Cucumber Reporting getting Error - java

I am using a Cucumber reporting api for better reporting. My project is not a maven project and cannot change the project structure now. So I add all the dependency on my project but still now it is getting error like "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: File 'target/cucumber.json' does not contan features!"
All added jars and version showing below.
I also added my runner class here which may help for debugging.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import cucumber.api.SnippetType;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
import net.masterthought.cucumber.Configuration;
import net.masterthought.cucumber.ReportBuilder;
plugin = {
},features ={"./sample.feature"},
glue ={"com/automation/steps"},strict = true,
dryRun= false,monochrome = true, snippets= SnippetType.CAMELCASE)
/*public class Runner extends AbstractTestNGCucumberTests{
public class Runner {
public static void generateReport(){
File reportOutputDirectory = new File("target");
List<String> jsonFiles = new ArrayList<>();
String jenkinsBasePath = "";
String buildNumber = "1";
String projectName = "cucumber-jvm";
boolean skippedFails = true;
boolean pendingFails = false;
boolean undefinedFails = true;
boolean missingFails = true;
boolean runWithJenkins = false;
boolean parallelTesting = false;
Configuration configuration = new Configuration(reportOutputDirectory, projectName);
// optionally only if you need
configuration.setStatusFlags(skippedFails, pendingFails, undefinedFails, missingFails);
ReportBuilder reportBuilder = new ReportBuilder(jsonFiles, configuration);
I also attached the project structure image.
I observed that feature-overview.html was generated under the folder structure but it was corrupted when I opened this file it was showing this error on this file.
Can any one please help me on this error?

Your cukes runner is not able to identify path to feature file..
Try giving full path of your feature file in feature src/test/java/sample.feature


Loading classes for Reflections library outside Netbeans

I'm trying to use the Reflections library to give me a list of all the classes in a specific package in an external jar file. This works in Netbeans, but not when running the jar file from the command line. It looks like Netbeans finds and loads the classes I need, whereas the command line run doesn't. How should I set this up so it works everywhere?
I've tried both the usage example on the Reflections readme, as well as the response to this issue. Both methods have the same result.
Here's the test code I've been working with to reproduce the issue:
package javaapplication1;
import org.reflections.Reflections;
import org.reflections.util.ConfigurationBuilder;
import org.reflections.util.ClasspathHelper;
import org.reflections.scanners.SubTypesScanner;
import org.reflections.scanners.ResourcesScanner;
import java.util.Set;
import org.externaljar.package.*;
public class JavaApplication1
private static Reflections reflections;
public static void main(String[] args)
final String myPkg = "org.externaljar.package";
URL[] urlPath = new URL[1];
urlPath[0] = new URL("jar:file:/path/to/external.jar!/");
}catch(MalformedURLException ex){
URLClassLoader urlLoader = URLClassLoader.newInstance(urlPath);
final ConfigurationBuilder config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
.setScanners(new ResourcesScanner(), new SubTypesScanner(false))
reflections = new Reflections(config, new SubTypesScanner(false));
Set<Class<? extends ObjectBase>> objects = reflections.getSubTypesOf(ObjectBase.class);
System.out.println("\n\nFound " + objects.size() + " Objects\n\n");
Running the project in Netbeans gives a non-zero value for objects.size(), but running java -jar JavaApplication1.jar prints "Found 0 Objects". Adding -verbose:class to each shows that Netbeans loads all the classes I'm looking for, but those aren't loaded when run from the command line.

How user can get latest copy from their protected branch(from my Org. Git repository) using gitlab4j-api?

I am trying to connect a java program through my local organization git repository, and I am using gitlab4j-api open source API, I am able to login & get the project details from basic Java program. But which method can help me to do check out(individual user can get latest copy from their branch) process ?
package git4j.git4j;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.gitlab4j.api.CommitsApi;
import org.gitlab4j.api.GitLabApi;
import org.gitlab4j.api.GitLabApiException;
import org.gitlab4j.api.ProjectApi;
import org.gitlab4j.api.models.Commit;
import org.gitlab4j.api.models.CommitAction;
import org.gitlab4j.api.models.Project;
import org.gitlab4j.api.models.CommitAction.Action;
import org.gitlab4j.api.models.CommitAction.Encoding;
public class App
public static void main( String[] args )throws GitLabApiException
GitLabApi api = GitLabApi.login("", "username", "password");
ProjectApi projApi=api.getProjectApi();
Project p = projApi.getProject(project_id);
System.out.println("project rendered is"+p.getName());
List <Project> pList=projApi.getProjects("project_name");
for(Project p:pList){
CommitAction ca= new CommitAction();
Action a = Action.UPDATE;
ca.setContent("test content");
List<CommitAction> caList = new
CommitsApi cApi=api.getCommitsApi();
Commit c = cApi.createCommit(project_id,"branch", "commit message", "branch_refer_to", "", "username", caList);

How do I include Xtext generator in my Maven project?

I am currently building a framework which would benefit from having a DSL for creating a configuration file, so I created one using Xtext.
Now I want to add a dependency to the classes that I have created so that I can generate configurations at runtime, but on Xtext's site it looks like the only two cases for integration are:
When I want CI for the language itself;
When I want to include a plugin that would generate code at build time.
How can I use the generator that I wrote in Xtext at runtime in my Maven project?
For CI for Xtext itself simpy use the new project wizard and select Maven as build system on the second page of the project. To build your model files have a look that the xtext-maven-plugin e.g. as used here or here
If you simply want to read a model file and call the generator
package org.eclipse.xtext.example.domainmodel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet;
import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.GeneratorContext;
import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.GeneratorDelegate;
import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGeneratorContext;
import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.JavaIoFileSystemAccess;
import org.eclipse.xtext.util.CancelIndicator;
import org.eclipse.xtext.validation.CheckMode;
import org.eclipse.xtext.validation.IResourceValidator;
import org.eclipse.xtext.validation.Issue;
* #author dietrich - Initial contribution and API
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO traverse directory
List<String> files = Lists.newArrayList("model/a.dmodel", "model/b.dmodel");
Injector injector = new DomainmodelStandaloneSetup().createInjectorAndDoEMFRegistration();
ResourceSet rs = injector.getInstance(ResourceSet.class);
ArrayList<Resource> resources = Lists.newArrayList();
for (String file : files) {
Resource r = rs.getResource(URI.createFileURI(file), true);
IResourceValidator validator = injector.getInstance(IResourceValidator.class);
for (Resource r : resources) {
List<Issue> issues = validator.validate(r, CheckMode.ALL, CancelIndicator.NullImpl);
for (Issue i : issues) {
GeneratorDelegate generator = injector.getInstance(GeneratorDelegate.class);
JavaIoFileSystemAccess fsa = injector.getInstance(JavaIoFileSystemAccess.class);
GeneratorContext context = new GeneratorContext();
for (Resource r : resources) {
generator.generate(r, fsa, context);

ibm-odm:IlrJ2SESessionFactory cannot be resolved to a type

I am using the following code to create list of rules fires in ODM ,but eclipse is showing above compilation error.
package com.cper.brms.model.questions;
import ilog.rules.res.session.IlrSessionRequest;
import ilog.rules.res.session.IlrSessionResponse;
import ilog.rules.res.session.ruleset.IlrBusinessExecutionTrace;
import ilog.rules.res.session.ruleset.IlrExecutionTrace;
import ilog.rules.teamserver.auth.AuthenticationCredentials;
import ilog.rules.teamserver.model.IlrConnectException;
import ilog.rules.teamserver.model.IlrSession;
import ilog.rules.teamserver.model.IlrSessionFactory;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class RulesTrace<IlrStatelessSession>
IlrSessionFactory sessionFactory = new IlrJ2SESessionFactory();
IlrSessionRequest sessionRequest = sessionFactory.createRequest();
String rulesetPath = "/miniloanruleapp/miniloanrules";
Map<String,Object> inputParameters = sessionRequest.getInputParameters();
inputParameters.put("loan", loan);
inputParameters.put("borrower", borrower);
IlrStatelessSession session = sessionFactory.createStatelessSession();
IlrSessionResponse response = session.execute(sessionRequest);
IlrExecutionTrace sessionTrace = response.getRulesetExecutionTrace();
int rulesNumber = sessionTrace.getTotalRulesFired();
IlrBusinessExecutionTrace execResult = new IlrBusinessExecutionTrace(response.getRulesetExecutionTrace());
List<String> rulesFired = execResult.getRuleFiredBusinessNames();
loan = (Loan) response.getOutputParameters().get("loan");
Do I need to create any customized code to create sessionFactory or am i missing any jar?
You are missing jrules-res-execution.jar from your project. Adding it should solve the problem.
Its the version mismatch causing the error.I have JAVAEE in my eclipse,but above code is for JavaSE. Changed the code to right version.

Cannot instantiate the type configuration Mirror API

I recently purchased the Book "Programming Google Glass - The Mirror API" By Eric Redmond and in the 2nd chapter we install Freemarker GRE .jar file into the project. There is a part when we have to create a method that renders a template file. I keep getting an error when trying to make a Configuration.
package com.leetinsider.leetfoodfinder;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
public class LeetFoodFinder {
public static String getRandomCuisine()
String[] lunchOptions = {
"American", "Chineese", "French", "Italian", "Japenese", "Thai"
int choice = new Random().nextInt(lunchOptions.length);
return lunchOptions[choice];
public static String render(ServletContext ctx, String template, Map<String, Object> data)
throws IOException, ServletException{
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.setServletContextForTemplateLoading(ctx, "WEB-INF/views");
Template ftl = config.getTemplate(template);
//use the data to render the template to the servlet output
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
ftl.process(data, writer);
return writer.toString();
catch (TemplateException e){
throw new ServletException("Problem while processing template", e);
It tells me that Configuration() cannot be instaniated. Is there an import that I am missing? I put the freemarker-gae2.3.2.0.jar file in the war/WEB-INF/lib directory but am not sure if there is something else I am missing.
Trying to follow along with the book but this is holding me back :/
If you look at your import statement, they're referring to non freemarker classes of the same name.
The jar isn't actually in your build path. Right click the project and choose "Properties", then "Java Build Path". If freemarker isn't in the Libraries list, select Add JARs and find the jar in your project.
Delete the "import" line. You need to choose the Freemarker configuration.
Hope that helps.

