Related jobs in JSprit , One before another case : IllegalArgumentException - java

This question is related to this topic : Related jobs in JSprit
I'm trying to use the "one before another" constraint but i'm experiencing a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: arg must not be null . It looks like Capacity cap2 is null when calculating Capacity max. I don't really understand why.
Do you have an idea about this?
For the record, I'm on the 1.6.2 version. TY for your help.
String before = "2";
String after = "11";
final StateManager stateManager = new StateManager(problem);
stateManager.addStateUpdater(new JobsInRouteMemorizer(stateManager));
ConstraintManager constraintManager = new ConstraintManager(problem, stateManager);
constraintManager.addConstraint(new OneJobBeforeAnother(stateManager, before, after));
final RewardAndPenaltiesThroughSoftConstraints contrib = new RewardAndPenaltiesThroughSoftConstraints(problem, before, after);
SolutionCostCalculator costCalculator = new SolutionCostCalculator() {
public double getCosts(VehicleRoutingProblemSolution solution) {
double costs = 0.;
List<VehicleRoute> routes = (List<VehicleRoute>) solution.getRoutes();
for(VehicleRoute route : routes){
costs+=stateManager.getRouteState(route, InternalStates.COSTS, Double.class);
return costs;
VehicleRoutingAlgorithmBuilder vraBuilder = new VehicleRoutingAlgorithmBuilder(problem,
vraBuilder.setStateAndConstraintManager(stateManager, constraintManager);
algorithm =;
public class JobsInRouteMemorizer implements StateUpdater, ActivityVisitor {
private StateManager stateManager;
private VehicleRoute route;
public JobsInRouteMemorizer(StateManager stateManager) {
this.stateManager = stateManager;
public void begin(VehicleRoute route) {
public void visit(TourActivity activity) {
if(activity instanceof JobActivity){
String jobId = ((JobActivity) activity).getJob().getId();
StateId stateId = stateManager.createStateId(jobId);
stateManager.putProblemState(stateId, VehicleRoute.class, this.route);
public void finish() {}

Short answer: You cannot create StateId instances on the fly. All StateId instances have to be generated before the algorithm is run. See longer answer for why doing this is still not a good idea and you should consider a redesign.
Analysis: I ran into the same problem and traced it back to the way StateId instances are created in StateManager:
public StateId createStateId(String name) {
if (createdStateIds.containsKey(name)) return createdStateIds.get(name);
if (stateIndexCounter >= activityStates[0].length) {
activityStates = new Object[vrp.getNuActivities() + 1][stateIndexCounter + 1];
vehicleDependentActivityStates = new Object[nuActivities][nuVehicleTypeKeys][stateIndexCounter + 1];
routeStatesArr = new Object[vrp.getNuActivities()+1][stateIndexCounter+1];
vehicleDependentRouteStatesArr = new Object[nuActivities][nuVehicleTypeKeys][stateIndexCounter+1];
problemStates = new Object[stateIndexCounter+1];
StateId id = StateFactory.createId(name, stateIndexCounter);
createdStateIds.put(name, id);
return id;
Each time you create a new StateId and there is no more space available for states the old state arrays are overwritten with a longer version to make space for your new state (at start there is space for 30 StateIds, a few already used by JSprit itself). As you can see, the old elements aren't copied over, so what happens here is a race condition between UpdateLoads, which sets the state used as cap2, your code, which generates a new StateId and overwrites the current state and UpdateMaxCapacityUtilisationAtActivitiesByLookingForwardInRoute which reads the state (that doesn't exist anymore).
Given that this code only extends the arrays by one it is very inefficient to have many StateIds, as for each new StateId all arrays have to be recreated. To mitigate this I used only one StateId in my code and stored a Map<String, VehicleRoute> in it:
Map<String, VehicleRoute> routeMapping = Optional.ofNullable(stateManager.getProblemState(stateId, Map.class)).orElse(new ConcurrentHashMap<>())
This way you don't run out of StateId instances and can still store relations between an unlimited number of jobs.


Sort ArrayList of objects with "pinned" objects at top behaves differently each execution

So I am trying to display a list of groups in a recyclerview in Android.
The groups are custom objects (Group) with a small amount of values, stored in a public static Arraylist (allGroups).
I have a method to sort these groups by their "time" value, which is the time in milliseconds.
Method to sort:
public static ArrayList<Group> sort(ArrayList<Group> list) {
ArrayList<Group> newSort = new ArrayList<>();
for(Group g: list) {
if(g.isPinned()) {
for(Group g: list) {
if(!g.isPinned()) {
return newSort;
When I run the app the first time, it works fine and sorts my groups perfectly by pin and date, but whenever I add a group using the method below, it ONLY sorts it by date
allGroups.add(new Group(
new BigInteger(130, new java.util.Random()).toString(32),
(long) (Math.random() * 1649157582577L),
new BigInteger(260, new java.util.Random()).toString(32)
allGroups = sort(allGroups);
I have no clue what might be causing this, it makes no sense to me.
Implementation for makePinned:
public Group makePinned(boolean pinned) {
this.pinned = pinned;
return this;
Constructor of Group:
public Group(String name, String logo, long time, String message) { = groupAmount + 1; = name;
this.logo = logo;
this.time = time;
this.message = message;
Your "Found the Answer" is incorrect, because your second sort statement :
totally overwrites the first sort. OK, for your test sample, it MIGHT be giving the results you desire (coincidentally preserving some of the order from the first sort), but that is undefined behaviour that is NOT to be relied upon.
What it looks like you might be after is better implemented as :
This is explicitly sorting by isPinned first, and then by getTime in reverse order. Explicit is good.
I have written an example program that is available here : Online Java Compiler, that :
sorts as per your question
Randomises the list (ie, undoes the sorting)
Sorts as above

Severe Java performance drop after changing ID strings

We have recently changed our String-based ID schema in a complex retrieval engine and observed a severe performance drop. In essence, we changed the IDs from XXX-00000001 to X384840564 (see below for details on the ID schema) and suffer from almost doubled runtimes. Choosing a different string hash function solved the problem, but we still lack a good explanation. Thus, our questions are:
Why do we see such a strong performance drop when changing from
the old to the new ID schema?
Why does our solution of using the “parent hash” actually work?
To approach the problem, we hereafter provide (a) detailed information about the ID schemata and hash functions used, (b) a minimal working example in Java that highlights the performance defect, and (c) our performance results and observations.
(Despite the lengthy description, we have already massively reduced the code example to 4 performance critical lines – see phase 2 in the listing.)
(a) Old and new ID schema; hash functions
Our ID objects consist of a parent ID object (string of 16 characters in [A-Z0-9]) and a child ID string. The same parent ID string is on average used by 1–10 child IDs. The old child IDs had a three-letter prefix, a dash, and a zero-padded running index number of length 8, for example, XXX-00000001 (12 characters in total; X may be any letter [A-Z]). The new child IDs have one letter and 9 non-consecutive digits, for example, X384840564 (10 characters in total, X may be any letter [A-Z]). An obvious difference is that the old child ID strings are often recurring (i.e., the string ABC-00000002 occurs with multiple different parent IDs, as the running index typically starts with 1), while the new child IDs with their arbitrary digit combinations typically occur only a few times or even only with a single parent ID.
Since the ID objects are put into HashSets and HashMaps, the choice of a hash function seems crucial. Currently, the system uses the standard string hash for the parent IDs. For the child IDs, we used to XOR the string hashes of parent and child ID – called XOR hash henceforth. In theory, this should distribute different child IDs quite well. As a variant, we experimented with using only the string hash of the parent ID as the hash code of the child ID – called parent hash henceforth. That is, all child IDs sharing the same parent ID share the same hash. In theory, the parent hash could be suboptimal, as all children sharing the same parent ID end up in the same bucket, while the XOR hash should yield a better data distribution.
(b) Minimal working example
Please refer to the following listing (explanation below):
package mwe;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
public class Main {
private static final Random RANDOM = new Random(42);
private static final String DIGITS = "0123456789";
private static final int NUM_IDS = 5_000_000;
private static final int MAX_CHILDREN = 5;
private static final int REPETITIONS = 5;
private static final boolean RUN_ID_OLD = true; // e.g., 8IBKMAO2T1ORICNZ__XXX-00000002
private static final boolean RUN_ID_NEW = false; // e.g., 6TEG9R5JP1KHJN55__X580104176
private static final boolean USE_PARENT_HASH = false;
private static final boolean SHUFFLE_SET = false;
private abstract static class BaseID {
protected int hash;
public abstract BaseID getParentID();
public int hashCode() {
return this.hash;
private static class ParentID extends BaseID {
private final String id;
public ParentID(final String id) { = id;
this.hash = id.hashCode();
public BaseID getParentID() {
return null;
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj instanceof ParentID) {
final ParentID o = (ParentID) obj;
return false;
public String toString() {
private static class ChildID extends BaseID {
private final String id;
private final BaseID parent;
public ChildID(final String id, final BaseID parent) { = id;
this.parent = parent;
// Initialize the hash code of the child ID:
// Only use the parent hash (i.e., all children have the same hash).
this.hash = parent.hashCode();
} else {
// XOR parent and child hash.
this.hash = parent.hashCode() ^ id.hashCode();
public BaseID getParentID() {
return this.parent;
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (this.hash != obj.hashCode()) {
return false;
if (obj instanceof ChildID) {
final ChildID o = (ChildID) obj;
final BaseID oParent = o.getParentID();
if (this.parent == null && oParent != null) {
return false;
if (this.parent != null && oParent == null) {
return false;
if (this.parent == null || !this.parent.equals(oParent)) {
return false;
return false;
public String toString() {
return this.parent.toString() + "__" +;
public static void run(final int repetitions, final boolean useVariant2IDs) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) {
System.gc(); // Force memory reset for the next repetition.
// -- PHASE 1: CREATE DATA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fill a set of several millions random IDs. Each ID is a child ID with a reference to its parent ID.
// Each parent ID has between 1 and MAX_CHILDREN children.
Set<BaseID> ids = new HashSet<>(NUM_IDS);
for (int parentIDIdx = 0; parentIDIdx < NUM_IDS; parentIDIdx++) {
// Generate parent ID: 16 random characters.
final StringBuilder parentID = new StringBuilder();
for (int k = 0; k < 16; k++) {
// Generate between 1 and MAX_CHILDREN child IDs.
final int childIDCount = RANDOM.nextInt(MAX_CHILDREN) + 1;
for (int childIDIdx = 0; childIDIdx < childIDCount; childIDIdx++) {
final StringBuilder childID = new StringBuilder();
if (useVariant2IDs) {
// Variant 2: Child ID = letter X plus 9 random digits.
for (int k = 0; k < 9; k++) {
} else {
// Variant 1: Child ID = XXX- plus zero-padded index of length 8.
childID.append("XXX-").append(String.format("%08d", childIDIdx + 1));
final BaseID id = new ChildID(childID.toString(), new ParentID(parentID.toString()));
final List<BaseID> list = new ArrayList<>(ids);
ids = new LinkedHashSet<>(list);
System.gc(); // Clean up temp data before starting the timer.
// -- PHASE 2: INDEX DATA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Iterate over the ID set and fill a map indexed by parent IDs. The map values are irrelevant here, so
// use empty objects.
final long timer = System.currentTimeMillis();
final HashMap<BaseID, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
for (final BaseID id : ids) {
map.put(id.getParentID(), new Object());
System.out.println("\t" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - timer));
// Ensure that map and IDs are not GC:ed before the timer stops.
if (map.get(new ParentID("_do_not_gc")) == null) {
map.put(new ParentID("_do_not_gc"), new Object());
ids.add(new ParentID("_do_not_gc"));
public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException {
if (RUN_ID_OLD) {
run(REPETITIONS, false);
if (RUN_ID_NEW) {
run(REPETITIONS, true);
In essence, the program first generates a HashSet of IDs and then indexes these IDs by their parent ID in a HashMap. In detail:
The first phase (PHASE 1) generates 5 million parent IDs, each with 1 to 10 child IDs using either the old (e.g., XXX-00000001) or the new ID schema (e.g., X384840564) and one of the two hash functions. The generated child IDs are collected in a HashSet. We explicitly create new parent ID objects for each child ID to match the functionality of the original system. For experimentation, the IDs can optionally be shuffled in a LinkedHashSet to distort the hash-based ordering (cf. boolean SHUFFLE_SET).
The second phase (PHASE 2) simulates the performance-critical path. It reads all IDs (child IDs with their parents) from the HashSet and puts them into a HashMap with the parent IDs as keys (i.e., aggregate IDs by parent).
Note: The actual retrieval system has a more complex logic, such as reading IDs from multiple sets and merging child IDs as the map entry’s values, but it turned out that none of these steps was responsible for the strong performance gap in question.
The remaining lines try to control for the GC, such that the data structures are not GC:ed too early. We’ve tried different alternatives for controlling the GC, but the results seemed pretty stable overall.
When running the program, the constants RUN_ID_OLD and RUN_ID_NEW activate the old and the new ID schema, respectively (best activate only one at a time). USE_PARENT_HASH switches between the XOR hash (false) and the parent hash (true). SHUFFLE_SET distorts the item order in the ID set. All other constants can remain as they are.
(c) Results
All results here are based on a typical Windows desktop with OpenJDK 11. We also tested Oracle JDK 8 and a Linux machine, but observed similar effects in all cases. For the following figure, we tested each configuration in independent runs, whereas each run repeats the timing 5 times. To avoid outliers, we report the median of the repetitions. Note, however, that the timings of the repetitions do not differ much. The performance is measured in milliseconds.
Using XOR hash yields a substantial performance drop in the
HashSet setting when switching to the new ID schema. This hash
function seems suboptimal, but we lack a good explanation.
Using the parent hash function speeds up the process regardless of the ID
schema. We speculate that the internal HashSet order is beneficial,
since the resulting HashMap will build up the same order (because
ID.hash = ID.parent.hash). Interestingly, this effect can also be
observed if the HashSet is split into, say, 50 parts, each holding a
random partition of the full HashSet. This leaves us puzzled.
The entire process seems to be heavily dependent of the reading
order in the for loop of the second phase (i.e., the internal order of the
HashSet). If we distort the order in the shuffled LinkHashSet, we
end up in a worst-case scenario, regardless of the ID schema.
In a separate experiment, we also diagnosed the number of
collisions when filling the HashMap, but could not find obvious
differences when changing the ID schema.
Who can shed more light on explaining these results?
The image below shows some profiling results (using VisualVM) for the non-shuffled runs. Indent indicates nested calls. All percentage values are relative to the phase 2 timing (100%).
An obious difference seems to be HashMap.putVal's self time. There was no obvious difference for treeifying buckets.

concurrentHashMap and Atomic Values

My Rest API works fine. However, I'm concerned about concurrency issues, though I've tested via scripts and have yet to see any. In my studies, I encountered some material with regards to utilizing Atomic Values with concurrentHasMap to avoid what amounts to dirty reads. My questions is twofold. First, should I be concerned, given my implementation? Second, if I should be, what would be the most prudent way to implement Atomic values, if indeed I should? I've contemplated dropping the wrapper class for the RestTemplate and simply passing a String back to the Angular 4 component as a catalyst for speed, but given I may use the value objects elsewhere, I'm hesitant. See, implementation below.
public class TickerService implements IQuoteService {
private ApplicationConstants Constants;
private ConcurrentHashMap<String,Quote> quotes = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Quote>();
private ConcurrentHashMap<String,LocalDateTime> quoteExpirationQueue = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, LocalDateTime>();
private final RestTemplate restTemplate;
public TickerService(RestTemplateBuilder restTemplateBuilder) {
this.restTemplate =;
public Quote getQuote(String symbol) {
if (this.quotes.containsKey(symbol)){
Quote q = (Quote)this.quotes.get(symbol);
//Update Expiration
LocalDateTime ldt =;
return q;
} else {
QuoteResponseWrapper qRes = this.restTemplate.getForObject( Constants.getRestURL(symbol), QuoteResponseWrapper.class, symbol);
ArrayList<Quote> res = new ArrayList<Quote>();
res = qRes.getQuoteResponse().getResult();
//Add to Cache
quotes.put(symbol, res.get(0));
//Set Expiration
LocalDateTime ldt =;
return res.get(0);
public ConcurrentHashMap<String,Quote> getQuotes(){
return this.quotes;
#Scheduled(fixedDelayString = "${application.quoteRefreshFrequency}")
public void refreshQuotes(){
if (quoteExpirationQueue.isEmpty()) {
LocalDateTime ldt =;
//Purge Expired Quotes
String expiredQuotes = quoteExpirationQueue.entrySet().stream().filter(x -> x.getValue().isBefore(ldt)).map(p -> p.getKey()).collect(Collectors.joining(","));
if (!expiredQuotes.equals("")) {
String allQuotes = quoteExpirationQueue.entrySet().stream().filter(x -> x.getValue().isAfter(ldt)).map(p -> p.getKey()).collect(Collectors.joining(","));
List<String> qList = Arrays.asList(allQuotes.split(","));
Stack<String> stack = new Stack<String>();
// Break Requests Into Manageable Chunks using property file settings
while (stack.size() > Constants.getMaxQuoteRequest()) {
String qSegment = "";
int i = 0;
while (i < Constants.getMaxQuoteRequest() && !stack.isEmpty()) {
qSegment = qSegment.concat(stack.pop() + ",");
logger.debug(qSegment.substring(0, qSegment.lastIndexOf(",")));
// Handle Remaining Request Delta
if (stack.size() < Constants.getMaxQuoteRequest() && !stack.isEmpty()) {
String rSegment = "";
while (!stack.isEmpty()){
rSegment = rSegment.concat(stack.pop() + ",");
this.updateQuotes(rSegment.substring(0, rSegment.lastIndexOf(",")));
private void updateQuotes(String symbols) {
if (symbols.equals("")) {
System.out.println("refreshing -> " + symbols);
QuoteResponseWrapper qRes = this.restTemplate.getForObject( Constants.getRestURL(symbols), QuoteResponseWrapper.class, symbols);
for (Quote q : qRes.getQuoteResponse().getResult()) {
this.quotes.put(q.getSymbol(), q);
private void purgeQuotes(String[] symbols) {
for (String q : symbols) {
System.out.println("purging -> " + q);
Changed implementation of IQuoteService and implementation TickerService to use concurrenHashMap with Atomic References:
private ApplicationConstants Constants;
private ConcurrentHashMap<AtomicReference<String>,AtomicReference<Quote>>
quotes = new ConcurrentHashMap<AtomicReference<String>,AtomicReference<Quote>> ();
private ConcurrentHashMap<AtomicReference<String>,AtomicReference<LocalDateTime>> quoteExpirationQueue = new ConcurrentHashMap<AtomicReference<String>,AtomicReference<LocalDateTime>>();
private final RestTemplate restTemplate;
The code works precisely as it did prior with the with the new implementation being that it "should" ensure that updates to values are not partially read prior to being completely written, and the values obtained should be consistent. Given, I could find no sound examples and acquire no answers on this topic, I will test this and post any issues I find.
The main concurrency risks with this code come about if refreshQuotes() was to be called concurrently. If this is a risk, then refreshQuotes just needs to be marked as synchronized.
Working on the premise that refreshQuotes() is only ever called once at a time, and that Quote/LocalDateTime are both immutable; then the question appears to be does updating immutable values within a ConcurrentHashMap risk dirty reads/writes. The answer is no, the values are immutable and ConcurrentHashMap handles the concurrency of updating the references.
For more information, I strongly recommend reading JSR133 (The Java Memory Model). It covers in some detail when data will and will not become visible between threads. Doug Lea's JSR133 Cookbook will almost certainly give you far more information than you ever wanted to know.

Using array to minimize variable usage

In the interest of not creating more variables than necessary and cluttering up within the scope of a method that could otherwise have been very slim, I've, instead, created a temporary to hold all of the files I'm going to be referencing throughout the rest of the method.
I dislike this solution because it creates an array object every time it is run when an array object is not necessary to be created.
I could also not use the array or wall of variables, and instead reference the get methods directly, but that creates a lot of redundancy as I am performing the same methods repeatedly, and I dislike that even more.
public void savePrices() {
MFilePrices file[] = {AutoEcon.files().getPrices(), AutoEcon.files().getIntangibles(), AutoEcon.files().getGroups()};
for (String price : sellPrices.keySet()) {
if (EconItem.fromString(price) != null) {
file[0].setPrice(price, sellPrices.get(price).getExpression());
file[0].setBuyRate(price, sellPrices.get(price).getBuyRate());
} else if (file[1].getLabels().contains(price)) {
file[1].setPrice(price, sellPrices.get(price).getExpression());
file[1].setBuyRate(price, sellPrices.get(price).getBuyRate());
} else if (file[2].getLabels().contains(price)) {
file[2].setPrice(price, sellPrices.get(price).getExpression());
file[2].setBuyRate(price, sellPrices.get(price).getBuyRate());
public Double setExpression(String id, String expr) {
MFilePrices file[] = {AutoEcon.files().getPrices(), AutoEcon.files().getIntangibles(), AutoEcon.files().getGroups()};
if (EconItem.fromString(id) != null)
file[0].setPrice(id, expr);
else if (file[1].getLabels().contains(id))
file[1].setPrice(id, expr);
else if (file[2].getLabels().contains(id))
file[2].setPrice(id, expr);
else return null;
return sellPrices.get(id).getPrice();
Another solution could be to create an array within the FilePool class where I'm getting the files from, which contains those three configuration files, or a method which puts them into an array and sends over the array. However, the latter just moves the problem over to another class, and the former is still creating a single array that is not totally necessary.
Both of these solutions just moves the problem from one class to another.
public class FilePool {
private Config config;
private Prices prices;
private Intangibles i;
private Groups groups;
private Logs econLogs;
private ItemAliases a;
public FilePool(AutoEcon pl) {
config = new Config(pl);
prices = new Prices(pl);
i = new Intangibles(pl);
econLogs = new Logs(pl);
a = new ItemAliases(pl);
new ReadMe(pl);
public Config getConfig() {
return config;
public Prices getPrices() {
return prices;
public Groups getGroups() {
return groups;
public Intangibles getIntangibles() {
return i;
public Logs getLogs() {
return econLogs;
public ItemAliases getAliases() {
return a;
(Ignore the dumb variable names in the FilePool class, I just loved the fact that they all line up so perfectly. Will be naming appropriately before publishing)
I know I'm being a bit over-anal about this tiny thing that won't affect the running program at all, but after being constantly harassed for every minor detail of my code by my colleagues in the past, I've grown to be a bit of a perfectionist.
Thanks to anyone who spent their time reading this. <3
The creation of the array is not a problem. Resources to create an array are meaningless. What is more of a problem is that anyone reading your code will struggle to understand what the magic indices represent without referring back to the array. Which means that you should turn them into named constants which will complicate your code even further.
Much better is to have clear variable names that represent what each element represents. Also a good idea to iterate through the map so you can avoid getting the value for each item:
FilePool files = AutoEcon.files();
final MFilePrices prices = files.getPrices();
final MFilePrices intangibles = files.getIntangibles();
final MFilePrices groups = files.getGroups();
sellPrices.forEach((price, value) -> {
if (EconItem.fromString(price) != null) {
setPriceAndBuyRate(prices, price, value);
} else if (intangibles.getLabels().contains(price)) {
setPriceAndBuyRate(intangibles, price, value);
} else if (groups.getLabels().contains(price)) {
setPriceAndBuyRate(groups, price, value);
private void setPriceAndBuyRate(MFilePrices filePrices, Price price, Value value) {
filePrices.setPrice(price, value.getExpression());
filePrices.setBuyRate(price, value.getBuyRate());
If you're concerned that the number of variables make the method difficult to read then move the logic for comparing the price to the labels and setting the price and buy rate into a separate class. That's a good practice in any case as it gives the class a single reason to change.

Passing a string as a reference in Java?

I don't think i have the terminology correct, haven't been one for that. What i'm trying to do is get a string back , then use it to run functions. .. Example :
int slotNumber = ((j*3)+i+1);
String slotString = "slot"+slotNumber;
Regularly I can do this :
And I want to be able to do this :
With it substituting slotString with slot12 in a dynamic scenario. If i truly have to i could do something similar to :
if (slotString == slot1) slot1.Draw();
if (slotString == slot2) slot2.Draw();
And such, but i dont really want to use x number of lines for x number of slots.
Any help is appreciated :D
A possible solution would be to use a HashMap where the key is the slotNumber and the value points to the slot. Then you could do something like the following.
//Initialize at the start of your program
HashMap<int, Slot> SlotHash = new HashMap<int, Slot>();
//Code to retrieve slot and call Draw().
Slot select = SlotHash.get(slotNumber);
Maybe use a Map if your slots are sparsely-packed. If they're densely-packed, you might be able to use an array of slots. In either case, you do the slot lookup based on index and then call Draw on the looked-up slot.
You would have something like this:
Slot slot1 = new Slot("slot1");
Slot slot2 = new Slot("slot2");
SlotController controller = new SlotController();
String someSlotNumber = ".....";
See the definition of the classes below:
class SlotController {
Map<String, Slot> slotMap = new HashMap<String, Slot>();
public void addSlot(Slot aSlot) {
slotMap.put(aSlot.getSlotName(), aSlot);
public void draw(String slotName) {
class Slot {
private String slotName;
public Slot(String name){
slotName = name;
public String getSlotName() {
return slotName;
public void draw() {

