Filter the period in Char[] - java

The valid sudoku problem on Leetcode is solved, however, there is still a little question regarding the '.', which I fail to filter until I try another way.
Check out the comment parts regarding (1) & (2), (1) = the correct way to filter period by using continue; if '.' is found. (2) = is the wrong way which I used before, it will only allow digits to get passed for the following if statements.
Assume 1~9 digits and '.' will be the only inputs.
I just need someone to help me analyze the difference between these 2 ways, so I can learn from the mistakes.
Thank you for the help!
public class Solution {
public boolean isValidSudoku(char[][] board) {
if (board.length > 9 || board[0].length > 9 || board == null) {
return false;
boolean[] brain;
for (int x = 0; x < board.length; x++) {
// Reset brain
brain = new boolean[9];
for (int y = 0; y < board[0].length; y++) {
// ------- (1) Begin -------
if (board[x][y] == '.') {
if (brain[board[x][y] - '1']) {
return false;
} else {
brain[board[x][y] - '1'] = true;
// ------- (1) End -------
// statments (1) above is the correct one, I used to use code below:
// ------- (2) Begin -------
if (board[x][y] != '.') {
if (brain[board[x][y] - '1']) {
return false;
} else {
brain[board[x][y] - '1'] = true;
// ------- (2) Begin -------
// which failed for not filter out '.' properly
// so I changed to filter '.' out by using continue;
for (int x = 0; x < board.length; x++) {
// Reset brain
brain = new boolean[9];
for (int y = 0; y < board[0].length; y++) {
if (board[y][x] == '.') {
if (brain[board[y][x] - '1']) {
return false;
} else {
brain[board[y][x] - '1'] = true;
for (int block = 0; block < 9; block++) {
// Reset brain
brain = new boolean[9];
for (int r = block / 3 * 3; r < block / 3 * 3 + 3; r++) {
for (int c = block % 3 * 3; c < block % 3 * 3 + 3; c++) {
if (board[r][c] == '.') {
if (brain[board[r][c] - '1']) {
return false;
} else {
brain[board[r][c] - '1'] = true;
return true;

The two methods you use to skip dots on your Sudoku board are equivalent under the assumption that the digits 1 thru 9 and the dot are your only input.
I have tried to verify this with two different Sudoku boards, and both methods returned the same result. As I believe the two methods to do the same I think you will be hard pressed to find a board that shows differing results for each method.


Algorithm to count free blocks until there is a used block

It exists a 2 Dimensional Array for a field of (x,y) length, here for instance 9x6. What I need to do here is to check how many free fields are around the Orange and Red Star. The black (filled) fields represent the occupied fields. In this example for instance I have 7 free fields for Orange, 1 for Red. I know that I can loop through each field and see whether one field is occupied or not, but how could I loop through so that I know that these non-occupied fields are next to the Star or in the Radius of the Star of non-occupied fields? I hope I could elaborate my question well.
Field[][] fields = new Field[9][6];
private void checkEmptyFields(Star star) {
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){ // Hardcoded size as an example
for (int j = 0; i < 6; i++) {
//It is occupied, but what now?
isOccupied Function:
public boolean isOccupied(){
return occupied;
I expect the output to be in this example Orange: 7, Red: 1 (because Red is blocked by the Orange Star and the occupied boxes)
This seems like a problem where breadth-first-search is the appropriate algorithm to use here. Breadth-first-search, or BFS, is when you visit all of a node's, or in this case fields', neighbors first. In your case, "visiting", will just mean checking if it's occupied or not. If it the neighboring field is not occupied and hasn't been visited before, then you can search that field and it's neighbors. The order in which you search is determined by using a Queue-like data structure like so,
private void checkEmptyFields(Star star) {
boolean visited[9][6] = new visited[9][6];
//get the star's coordinates somehow, you may have to change this
int i = star.row;
int j = star.col;
visited[i][j] = true;
int freeFieldCount = 0;
Queue<Field> q = new LinkedList<Field>();
while(!q.isEmpty()) {
Field current = q.poll();
//get the coordinates from the field, you may have to change this
i = current.row;
j = current.col;
int rowUpperLimit = i + 1;
int rowLowerLimit = i - 1;
int colUpperLimit = j + 1;
int colLowerLimit = j - 1;
if(rowUpperLimit >= 9) {
rowUpperLimit = 8;
if(rowLowerLimit < 0) {
rowLowerLimit = 0;
if(colUpperLimit >= 6) {
colUpperLimit = 5;
if(colLowerLimit < 0) {
colUpperLimit = 0;
//check immediate neighbors
for(int m = rowLowerLimit; m <= rowUpperLimit; m++) {
for(int n = colLowerLimit; n <= colUpperLimit; n++) {
if((m != i && n != j) && !visited[m][n] && !fields[m][n].isOccupied()) {
visited[m][n] = true;
return freeFieldCount;
As user #juvian mentioned, this is an 8-neighbor approach. If you want to do a 4-neighbor approach, simply visit only the neighbors immediately to the left, right, above, or below the current field. You can modify the while loop like so,
while(!q.isEmpty()) {
Field current = q.poll();
//get the coordinates from the field, you may have to change this
i = current.row;
j = current.col;
int rowUpperLimit = i + 1;
int rowLowerLimit = i - 1;
int colUpperLimit = j + 1;
int colLowerLimit = j - 1;
if(colLowerLimit > -1) {
//check neighbor to the left
if(!visited[i][colLowerLimit] && !fields[i][colLowerLimit].isOccupied()) {
visited[i][colLowerLimit] = true;
if(colUpperLimit < 6) {
//check neighbor to the right
if(!visited[i][colUpperLimit] && !fields[i][colUpperLimit].isOccupied()) {
visited[i][colUpperLimit] = true;
if(rowLowerLimit > -1) {
//check neighbor below
if(!visited[rowLowerLimit][j] && !fields[rowLowerLimit][j].isOccupied()) {
visited[rowLowerLimit][j] = true;
if(rowUpperLimit < 9) {
//check neighbor above
if(!visited[rowUpperLimit][j] && !fields[rowUpperLimit][j].isOccupied()) {
visited[rowUpperLimit][j] = true;

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - (36. Valid Sudoku on Leetcode)

I am working on this problem which comes from Leetcode.
Here is the link if anyone want to see the problem:
I think I almost solve this problem, but something wrong with the "java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" which I used capital comment in my code to mark it out, ==> "if (brain[((int) board[x][y]) - 1])"
I checked it many times and I think the indexes should be perfectly fine within 0~8 by doing "for( int i = 0, i < 9; i++)" and I could not find the reason.
I guess this must be easy stupid question, but I kinda spend a lot of time to find it out. Can someone help me out?
BIG THANKS to whoever help!
public class Solution {
public boolean isValidSudoku(char[][] board) {
if (board.length > 9 || board[0].length > 9 || board == null) {
return false;
boolean[] brain;
// 9 digits are corresponding to 1 ~ 9 ==> 0 - 1, 1 - 2 ... 8 - 9
// ex: brain[2] is checking for digit "3" , so using brain[3-1] to check "3"
for (int x = 0; x < board.length; x++) {
// Reset brain
brain = new boolean[9];
for (int y = 0; y < board[0].length; y++) {
if (board[x][y] != '.') {
if (brain[((int) board[x][y]) - 1]) {
// my condition failed by using:
// brain[board[x][y] - 1]
// other's condition Partially passed by using
// (still failed for final submission:
// brain[(int) (board[x][y] - '1')]
// need to compare the difference
return false;
} else {
brain[((int) board[x][y]) - 1] = true;
for (int x = 0; x < board.length; x++) {
// Reset brain
brain = new boolean[9];
for (int y = 0; y < board[0].length; y++) {
if (board[x][y] != '.') {
if (brain[((int) board[y][x]) - 1]) {
return false;
} else {
brain[((int) board[y][x]) - 1] = true;
for (int block = 0; block < 9; block++) {
// Reset brain
brain = new boolean[9];
for (int r = block / 3 * 3; r < block / 3 * 3 + 3; r++) {
for (int c = block % 3 * 3; c < block % 3 * 3 + 3; c++) {
if (board[r][c] != '.') {
if (brain[((int) board[r][c]) - 1]) {
return false;
} else {
brain[((int) board[r][c]) - 1] = true;
return true;
You are trying to cast a char as int. Try to manually cast these values and you will notice that 0=48 and 9=57, which i guess should be the cause of your exception.
You might want to check if the value in there represents a number and get the numeric value of the char by using the Character#getNumericValue method.
if (Character.isDigit(board[x][y]) &&
brain[Character.getNumericValue(board[x][y])) - 1]) {

java:implement 8 queen using depth first search

i am try to implement 8 queen using depth search for any initial state it work fine for empty board(no queen on the board) ,but i need it to work for initial state if there is a solution,if there is no solution for this initial state it will print there is no solution
Here is my code:
public class depth {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//we create a board
int[][] board = new int[8][8];
board [0][0]=1;
board [1][1]=1;
board [2][2]=1;
board [3][3]=1;
board [4][4]=1;
board [5][5]=1;
board [6][6]=1;
board [7][7]=1;
eightQueen(8, board, 0, 0, false);
System.out.println("the solution as pair");
for(int i=0;i<board.length;i++){
for(int j=0;j<board.length;j++)
System.out.println(" ("+i+" ,"+j +")");
System.out.println("the number of node stored in memory "+count1);
public static int count1=0;
public static void eightQueen(int N, int[][] board, int i, int j, boolean found) {
long startTime = System.nanoTime();//time start
if (!found) {
if (IsValid(board, i, j)) {//check if the position is valid
board[i][j] = 1;
System.out.println("[Queen added at (" + i + "," + j + ")");
if (i == N - 1) {//check if its the last queen
found = true;
double endTime = System.nanoTime();//end the method time
double duration = (endTime - startTime)*Math.pow(10.0, -9.0);
System.out.print("total Time"+"= "+duration+"\n");
//call the next step
eightQueen(N, board, i + 1, 0, found);
} else {
//if the position is not valid & if reach the last row we backtracking
while (j >= N - 1) {
int[] a = Backmethod(board, i, j);
i = a[0];
j = a[1];
System.out.println("back at (" + i + "," + j + ")");
//we do the next call
eightQueen(N, board, i, j + 1, false);
public static int[] Backmethod(int[][] board, int i, int j) {
int[] a = new int[2];
for (int x = i; x >= 0; x--) {
for (int y = j; y >= 0; y--) {
//search for the last queen
if (board[x][y] != 0) {
//deletes the last queen and returns the position
board[x][y] = 0;
a[0] = x;
a[1] = y;
return a;
return a;
public static boolean IsValid(int[][] board, int i, int j) {
int x;
//check the queens in column
for (x = 0; x < board.length; x++) {
if (board[i][x] != 0) {
return false;
//check the queens in row
for (x = 0; x < board.length; x++) {
if (board[x][j] != 0) {
return false;
//check the queens in the diagonals
if (!SafeDiag(board, i, j)) {
return false;
return true;
public static boolean SafeDiag(int[][] board, int i, int j) {
int xx = i;
int yy = j;
while (yy >= 0 && xx >= 0 && xx < board.length && yy < board.length) {
if (board[xx][yy] != 0) {
return false;
xx = i;
yy = j;
while (yy >= 0 && xx >= 0 && xx < board.length && yy < board.length) {
if (board[xx][yy] != 0) {
return false;
xx = i;
yy = j;
while (yy >= 0 && xx >= 0 && xx < board.length && yy < board.length) {
if (board[xx][yy] != 0) {
return false;
xx = i;
yy = j;
while (yy >= 0 && xx >= 0 && xx < board.length && yy < board.length) {
if (board[xx][yy] != 0) {
return false;
return true;
public static void PrintBoard(int[][] board) {
System.out.print(" ");
for (int j = 0; j < board.length; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < board.length; j++) {
if (board[i][j] == 0) {
System.out.print(" ");
} else {
for example for this initial state it give me the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
i am stuck, i think the error is infinite call for the method how to solve this problem.
any idea will be helpful,thanks in advance.
note:the broad is two dimensional array,when i put (1) it means there queen at this point.
we i put the initial state as the following it work:
board [0][0]=1;
board [1][1]=1;
board [2][2]=1;
board [3][3]=1;
board [4][4]=1;
board [5][5]=1;
board [6][6]=1;
board [7][1]=1;
[EDIT: Added conditional output tip.]
To add to #StephenC's answer:
This is a heck of a complicated piece of code, especially if you're not experienced in programming Java.
I executed your code, and it outputs this over and over and over and over (and over)
back at (0,0)
1 Q
2 Q
3 Q
4 Q
5 Q
6 Q
7 Q
back at (0,0)
And then crashes with this
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
at java.nio.Buffer.<init>(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Depth.eightQueen(
at Depth.eightQueen(
at Depth.eightQueen(
at Depth.eightQueen(
at Depth.eightQueen(
My first instinct is always to add some System.out.println(...)s to figure out where stuff is going wrong, but that won't work here.
The only two options I see are to
Get familiar with a debugger and use it to step through and analyze why it's never stopping the loop
Break it down man! How can you hope to deal with a massive problem like this without breaking it into digestible chunks???
Not to mention that the concept of 8-queens is complicated to begin with.
One further thought:
System.out.println()s are not useful as currently implemented, because there's infinite output. A debugger is the better solution here, but another option is to somehow limit your output. For example, create a counter at the top
private static final int iITERATIONS = 0;
and instead of
Here is the function:
private static final void conditionalSDO(boolean b_condition, String s_message) {
if(b_condition) {
Another alternative is to not limit the output, but to write it to a file.
I hope this information helps you.
(Note: I edited the OP's code to be compilable.)
You asked for ideas on how to solve it (as distinct from solutions!) so, here's a couple of hints:
Hint #1:
If you get a StackOverflowError in a recursive program it can mean one of two things:
your problem is too "deep", OR
you've got a bug in your code that is causing it to recurse infinitely.
In this case, the depth of the problem is small (8), so this must be a recursion bug.
Hint #2:
If you examine the stack trace, you will see the method names and line numbers for each of the calls in the stack. This ... and some thought ... should help you figure out the pattern of recursion in your code (as implemented!).
Hint #3:
Use a debugger Luke ...
Hint #4:
If you want other people to read your code, pay more attention to style. Your indentation is messed up in the most important method, and you have committed the (IMO) unforgivable sin of ignoring the Java style rules for identifiers. A method name MUST start with a lowercase letter, and a class name MUST start with an uppercase letter.
(I stopped reading your code very quickly ... on principle.)
Try to alter your method IsValid in the lines where for (x = 0; x < board.length - 1; x++).
public static boolean IsValid(int[][] board, int i, int j) {
int x;
//check the queens in column
for (x = 0; x < board.length - 1; x++) {
if (board[i][x] != 0) {
return false;
//check the queens in row
for (x = 0; x < board.length - 1; x++) {
if (board[x][j] != 0) {
return false;
//check the queens in the diagonals
if (!SafeDiag(board, i, j)) {
return false;
return true;

How to implement efficient Alpha-Beta pruning Game Search Tree?

I'm trying to learn about artificial intelligence and how to implement it in a program. The easiest place to start is probably with simple games (in this case Tic-Tac-Toe) and Game Search Trees (recursive calls; not an actual data structure). I found this very useful video on a lecture about the topic.
The problem I'm having is that the first call to the algorithm is taking an extremely long amount of time (about 15 seconds) to execute. I've placed debugging log outputs throughout the code and it seems like it is calling parts of the algorithm an excessive amount of times.
Here's the method for choosing the best move for the computer:
public Best chooseMove(boolean side, int prevScore, int alpha, int beta){
Best myBest = new Best();
Best reply;
if (prevScore == COMPUTER_WIN || prevScore == HUMAN_WIN || prevScore == DRAW){
myBest.score = prevScore;
return myBest;
if (side == COMPUTER){
myBest.score = alpha;
myBest.score = beta;
Log.d(TAG, "Alpha: " + alpha + " Beta: " + beta + " prevScore: " + prevScore);
Move[] moveList = myBest.move.getAllLegalMoves(board);
for (Move m : moveList){
String choice;
if (side == HUMAN){
choice = playerChoice;
}else if (side == COMPUTER && playerChoice.equals("X")){
choice = "O";
choice = "X";
Log.d(TAG, "Current Move: column- " + m.getColumn() + " row- " + m.getRow());
int p = makeMove(m, choice, side);
reply = chooseMove(!side, p, alpha, beta);
if ((side == COMPUTER) && (reply.score > myBest.score)){
myBest.move = m;
myBest.score = reply.score;
alpha = reply.score;
}else if((side == HUMAN) && (reply.score < myBest.score)){
myBest.move = m;
myBest.score = reply.score;
beta = reply.score;
}//end of if-else statement
if (alpha >= beta) return myBest;
}//end of for loop
return myBest;
Where the makeMove method makes the move if the spot is empty and returns a value (-1 - human win, 0 - draw, 1 - computer win, -2 or 2 - otherwise). Though I believe the error may be in the getAllLegalMoves method:
public Move[] getAllLegalMoves(String[][] grid){
//I'm unsure whether this method really belongs in this class or in the grid class, though, either way it shouldn't matter.
items = 0;
moveList = null;
Move move = new Move();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
Log.d(TAG, "At Column: " + i + " At Row: " + j);
if(grid[i][j] == null || grid[i][j].equals("")){
Log.d(TAG, "Is Empty");
if(moveList == null || moveList.length < items){
}//end of second if statement
moveList[items - 1] = move;
}//end of first if statement
}//end of second loop
}//end of first loop
for (int k = 0; k < moveList.length; k++){
Log.d(TAG, "Count: " + k + " Column: " + moveList[k].getColumn() + " Row: " + moveList[k].getRow());
return moveList;
private void resize(){
Move[] b = new Move[items];
for (int i = 0; i < items - 1; i++){
b[i] = moveList[i];
moveList = b;
To sum it all up: What's causing my call, to choose the best move, to take so long? What am I missing? Is there an easier way to implement this algorithm? Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated, thanks!
A minimax tree with alpha beta pruning should be visualized as a tree, each node of the tree being a possible move that many turns into the future, and its children being all the moves that can be taken from it.
To be as fast as possible and guarantee you'll only need space linear on number of moves you're looking ahead, you do a depth first search and 'sweep' from one side to another. As in, if you imagine the whole tree being constructed, your program would actually only construct a single strand from lead to root one at a time, and discard any parts of it it is done with.
I'm just going to copy the wikipedia pseudo code at this point because it's really, really succinct and clear:
function alphabeta(node, depth, α, β, Player)
if depth = 0 or node is a terminal node
return score
if Player = MaxPlayer
for each child of node
α := max(α, alphabeta(child, depth-1, α, β, not(Player) ))
if β ≤ α
break (* Beta cut-off *)
return α
for each child of node
β := min(β, alphabeta(child, depth-1, α, β, not(Player) ))
if β ≤ α
break (* Alpha cut-off *)
return β
-'for each child of node' - Rather than editing the state of the current board, create an entirely new board that is the result of applying the move. By using immutable objects, your code will be less prone to bugs and quicker to reason about in general.
-To use this method, call it for every possible move you can make from the current state, giving it depth -1, -Infinity for alpha and +Infinity for beta, and it should start by being the non-moving player's turn in each of these calls - the one that returns the highest value is the best one to take.
It's very very conceptually simple. If you code it right then you never instantiate more than (depth) boards at once, you never consider pointless branches and so on.
I am not going to profile your code for you, but since this is such a nice coding kata I wrote a small ai for tic tac toe:
import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class Board {
* -1: opponent
* 0: empty
* 1: player
int[][] cells = new int[3][3];
* the best move calculated by eval(), or -1 if no more moves are possible
int bestX, bestY;
int winner() {
// row
for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
if (cells[0][y] == cells[1][y] && cells[1][y] == cells[2][y]) {
if (cells[0][y] != 0) {
return cells[0][y];
// column
for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
if (cells[x][0] == cells[x][1] && cells[x][1] == cells[x][2]) {
if (cells[x][0] != 0) {
return cells[x][0];
// 1st diagonal
if (cells[0][0] == cells[1][1] && cells[1][1] == cells[2][2]) {
if (cells[0][0] != 0) {
return cells[0][0];
// 2nd diagonal
if (cells[2][0] == cells[1][1] && cells[1][1] == cells[0][2]) {
if (cells[2][0] != 0) {
return cells[2][0];
return 0; // nobody has won
* #return 1 if side wins, 0 for a draw, -1 if opponent wins
int eval(int side) {
int winner = winner();
if (winner != 0) {
return side * winner;
} else {
int bestX = -1;
int bestY = -1;
int bestValue = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
if (cells[x][y] == 0) {
cells[x][y] = side;
int value = -eval(-side);
cells[x][y] = 0;
if (value > bestValue) {
bestValue = value;
bestX = x;
bestY = y;
if (bestValue == 1) {
// it won't get any better, we might as well stop thinking
break loop;
this.bestX = bestX;
this.bestY = bestY;
if (bestValue == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
// there were no moves left, it must be a draw!
return 0;
} else {
return bestValue;
void move(int side) {
if (bestX == -1) {
cells[bestX][bestY] = side;
int w = winner();
if (w != 0) {
System.out.println("Game over!");
} else {
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
char[] c = {'O', ' ', 'X'};
for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
sb.append(c[cells[x][y] + 1]);
return sb.toString();
public static void main(String[] args) {
long start = System.nanoTime();
Board b = new Board();
long end = System.nanoTime();
System.out.println(new BigDecimal(end - start).movePointLeft(9));
The astute reader will have noticed I don't use alpha/beta cut-off. Still, on my somewhat dated notebook, this plays through a game in 0.015 seconds ...
Not having profiled your code, I can't say for certain what the problem is. However, you logging each possible move at every node in the search tree might have something to do with it.

8 Non-Attacking Queens Algorithm with Recursion

I'm having trouble coding the 8 queens problem. I've coded a class to help me solve it, but for some reason, I'm doing something wrong. I kind of understand what's supposed to happen.
Also, we have to use recursion to solve it but I have no clue how to use the backtracking I've read about, so I just used it in the methods checking if a position is legitimate.
My board is String [] [] board = { { "O", "O"... etc etc with 8 rows and 8 columns.
If I'm getting anything wrong conceptually or making a grave Java mistake, please say so :D
public void solve () {
int Queens = NUM_Queens - 1;
while (Queens > 0) {
for (int col = 0; col < 8; col++) {
int row = -1;
boolean c = false;
while (c = false && row < 8) {
row ++;
c = checkPos (row, col);
if (c == true) {
board[row][col] = "Q";
printBoard ();
// printing the board
public void printBoard () {
String ret = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
for (int a = 0; a < 8; a++)
ret += (board[i][a] + ", ");
ret += ("\n");
System.out.print (ret);
// checking if a position is a legitimate location to put a Queen
public boolean checkPos (int y, int x) {
boolean r = true, d = true, u = true, co = true;
r = checkPosR (y, 0);
co = checkPosC (0, x);
int col = x;
int row = y;
while (row != 0 && col != 0 ) { //setting up to check diagonally downwards
d = checkPosDD (row, col);
col = x;
row = y;
while (row != 7 && col != 0 ) { //setting up to check diagonally upwards
d = checkPosDU (row, col);
if (r = true && d = true && u = true && co = true)
return true;
return false;
// checking the row
public boolean checkPosR (int y, int x) {
if (board[y][x].contentEquals("Q"))
return false;
else if (board[y][x].contentEquals("O") && x == 7)
return true;
else //if (board[y][x].contentEquals("O"))
return checkPosR (y, x+1);
// checking the column
public boolean checkPosC (int y, int x) {
if (board[y][x].contentEquals("Q"))
return false;
else if (board[y][x].contentEquals("O") && y == 7)
return true;
else //if (board[y][x].contentEquals("O"))
return checkPosR (y+1, x);
// checking the diagonals from top left to bottom right
public boolean checkPosDD (int y, int x) {
if (board[y][x].contentEquals("Q"))
return false;
else if (board[y][x].contentEquals("O") && (x == 7 || y == 7))
return true;
else //if (board[y][x].contentEquals("O"))
return checkPosR (y+1, x+1);
// checking the diagonals from bottom left to up right
public boolean checkPosDU (int y, int x) {
if (board[y][x].contentEquals("Q"))
return false;
else if (board[y][x].contentEquals("O") && (x == 7 || y == 0))
return true;
else //if (board[y][x].contentEquals("O"))
return checkPosR (y-1, x+1);
As this is homework, the solution, but not in code.
Try to write a method that only handles what needs to happen on a single column; this is where you are supposed to use recursion. Do backtracking by checking if a solution exists, if not, undo your last change (i.e. change the queen position) and try again. If you only focus on one part of the problem (one column), this is much easier than thinking about all columns at the same time.
And as Quetzalcoatl points out, you are assigning false to your variable in the first loop. You probably do not want to do that. You should always enable all warnings in your compiler (run javac with -Xlint) and fix them.
You are trying some kind of brute-force, but, as you already mentioned, you have no recursion.
Your programs tries to put a queen on the first possible position. But at the end no solution is found. It follows that your first assumption (the position of your first queen) is invalid. You have to go back to this state. And have to assume that your checkPos(x,y) is false instead of true.
Now some hints:
As mentioned before by NPE int[N] queens is more suitable representation.
sum(queens) have to be 0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7=28, since a position has to be unique.
Instead of checking only the position of the new queen, you may check a whole situation. It is valid if for all (i,j) \in N^2 with queen(i) = j, there exists no (k,l) != (i,j) with abs(k-i) == abs(l-j)

