I am crawling websites using crawler4j. I am using jsoup to extract content and save it in a text format file. Then I use omegaT to find the number of words in those text files.
The problem I am having is with text extraction. I am using the following function to extract the text from html.
public static String cleanTagPerservingLineBreaks(String html) {
String result = "";
if (html == null)
return html;
Document document = Jsoup.parse(html);
document.outputSettings(new Document.OutputSettings()
result = document.html().replaceAll("\\\\n", "\n");
result = result.replaceAll(" ", " ");
result = result.trim();
result = Jsoup.clean(result, "", Whitelist.none(),
new Document.OutputSettings().prettyPrint(false));
return result;
In the line result = document.html().replaceAll("\\\\n", "\n"); when I use document.text() it gives me a well formatted text with appropriate spaces. But when I do the word count from omegaT, the unique words are not shown properly. If I keep using document.html() then I get a proper word count but there are no paces between some text(eg. WomenNew ArrivalsTops & BlousesPants & DenimDresses & SkirtsMenView All MenNew) and tags like strong, em are not removed by Jsoup.
Is there a way to put spaces between all the tags and properly strip content? And a explanation on why the fluctuation in word count is happening, if possible.
I'm working on a program, which formats HTML Code, extracted from a PDF file.
I have a String list, which contains paragraphs and is divided by that.
As the PDF has hyperlinks, I decided to replace them with a foot note number "[1]".
This will be used for citation of sources. I will eventually plan, to put it at the end of a paragraph, or sentence, so you can look up the sources, like you would in a book.
My Problem
For some reason not all the hyperlinks are replaced.
The reason is most likely, that there is text directly next to the tag.
Hell<a href="http://www.example.com">o old chap!
Specifically the "o" part and the "hell" part is blocking the java .replaceAll function, from doing it's job.
Expected Result
Hello [1] old chap!
If I would just add space, before and after the URL, it might split some words like "help", into "hel p", which is also not an option.
My code would have to replace the URL tag (without the ) and create no new extra spaces.
This is some of my code, where the problem occures:
for (int i = 0; i < EN.length; i++) {
Pattern pattern_URL = Pattern.compile("<a(.+?)\">", Pattern.DOTALL);
Matcher matcher_URL = pattern_URL.matcher(EN[i]); //Checks in the curren Array part.
if (matcher_URL.find() == true) {
String extractedURL = matcher_URL.group(0);
String extractedURL_fully = extractedURL.replaceAll("href=\"", ""); //Anführungszeichen
String nobracketURL = extractedURL.replaceAll("\\)", ""); //Remove round brackets from URL
EN[i] = EN[i].replaceAll("\\)\"", "\""); /*Replace round brackets from URL in Array. (For some reasons there have been href URLs, with an bracket at the end. This was already in the PDF. They were causing massive problems, because it didn't comment them out, so the entire replaceAll command didn't function.)*/
EN[i] = EN[i].replaceAll(nobracketURL, "[" + source_number + "]"); //Replace URL tags with number and Edgy brackets
//System.out.println("FALSE: " + "[" + i + "]");
The whole idea of this is, that it loops through the array and replaces all the URLs, including it's starting tag <a until the end of the starting tag "> (which can also be seen in the pattern regex.)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but what you need is to eliminate all the <a> tags from a given string, right? If that's the case all you needed to do was use a code like the following:
final String string = "<a href=\"http://www.example.com\">Sen";
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("<a(.+?)>", Pattern.DOTALL);
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(string);
final String result = matcher.replaceAll("");
System.out.println(result); // prints "Sen"
Notice I didn't use the replaceAll from the String object, but from the Matcher object. This replaces all matches for the empty string "".
I have question about detect url in page. I'm founding the best way how it solve. For downloading page I use Jsoup.
URI uri = new URI("http://www.niocchi.com/");
Document doc = Jsoup.connect(uri.toString()).get();
Elements links = doc.select("a")
And this page get me some links. For example this:
http://www.niocchi.com/#Package organization
I need get only different pages without references to paragraphs.
I would like to get from example this:
It looks like you want to select only these <a> with href attribute with value build from characters which are not #. In that case you can use
attribute~=regex is syntax used to check if part of value of attribute can be matched with regex.
regex accepting one or more non # characters can look like this [^#]+
regex accepting only entire string (not only its part) need to be surrounded with ^ and $ anchors which represents
^ - start of the string,
$ end of the string.
You could convert them to strings and then split them based on the # mark.
for example:
public void stringSplitter() {
String result = null;
// example
String[] stringURL = {"http://www.niocchi.com/#Package organization", "http://www.niocchi.com/#Architecture",
"http://www.linkedin.com/in/ivanprado", "http://www.niocchi.com/examples/ "};
try {
for (int i = 0; i < stringURL.length; i++) {
String [] parts = stringURL[i].split("#");
result = parts[0];
}catch (Exception ex) {
The output is:
I would even think about setting a part of the method to return only unique URL's
I want to use Jsoup to extract all text from an HTML page and return a single string of all the text without any HTML. The code I am using half works, but has the effect of joining elements which affects my keyword searches against the string.
This is the Java code I am using:
String resultText = scrapePage(htmldoc);
private String scrapePage(Document doc) {
Element allHTML = doc.select("html").first();
return allHTML.text();
Run against the following HTML:
<p>here is para1</p>
<p>here is para2</p>
Outputting resultText gives "Titlehere is para1here is para2" meaning I can't search for the word "para1" as the only word is "para1here".
I don't want to split document into further elements than necessary (for example, getting all H1, p.text elements as there is such a wide range of tags I could be matching
(e.g. data1data2 would come from):
Is there a way if can get all the text from the page but also include a space between the tags? I don't want to preserve whitepsace otherwise, no need to keep line breaks etc. as I am just preparing a keyword string. I will probably trim all white space otherwise to a single space for this reason.
I don't have this issue using JSoup 1.7.3.
Here's the full code i used for testing:
final String html = "<html>\n"
+ " <body>\n"
+ " <h1>Title</h1>\n"
+ " <p>here is para1</p>\n"
+ " <p>here is para2</p>\n"
+ " </body>\n"
+ "</html>";
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
Element element = doc.select("html").first();
And the output:
Title here is para1 here is para2
Can you run my code? Also update to a newer version of jsoup if you don't have 1.7.3 yet.
Previous answer is not right, because it works just thanks to "\n" end of lines added to each line, but in reality you may not have end of line on end of each HTML line...
void example2text() throws IOException {
String url = "http://www.example.com/";
String out = new Scanner(new URL(url).openStream(), "UTF-8").useDelimiter("\\A").next();
org.jsoup.nodes.Document doc = Jsoup.parse(out);
String text = "";
Elements tags = doc.select("*");
for (Element tag : tags) {
for (TextNode tn : tag.textNodes()) {
String tagText = tn.text().trim();
if (tagText.length() > 0) {
text += tagText + " ";
By using answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/35798214/4642669
I want to generate xPath from html file. So far, I have been succeded to store Html source in a String and generating basic xpath using matcher regex as follows:-
String text = "<html><body><table><tr id=\"x\"><td>abc</td><td></td><td>xyz</td></tr></table></body></html>";
//I want xpath till label "xyz"
String unwanted= "xyz";
//so splitting and storing needed String
String[] neededString=text.split(unwanted);
String a="";
//pattern for extracting tags
String patternString1 = "<(.+?)>";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(patternString1);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(neededString[0]);
while(matcher.find()) {
This code works for basic tag Structure without multiple child nodes like multiple <td>'s in <tr>. Can anyone improve my above code to include xpath generation for multiple childs and also for capturing attrributes like Ids,Class etc.
Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Regex is not so Accurate for Extracting the Html content.
Use Jsoup Html Parser
public static void main(String[] args){
String html = "<html><body><table><tr id=\"x\"><td>abc</td><td></td>" +
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
for (Element table : doc.select("table")) {
for (Element row : table.select("tr[id=x]")) {
Elements tds = row.select("td)");
I have below content in Java where I want to strip only html tags but not new line characters
<p>test1 <b>test2</b> test 3 </p> //line 1
<p>test4 </p> //line 2
If I open above content in text rich editor, line 1 and line 2 are displayed in different lines(without showing </p> tag).But in notepad content is shown along with </p> tags. To remove all html tags I used
It removes all html characters. But it shows all line 1 and line 2 in same line in notepad. Somehow Jsoup also removes newline character.
What I tried:-
I also tried replacing </p> with \r\n and then do to remove html tags
Jsoup.parse(contentWith\r\n-Insteadof-</p>Tag ).text()
but still Jsoup removes end of line character(as in the debugger I can see both line1 and line2) in same line.
How I can make Jsoup to strip only html character but not new line character?
You can also do this:
public static String cleanNoMarkup(String input) {
final Document.OutputSettings outputSettings = new Document.OutputSettings().prettyPrint(false);
String output = Jsoup.clean(input, "", Whitelist.none(), outputSettings);
return output;
The important things here are:
1. Whitelist.none() - so no markup is allowed
2..prettyPrint(false) - so linebreaks are not removed
You get a single line because text() remove all whitepace characters.
But you can use a StringBuilder and insert each line there:
final String html = "<p>test1 <b>test2</b> test 3 </p>"
+ "<p>test4 </p>";
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for( Element element : doc.select("p") )
* element.text() returns the text of this element (= without tags).
test1 test2 test 3