I'm trying to call some java classes from c++ code by using the JNI. Today I experienced a very strange behaviour in my programm. I suspect that the c++ code is not wait until the java side finished it's work and I don't know why.
The C++ code (in a shared object library) is running in it's own C++ thread. It is using a existing JavaVM of a java app that is already up and running. The references to the VM and the ClassLoader where fetched while the java application was loading the shared object library in JNI_Onload. Here I call the java method of a java object I created with JNI in the C++ thread:
env->CallVoidMethod(javaClassObject, javaReceiveMethod, intParam, byteParam, objectParam);
uint32_t applicationSideResponseCode = getResponseCode(objectClass, objectParam, env);
std::string applicationData = getApplicationData(serviceResultClass, serviceResultObject, env);
The Java javaReceiveMethod is accessing the database and fetching some applicationData which is stored in the objectParam. Unfortunately the C++ code fetched the applicationData before the java class completed it's work. applicationData is null and the JNI crashes. Why? I can't find any documentation of Oracle stating that CallVoidMethod is executed asynchronous?
I verified that no exception has occured on the java method. Everything seems fine, except that Java is still busy while C++ is trying to access the data.
I can confirm that if I debug the java application two threads are shown. On main thread, that is executing javaReceiveMethod and one thread that is fetching the applicationData. How can I solve this problem? Idle in the second thread until the data is available?
In my C++ code I'm creating a new object of the java class that I want to call:
jmethodID javaClassConstructor= env->GetMethodID(javaClass, "<init>", "()V");
jobject serviceObject = env->NewObject(javaClass, serviceConstructor);
jobject javaClassObject = env->NewObject(javaClass, javaClassConstructor);
After that I call the code as shown above. After more debugging I can say that the method is called in a thread named Thread-2 (I don't know if that is the c++ thread or a new one from JNI). It is definitely not the java main thread. However the work of the method is interrupted. That means If I debug the code, I can see that the data would be set soon but in the next debug step the getApplicationData method is executed (which can only occur if c++ is calling it).
The Java method I call:
public int receive(int methodId, byte[] data, ServiceResult result){
log.info("java enter methodID = " + methodId + ", data= " + data);
long responseCode = SEC_ERR_CODE_SUCCESS;
JavaMessageProto msg;
try {
msg = JavaMessageProto (data);
log.info("principal: " + msg.getPrincipal());
JavaMessage message = new JavaMessage (msg);
if(methodId == GET_LISTS){
//this is shown in console
System.out.println("get lists");
responseCode = getLists(message);
//this point is not reached
//[... different method calls here...]
//ToDoListMessageProto response = message.getProtoBuf();
JavaMessageProto response = JavaMessageProto.newBuilder()
byte[] res = response.toByteArray();
} catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
log.severe("Error: Could not parse Client message." + e.getMessage());
return 0;
The second method is
public long getLists(JavaMessage message) {
log.info("getLists enter");
String principal = message.getPrincipal();
String token = message.getToken();
if(principal == null || principal.isEmpty()){
if(token == null || token.isEmpty()){
//get user object for authorization
SubjectManager manager = new SubjectManager();
Subject user = manager.getSubject();
long result = user.isAuthenticated(token);
if(result != SEC_ERR_CODE_SUCCESS){
return result;
try {
//fetch all user list names and ids
ToDoListDAO db = new ToDoListDAO();
Connection conn = db.getConnection();
log.info( principal + " is authenticated");
result = db.getLists(conn, message);
//this is printed
log.info( principal + " is authenticated");
conn.close(); //no exception here
//this not
log.info("Fetched lists finished for " + principal);
} catch (SQLException e) {
log.severe("SQLException:" + e.getMessage());
return result;
CallVoidMethod is executed synchronously.
Maybe you have an excepion on c++ side?, do you use c++ jni exception checks?:
env->CallVoidMethod(javaClassObject, javaReceiveMethod, intParam, byteParam, objectParam);
if(env->ExceptionOccurred()) {
// Print exception caused by CallVoidMethod
The C++ code (in a shared object library) is running in it's own C++ thread. It is using a existing JavaVM of a java app that is already up and running.
its not clear whether you have attached current thread to virtual machine. Make sure env is comming from AttachCurrentThread call. You will find example here: How to obtain JNI interface pointer (JNIEnv *) for asynchronous calls.
I need to add a timeout for the reply/request transaction using 0MQ. How is this typically accomplished? I tried using the method :
but they seem to cause a null pointer exception.
In essence, I want the application to timeout after 10 seconds if the application receiving the request is not available.
Any help is appreciated.
I think jzmq should throw a ZMQException when recv timeout,
But there is no ZMQException, when err = EAGAIN.
zmq_msg_t *do_read(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, zmq_msg_t *message, int flags)
void *socket = get_socket (env, obj);
int rc = zmq_msg_init (message);
if (rc != 0) {
raise_exception (env, zmq_errno());
return NULL;
rc = zmq_recvmsg (socket, message, flags);
rc = zmq_recv (socket, message, flags);
int err = zmq_errno();
if (rc < 0 && err == EAGAIN) {
rc = zmq_msg_close (message);
err = zmq_errno();
if (rc != 0) {
raise_exception (env, err);
return NULL;
return NULL;
if (rc < 0) {
raise_exception (env, err);
rc = zmq_msg_close (message);
err = zmq_errno();
if (rc != 0) {
raise_exception (env, err);
return NULL;
return NULL;
return message;
I wonder if your null pointer is related to how your socket was created. I have set a socket timeout successfully in the past.
The following has worked for me when I used the JeroMQ library (native Java implementation of ZMQ). I used this to help do REQ-REP commands via ZMQ.
ZMQ.Context context = ZMQ.context(1);
ZMQ.Socket sock = context.socket(ZMQ.REQ);
sock.setSendTimeOut(10000); // 10 second send timeout
sock.setReceiveTimeOut(10000); // 10 second receive timeout
if (sock.connect("tcp://")) {
if (sock.send(/* insert data here */)) {
/* Send was successful and did not time out. */
byte[] replyBytes = null;
replyBytes = sock.recv();
if (null == replyBytes) {
/* Receive timed out. */
} else {
/* Receive was successful. Do something with replyBytes. */
How is this [a timeout for the reply/request transaction] typically accomplished ?
I am sad to confirm, there is nothing like this in the ZeroMQ native API. The principle of doing async delivery means, there is no limit for delivery to take place ( in a best-effort model of scheduling, or not at all ).
If new to the ZeroMQ, you may enjoy a fast read into this 5-second read about the main conceptual elements in [ ZeroMQ hierarchy in less than a five seconds ] Section.
I want ... to timeout after 10 seconds if ... receiving the request is not ...
May design your .recv()-method call usage into either a pre-tested / protected after a .poll( 10000 )-method screener, to first explicitly detect a presence of any message for indeed being delivered to your application-code, before ever issuing ( or not ) a call to the actual .recv()-method only upon a previously POSACK-ed message to be ready to get locally read, or may use a bit more "raw" approach, using a handler with a non-blocking form of the method, by a call to the .recv( ZMQ_NOBLOCK )-flagged not to spend a millisecond "there", in cases when "there" are no messages to read right now from the local-side Context()-engine instance, and handle each of the cases accordingly in your code.
A Bonus Point
Also be warned, that using the REQ/REP-Scalable Formal Communication Archetype pattern will not be any easier, as there is a mandatory two-side-step-dance ( sure, if not intentionally artificially ZMQ_RELAXED ), so the both FSA-back-to-back-connected-FSA-s will still have to wait for the next "expected" remote-event, before becoming able to make a chance for handling the next local-event. If interested in details, one will find many posts on un-avoidable, un-salvagable mutual-deadlock, that is sure to happen for REQ/REP, where we only do not know when it happens, but are sure it will.
I have build an application connecting R and java using the Rserve package.
In that, i am getting the error as "evaluation successful but object is too big to transport". i have tried increasing the send buffer size value in Rconnection class also. but that doesn't seem to work.
The object size which is being transported is 4 MB
here is the code from the R connection file
public void setSendBufferSize(long sbs) throws RserveException {
if (!connected || rt == null) {
throw new RserveException(this, "Not connected");
try {
RPacket rp = rt.request(RTalk.CMD_setBufferSize, (int) sbs);
System.out.println("rp is send buffer "+rp);
if (rp != null && rp.isOk()) {
System.out.println("in if " + rp);
} catch (Exception e) {
LogOut.log.error("Exception caught" + e);
//throw new RserveException(this,"setSendBufferSize failed",rp);
The full java class is available here :Rconnection.java
Instead of RServe, you can use JRI, that is shipped with rJava package.
In my opinion JRI is better than RServe, because instead of creating a separate process it uses native calls to integrate Java and R.
With JRI you don't have to worry about ports, connections, watchdogs, etc... The calls to R are done using an operating system library (libjri).
The methods are pretty similar to RServe, and you can still use REXP objects.
Here is an example:
public void testMeanFunction() {
// just making sure we have the right version of everything
if (!Rengine.versionCheck()) {
System.err.println("** Version mismatch - Java files don't match library version.");
fail(String.format("Invalid versions. Rengine must have the same version of native library. Rengine version: %d. RNI library version: %d", Rengine.getVersion(), Rengine.rniGetVersion()));
// Enables debug traces
Rengine.DEBUG = 1;
System.out.println("Creating Rengine (with arguments)");
// 1) we pass the arguments from the command line
// 2) we won't use the main loop at first, we'll start it later
// (that's the "false" as second argument)
// 3) no callback class will be used
engine = REngine.engineForClass("org.rosuda.REngine.JRI.JRIEngine", new String[] { "--no-save" }, null, false);
System.out.println("Rengine created...");
REXP result = engine.parseAndEval("meanVal=mean(rVector)");
// generic vectors are RVector to accomodate names
I have a demo project that exposes a REST API and calls R functions using this package.
Take a look at: https://github.com/jfcorugedo/RJavaServer
I want to pass an object using xmlrpc as this is the only possible way it seems that I can pass an Integer and a String to a method on the server. Is it possible to do this using an object? If not is there some other way of doing it?
I have attempted to do it but am getting this error:
JavaClient: XML-RPC Consumer Fault #java.io.IOException: unsupported
Java type: class Client.Article
This is the code on the client side:
public void addHash()
try {
addAuthorName = txtAddAuthorName.getText();
int addArticleNumber = Integer.parseInt(txtAddArticleNumber.getText());
newArticle = new Article(addAuthorName, addArticleNumber);
Vector<Object> addArticleArglist = new Vector<Object>();
// make the call
String callit = ("GetSize.addHash");
articleID = (Integer) client.execute(callit, addArticleArglist);
} // Use XmlRpcException errors
catch (XmlRpcException exception) {
System.err.println("JavaClient: XML-RPC Consumer Fault #"
+ Integer.toString(exception.code) + ": "
+ exception.getCause() + "" + exception.toString());
} catch (Exception exception) {
System.err.println("JavaClient: XML-RPC Consumer Fault #" + exception.toString());
This is the code on the server side however by using System.out.println I have discovered that for whatever reason none of the code within this method is being executed:
public void addHash(Article newArticle)
theHashtable.addHash(newArticle.getArticleName(), newArticle.getAuthorID());
Assuming you are using ws-xmlrpc the documentation states the following:
DOM nodes, or JAXB objects, can be transmitted. So are objects implementing the java.io.Serializable interface.
So by declaring your object serializable you would be able to transmit it. Depending what you want to do it might be a good idea to take a good look at jaxb.
See http://ws.apache.org/xmlrpc/ for more info.
I'm loading local Couchbase instance with application specific json objects.
Relevant code is:
CouchbaseClient getCouchbaseClient()
List<URI> uris = new LinkedList<URI>();
CouchbaseConnectionFactoryBuilder cfb = new CouchbaseConnectionFactoryBuilder();
cfb.setMaxReconnectDelay(1500); // to enqueue an operation
cfb.setOpTimeout(10000); // wait up to 10 seconds for an operation to succeed
cfb.setOpQueueMaxBlockTime(5000); // wait up to 5 seconds when trying to
// enqueue an operation
return new CouchbaseClient(cfb.buildCouchbaseConnection(uris, "my-app-bucket", ""));
Method to store entry (I'm using suggestions from Bulk Load and Exponential Backoff):
void continuosSet(CouchbaseClient cache, String key, int exp, Object value, int tries)
OperationFuture<Boolean> result = null;
OperationStatus status = null;
int backoffexp = 0;
if (backoffexp > tries)
throw new RuntimeException(MessageFormat.format("Could not perform a set after {0} tries.", tries));
result = cache.set(key, exp, value);
if (result.get())
status = result.getStatus();
LOG.warn(MessageFormat.format("Set failed with status \"{0}\" ... retrying.", status.getMessage()));
if (backoffexp > 0)
double backoffMillis = Math.pow(2, backoffexp);
backoffMillis = Math.min(1000, backoffMillis); // 1 sec max
Thread.sleep((int) backoffMillis);
LOG.warn("Backing off, tries so far: " + tries);
catch (ExecutionException e)
LOG.error("ExecutionException while doing set: " + e.getMessage());
catch (InterruptedException e)
LOG.error("InterruptedException while doing set: " + e.getMessage());
while (status != null && status.getMessage() != null && status.getMessage().indexOf("Temporary failure") > -1);
When continuosSet method called for a large amount of objects to store (single thread) e.g.
CouchbaseClient cache = getCouchbaseClient();
SerializableData data = queue.poll();
if (data != null)
final String key = data.getClass().getSimpleName() + data.getId();
continuosSet(cache, key, 0, gson.toJson(data, data.getClass()), 100);
it generates CheckedOperationTimeoutException inside of continuosSet method in result.get() operation.
Caused by: net.spy.memcached.internal.CheckedOperationTimeoutException: Timed out waiting for operation - failing node:
at net.spy.memcached.internal.OperationFuture.get(OperationFuture.java:160) ~[spymemcached-2.8.12.jar:2.8.12]
at net.spy.memcached.internal.OperationFuture.get(OperationFuture.java:133) ~[spymemcached-2.8.12.jar:2.8.12]
Can someone shed light into this how to overcome and recover from this situation? Is there a good technique/workaround on how to bulk load in Java client for Couchbase? I already explored documentation Performing a Bulk Set which is unfortunately for PHP Couchbase client.
My suspicion is that you may be running this in a JVM spawned from the command line that doesn't have that much memory. If that's the case, you could hit longer GC pauses which could cause the timeout you're mentioning.
I think the best thing to do is to try a couple of things. First, raise the -Xmx argument to the JVM to use more memory. See if the timeout happens later or goes away. If so, then my suspicion about memory is correct.
If that doesn't work, raise the setOpTimeout() and see if that reduces the error or makes it go away.
Also, make sure you're using the latest client.
By the way, I don't think this is directly bulk loading related. It may happen owing to a lot of resource consumption during bulk loading, but it looks like the regular backoff must be working or you're not ever hitting it.
I would like to be able to operate a scanner from my AIR application. Since there's no support for this natively, I'm trying to use the NativeProcess class to start a jar file that can run the scanner. The Java code is using the JTwain library to operate the scanner. The Java application runs fine by itself, and the AIR application can start and communicate with the Java application. The problem seems to be that any time I attempt to use a function from JTwain (which relies on the JTwain.dll), the application dies IF AIR STARTED IT.
I'm not sure if there's some limit about referencing dll files from the native process or what. I've included my code below
Java code-
try {
text = in.readLine();
Source source = SourceManager.instance().getCurrentSource();
System.out.println("Java says: "+ text);
catch (IOException e)
System.err.println("Exception while reading the input. " + e);
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Other exception occured: " + e.toString());
finally {
Air application-
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
private var nativeProcess:NativeProcess;
private var npInfo:NativeProcessStartupInfo;
private var processBuffer:ByteArray;
private var bLength:int = 0;
protected function windowedapplication1_applicationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
var arg:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>;
processBuffer = new ByteArray;
npInfo = new NativeProcessStartupInfo;
npInfo.executable = new File("C:/Program Files/Java/jre6/bin/javaw.exe");
npInfo.arguments = arg;
nativeProcess = new NativeProcess;
nativeProcess.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.STANDARD_OUTPUT_DATA, onStandardOutputData);
private function onStandardOutputData(e:ProgressEvent):void
tArea.text += nativeProcess.standardOutput.readUTFBytes(nativeProcess.standardOutput.bytesAvailable);
protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
tArea.text += 'AIR app: '+tInput.text + '\n';
nativeProcess.standardInput.writeMultiByte(tInput.text + "\n", 'utf-8');
tInput.text = '';
protected function windowedapplication1_closeHandler(event:Event):void
<s:Button label="Send" x="221" y="11" click="button1_clickHandler(event)"/>
<s:TextInput id="tInput" x="10" y="10" width="203"/>
<s:TextArea id="tArea" x="10" width="282" height="88" top="40"/>
I would love some explanation about why this is dying. I've done enough testing that I know absolutely that the line that kills it is the SourceManager.instance().getCurrentSource(). I would love any suggestions. Thanks.
When calling Java add this -Djava.library.path=location_of_dll to the command line
I have 0 experience with Air, but this reminded me of a Java issue I once spent some time figuring out. I don't have a suggestion on why the scanning doesn't work, but I think a stack trace would be your best friend right now.
I'm guessing you're relying on this line to capture and display it?
However, you are writing IOExceptions to System.err - is there a nativeProcess.standardError you could read in Air? Alternatively, output everything to System.out.