I keep obtaining the same identical error as here.
I'm running eclipse under linux mint 17.3.
I've tried to add to MPJ_HOME to system variables writing this command on the terminal: export MPJ_HOME=/path/to/mpj/ (giving the real path to the folder of mpj) but the when I compile eclipse keep telling me:
[MPJRun.java]:[MPJRun.java]:MPJ_HOME environment found..
java.lang.Exception: [MPJRun.java]:MPJ_HOME environment found..
at runtime.starter.MPJRun.<init>(MPJRun.java:155)
at runtime.starter.MPJRun.main(MPJRun.java:1238)
How can I solve? I've already defined MPJ_HOME in Eclipse.
Finally I find out where the problem was!
I already have inserted in RunConfiguration>Tab "Arguments">Button "Variables...">Edit Variable>New Variable the correct values:
Value: /path/to/mpj
Description: [What you want]
and in RunConfiguration>Tab "Arguments">TextField "VM Arguments" this value: -jar ${MPJ_HOME}/lib/starter.jar -np 4
After that I missed to do so:
RunConfiguration>Tab "Environment">New... and insert the following values:
Value: ${MPJ_HOME}
With this configuration everything is working.
I know that this is a real stupid problem but I hope that this answer could help someone.
I'm trying to create my custom C# minecraft launcher but I have this error.
I created a launcher.bat file first in order to solve this problem quicker.
I have this code to start minecraft:
--username MYUSERNAME
--version 1.7.10
--gameDir C:\Users\Davide\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft
--assetsDir C:\Users\Davide\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets
--userProperties {}
--uuid MYUUID
But when i start it says Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no lwjgl in java.library.path.
I found on the internet that's a problem of this line
But I double checked the path is correct.
Thank you in advance.
I solved this problem easily taking out this from the arguments:
And putting al the DLL's in the local folder, i can't still access them with the full path though
Ok i found the answer. I had to use the local path and not the absolute one
I am running maxent from R, in the package biomod2 and the following error appeared. I do not come from a technical background and wasn't sure why is this error happening. Is it a memory problem or someone said the java path is not set. But I followed the instructions to set maxent to run in R and also downloaded Java Platform, Standard Edition Development Kit and set a path for it as explained in this pdf: http://modata.ceoe.udel.edu/dev/dhaulsee/class_rcode/r_pkgmanuals/MAXENT4R_directions.pdf
I would be really grateful if you could help me understand this problem and any solution to it.
Thanks a lot
Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning messages:
1: running command 'java' had status 1
2: running command 'java -mx512m -jar E:\bioclim_2.5min\model/maxent.jar environmentallayers
outputformat=logistic redoifexists visible=FALSE linear=TRUE quadratic=TRUE
product=TRUE threshold=TRUE hinge=TRUE lq2lqptthreshold=80 l2lqthreshold=10
hingethreshold=15 beta_threshold=-1 beta_categorical=-1 beta_lqp=-1
beta_hinge=-1 defaultprevalence=0.5 autorun nowarnings notooltips
noaddsamplestobackground' had status 1
3: In file(file, "rt") :
cannot open file 'rainfed/models/1432733200/rainfed_PA1_Full_MAXENT_outputs/rainfed_PA1_
Full_Pred_swd.csv': No such file or directory
I've just manage to solve this problem - it is a problem with the file path specified. For me, I had a space in one of the folder names which was not accepted in the path to the maxent.jar file. From looking at your error, it looks like it might be the two backslashes.
should probably read
I am using the monodevelop Java plugin to compile a simple (hello world) Java project. The project is created fine, but when I try to build it I get the following error:
"Error: invalid path: *.class"
The command that triggers the error is as follows:
ikvmc -recurse:*.class -assembly:jTest -target:exe -debug -srcpath:/home/bob/src/jTest/jTest -r:mscorlib
Any idea what's going wrong, and how to fix this?
P.s. Please do not say "Mono is not for Java. Use (insert different Java IDE here) instead"
Thank you!
I think .\*.class sould be run better. There must at minimum one slash in the path.
Bear with me - this is a long description, but I wanted to include all details. I'm trying use android NDK and JNI for building OpenCV Android apps.
I'm following this tutorial to get everything installed:
The following installed just fine:
Contents of my .bashrc file:
export NDK=/Users/Me/Code/Android/android-ndk-r4-crystax
export SDK=/Users/Me/Code/Android/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20130219/
export OPCV=/Users/Me/Code/OpenCV/opencv
export PATH=$NDK:$SDK/tools:$SDK/platform-tools:$PATH
export NDK_ROOT=$NDK
Making OpenCV libraries went just fine.
Due to complaint in using make, I had to make a small edit in /Users/Me/Code/OpenCV/opencv/android/android-jni/local.env.mk which looked like so:
Then upon trying again to make in the android-jni, directory, disaster struck:
/Users/Me/Code/Android/android-ndk-r4-crystax/ndk-build OPENCV_CONFIG=../build/android-opencv.mk \
PROJECT_PATH= ARM_TARGETS="armeabi armeabi-v7a" V=
Gdbserver : [arm-eabi-4.4.0] /Users/Me/Code/OpenCV/opencv/android/android-jni/libs/armeabi/gdbserver
Gdbsetup : /Users/Me/Code/OpenCV/opencv/android/android-jni/libs/armeabi/gdb.setup
Gdbsetup : + source directory /Users/Me/Code/OpenCV/opencv/android/android-jni/jni
Gdbserver : [arm-eabi-4.4.0] /Users/Me/Code/OpenCV/opencv/android/android-jni/libs/armeabi-v7a/gdbserver
Gdbsetup : /Users/Me/Code/OpenCV/opencv/android/android-jni/libs/armeabi-v7a/gdb.setup
Gdbsetup : + source directory /Users/Me/Code/OpenCV/opencv/android/android-jni/jni
SharedLibrary : libandroid-opencv.so
/Users/Me/Code/Android/android-ndk-r4-crystax/build/prebuilt/darwin-x86/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-eabi/4.4.0/../../../../arm-eabi/bin/ld: cannot find -lopencv_calib3d
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [/Users/Me/Code/OpenCV/opencv/android/android-jni/obj/local/armeabi/libandroid-opencv.so] Error 1
make: *** [libs/armeabi-v7a/libandroid-opencv.so] Error 2
I thought perhaps this was a pkg-config error, but that appears to be set up as well, though in my old install of OpenCV. Below is the output of pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv:
-I/usr/include/opencv /usr/lib/libopencv_calib3d.dylib /usr/lib/libopencv_contrib.dylib /usr/lib/libopencv_core.dylib /usr/lib/libopencv_features2d.dylib /usr/lib/libopencv_flann.dylib /usr/lib/libopencv_gpu.dylib /usr/lib/libopencv_highgui.dylib /usr/lib/libopencv_imgproc.dylib /usr/lib/libopencv_legacy.dylib /usr/lib/libopencv_ml.dylib /usr/lib/libopencv_nonfree.dylib /usr/lib/libopencv_objdetect.dylib /usr/lib/libopencv_photo.dylib /usr/lib/libopencv_stitching.dylib /usr/lib/libopencv_ts.dylib /usr/lib/libopencv_video.dylib /usr/lib/libopencv_videostab.dylib
The install built by this particular tutorial has placed an opencv.pc file at this location:
BUT Running the below and trying make again doesn't fix the problem:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/Users/Me/Code/OpenCV/opencv/build/unix-install
I can't figure out what is wrong. I've been battling with this problem for about a month on and off, and finally needed some outside opinions. Any ideas?
Error message says
cannot find -lopencv_calib3d collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
It means linker can't find opencv_calib3d library. It may have name libopencv_calib3d.a or libopencv_calib3d.so. So you need find one of them and add path to this file to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH env variable.
I mean if let's say folder /Users/Me/Code/OpenCV/opencv/lib contains libopencv_calib3d.so then you need execute something like following before make:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Users/Me/Code/OpenCV/opencv/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Try the official OpenCV4Android tutorials at http://docs.opencv.org/trunk/doc/tutorials/introduction/android_binary_package/android_dev_intro.html
I've been trying to run the hello world example in Java, compiled using Matlab Builder JA
on an Intel Mac with Snow Leopard. When i run the .jar on the terminal i get the following error:
java.lang.LinkageError: dlopen(/Applications/MATLAB_R2011a.app/bin/maci64/libnativemcl.jnilib, 9):
Library not loaded: libtbb.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/MATLAB_R2011a.app/bin/maci64/libut.dylib
Reason: image not found
at com.mathworks.toolbox.javabuilder.internal.DynamicLibraryUtils.dlopen(Native Method)
at com.mathworks.toolbox.javabuilder.internal.DynamicLibraryUtils.loadLibraryAndBindNativeMethods(DynamicLibraryUtils.java:131)
at com.mathworks.toolbox.javabuilder.internal.MWMCR.<clinit>(MWMCR.java:1554)
at hellopck.HellopckMCRFactory.newInstance(HellopckMCRFactory.java:49)
at hellopck.HellopckMCRFactory.newInstance(HellopckMCRFactory.java:60)
at hellopck.hellocls.main(hellocls.java:114)
I guess it has something to do with my environment variables but i can't find the exact problem. My environment vars are set as:
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH= /Applications/MATLAB_R2011a.app/runtime/maci64
XAPPLRESDIR= /Applications/MATLAB_R2011a.app/X11/app-defaults
I 've seen a few similar posts but non of the solutions seems to work
I 've set the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH as follows and it worked.
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH= :/Applications/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v715/runtime/maci64:
The DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH variable you listed,
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH= /Applications/MATLAB_R2011a.app/runtime/maci64 :/Applications/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v715/bin
has a space in it (after maci64 and before :/Applications). If that is not a typo in your question, then I think it could be the problem.