Hibernate Incorrect datetime value - java

Hoping someone can clear this up for me. I'm getting some warnings when I run a unit test that is using hibernate criteria. The specific warnings are:
Mar 10, 2016 11:48:31 AM org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper$StandardWarningHandler logWarning
WARN: SQL Warning Code: 1292, SQLState: 22007
Mar 10, 2016 11:48:31 AM org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper$StandardWarningHandler logWarning
WARN: Incorrect datetime value: '1454684370' for column 'date_created' at row 1
Mar 10, 2016 11:48:31 AM org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper$StandardWarningHandler logWarning
WARN: SQL Warning Code: 1292, SQLState: 22007
Mar 10, 2016 11:48:31 AM org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper$StandardWarningHandler logWarning
WARN: Incorrect datetime value: '1454684700' for column 'date_created' at row 1
I can't figure out what Hibernate is complaining about. The column it's talking about, 'date_created', is of type datetime. I've tried passing in every other version of the date object, a string, a java.util.Date, a java.sql.Timestamp, but those just cause actual errors. Specifically they cause:
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.sql.Timestamp cannot be cast to java.lang.Long
or, of course, whatever other type I tried passing instead of Long. The times I'm passing in are epoch times but for some reason I'm getting these errors and the unit tests aren't passing.
Also, in case it might help, here is the specific code in the tests:
public List<Content> findByCollectionName(String collectionName, Long exclusiveBegin, Long inclusiveEnd, Long expiration)
if(collectionName == null)
return null;
Session session = currentSession();
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Content.class).setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY);
criteria.createAlias("collections", "cols");
.add(Restrictions.and(Restrictions.eq("cols.name", collectionName), buildCriterion(exclusiveBegin, inclusiveEnd, expiration)));
List<Content> list = criteria.list();
return list;
private Criterion buildCriterion(Long exclusiveBegin, Long inclusiveEnd, Long expiration)
List<Criterion> criterion = new ArrayList<Criterion>();
if(exclusiveBegin != null)
criterion.add(Restrictions.gt("dateCreated", exclusiveBegin));
if(inclusiveEnd != null)
criterion.add(Restrictions.le("dateCreated", inclusiveEnd));
if(expiration != null)
criterion.add(Restrictions.ge("dateCreated", expiration));
Criterion[] array = new Criterion[criterion.size()];
for(int j = 0; j < array.length; j++)
array[j] = criterion.get(j);
return Restrictions.and(array);
EDIT Sorry for the delay, here's the requested additions.
#Table(name = "content")
public class Content implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8483381938400121236L;
public Content()
public Content(String messageId, ContentBlock block) throws NullPointerException
if(messageId == null || block == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null objects passed for Content object creation");
this.messageId = messageId;
this.dateCreated = System.currentTimeMillis();
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "id", columnDefinition = "BIGINT UNSIGNED")
private int id;
#Column(name = "message_id")
private String messageId;
#Column(name = "date_created")
private long dateCreated;
#Column(name = "content_wrapper", columnDefinition = "longblob")
private byte[] contentWrapper;
#ManyToMany(mappedBy = "contentBlocks")
private List<TCollection> collections;
/*#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "message_id")
private TMessage message;*/
I omitted the getters and setters for brevity
As for the database, it's got a regular structure. The TContent table has:
column type
id bigint
user_id int
name varchar
date_created datetime
collection_wrapper longblob
tspoll_expire decimal
Please let me know if I can add anything else or have missed anything. Thanks for taking a look.

In the past I've used the following, which successfully converts between MySQL datetime field and java.util.Date:
private Date dateTime;
And more recently with Joda-time, the following successfully converts between MySQL 5.7 datetime(3) and org.joda.time.DateTime:
#Column(columnDefinition = "DATETIME(3)")
private DateTime dateTime;
There will be other options but these are the two I'm currently familiar with.

Hibernate has a bug (sort of) when parameter hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto set to update If table contains filed with the same name, for example from previous deployment, it just leave field 'as is' and doesn't change field type.
I think, previously you set date_created as Date type, but later switch it to long.
Possible solutions:
change java bean field type long dateCreated; to Date dateCreated; and work with Date type in code.
manually change database structure accordinly to your java classes. alter table content alter column date_created TYPE bigint I doesn't sure mysql allow to do it, in that case you should write migration procedure.
drop database and recreate it with hibernate (only if content not important/test/garbage)


only select columns of the a psql table could receive data

Something very bizarre have been happening. I have a very simple Entity recipe like so
#Table(name = "recipe", schema = "public")
public class Recipe {
strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY
#Column(name = "id", updatable = false, nullable = false)
private long id;
#Column(name = "name")
private String name;
#Column(name = "instructions")
private String instructions;
#Column(name = "date_added", nullable = false)
private String dateAdded;
#Column(name = "last_edited", nullable = false)
private String lastEdited;
and I have this post service that should post the 4 string attribute to the database
public void postRecipe(Recipe recipe){
var sql = """
INSERT INTO public.recipe ("name","instructions","date_added","last_edited")
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
However when the following jason is sent using postman, I get the null value error.
"instructions":"don't eat",
ERROR: null value in column \"date_added\" of relation \"recipe\" violates not-null constraint\n Detail: Failing row contains (3, null, don't eat, null, test)
The strangest thing is that only the "name" and "instruction" columns receive their data and not the other columns. I have tried adding another String attribute to the Entity class and it also cannot get data from the jason.
Edit 1:
I have tried adding the data directly through pgadmin and it worked fine
INSERT INTO recipe (name, instructions, date_added, last_edited)
VALUES ('test', 'test instruction', '2020/03/05', '2020/05/08');
It looks like your deserialization is broken - transforming your JSON into the Java entity, which results in some null values present. Most likely because date_added != dateAdded (field name), and Jackson cannot properly set a value.
I recommend having a look at Jackson guide: https://www.baeldung.com/jackson-annotations, #JsonProperty specifically. And overall do not mix entities and DTOs
After many trials and errors I was able to come up with a solution but still have no clue as to why this is happening. It turns out the under score in the annotation is the problem.
//won't work
#Column(name = date_added)
#Column(name = dateadded)
This is pretty strange because I am fairly certain that the under score is generated by hibernate.
if anyone know why this is happening please let me know... for now I will just stay away from the under scrolls.

Unexpected class cast error with JPA/Hibernate

I need help with JPA/Hibernate. I have added two new columns to a table:
MODIFIED char(1) DEFAULT 'F' NOT NULL -- new column added
The entity class is TrackedSerial (attached). I’m using what I believe to be the correct annotations for the new getters, based on getters for the same type in other entity classes in the project:
#Column(name = "CREATED_TS", nullable = false, length = 26,
updatable = false, columnDefinition="TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")
public Date getCreatedTs() {
return createdTs;
#Column(name = "MODIFIED", nullable = false, columnDefinition = "char(1)")
#Convert(converter = BooleanCharacter.class)
public Boolean getModified() {
return modified;
Insertions seem to work fine, but although this query returns with no error:
#NamedNativeQuery(name = "getUnimportedTrackedSerials",
A few lines after the call that uses this query on line 73, an exception is thrown at line 79 (indicated by arrow)
java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; incompatible with com.daimler.dmu.jpa.entities.dmu.TrackedSerial
at com.daimler.dmu.batch.jobs.PerSerialItemFetcher.execute(PerSerialItemFetcher.java:79)
Now this is very odd, because the variable t is the same class as the members of trackedSerials. There should be no need to cast, let alone throw an exception. I suspect Hibernate is doing some jiggery-pokery with reflection, creating objects that look like TrackedSerial but aren't exactly. Does anyone know what's going on here?

Native named query fails with exception "column is of type date but expression is of type bytea"when NULL LocalDate is given as input

(email, mobile, party_id, affiliate_id, eligibility, member_start_date, created_by, created_dt, first_name, last_name, google_connected)
('xxx#yyy.org', NULL, 123, '123', '1', NULL, NULL, '2018-8-30 21:45:56.859000 -6:0:0', 'xxx', 'yyy', '0')
DO UPDATE SET create_dt = '2018-8-30 21:45:56.859000 -6:0:0' where email = ?
When the LocalDate value is not null, it works fine. Facing this issue only when LocalDate value is given as null.
Even after PostgreSQL casting, it does the same.
Exception stacktrace:
2018-08-30 21:10:48,372 -- [ERROR]-- There was an unexpected problem
with your request org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column
"member_start_date" is of type date but expression is of type bytea
Hint: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression. Position: 185
org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeQuery(AbstractJdbc2Statement.java:380) at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor98.invoke(Unknown Source) at
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) at
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy185.executeQuery(Unknown Source) at at
... 149 common frames omitted
#Entity(name = "person")
#EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public class PersonEntity extends Audit {
#Column(name = "person_id", columnDefinition = "uuid", updatable = false)
private UUID id;
#Column(name = "first_name")
private String firstName;
#Column(name = "last_name")
private String lastName;
#Column(name = "email")
private String email;
#Column(name = "mobile")
private String mobile;
#Column(name = "party_id")
private Long partyId;
#Column(name = "affiliate_id")
private String affiliateId;
#Column(name = "eligibility")
private Boolean eligibility;
#Column(name = "member_start_date")
private LocalDate memberStartDate;
#Column(name = "google_connected")
private Boolean googleAccountConnected;
PostgreSQL table definition; it's missing google_connected column which is not important:
person_id UUID NOT NULL,
email VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
mobile VARCHAR(20),
party_id INTEGER,
affiliate_id VARCHAR(20),
eligibility BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
member_start_date DATE,
created_by VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
updated_by VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL,
updated_dt TIMESTAMP NULL,
CONSTRAINT person_pk PRIMARY KEY ( person_id )
Because the query is native, Hibernate doesn't know the data types which to expect, so when you pass a null it defaults to the generic Serializable type handler. Changing this behaviour breaks compatibility with other databases.
Postgres, however parses the query immediately and determines what types are acceptable, and it always checks for type before it checks for null. They are the only ones who can fix this, but refuse to do so and say it works as intended.
The only solutions for you are:
use JPQL
use managed entities
use hard-coded nulls in the query string where you need to
Fortunately for the third option, with Hibernate you can use named parameters in native queries, so you don't have to do positional calculations for when something is available and when it isn't.
edit: 4th solution that I've discovered since.
You have your query:
Query q = em.createNativeQuery("UPDATE...");
Have some static final LocalDate object somewhere:
public static final LocalDate EPOCH_DATE = LocalDate.of(1970, 1, 1);
then call the query like this:
q.setParameter("start_date", EPOCH_DATE);
q.setParameter("start_date", nullableDateParam);
The first time you call setParameter for a parameter, Hibernate uses the class to resolve the type. The second time you call it, the type is already resolved, so a null will work.
It's an old question, but there is a more useful way:
your query...
.setParameter("transaction_id", null, LongType.INSTANCE)
It works.
Found from https://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?p=2493645
Going to newer versions of hibernate 5.1.17 and above + postgres seems to have exhibited this behavior. Looking into the code, when it binds a type that has no value, the old hibernate code attempted to resolve the type through a typeresolver. The newer versions of hibernate's implementation state that it will not guess.
public Type resolveParameterBindType(Object bindValue) {
if ( bindValue == null ) {
// we can't guess
return null;
We ended up just setting a default value based on the type first, and then the real null value.

Spring JPA hibernate postgresql partion and timestamp without timezone

After searching a lot, I have a trouble to save timestamp data in PostgreSQL base using Spring JPA Hibernate.
Here my main table in PostgreSQL, it's a partitionning table :
CREATE TABLE public.archive_traffic_measure
measure_point_id integer NOT NULL,
measure_agregation_id integer NOT NULL,
measure_datetime timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
measure_type_id integer NOT NULL,
any_flow integer,
f_any_flow smallint,
hgv_flow integer,
f_hgv_flow smallint,
occupation_rate smallint,
f_occupation_rate smallint,
average_speed smallint,
f_average_speed smallint,
CONSTRAINT pk_archive_traffic_measure PRIMARY KEY (measure_point_id, measure_agregation_id, measure_datetime, measure_type_id)
Here my main entity with spring JPA hibernate with #SQLInsert to suppress the check and don't have the problem with hibernate that no row is insert (because the row is insert in a child table) :
#Table(name = "archive_traffic_measure")
#SQLInsert(sql = "INSERT INTO archive_traffic_measure (measure_point_id," +
"measure_agregation_id," +
"measure_datetime," +
"measure_type_id," +
"any_flow," +
"f_any_flow," +
"hgv_flow," +
"f_hgv_flow," +
"occupation_rate," +
"f_occupation_rate," +
"average_speed," +
"f_average_speed) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", check = ResultCheckStyle.NONE)
public class ArchiveTrafficMeasure implements Serializable {
private ArchiveTrafficMeasureId id;
#Column(name = "any_flow")
private Integer anyFlow;
#Column(name = "f_any_flow")
private Integer F_AnyFlow;
#Column(name = "hgv_flow")
private Integer hgvFlow;
#Column(name = "f_hgv_flow")
private Integer F_hgvFlow;
#Column(name = "occupation_rate")
private Integer occupationRate;
#Column(name = "f_occupation_rate")
private Integer F_occupationRate;
#Column(name = "average_speed")
private Integer averageSpeed;
#Column(name = "f_average_speed")
private Integer F_averageSpeed;
And my id's entity with Spring JPA hibernate :
#Table(name = "archive_traffic_measure")
public class ArchiveTrafficMeasureId implements Serializable {
#Column(name = "measure_point_id")
private int measurePointId;
#Column(name = "measure_agregation_id")
private int measureAgregationId;
#Column(name = "measure_datetime", columnDefinition = "timestamp without time zone")
private Date measureDateTime;
#Column(name = "measure_type_id")
private int measureType;
When I try to insert new data I have this error :
ERROR: column "measure_datetime" is of type timestamp without time zone but
expression is of type integer
The problem is the request be like :
INSERT INTO archive_traffic_measure VALUES (1,2,2018-04-18 17:00:00+01,1,40,null,null,null,null,null,null,null)
So the quote arount the timestamp is missing...
I have try to put the quote in the #SQLInsert "(?,?,'?',?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" but with that, I have the error :
The column's index is out of bound : 12, number of column : 11.
I have also try "(?,?,''?'',?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" with double quote
Or "(?,?,?::timestamp,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" but nothing is working for far.
Can someone help me ? Thanks in advance.
First, add nullable = false for 'measure_datetime' column definition also remove composite key from #SQLInsert:
#SQLInsert(sql = "INSERT INTO archive_traffic_measure ("any_flow," +
"f_any_flow," +
"hgv_flow," +
"f_hgv_flow," +
"occupation_rate," +
"f_occupation_rate," +
"average_speed," +
"f_average_speed) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", check = ResultCheckStyle.NONE)
Then, when you persist ArchiveTrafficMeasure, you should set PK as ArchiveTrafficMeasureId and persist it.

jpa retrieving date from oracle

hi i need to retrieve the data from the oracle Database which has DATE values, i have the following entity:
public class grupo_horario {
#Column(name = "COD_GRUPO_HORARIO")
private String codigo;
#Temporal(TemporalType.TIME) //tried DATE,TIME and TIMESTAMP already
#Column(name = "HORA_INI")
private Date hora_ini; //java.util.Date
#Temporal(TemporalType.TIME) //tried DATE,TIME and TIMESTAMP already
#Column(name = "HORA_FIN")
private Date hora_fin; //java.util.Date
so when i call the following method in the DAO i get null as the date values:
grupo_horario grupo_horarios= new grupo_horario();
try {
grupo_horarios = (grupo_horario) em.createQuery("SELECT g FROM grupo_horario g WHERE g.codigo = :codigo").setParameter("codigo", codigo).getSingleResult();
} catch (NoResultException e) {return null; }
System.out.println("el resultado date=" + grupo_horarios.getCodigo()); // i get the id with no problem at all.
System.out.println("el resultado date=" + grupo_horarios.getHora_ini()); // i get null here, i need to retrieve the time.
the DATE columns in the database should be DATE and not TIMESTAMP, the Dates i have are java.util.Date. im using ojdbc6 and oracle database 10g if that information is needed
looks like my table column was HORA_INICIO and that seemed to be the problem just changed it and its working.

