactId, Version and Packaging (all the POM stuff).
Using <scope>system</scope> is a terrible idea for reasons explained by others, installing the file manually to your local repository makes the build unreproducible, and using <url>file://${project.basedir}/repo</url> is not a good idea either because (1) that may not be a well-formed file URL (e.g. if the project is checked out in a directory with unusual characters), (2) the result is unusable if this project’s POM is used as a dependency of someone else’s project.
Assuming you are unwilling to upload the artifact to a public repository, Simeon’s suggestion of a helper module does the job. But there is an easier way now…
The Recommendation
Use non-maven-jar-maven-plugin. Does exactly what you were asking for, with none of the drawbacks of the other approaches.
I found another way to do this, see here from a Heroku post
To summarize (sorry about some copy & paste)
Create a repo directory under your root folder:
+- pom.xml
+- src
+- repo
Run this to install the jar to your local repo directory
mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=file:///path/to/yourproject/repo/ -Dfile=mylib-1.0.jar -DgroupId=com.example -DartifactId=mylib -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=1.0
Add this your pom.xml:
<!--other repositories if any-->
What seems simplest to me is just configure your maven-compiler-plugin to include your custom jars. This example will load any jar files in a lib directory.
After having really long discussion with CloudBees guys about properly maven packaging of such kind of JARs, they made an interesting good proposal for a solution:
Creation of a fake Maven project which attaches a pre-existing JAR as a primary artifact, running into belonged POM install:install-file execution. Here is an example of such kinf of POM:
But in order to implement it, existing project structure should be changed. First, you should have in mind that for each such kind of JAR there should be created different fake Maven project (module). And there should be created a parent Maven project including all sub-modules which are : all JAR wrappers and existing main project. The structure could be :
root project (this contains the parent POM file includes all sub-modules with module XML element) (POM packaging)
JAR 1 wrapper Maven child project (POM packaging)
JAR 2 wrapper Maven child project (POM packaging)
main existing Maven child project (WAR, JAR, EAR .... packaging)
When parent running via mvn:install or mvn:packaging is forced and sub-modules will be executed. That could be concerned as a minus here, since project structure should be changed, but offers a non static solution at the end
The problem with systemPath is that the dependencies' jars won't get distributed along your artifacts as transitive dependencies. Try what I've posted here: Is it best to Mavenize your project jar files or put them in WEB-INF/lib?
Then declare dependencies as usual.
And please read the footer note.
If you want a quick and dirty solution, you can do the following (though I do not recommend this for anything except test projects, maven will complain in length that this is not proper).
Add a dependency entry for each jar file you need, preferably with a perl script or something similar and copy/paste that into your pom file.
#! /usr/bin/perl
foreach my $n (#ARGV) {
print "<dependency>
A quick&dirty batch solution (based on Alex's answer):
FOR %%I IN (*.jar) DO (
echo ^<dependency^>
echo ^<groupId^>local.dummy^</groupId^>
echo ^<artifactId^>%%I^</artifactId^>
echo ^<version^>0.0.1^</version^>
echo ^<scope^>system^</scope^>
echo ^<systemPath^>${project.basedir}/lib/%%I^</systemPath^>
echo ^</dependency^>
Execute it like this: libs.bat > libs.txt.
Then open libs.txt and copy its content as dependencies.
In my case, I only needed the libraries to compile my code, and this solution was the best for that purpose.
To install the 3rd party jar which is not in maven repository use maven-install-plugin.
Below are steps:
Download the jar file manually from the source (website)
Create a folder and place your jar file in it
Run the below command to install the 3rd party jar in your local maven repository
mvn install:install-file -Dfile= -DgroupId=
-DartifactId= -Dversion= -Dpackaging=
Below is the e.g one I used it for simonsite log4j
mvn install:install-file
-Dfile=/Users/athanka/git/MyProject/repo/log4j-rolling-appender.jar -DartifactId=log4j-rolling-appender -Dversion=20150607-2059 -Dpackaging=jar
In the pom.xml include the dependency as below
Run the mvn clean install command to create your packaging
Below is the reference link:
A strange solution I found:
using Eclipse
create simple (non-maven) java project
add a Main class
add all the jars to the classpath
export Runnable JAR (it's important, because no other way here to do it)
select Extract required libraries into generated JAR
decide the licence issues
tadammm...install the generated jar to your m2repo
add this single dependency to your other projects.
Even though it does not exactly fit to your problem, I'll drop this here. My requirements were:
Jars that can not be found in an online maven repository should be in the SVN.
If one developer adds another library, the other developers should not be bothered with manually installing them.
The IDE (NetBeans in my case) should be able find the sources and javadocs to provide autocompletion and help.
Let's talk about (3) first: Just having the jars in a folder and somehow merging them into the final jar will not work for here, since the IDE will not understand this. This means all libraries have to be installed properly. However, I dont want to have everyone installing it using "mvn install-file".
In my project I needed metawidget. Here we go:
Create a new maven project (name it "shared-libs" or something like that).
Download metawidget and extract the zip into src/main/lib.
The folder doc/api contains the javadocs. Create a zip of the content (doc/api/
Modify the pom like this
Build the project and the library will be installed.
Add the library as a dependency to your project, or (if you added the dependency in the shared-libs project) add shared-libs as dependency to get all libraries at once.
Every time you have a new library, just add a new execution and tell everyone to build the project again (you can improve this process with project hierachies).
For those that didn't find a good answer here, this is what we are doing to get a jar with all the necessary dependencies in it. This answer ( mentions to use the Maven Assembly plugin but doesn't actually give an example in the answer. And if you don't read all the way to the end of the answer (it's pretty lengthy), you may miss it. Adding the below to your pom.xml will generate target/${PROJECT_NAME}-${VERSION}-jar-with-dependencies.jar
<!-- get all project dependencies -->
<!-- MainClass in mainfest make a executable jar -->
<!-- bind to the packaging phase -->
I alluded to some python code in a comment to the answer from #alex lehmann's , so am posting it here.
def AddJars(jarList):
s1 = ''
for elem in jarList:
s1+= """
</dependency>\n"""%(elem, elem)
return s1
This doesn't answer how to add them to your POM, and may be a no brainer, but would just adding the lib dir to your classpath work? I know that is what I do when I need an external jar that I don't want to add to my Maven repos.
Hope this helps.
What works in our project is what Archimedes Trajano wrote, but we had in our .m2/settings.xml something like this:
and the * should be changed to central. So if his answer doesn't work for you, you should check your settings.xml
I just wanted a quick and dirty workaround... I couldn't run the script from Nikita Volkov: syntax error + it requires a strict format for the jar names.
I made this Perl script which works with whatever format for the jar file names, and it generates the dependencies in an xml so it can be copy pasted directly in a pom.
If you want to use it, make sure you understand what the script is doing, you may need to change the lib folder and the value for the groupId or artifactId...
use strict;
use warnings;
open(my $fh, '>', 'dependencies.xml') or die "Could not open file 'dependencies.xml' $!";
foreach my $file (glob("lib/*.jar")) {
print "$file\n";
my $groupId = "my.mess";
my $artifactId = "";
my $version = "0.1-SNAPSHOT";
if ($file =~ /\/([^\/]*?)(-([0-9v\._]*))?\.jar$/) {
$artifactId = $1;
if (defined($3)) {
$version = $3;
`mvn install:install-file -Dfile=$file -DgroupId=$groupId -DartifactId=$artifactId -Dversion=$version -Dpackaging=jar`;
print $fh "<dependency>\n\t<groupId>$groupId</groupId>\n\t<artifactId>$artifactId</artifactId>\n\t<version>$version</version>\n</dependency>\n";
print " => $groupId:$artifactId:$version\n";
} else {
print "##### BEUH...\n";
close $fh;
The solution for scope='system' approach in Java:
public static void main(String[] args) {
String filepath = "/Users/Downloads/lib/";
try (Stream<Path> walk = Files.walk(Paths.get(filepath))) {
List<String> result = walk.filter(Files::isRegularFile)
.map(x -> x.toString()).collect(Collectors.toList());
String indentation = " ";
for (String s : result) {
System.out.println(indentation + indentation + "<dependency>");
System.out.println(indentation + indentation + indentation + "<groupId>"
+ s.replace(filepath, "").replace(".jar", "")
+ "</groupId>");
System.out.println(indentation + indentation + indentation + "<artifactId>"
+ s.replace(filepath, "").replace(".jar", "")
+ "</artifactId>");
System.out.println(indentation + indentation + indentation + "<version>"
+ s.replace(filepath, "").replace(".jar", "")
+ "</version>");
System.out.println(indentation + indentation + indentation + "<scope>system</scope>");
System.out.println(indentation + indentation + indentation + "<systemPath>" + s + "</systemPath>");
System.out.println(indentation + indentation + "</dependency>");
} catch (IOException e) {

Maven , How to let dependency of local system jar be included into the output jar? [duplicate]

Maven 2 is driving me crazy during the experimentation / quick and dirty mock-up phase of development.
I have a pom.xml file that defines the dependencies for the web-app framework I want to use, and I can quickly generate starter projects from that file. However, sometimes I want to link to a 3rd party library that doesn't already have a pom.xml file defined, so rather than create the pom.xml file for the 3rd party lib by hand and install it, and add the dependency to my pom.xml, I would just like to tell Maven: "In addition to my defined dependencies, include any jars that are in /lib too."
It seems like this ought to be simple, but if it is, I am missing something.
Any pointers on how to do this are greatly appreciated. Short of that, if there is a simple way to point maven to a /lib directory and easily create a pom.xml with all the enclosed jars mapped to a single dependency which I could then name / install and link to in one fell swoop would also suffice.
Problems of popular approaches
Most of the answers you'll find around the internet will suggest you to either install the dependency to your local repository or specify a "system" scope in the pom and distribute the dependency with the source of your project. But both of these solutions are actually flawed.
Why you shouldn't apply the "Install to Local Repo" approach
When you install a dependency to your local repository it remains there. Your distribution artifact will do fine as long as it has access to this repository. The problem is in most cases this repository will reside on your local machine, so there'll be no way to resolve this dependency on any other machine. Clearly making your artifact depend on a specific machine is not a way to handle things. Otherwise this dependency will have to be locally installed on every machine working with that project which is not any better.
Why you shouldn't apply the "System Scope" approach
The jars you depend on with the "System Scope" approach neither get installed to any repository or attached to your target packages. That's why your distribution package won't have a way to resolve that dependency when used. That I believe was the reason why the use of system scope even got deprecated. Anyway you don't want to rely on a deprecated feature.
The static in-project repository solution
After putting this in your pom:
for each artifact with a group id of form x.y.z Maven will include the following location inside your project dir in its search for artifacts:
| - x/
| | - y/
| | | - z/
| | | | - ${artifactId}/
| | | | | - ${version}/
| | | | | | - ${artifactId}-${version}.jar
To elaborate more on this you can read this blog post.
Use Maven to install to project repo
Instead of creating this structure by hand I recommend to use a Maven plugin to install your jars as artifacts. So, to install an artifact to an in-project repository under repo folder execute:
mvn install:install-file -DlocalRepositoryPath=repo -DcreateChecksum=true -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=[your-jar] -DgroupId=[...] -DartifactId=[...] -Dversion=[...]
If you'll choose this approach you'll be able to simplify the repository declaration in pom to:
A helper script
Since executing installation command for each lib is kinda annoying and definitely error prone, I've created a utility script which automatically installs all the jars from a lib folder to a project repository, while automatically resolving all metadata (groupId, artifactId and etc.) from names of files. The script also prints out the dependencies xml for you to copy-paste in your pom.
Include the dependencies in your target package
When you'll have your in-project repository created you'll have solved a problem of distributing the dependencies of the project with its source, but since then your project's target artifact will depend on non-published jars, so when you'll install it to a repository it will have unresolvable dependencies.
To beat this problem I suggest to include these dependencies in your target package. This you can do with either the Assembly Plugin or better with the OneJar Plugin. The official documentaion on OneJar is easy to grasp.
For throw away code only
set scope == system and just make up a groupId, artifactId, and version
Note: system dependencies are not copied into resulted jar/war
(see How to include system dependencies in war built using maven)
You may create local repository on your project
For example if you have libs folder in project structure
In libs folder you should create directory structure like: /groupId/artifactId/version/artifactId-version.jar
In your pom.xml you should register repository
and add dependency as usual
That is all.
For detailed information: How to add external libraries in Maven (archived)
Note: When using the System scope (as mentioned on this page), Maven needs absolute paths.
If your jars are under your project's root, you'll want to prefix your systemPath values with ${basedir}.
This is what I have done, it also works around the package issue and it works with checked out code.
I created a new folder in the project in my case I used repo, but feel free to use src/repo
In my POM I had a dependency that is not in any public maven repositories
I then created the following directories repo/com/dovetail/zoslog4j/1.0.1 and copied the JAR file into that folder.
I created the following POM file to represent the downloaded file (this step is optional, but it removes a WARNING) and helps the next guy figure out where I got the file to begin with.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>z/OS Log4J Appenders</name>
<description>Apache Log4j Appender for z/OS Logstreams, files, etc.</description>
Two optional files I create are the SHA1 checksums for the POM and the JAR to remove the missing checksum warnings.
shasum -b < repo/com/dovetail/zoslog4j/1.0.1/zoslog4j-1.0.1.jar \
> repo/com/dovetail/zoslog4j/1.0.1/zoslog4j-1.0.1.jar.sha1
shasum -b < repo/com/dovetail/zoslog4j/1.0.1/zoslog4j-1.0.1.pom \
> repo/com/dovetail/zoslog4j/1.0.1/zoslog4j-1.0.1.pom.sha1
Finally I add the following fragment to my pom.xml that allows me to refer to the local repository
This is how we add or install a local jar
i gave some default groupId and artifactId because they are mandatory :)
You really ought to get a framework in place via a repository and identifying your dependencies up front. Using the system scope is a common mistake people use, because they "don't care about the dependency management." The trouble is that doing this you end up with a perverted maven build that will not show maven in a normal condition. You would be better off following an approach like this.
Maven install plugin has command line usage to install a jar into the local repository, POM is optional but you will have to specify the GroupId, ArtifactId, Version and Packaging (all the POM stuff).
Using <scope>system</scope> is a terrible idea for reasons explained by others, installing the file manually to your local repository makes the build unreproducible, and using <url>file://${project.basedir}/repo</url> is not a good idea either because (1) that may not be a well-formed file URL (e.g. if the project is checked out in a directory with unusual characters), (2) the result is unusable if this project’s POM is used as a dependency of someone else’s project.
Assuming you are unwilling to upload the artifact to a public repository, Simeon’s suggestion of a helper module does the job. But there is an easier way now…
The Recommendation
Use non-maven-jar-maven-plugin. Does exactly what you were asking for, with none of the drawbacks of the other approaches.
I found another way to do this, see here from a Heroku post
To summarize (sorry about some copy & paste)
Create a repo directory under your root folder:
+- pom.xml
+- src
+- repo
Run this to install the jar to your local repo directory
mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=file:///path/to/yourproject/repo/ -Dfile=mylib-1.0.jar -DgroupId=com.example -DartifactId=mylib -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=1.0
Add this your pom.xml:
<!--other repositories if any-->
What seems simplest to me is just configure your maven-compiler-plugin to include your custom jars. This example will load any jar files in a lib directory.
After having really long discussion with CloudBees guys about properly maven packaging of such kind of JARs, they made an interesting good proposal for a solution:
Creation of a fake Maven project which attaches a pre-existing JAR as a primary artifact, running into belonged POM install:install-file execution. Here is an example of such kinf of POM:
But in order to implement it, existing project structure should be changed. First, you should have in mind that for each such kind of JAR there should be created different fake Maven project (module). And there should be created a parent Maven project including all sub-modules which are : all JAR wrappers and existing main project. The structure could be :
root project (this contains the parent POM file includes all sub-modules with module XML element) (POM packaging)
JAR 1 wrapper Maven child project (POM packaging)
JAR 2 wrapper Maven child project (POM packaging)
main existing Maven child project (WAR, JAR, EAR .... packaging)
When parent running via mvn:install or mvn:packaging is forced and sub-modules will be executed. That could be concerned as a minus here, since project structure should be changed, but offers a non static solution at the end
The problem with systemPath is that the dependencies' jars won't get distributed along your artifacts as transitive dependencies. Try what I've posted here: Is it best to Mavenize your project jar files or put them in WEB-INF/lib?
Then declare dependencies as usual.
And please read the footer note.
If you want a quick and dirty solution, you can do the following (though I do not recommend this for anything except test projects, maven will complain in length that this is not proper).
Add a dependency entry for each jar file you need, preferably with a perl script or something similar and copy/paste that into your pom file.
#! /usr/bin/perl
foreach my $n (#ARGV) {
print "<dependency>
A quick&dirty batch solution (based on Alex's answer):
FOR %%I IN (*.jar) DO (
echo ^<dependency^>
echo ^<groupId^>local.dummy^</groupId^>
echo ^<artifactId^>%%I^</artifactId^>
echo ^<version^>0.0.1^</version^>
echo ^<scope^>system^</scope^>
echo ^<systemPath^>${project.basedir}/lib/%%I^</systemPath^>
echo ^</dependency^>
Execute it like this: libs.bat > libs.txt.
Then open libs.txt and copy its content as dependencies.
In my case, I only needed the libraries to compile my code, and this solution was the best for that purpose.
To install the 3rd party jar which is not in maven repository use maven-install-plugin.
Below are steps:
Download the jar file manually from the source (website)
Create a folder and place your jar file in it
Run the below command to install the 3rd party jar in your local maven repository
mvn install:install-file -Dfile= -DgroupId=
-DartifactId= -Dversion= -Dpackaging=
Below is the e.g one I used it for simonsite log4j
mvn install:install-file
-Dfile=/Users/athanka/git/MyProject/repo/log4j-rolling-appender.jar -DartifactId=log4j-rolling-appender -Dversion=20150607-2059 -Dpackaging=jar
In the pom.xml include the dependency as below
Run the mvn clean install command to create your packaging
Below is the reference link:
A strange solution I found:
using Eclipse
create simple (non-maven) java project
add a Main class
add all the jars to the classpath
export Runnable JAR (it's important, because no other way here to do it)
select Extract required libraries into generated JAR
decide the licence issues
tadammm...install the generated jar to your m2repo
add this single dependency to your other projects.
Even though it does not exactly fit to your problem, I'll drop this here. My requirements were:
Jars that can not be found in an online maven repository should be in the SVN.
If one developer adds another library, the other developers should not be bothered with manually installing them.
The IDE (NetBeans in my case) should be able find the sources and javadocs to provide autocompletion and help.
Let's talk about (3) first: Just having the jars in a folder and somehow merging them into the final jar will not work for here, since the IDE will not understand this. This means all libraries have to be installed properly. However, I dont want to have everyone installing it using "mvn install-file".
In my project I needed metawidget. Here we go:
Create a new maven project (name it "shared-libs" or something like that).
Download metawidget and extract the zip into src/main/lib.
The folder doc/api contains the javadocs. Create a zip of the content (doc/api/
Modify the pom like this
Build the project and the library will be installed.
Add the library as a dependency to your project, or (if you added the dependency in the shared-libs project) add shared-libs as dependency to get all libraries at once.
Every time you have a new library, just add a new execution and tell everyone to build the project again (you can improve this process with project hierachies).
For those that didn't find a good answer here, this is what we are doing to get a jar with all the necessary dependencies in it. This answer ( mentions to use the Maven Assembly plugin but doesn't actually give an example in the answer. And if you don't read all the way to the end of the answer (it's pretty lengthy), you may miss it. Adding the below to your pom.xml will generate target/${PROJECT_NAME}-${VERSION}-jar-with-dependencies.jar
<!-- get all project dependencies -->
<!-- MainClass in mainfest make a executable jar -->
<!-- bind to the packaging phase -->
I alluded to some python code in a comment to the answer from #alex lehmann's , so am posting it here.
def AddJars(jarList):
s1 = ''
for elem in jarList:
s1+= """
</dependency>\n"""%(elem, elem)
return s1
This doesn't answer how to add them to your POM, and may be a no brainer, but would just adding the lib dir to your classpath work? I know that is what I do when I need an external jar that I don't want to add to my Maven repos.
Hope this helps.
What works in our project is what Archimedes Trajano wrote, but we had in our .m2/settings.xml something like this:
and the * should be changed to central. So if his answer doesn't work for you, you should check your settings.xml
I just wanted a quick and dirty workaround... I couldn't run the script from Nikita Volkov: syntax error + it requires a strict format for the jar names.
I made this Perl script which works with whatever format for the jar file names, and it generates the dependencies in an xml so it can be copy pasted directly in a pom.
If you want to use it, make sure you understand what the script is doing, you may need to change the lib folder and the value for the groupId or artifactId...
use strict;
use warnings;
open(my $fh, '>', 'dependencies.xml') or die "Could not open file 'dependencies.xml' $!";
foreach my $file (glob("lib/*.jar")) {
print "$file\n";
my $groupId = "my.mess";
my $artifactId = "";
my $version = "0.1-SNAPSHOT";
if ($file =~ /\/([^\/]*?)(-([0-9v\._]*))?\.jar$/) {
$artifactId = $1;
if (defined($3)) {
$version = $3;
`mvn install:install-file -Dfile=$file -DgroupId=$groupId -DartifactId=$artifactId -Dversion=$version -Dpackaging=jar`;
print $fh "<dependency>\n\t<groupId>$groupId</groupId>\n\t<artifactId>$artifactId</artifactId>\n\t<version>$version</version>\n</dependency>\n";
print " => $groupId:$artifactId:$version\n";
} else {
print "##### BEUH...\n";
close $fh;
The solution for scope='system' approach in Java:
public static void main(String[] args) {
String filepath = "/Users/Downloads/lib/";
try (Stream<Path> walk = Files.walk(Paths.get(filepath))) {
List<String> result = walk.filter(Files::isRegularFile)
.map(x -> x.toString()).collect(Collectors.toList());
String indentation = " ";
for (String s : result) {
System.out.println(indentation + indentation + "<dependency>");
System.out.println(indentation + indentation + indentation + "<groupId>"
+ s.replace(filepath, "").replace(".jar", "")
+ "</groupId>");
System.out.println(indentation + indentation + indentation + "<artifactId>"
+ s.replace(filepath, "").replace(".jar", "")
+ "</artifactId>");
System.out.println(indentation + indentation + indentation + "<version>"
+ s.replace(filepath, "").replace(".jar", "")
+ "</version>");
System.out.println(indentation + indentation + indentation + "<scope>system</scope>");
System.out.println(indentation + indentation + indentation + "<systemPath>" + s + "</systemPath>");
System.out.println(indentation + indentation + "</dependency>");
} catch (IOException e) {

