I am starting to use JNA to communicate with a device on the RS485 interface of a computer. Suprisingly to me I came to good results very quickly. But now I am stuck by a simple problem. The library I use accepts a pointer to a pointer of struct. The actual signature is
func(Struct1 **, Struct2 **, Struct3 *, Struct4 *, long)
Now to indicate the size of the first parameter the library expects the last pointer to be a NULL pointer. This is what fails. Following code is what I tried so far:
Struct1.ByReference[] s = (Struct1.ByReference[]) new Struct1.ByReference().toArray(size);
int pos = 0;
// ...
// for loop to set the s[pos] struture values
for(pos = 0; pos < size - 1; pos++)
// ...
// Now set the last array element to a null pointer to indicate end-of-list
s[pos].getPointer().setPointer(0, null);// Following does not work: results in zero memoried structure
s[pos] = null; // Following does not work wither: NullPointerException at com.sun.jna.Structure.autoWrite
s[pos] = new Struct1.ByReference(Pointer.NULL); // results in zero memoried structure as well
According to technomage's question. If I were to write C code it would probably look something like that:
Struct1 **s = malloc(n * sizeof(Struct1*));
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
if(i == n -1)
s[i] = NULL;
s[i] = malloc(sizeof(Struct1));
s[i].bla = value;
But be warned: I am not very skilled in C/C++. I consider Java to be my domain.
Has anyone had a similar problem? Maybe I am just not seeing the wood for the trees...
Thanks in advance.
Structures in JNA are pointers, so what you really need here is a pointer to a (pointer to a) Structure, which is a PointerByReference -- in your case, an array of them.
Given the code example above, you'll create your array of Structures, one less than n:
Struct1[] struct1Array = new Struct1[n-1];
This only allocates the Java memory for the array.
Next you'll instantiate and write the changes you make to native memory:
for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {
struct1Array[i] = new Struct1();
struct1Array[i].bla = value;
The new Struct1() allocates native side memory for these structures. It's possible to use the Structure.toArray() method to do this as well; I'm intentionally doing this a bit more manual and low-level to try to make clear what's happening.
Then you'll create a corresponding PointerByReference array to hold the pointers to these structures. You'll add an extra element for the null:
PointerByReference[] pbrArray = new PointerByReference[n];
Again, this is only java-side allocation. And then you fill it with pointers to the pointers to the structure, obtained from the Structure.getPointer() method:
for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {
pbrArray[i] = new PointerByReference(struct1Array[i].getPointer());
pbrArray[n - 1] = new PointerByReference(Pointer.NULL);
The new PointerByReference() here allocates the native side memory for the pointer itself, which points to the native-side structure you allocated earlier.
From how I understand your initial question, you will pass this PointerByReference array to your function, which presumably updates your structures.
Since you created the two arrays in this fashion, you can keep track of their correspondence by array index. You may have to iterate through the structure array and read() the native memory into the Java-side structure to do further processing with it. Typically when you work directly with Structures being passed to methods they autowrite and autoread, but when using a PointerByReference to indirectly reference the Structure, JNA isn't as friendly.
As an alternative to tracking the two arrays by corresponding indices, you could "forget" the initial Structure assignment and recover it later using the PointerByReference.getValue() method on your array to recover a pointer to the memory for the structure, and then instantiate a new structure using that Pointer in its constructor (e.g. new Struct1(pbr.getValue()) which calls super() with that pointer).
This question already has answers here:
Returning a Renderscript struct from a Renderscript kernel
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a problem. I would like to retrieve a struct from a renderscript kernel. What I wanted was that I would get an input a struct element... I would modify it and then return it modified. But there is no such a way in the reflected layer. I tryied to manually deserialize the data from the buffer but I am not even able to copy the buffer to a ByteBuffer because the Allocation has validation in the copyTo on a type so I have no idea what am I supposed to do...
RenderScript supports custom elements. To create one, declare a custom typedef struct like the following one, inside a RS script:
typedef struct MyElement {
int x;
int y;
bool simpleBool;
} MyElement_t;
After the build process, a ScriptField_MyElement Java class will appear, mirroring the RS struct. You will be able to use this class to create a custom Allocation that uses your own Element:
// Declares a new Allocation, based upon the custom struct Element
Element myElement = ScriptField_MyElement.createElement(mRS);
Allocation myElementsAllocation = Allocation.createSized(mRS, myElement, 5);
// Or
Allocation myElementsAllocation = ScriptField_MyElement.create1D(mRS, sizeX).getAllocation();
You can find an example of this process inside the CustomElementExample sample project.
Also, inside the SurfaceRenderExample sample project you can see how a custom element can be used to model a mathematical structure (in this case a particle, falling with some acceleration).
Inside RenderScript scripts:
To get a custom element from an allocation:
MyElement_t el = * (MyElement_t *) rsGetElementAt(aIn, index);
To change a custom element member:
el.x = 10;
To set a custom element in an allocation:
rsSetElementAt(myAlloc, (void *)&el);
Reference: RenderScript: parallel computing on Android, the easy way
For now, there is no direct way to copy a custom struct element to the Java side.
The CustomStructElementCopyToJava sample project provides an example of the process.
Short explanation of the example
Note: the following process is EXPERIMENTAL and not performant at all! If you plan to heavily use this process, please use the Android NDK to access the allocation.
Also, in future versions of the Android SDK, this code may break because it relies on Java reflection; some normally hidden methods can change without any notice in the Android SDK.
Let's assume using the following custom struct element:
typedef struct Point {
int x;
int y;
} Point_t;
When looking at the generated code of the struct (which can be seen, in Android Studio, by pressing CTRL+B while focusing on a ScriptField_Point element on the Java side), the following elements can be seen:
public static Element createElement(RenderScript rs) {
Element.Builder eb = new Element.Builder(rs);
eb.add(Element.I32(rs), "x");
eb.add(Element.I32(rs), "y");
return eb.create();
You can map the contents of the custom struct in a hacky way:
1) Define the destination byte array:
byte destinationArray[] = new byte[allocationGrayPointOrdered.getBytesSize()];
2) Use Java reflection to access the hidden Allocation.copyTo method:
private static Method getCopyToWithoutValidationMethod(){
// private void copyTo(Object array, Element.DataType dt, int arrayLen)
Method allocationHiddenCopyToMethod = null;
try {
allocationHiddenCopyToMethod = Allocation.class.getDeclaredMethod("copyTo", Object.class, Element.DataType.class, int.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not find allocationHiddenCopyToMethod");
return allocationHiddenCopyToMethod;
3) Perform the copy:
// Gets reflected method
Method copyToWithoutValidationMethod = getCopyToWithoutValidationMethod();
// Tries to copy contents
try {
copyToWithoutValidationMethod.invoke(allocationGrayPointOrdered, destinationArray,
Element.DataType.UNSIGNED_8, destinationArray.length);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
4) Once the array is filled with source data, it is then possible to map its content to a human-readable struct.
// Defines the destination array
ScriptField_Point.Item mappedItems[][] = new ScriptField_Point.Item[sizeX][sizeY];
// Wraps array contents
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(destinationArray);
// Sets byte order to be Android-like
// Iterates on every column and row
for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++) {
// Allocates a new item
ScriptField_Point.Item currentItem = new ScriptField_Point.Item();
// Calculate the offset in the source array
int currentOffset = (x + y * sizeX) * ScriptField_Point.Item.sizeof;
// Gets data from the byte array
currentItem.x = byteBuffer.getInt(currentOffset);
currentItem.y = byteBuffer.getInt(currentOffset + 4);
mappedItems[x][y] = currentItem;
For the complete explanation, please refer to the book.
I have a library developed in C that successfully decompresses an LZMA encoded file. The signature for the file is a pointer to the data, the compressed, decompressed, and an 'out' field for the error code. The return value is a pointer to the array (or null if it fails).
The function in C looks similar to this:
char* decompressLZMA(const char *lzmaData, int compressedSize, int uncompressedSize, t_status_codes *statusCode);
I've tried using pointers and memory from other examples but they are not working.
How do I properly pass a byte array and pointer in to get data back?
This is my interface:
public interface LZMALibrary extends Library {
Memory lzma_uncompress(Memory lzma_data, int compressed_size, int uncompressed_size, Pointer status_code);
It appears that I wanted to make a pointer of the 'Memory' class instead. The solution that is working for me right now is to create Pointer objects, and then the library will fill up the pointers, and I get them back and handle it appropriately.
My interface turned to:
public interface LZMALibrary extends Library {
Pointer lzma_uncompress(Pointer lzma_data, int compressed_size, int uncompressed_size, Pointer status_code);
From there I am able to write in the data:
Pointer ptr = new Memory(lzmaData.length);
ptr.write(0, lzmaData, 0, lzmaData.length);
I also need the pointer that will be written to:
Pointer errorStatus = new Memory(4);
Then I can call the function to get a pointer back, and read that pointer if it's not null:
Pointer p = lzmaLib.lzma_uncompress(ptr, lzmaData.length, DECOMPRESSED_LENGTH, errorStatus); // DECOMPRESSED_LENGTH is a constant.
if (p != null) {
byte[] decompressedData = p.getByteArray(0, DECOMPRESSED_LENGTH);
System.out.println(new String(decompressedData, "ASCII")); // My data is ASCII text.
if (errorStatus != null) {
int errorStatusCode = errorStatus.getInt(0);
System.out.println("Error code: " + errorStatusCode);
This appears to have solved my problem. I am very new to JNA so hopefully I am not missing anything.
If there's any possible errors I might run into, please feel free to post on how to correct it.
Is this usage of elements of an ArrayList:
for(int i=0; i<array_list.size(); i++){
Object obj = array_list.get(i);
//do **lots** of stuff with **obj**
faster than this one:
for(int i=0; i<array_list.size(); i++){
//do **lots** of stuff with **array_list.get(i)**;
It depends on how many times array_list.get(i) is called in the second code. If it is called only once, there is no difference between both methods.
If it's invoked multiple times, saving the value in a variable may be more efficient (it depends on the compiler and the JIT optimizations).
Sample scenario where the first method may be more efficient, compiled using Oracle JDK's javac compiler, assuming the list contains String objects:
for(int i=0; i<array_list.size(); i++){
String obj = array_list.get(i);
if(!obj.isEmpty()) {
String o = obj.substring(1);
System.out.println(o + obj);
In this case, obj is saved as a local variable and loaded whenever it is used.
for(int i=0; i<array_list.size(); i++){
if(!array_list.get(i).isEmpty()) {
String o = array_list.get(i).substring(1);
System.out.println(o + array_list.get(i));
In this case, multiple invokation for List.get are observed in the bytecode.
The performance difference between getting once and a local variable is almost always neglible. But... if you insist on doing it the hardcore way, this is the fast way to go:
ArrayList<Object> array_list = ...
// cache list.size() in variable!
for (int i=0, e=array_list.size(); i < e; ++i) {
// get object only once into local variable
Object object = array_list.get(i);
// do things with object
It caches the lists size into a local variable e, to avoid invoking array_list.size() at each loop iteration, as well as each element in the loop to avoid get(index) calls. Be aware that whatever you actually do with the objects in the loop will most likely be by orders of magnitude more expensive than the loop itself.
Therefore, prefer code readability and simply use the advanced for loop syntax:
ArrayList<Object> array_list = ...
for (Object object : array_list) {
// do things with object
No hassles, short and clear. Thats worth far more than a few saved clock cycles in most cases.
I'm implementing text predictions using a very simple Trie implementation, which is a slightly modified version of this code
It performs better than I initially expected, but I'm receiving an OutOfMemoryError frequently. Any ideas how can solve this problem by either:
increasing the memory designated to my app
optimizing the implementation to use less memory
or any other suggestions?
I've seen recommendations that the memory limitation problems could be avoided by using a native implementation of a part of the code, but I would prefer to stay in Java, if possible.
You could try turning on largeHeap in your manifest to see if it helps:
By doing this.next = new Node[R]; the implementation allocates an array with 26 pointers to nodes on level 1, then 26^26 pointers to nodes on level 2, then 26^26^26 on level 3 and so on. That could be one reason you run out of memory.
You can try and change the implementation so that every Node has a HashMap of nodes with a small initial capacity, say 5. The HashMap will grow only when there's a real need - which will save some memory.
Another problem in that code is with the delete:
// delete a node
public void delete(Node node) {
for(int i = 0; i < R; i++) {
if(node.next != null) {
node = null; // <-- this is not doing anything!
The reason it's not doing anything is that the reference to the node is passed by value in Java - so the real reference remains intact. What you should do instead is:
// delete a node
public void delete(Node node) {
for(int i = 0; i < R; i++) {
if(node.next != null) {
node.next[i] = null; // <-- here you nullify the actual array item
} // which makes the object a good candidate for
// the next time GC will run
So it could also be a memory leak - in case you counted on delete to free space.
Given this C++ Code:
void LoadData(char** myVar)
std:: string str("[Really Long String Here]");
unsigned int size = str.length() + 1;
*myVar = new char[size];
strncpy(*myVar, str.c_str(), size);
And this JNA Java:
Pointer myVar = new Memory(Pointer.SIZE);
this.someVar = myVar.getPointer(0).getString(0);
I'm having memory leaks, as I understand it, getPointer(0) should create a pointer object that should be released on finalize(), but it seems to not be.
Am I missing something? This seems up to spec... and I can run the function above with no leaks in C++ fine.
I call the Java code in a loop to test the leak, I've tried putting in pauses, and manually calling the GC, also it'll bloat to gigabytes rather quickly this way.
I've been banging my head against this for a few days now and it sucks to get hung up on something so trivial as attempting to free memory.As far as I can tell I can only manually free memory in Java if I have the address, but I can't see how I'd get that.
Nevermind, I don't even think there is a way to do manually free through JNA without extending it...
Add this function to the C++ library...
void FreeData(char** myVar)
delete [] *myVar;
And then make this the JNA code
Pointer myVar = new Memory(Pointer.SIZE);
this.someVar = myVar.getPointer(0).getString(0);
This way you allocate and delete the memory in C++.
Allocate in the caller, not the callee.
For example:
int LoadData(char* buf, int maxlen) {
std:: string str("[Really Long String Here]");
strncpy(buf, str.c_str(), maxlen);
if (str.length() < maxlen)
return str.length();
return maxlen;
Then when you call from Java, pass in a byte[] of the appropriate size. Note that this implementation is potentially very inefficient, but the idea is that you don't generally want to be allocating memory in one context and deallocating it in another.
Instead of
myVar = new char[size]
*myVar = malloc(size);
strncpy(*myVar, str.c_str(), size);
Arrays need to be deleted like:
delete [] *myVar;
JNA prolly doesn't know to do that.