String and char replacement on a textview - java

I'm doing on my translation app, I have some problem in my main translator.
for example like my code below, I try to transform "bed" into "bad" and if last char is "m" it will transform to "t".
When my input was "BEDROOM" I want to transform it into "BADROOT" that code below just read my first statement, and the other became false.
private void MachinetranslatorO(){
String change= input.getText().toString();
if (change.substring(0,3).equals("bed")){
String change1 = change.replaceFirst("bed", "bad");
if (change.substring(change.length()-1).equals("m")){
char replaceWith='t';
StringBuffer aBuffer = new StringBuffer(change);
aBuffer.setCharAt(change.length()-1, replaceWith);

Well...since you asked I will provide a quick little Java Console runnable. The code is commented pretty good so you should have no trouble following it.
This application requires a text file containing Translation data (in this example: English To Spanish) which I have also provided sample data for at the end of this post.
Run the application and enter any one of the English words contained within the Translation Table data file (spanish.txt) and the program will display the Spanish equivalent.
Simply create a new project named LanguageTranslator using your favorite IDE then copy/paste the code below:
package languagetranslator;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class LanguageTranslator {
// Declare and intitialize some Class global variables...
// The language. It is also the name of our translation table
// text file (ie: spanish.txt)
private static String language = "spanish";
// The 2 Dimensional Array which will hold our translation table.
private static String[][] translationTable = {};
// Class main() method
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Load up the translationTable[][] 2D String Array from our
// Tanslation Table text file (spanish.txt).
readInTranslationFile(language + ".txt");
// Declare and initialize our String variable we will use to accept
// console input from User with...
String userInput = "lets go";
// Open a Connection to console Using the Scanner Class
try (Scanner conInput = new Scanner( {
// Start a while/loop to continually ask the User to
// supply a English word...
while (!userInput.equals("")) {
// Ask User to supply a Word...
System.out.println("\nPlease supply a English word to translate\n"
+ "or supply nothing to exit:");
// Hold what User enters into console within the userInput variable.
userInput = conInput.nextLine();
// If the User supplied nothing then he/she want to quit.
if (userInput.equals("")) { break; }
// Declare and initialize a boolean variable so as to later determine if
// a translation for the supplied word had been found.
boolean found = false;
// Iterate through the translationTable[][] 2D String Array to see if
// the User's supplied word is contained within. The English word to
// match would be in the first column of the array and the translation
// for that word would be in the second column of the array.
for (int i = 0; i < translationTable.length; i++) {
// convert the word supplied by User and the current word being read
// within column 1 of the 2D Array to lowercase so that letter case
// is not a factor here.
if(userInput.toLowerCase().equals(translationTable[i][0].toLowerCase())) {
// If the word supplied by User is found within the translationTable[][]
// array then set the found variable to true and display the spanish
// translation to console.
found = true;
System.out.println("The " + language + " translation is: \u001B[34m"
+ translationTable[i][1] + "\u001B[39;49m");
// If we've iterated through the entire tanslationTable array and an a match
// was not found then display as such to the User...
if (!found) {
System.out.println("\n\u001B[31mThe supplied word could not be located within "
+ "the Translation Table.\n\u001B[39;49m");
// Continue the while/loop and ask User to supply another word
// until the User supplies nothing.
// Exit the application if nothing is supplied by User.
// Method used to fill the tanslationTable[][] 2D String Array from
// a text file which contains all the translation data.
private static void readInTranslationFile(String filePath) {
String line = "";
int cnt = 0;
try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filePath))) {
// Read in each line of the tanslation Table text file so as to place each
//line of data into the translationTable[][] 2 String Array...
while((line = br.readLine()) != null){
// Skip past blank lines in the text file and only process file lines
// which actually contain data.
if (!line.equals("")) {
// Each line of data within the Translation table text file consists
// of a |English word and it's Spanish equivalent delimited with a
// Pipe (|) character. A pipe character is used because you may later
// want to add definitions to your data that may contain different types
// of punctuation.
String[] tok = line.split("\\|");
// The redimPreserve() method allows for appending to a raw 2D String
// Array on the fly.
translationTable = redimPreserve(translationTable, cnt + 1, 2);
// Add the file data line to the 2D String Array...
translationTable[cnt][0] = tok[0].trim();
translationTable[cnt][1] = tok[1].trim();
cnt++; // counter used for incrementing the 2D Array as items are added.
// Close the BufferReader
// Trap IO Exceptions from the Bufferreader if any...
catch (IOException ex) {
System.out.println("\n\u001B[31mThe supplied Translation Table file could"
+ " not be found!\n\u001B[39;49m" + filePath);
// The redimPreserve() method allows for appending to a raw 2D String
// Array on the fly. I created this method to make the task esier to
// accomplish.
private static String[][] redimPreserve(String[][] yourArray, int newRowSize, int... newColSize) {
int newCol = 0;
if (newColSize.length != 0) { newCol = newColSize[0]; }
// The first row of your supplied 2D array will always establish
// the number of columns that will be contained within the entire
// scope of the array. Any column value passed to this method
// after the first row has been established is simply ignored.
if (newRowSize > 1 && yourArray.length != 0) { newCol = yourArray[0].length; }
if (newCol == 0 && newRowSize <= 1) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null,"RedimPreserve() Error\n\n"
+ "No Column dimension provided for 2D Array!",
"RedimPreserve() Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
return null;
if (newCol > 0 && newRowSize < 1 && yourArray.length != 0) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null,"RedimPreserve() Error\n\n"
+ "No Row dimension provided for 2D Array!",
"RedimPreserve() Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
return null;
String[][] tmp = new String[newRowSize][newCol];
if (yourArray.length != 0) {
tmp = Array2DCopy(yourArray, tmp);
return tmp;
// Used within the redimPreserve() method to copy 2D Arrays.
private static String[][] Array2DCopy(String[][] yourArray, String[][] targetArray) {
for(int i = 0; i < yourArray.length; i++) {
System.arraycopy(yourArray[i], 0, targetArray[i], 0, yourArray[i].length);
return targetArray;
For a sample Translation Table text file you can copy/paste the following lines into a text editor and save the file as "spanish.txt" within the Classpath of your project (LanguageTranslator):
0|el cero
anyway|de todas formas
anyways|de todos modos
anything|cualquier cosa
harder|mas fuerte
isn't|no es
outside|fuera de
top|parte superior
why|por que
Add data as you see fit to the file if you like.
Hope this helps...

Your first statement works fine but after that you assign your new reult to change1 not change. So in your second if statement you should use the newer formed string - change1. Don't use the older string change in the second if statement.
Replace change with change1 in second if statement.
**EDIT - **
private void MachinetranslatorO(){
String change= input.getText().toString();
String change1;
if (change.substring(0,3).equals("bed")){
change1 = change.replaceFirst("bed", "bad");
if (change1.substring(change1.length()-1).equals("m")){
char replaceWith='t';
StringBuffer aBuffer = new StringBuffer(change1);
aBuffer.setCharAt(change1.length()-1, replaceWith);


In Java, using Scanner, Is there a way to find a specific String in a CSV file, use it as a column header and return all values under it?

I am trying to find the String "5464" in a csv document then have it return all of the values under that String (same number of Delimiters from the start of the line), until reaching the end of the list (no more values in the column). Any help would be sincerely appreciated.
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class SearchNdestroyV2 {
private static Scanner x;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String filepath = "tutorial.txt";
String searchTerm = "5464"
public void readRecord(String searchTerm, String filepath)
boolean found = false;
String ID = ""; String ID2 = ""; String ID3 = "";
x = new Scanner(new File(filepath));
while(x.hasNext() && !found )
ID =;
ID2 = x.nextLine();
ID3 = x.nextLine();
found = true;
if (found)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"ID: " + ID + "ID2: " + ID2 + "ID3: "+ID3);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error:");
catch(Exception e)
I'm not exactly sure of what you mean. The way I read your question:
You want to locate a specific String ("5464") that is contained within a specific column within a comma (,) delimited CSV file. If this specific string (search term) is found then retrieve all other values contained within the same column for the rest of the CSV file records from the point of location. Here is how:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class SearchNDestroyV2 {
private Scanner fileInput;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Do this if you don't want to deal with statics
new SearchNDestroyV2().startApp(args);
private void startApp(String[] args) {
String filepath = "tutorial.txt";
String searchTerm = "5464";
readRecord(searchTerm, filepath);
public void readRecord(String searchTerm, String filepath) {
try {
fileInput = new Scanner(new File(filepath));
// Variable to hold each file line data read.
String line;
// Used to hold the column index value to
// where the found search term is located.
int foundColumn = -1;
// An ArrayList to hold the column values retrieved from file.
ArrayList<String> columnList = new ArrayList<>();
// Read file to the end...
while(fileInput.hasNextLine()) {
// Read in file - 1 trimmed line per iteration
line = fileInput.nextLine().trim();
//Skip blank lines (if any).
if (line.equals("")) {
// Split the curently read line into a String Array
// based on the comma (,) delimiter
String[] lineParts = line.split("\\s{0,},\\s{0,}"); // Split on any comma/space situation.
// Iterate through the lineParts array to see if any
// delimited portion equals the search term.
for (int i = 0; i < lineParts.length; i++) {
/* This IF statement will always accept the column data and
store it if the foundColumn variable equals i OR the current
column data being checked is equal to the search term.
Initially when declared, foundColumn equals -1* and will
never equal i unless the search term is indeed found. */
if (foundColumn == i || lineParts[i].equals(searchTerm)) {
// Found a match
foundColumn = i; // Hold the Coloumn index number of the found item.
columnList.add(lineParts[i]); // Add the found ite to the List.
break; // Get out of this loop. Don't need it anymore for this line.
if (foundColumn != -1) {
System.out.println("Items Found:" + System.lineSeparator() +
for (String str : columnList) {
else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Can't find the Search Term: " + searchTerm);
catch(Exception ex) {
If however, what you want is to search through the CSV file and as soon as any particular column equals the Search Term ("5464") then simply store the CSV line (all its data columns) which contains that Search Term. Here is how:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class SearchNDestroyV2 {
/* A JFrame used as Parent for displaying JOptionPane dialogs.
Using 'null' can allow the dialog to open behind other open
applications (like the IDE). This ensures that it will be
displayed above all other applications at center screen. */
JFrame iFRAME = new JFrame();
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Do this if you don't want to deal with statics
new SearchNDestroyV2().startApp(args);
private void startApp(String[] args) {
String filepath = "tutorial.txt";
String searchTerm = "5464";
ArrayList<String> recordsFound = readRecord(searchTerm, filepath);
/* Display any records found where a particular column
matches the Search Term. */
if (!recordsFound.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("Records Found:" + System.lineSeparator()
+ "==============");
for (String str : recordsFound) {
else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(iFRAME, "Can't find the Search Term: " + searchTerm);
* Returns an ArrayList (of String) of any comma delimited CSV file line
* records which contain any column matching the supplied Search Term.<br>
* #param searchTerm (String) The String to search for in all Record
* columns.<br>
* #param filepath (String) The CSV (or text) file that contains the data
* records.<br>
* #return ({#code ArrayList<String>}) An ArrayList of String Type which
* contains the file line records where any particular column
* matches the supplied Search Term.
public ArrayList<String> readRecord(String searchTerm, String filepath) {
// An ArrayList to hold the line(s) retrieved from file
// that match the search term.
ArrayList<String> linesList = new ArrayList<>();
// Try With Resourses used here to auto-close the Scanner reader.
try (Scanner fileInput = new Scanner(new File(filepath))) {
// Variable to hold each file line data read.
String line;
// Read file to the end...
while (fileInput.hasNextLine()) {
// Read in file - 1 trimmed line per iteration
line = fileInput.nextLine().trim();
//Skip blank lines (if any).
if (line.equals("")) {
// Split the curently read line into a String Array
// based on the comma (,) delimiter
String[] lineParts = line.split("\\s{0,},\\s{0,}"); // Split on any comma/space situation.
// Iterate through the lineParts array to see if any
// delimited portion equals the search term.
for (int i = 0; i < lineParts.length; i++) {
if (lineParts[i].equals(searchTerm)) {
// Found a match
linesList.add(line); // Add the found line to the List.
break; // Get out of this loop. Don't need it anymore for this line.
catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
return linesList; // Return the ArrayList
Please try to note the differences between the two code examples. In particular how the file reader (Scanner object) is closed, etc.

Code that can read in letters in a .txt file

I am writing a program thats supposed to read a simple text file and output a list of all the letters in that .txt file, ordered with the most frequently used letter to the least frequently used letter.
I have finished coding a working Java program that asks for file name and outputs the text within the file. But I am unsure how to go about outputting a list of the letters. What I am not sure specifically is what methods(if any) within the reader class I could use that reads in each letter in the .txt file. Any help would be appreciated!
This is current code:
// Here I import the Bufered Reader and file reader Libraries
// The Buffered Reader library is similar to Scanner Library and
// is used here to read from a text file. File reader will allow
// the program to access windows file system, get the text file
// and allow the Buufered Reader to read it in.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class TextFileReaderApp
// I added "throws exception" in case there is an an error in the
// main method, throw an exception, so it can prevent further
// errors from occuring if java doesnt know the main methods going
// to throw an error.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
// below I diplay a welcome messgae to the user
System.out.println("Welcome to the Text File Reader application!");
// Below I create an instance of the Scanner class to get
// input from the user.
Scanner userInput = new Scanner(;
String selection = "y"; //this is the string variable that's used in
//the while loop to continue the program.
// Below I created a while loop that continues the program if the user
// keeps selecting y as their selecion
while (selection.equalsIgnoreCase("y"))
// this line of code is supposed to ask the user for text file name under
// the C:/ directory and must not be hidden in any foler.
System.out.print("Please enter the name of the .txt file: C/");
FileReader file = new FileReader("C:/" +;
// file object is used as a parameter in buffered reader.
BufferedReader textReader = new BufferedReader(file);
// below I create and initialize an object of type string called text that will
// store whats inside of the text file.
String text = "";
// I use the readLine statement to read line after line of the text.
// Once it has read everything it will return null.
String lineText = textReader.readLine();
// code below is a test for me to see if the code above works and is able to read
// the text inside the file and output it.
while(lineText != null)
// this reads the text line for line and ads it to the text variable for output.
text = text + lineText + "\n";
lineText = textReader.readLine();
// These 3 code lines ask the user if he/she would like to continue with the program.
System.out.print("Continue using the Text File Reader? (y/n): ");
choice =;
If you need to count letters / characters you can do it just as well on lines / words etc. No need to involve the Reader here.
for (char c : someString.toCharArray ()) {
// handle the character
Should work once you have any String from your file.
This reads all characters from textReader until EOF is reached or an exception occurs.
try {
for(int i =; i != -1 /* EOF */; i = {
char c = (char) i;
// do whatever you want with your char here
} catch(IOException)
first of all you might want to use a StringBuilder instead of your String text because of alot better performance.
"text = text + lineText" will create another String object every time it is executed, StringBuilder works better in this case).
One way to achieve what you want is to read character for character of your textLine and use a switchcase block with all letters and add them to an array containing integers when they occur. Example:
int[] array = new int[26];
case "a":
array[0] += 1;
case "b":
array[1] += 1;
and so on...
in the end you use a simple for loop and print the values of your array. Now you see how many times you have entered which character.

Cannot print to text file from within while-loop

So I'm at a point in my program where I want to read from a csv file (which has two columns), do some light calculation on the first column (after I check whether or not it has any content), then print the new number (which I calculated from column 1 in the first file) and the contents of the second column from the original file to a new text file.
Without a while loop I have no trouble running calculations on the numbers from the original text file, then printing them to the new file. However ANY printing from inside the while loop is giving me an error. In fact, anything other than reading the file and parsing it into an array of strings is giving me an error from inside the while loop.
These are the top two lines of my stackTrace with the code I currently have posted below:
"Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
at finalProyect.User.makeMealPlan("
Line 476 being the line in my while loop: "if (array2[0].isEmpty())"
After hours of searching and tinkering I thought it was time to ask for help. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
public void makeMealPlan() {
String fileIn = "mealPlan1.csv";
Scanner inputStream = null;
String fileOut = userName + ".txt";
PrintWriter outputStream = null;
try {
inputStream = new Scanner(new File(fileIn));//opens and reads pre-configured meal plan
outputStream = new PrintWriter(fileOut);//creates output file for meal plan
} catch(FileNotFoundException e3) {
String line0 = inputStream.nextLine();
String[] array0 = line0.split(","); //Splits line into an array of strings
int baseCalories = Integer.parseInt(array0[0]); //converts first item in array to integer
double caloricMultiplier = (caloricNeeds / baseCalories); //calculates the caloricMultiplier of the user
String line1 = inputStream.nextLine();//reads the next line
String[] array1 = line1.split(",");//splits the next line into array of strings
outputStream.printf("%12s %24s", array1[0], array1[1]); //prints the read line as column headers into text file
while(inputStream.hasNextLine()) {
String line = inputStream.nextLine(); //reads next line
String[] array2 = line.split(",");
if(array2[0].isEmpty()) {
outputStream.printf("%12s %24s", array2[0], array2[1]);
} else {
double quantity = Double.parseDouble(array2[0]);
quantity = (quantity * caloricMultiplier);
outputStream.printf("%12s %24s", quantity, array2[1]);
Okay, so there were a few things wrong. However with #NonSecwitter's suggestion I was able to pin it down. So first thing (again as NonSecwitter mentioned) I had empty fields in my .csv which was throwing the ArrayIndexOutOfBounds" error. So what I did was I filled every empty field in my .csv with the string "empty". Once I did that I was able to at least print the next line.
After that, I ran into another error which was that this line:
double quantity = Double.parseDouble(array2[0]);
could not be separated from the the preceding read/split statements by being inside of an if-loop. So I ended up rewriting the guts of the entire while-loop and needed to throw an exception like so:
while (inputStream.hasNextLine())
String[] array2 = null;
String line = inputStream.nextLine(); //reads next line
array2 = line.split(",");
double quantity = Double.parseDouble(array2[0]);
if (!isStringNumeric(array2[0]))
throw new NumberFormatException();
quantity = Math.ceil(quantity * caloricMultiplier);
outputStream.printf("%12.1f %15s\n", quantity, array2[1]);
catch(NumberFormatException e1)
if (array2[1].equals("empty"))
outputStream.printf("%12s %15s\n", " ", " ");
outputStream.printf("%12s %15s\n", " ", array2[1]);
While my program is now currently working just fine, I'd still really appreciate an explanation as to why I ended up having to throw an exception to get the code to work. Are there certain restrictions with using PrintWriter inside of a while-loop? Also, I very much appreciate everybody's feedback. I think with all the comments/suggestions combined I was able to determine where my problems were (just not WHY they were problems).
It would help if you provided sample CSV data and an example of the related output you expect in <userName>.txt.
Short of this I can only help insofar as saying I do not get an exception with your code.
Here is what I got with a quick Java project in Eclipse using project and class-file names gleaned from your exception output (finalProyect and respectively), pasting your code into the class file (, and massaging it a bit for a sanity check...
package finalProyect;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class User {
public void makeMealPlan()
String fileIn = "C:\\Temp\\mealPlan1.csv";//"mealPlan1.csv"; // FORNOW: adjusted to debug
Scanner inputStream = null;
String userName = "J0e3gan"; // FORNOW: added to debug
String fileOut = "C:\\Temp\\" + userName + ".txt"; // FORNOW: adjusted to debug
PrintWriter outputStream = null;
inputStream = new Scanner(new File(fileIn));//opens and reads pre-configured meal plan
outputStream = new PrintWriter(fileOut);//creates output file for meal plan
catch(FileNotFoundException e3)
//fileNotFound(); // FORNOW: commented out to debug
String line0 = inputStream.nextLine();
String[] array0 = line0.split(","); //Splits line into an array of strings
int baseCalories = Integer.parseInt(array0[0]); //converts first item in array to integer
int caloricNeeds = 2000; // added to debug
double caloricMultiplier = (caloricNeeds / baseCalories); //calculates the caloricMultiplier of the user
String line1 = inputStream.nextLine();//reads the next line
String[] array1 = line1.split(",");//splits the next line into array of strings
outputStream.printf("%12s %24s", array1[0], array1[1]); //prints the read line as column headers into text file
while (inputStream.hasNextLine())
String line = inputStream.nextLine(); //reads next line
String[] array2 = line.split(",");
if (array2[0].isEmpty())
outputStream.printf("%12s %24s", array2[0], array2[1]);
double quantity = Double.parseDouble(array2[0]);
quantity = (quantity * caloricMultiplier);
outputStream.printf("%12s %24s", quantity, array2[1]);
public static void main(String[] args) {
// FORNOW: to debug
User u = new User();
...and an example of what it output to J0e3gan.txt...
3000 40 2500.0 50 4000.0 25
...with the following (complete-WAG) data in mealPlan1.csv:
Comment out the offending code and try to println() array2[0] and see if it gives you anything.
while (inputStream.hasNextLine())
String line = inputStream.nextLine(); //reads next line
String[] array2 = line.split(",");
//if (array2[0].isEmpty())
// outputStream.printf("%12s %24s", array2[0], array2[1]);
// double quantity = Double.parseDouble(array2[0]);
// quantity = (quantity * caloricMultiplier);
// outputStream.printf("%12s %24s", quantity, array2[1]);
or, try to print the length. If the array were empty for some reason array2[0] would be out of bounds
I would also print line to see what it's picking up

Preserving line breaks and spacing in file IO

I am workig on a pretty neat problem challenge that involves reading words from a .txt file. The program must allow for ANY .txt file to be read, ergo the program cannot predict what words it will be dealing with.
Then, it takes the words and makes them their "Pig Latin" counterpart, and writes them into a new file. There are a lot more requirements to this problem but siffice to say, I have every part solved save one...when printng to the new file I am unable to perserve the line spacing. That is to say, if line 1 has 5 words and then there is a break and line 2 has 3 words and a break...the same must be true for the new file. As it stands now, it all works but all the converted words are all listed one after the other.
I am interested in learning this so I am OK if you all wish to play coy in your answers. Although I have been at this for 9 hours so "semi-coy" will be appreaciated as well :) Please pay close attention to the "while" statements in the code that is where the file IO action is happening. I am wondering if I need to utilize the nextLine() commands from the scanner and then make a string off that...then make substrings off the nextLine() string to convert the words one at a time. The substrings could be splits or tokens, or something else - I am unclear on this part and token attempts are giving me compiler arrors exceptions "java.util.NoSuchElementException" - I do not seem to understand the correct call for a split command. I tried something like String a = scan.nextLine() where "scan" is my scanner var. Then tried String b = a.split() no go. Anyway here is my code and see if you can figure out what I am missing.
Here is code and thank you very much in advance Java gods....
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.text.*;
public class PigLatinTranslator
static final String ay = "ay"; // "ay" is added to the end of every word in pig latin
public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException
File nonPiggedFile = new File(...);
String nonPiggedFileName = nonPiggedFile.getName();
Scanner scan = new Scanner(nonPiggedFile);
nonPiggedFileName = ...;
File pigLatinFile = new File(nonPiggedFileName + "-pigLatin.txt"); //references a file that may or may not exist yet
FileWriter newPigLatinFile = new FileWriter(nonPiggedFileName + "-pigLatin.txt", true);
PrintWriter PrintToPLF = new PrintWriter(newPigLatinFile);
while (scan.hasNext())
boolean next;
while (next = scan.hasNext())
String nonPig =;
nonPig = nonPig.toLowerCase();
StringBuilder PigLatWord = new StringBuilder(nonPig);
PigLatWord.insert(nonPig.length(), nonPig.charAt(0) );
PigLatWord.insert(nonPig.length() + 1, ay);
String plw = PigLatWord.toString();
if (plw.contains("!") )
plw = plw.replace("!", "") + "!";
if (plw.contains(".") )
plw = plw.replace(".", "") + ".";
if (plw.contains("?") )
plw = plw.replace("?", "") + "?";
PrintToPLF.print(plw + " ");
Use BufferedReader, not Scanner.
I leave that part of it as an exercise for the original poster, it's easy once you know the right class to use! (And hopefully you learn something instead of copy-pasting my code).
Then pass the entire line into functions like this: (note this does not correctly handle quotes as it puts all non-apostrophe punctuation at the end of the word). Also it assumes that punctuation is supposed to go at the end of the word.
private static final String vowels = "AEIOUaeiou";
private static final String punct = ".,!?";
public static String pigifyLine(String oneLine) {
StringBuilder pigified = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for (String word : oneLine.split(" ")) {
if (!first) pigified.append(" ");
first = false;
return pigified.toString();
public static String pigify(String oneWord) {
char[] chars = oneWord.toCharArray();
StringBuilder consonants = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder newWord = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder punctuation = new StringBuilder();
boolean consDone = false; // set to true when the first consonant group is done
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
// consonant
if (vowels.indexOf(chars[i]) == -1) {
// punctuation
if (punct.indexOf(chars[i]) > -1) {
consDone = true;
} else {
if (!consDone) { // we haven't found the consonants
} else {
} else {
consDone = true;
// vowel
if (consonants.length() == 0) {
// vowel words are "about" -> "aboutway"
return newWord.append(consonants).append(punctuation).toString();
You could try to store the count of words per line in a separate data structure, and use that as a guide for when to move on to the next line when writing the file.
I purposely made this semi-vague for you, but can elaborate on request.

Print data from file to array

I need to have this file print to an array, not to screen.And yes, I MUST use an array - School Project - I'm very new to java so any help is appreciated. Any ideas? thanks
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class HangmanProject
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException
String scoreKeeper; // to keep track of score
int guessesLeft; // to keep track of guesses remaining
String wordList[]; // array to store words
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; // to read user's input
System.out.println("Welcome to Hangman Project!");
// Create a scanner to read the secret words file
Scanner wordScan = null;
try {
wordScan = new Scanner(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("words.txt")));
while (wordScan.hasNext()) {
} finally {
if (wordScan != null) {
Nick, you just gave us the final piece of the puzzle. If you know the number of lines you will be reading, you can simply define an array of that length before you read the file
Something like...
String[] wordArray = new String[10];
int index = 0;
String word = null; // word to be read from file...
// Use buffered reader to read each line...
wordArray[index] = word;
Now that example's not going to mean much to be honest, so I did these two examples
The first one uses the concept suggested by Alex, which allows you to read an unknown number of lines from the file.
The only trip up is if the lines are separated by more the one line feed (ie there is a extra line between words)
public static void readUnknownWords() {
// Reference to the words file
File words = new File("Words.txt");
// Use a StringBuilder to buffer the content as it's read from the file
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
BufferedReader reader = null;
try {
// Create the reader. A File reader would be just as fine in this
// example, but hay ;)
reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(words));
// The read buffer to use to read data into
char[] buffer = new char[1024];
int bytesRead = -1;
// Read the file to we get to the end
while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
// Append the results to the string builder
sb.append(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
// Split the string builder into individal words by the line break
String[] wordArray = sb.toString().split("\n");
System.out.println("Read " + wordArray.length + " words");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
The second demonstrates how to read the words into an array of known length. This is probably closer to the what you actually want
public static void readKnownWords()
// This is just the same as the previous example, except we
// know in advance the number of lines we will be reading
File words = new File("Words.txt");
BufferedReader reader = null;
try {
// Create the word array of a known quantity
// The quantity value could be defined as a constant
// ie public static final int WORD_COUNT = 10;
String[] wordArray = new String[10];
reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(words));
// Instead of reading to a char buffer, we are
// going to take the easy route and read each line
// straight into a String
String text = null;
// The current array index
int index = 0;
// Read the file till we reach the end
// ps- my file had lots more words, so I put a limit
// in the loop to prevent index out of bounds exceptions
while ((text = reader.readLine()) != null && index < 10) {
wordArray[index] = text;
System.out.println("Read " + wordArray.length + " words");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
If you find either of these useful, I would appropriate it you would give me a small up-vote and check Alex's answer as correct, as it's his idea that I've adapted.
Now, if you're really paranoid about which line break to use, you can find the values used by the system via the System.getProperties().getProperty("line.separator") value.
Do you need more help with the reading the file, or getting the String to a parsed array? If you can read the file into a String, simply do:
String[] words = readString.split("\n");
That will split the string at each line break, so assuming this is your text file:
words will be: {word1, word2, word3}
If the words you are reading are stored in each line of the file, you can use the hasNextLine() and nextLine() to read the text one line at a time. Using the next() will also work, since you just need to throw one word in the array, but nextLine() is usually always preferred.
As for only using an array, you have two options:
You either declare a large array, the size of whom you are sure will never be less than the total amount of words;
You go through the file twice, the first time you read the amount of elements, then you initialize the array depending on that value and then, go through it a second time while adding the string as you go by.
It is usually recommended to use a dynamic collection such as an ArrayList(). You can then use the toArray() method to turnt he list into an array.

