I am new to JavaFX and I would like to create Lloyds fifteen game(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/15_puzzle).
I created controler for the game but I cant see a way to connect it with some drawing pane. I´d like to move elements on click.
edit: I´d need help with choosing right pane to draw elements(should they extend something?), that would be clickable.
it creates matrix of elements. it provides basic methods to shuffle the board and to move a single element(those methods check, if zero(=blank field) is next to this element, then the element can move). finally it has method to check, if the puzzle is in final state(all elements are in their final positions)
import java.util.Random;
public class LloydsFifteen {
Element[][] actualState;
int[] zeroPosition;
int countInARow;
int numberOfDrags;
//for Lloyds fifteen, countInARow will be 4
public LloydsFifteen(int countInARow)
numberOfDrags = 0;
this.countInARow = countInARow;
actualState = new Element[countInARow][countInARow];
zeroPosition = new int[2];
zeroPosition[0] = countInARow-1;
zeroPosition[1] = countInARow-1;
for(int i = 0; i < countInARow; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < countInARow; j++)
actualState[i][j] = new Element(i*countInARow + j);
for(int i = 0; i < countInARow; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < countInARow; j++)
System.out.println("prvek na pozici [" + i + ", " + j + "] ma id: " +
actualState[i][j].finalPosition + " a aktualni pozici: " + actualState[i][j].actualPosition );
System.out.println("a pozice nuly je [" + zeroPosition[0] + ", " + zeroPosition[1] + "]" );
System.out.println("a pocet provedenych tahu je " + numberOfDrags);
//shuffles the board
public void shuffleLloyd(int pocetTahu)
Random r = new Random();
for(int i = 0; i < pocetTahu; i++)
case 0: if(moveRight()) numberOfDrags++; break;
case 1: if(moveLeft()) numberOfDrags++; break;
case 2: if(moveUp()) numberOfDrags++; break;
case 3: if(moveDown()) numberOfDrags++; break;
default: break;
//another way to shuffle the board
//moveAnElement(r.nextInt(4), r.nextInt(4));
//checks, if element can be moved
public void moveAnElement(int x, int y)
boolean done = false;
if(zeroPosition[0] == x + 1 && zeroPosition[1] == y)
done = moveRight();
if(zeroPosition[0] == x - 1 && zeroPosition[1] == y)
done = moveLeft();
if(zeroPosition[0] == x && zeroPosition[1] == y + 1)
done = moveDown();
if(zeroPosition[0] == x && zeroPosition[1] == y - 1)
done = moveUp();
//System.out.println("Pohyb se vydaril");
public boolean moveRight()
Element tmp;
boolean done = false;
if(zeroPosition[0] > 0)
tmp = actualState[zeroPosition[0]][zeroPosition[1]];
actualState[zeroPosition[0]][zeroPosition[1]] = actualState[zeroPosition[0] - 1][zeroPosition[1]];
actualState[zeroPosition[0] - 1][zeroPosition[1]] = tmp;
zeroPosition[0] = zeroPosition[0] - 1;
done = true;
System.out.println("Gratuluji k nalezeni reseni");
return done;
public boolean moveLeft()
Element tmp;
boolean done = false;
if(zeroPosition[0] < countInARow - 1)
tmp = actualState[zeroPosition[0]][zeroPosition[1]];
actualState[zeroPosition[0]][zeroPosition[1]] = actualState[zeroPosition[0] + 1][zeroPosition[1]];
actualState[zeroPosition[0] + 1][zeroPosition[1]] = tmp;
zeroPosition[0] = zeroPosition[0] + 1;
done = true;
System.out.println("Gratuluji k nalezeni reseni");
return done;
public boolean moveDown()
Element tmp;
boolean done = false;
if(zeroPosition[1] > 0)
tmp = actualState[zeroPosition[0]][zeroPosition[1]];
actualState[zeroPosition[0]][zeroPosition[1]] = actualState[zeroPosition[0]][zeroPosition[1] - 1];
actualState[zeroPosition[0]][zeroPosition[1] - 1] = tmp;
zeroPosition[1] = zeroPosition[1] - 1;
done = true;
System.out.println("Gratuluji k nalezeni reseni");
return done;
public boolean moveUp()
Element tmp;
boolean done = false;
if(zeroPosition[1] < countInARow - 1)
tmp = actualState[zeroPosition[0]][zeroPosition[1]];
actualState[zeroPosition[0]][zeroPosition[1]] = actualState[zeroPosition[0]][zeroPosition[1] + 1];
actualState[zeroPosition[0]][zeroPosition[1] + 1] = tmp;
zeroPosition[1] = zeroPosition[1] + 1;
done = true;
return done;
//checks if all elements are in final positions
private Boolean checkEndOfGame()
for(int i = 0; i < countInARow; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < countInARow; j++)
if(actualState[i][j].finalPosition != (i*countInARow + j))
return false;
return true;
and an Element
public class Element {
int finalPosition;
int actualPosition;
//position is j*numberInARow + i
public Element(int finalPosition)
this.finalPosition = finalPosition;
this.actualPosition = finalPosition;
Thanks for any hint, I have no idea about next step.
I want it to look like this: Lloyds fifteen puzzle http://www.cse.wustl.edu/~kjg/cs123/Labs/raster/15.gif
Elements will be part of image(user chooses an image, i will split it and create those elements)
The next step is to setup the UI, the Application which basically is the thread you will start first. For layout I suggest you use a GridPane of 4x4 and initialize it with the Element matrix.
Take a look at this example of a GridPane for a simple form and of course the JavaDoc.
The next steps then would be to add event handlers so that the elements can be reassigned to a different position (that will call the various move methods).
randomEmpty() returns a random coordinate on the n x n grid that is empty (Method works). randomAdjacent() uses randomEmpty() to select an EMPTY coordinate on the map. Comparisons are then made to see if this coordinate has an VALID adjacent coordinate that is NON-EMPTY. The PROBLEM is that randomAdjacent does not always return the coordinates of space with an adjacent NON-EMPTY space. It will always return valid coordinates but not the latter. I can't spot the problem. Can someone help me identify the problem?
public int[] randomEmpty()
Random r = new Random();
int[] random = new int[2];
int row = r.nextInt(array.length);
int column = r.nextInt(array.length);
row = r.nextInt(array.length);
column = r.nextInt(array.length);
random[0] = row+1;
random[1] = column+1;
return random;
public int[] randomAdjacent()
int[] adjacentToX = new int[8];
int[] adjacentToY = new int[8];
int[] adjacentFrom = randomEmpty();
int count;
boolean isTrue = false;
boolean oneAdjacentNotEmpty = false;
count = 0;
adjacentToX[count] = adjacentFrom[0]+1;
adjacentToY[count] = adjacentFrom[1]-1;
adjacentToX[count] = adjacentFrom[0];
adjacentToY[count] = adjacentFrom[1]-1;
adjacentToX[count] = adjacentFrom[0]-1;
adjacentToY[count] = adjacentFrom[1]-1;
adjacentToX[count] = adjacentFrom[0]-1;
adjacentToY[count] = adjacentFrom[1];
adjacentToX[count] = adjacentFrom[0]-1;
adjacentToY[count] = adjacentFrom[1]+1;
adjacentToX[count] = adjacentFrom[0];
adjacentToY[count] = adjacentFrom[1]+1;
adjacentToX[count] = adjacentFrom[0]+1;
adjacentToY[count] = adjacentFrom[1]+1;
adjacentToX[count] = adjacentFrom[0]+1;
adjacentToY[count] = adjacentFrom[1];
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
oneAdjacentNotEmpty = true;
isTrue = true;
adjacentFrom = randomEmpty();
return adjacentFrom;
public boolean validIndex(int[] a,int i, int j)
Pebble aPebble = array[a[0]+i][a[1]+j];
return true;
catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
return false;
public void setCell(int xPos, int yPos, Pebble aPebble)
array[xPos-1][yPos-1] = aPebble;
public Pebble getCell(int xPos, int yPos)
return array[xPos-1][yPos-1];
JUNIT Test Performed:
public void testRandomAdjacent() {
final int size = 5;
final Board board2 = new Board(size);
board2.setCell(1, 1, Pebble.O);
board2.setCell(5, 5, Pebble.O);
int[] idx = board2.randomAdjacent();
int x = idx[0];
int y = idx[1];
boolean empty = true;
for (int i = x - 1; i <= x + 1; i++) {
for (int j = y - 1; j <= y + 1; j++) {
if ((i == x && j == y) || i < 1 || j < 1 || i > size || j > size) {
if (board2.getCell(i, j) != Pebble.EMPTY)
empty = false;
assertFalse(empty);// NEVER gets SET TO FALSE
assertEquals(Pebble.EMPTY, board2.getCell(x, y));
As for the answer: I got carried away optimizing your code for readability. I'd think it's most likely
if (board2.getCell(i, j) != Pebble.EMPTY)
empty = false;
causing the problem as getCell operates in 1-based coordinates, but i, j are in 0-based.
You should think about your logic overall. The way I see it, your code might never terminate as randomEmpty() could keep returning the same field over and over again for an undetermined period of time.
I took the liberty to recode your if-if-if cascade into utility method easier to read:
public boolean hasNonEmptyNeighbor(int[] adjacentFrom) {
for(int i = -1; i <= 1; ++i) {
for(int j = -1; j <= 1; ++j) {
if(validIndex(adjacentFrom, i, j) //Still inside the board
&& // AND
!isEmpty(adjacentFrom[0]+i //not empty
,adjacentFrom[1]+j)) {
return true;
return false;
Given my previous comment about random() being not the best of choices if you need to cover the full board, your main check (give me an empty cell with a non-empty neighbor) could be rewritten like this:
public void find() {
List<Point> foundPoints = new ArrayList<Point>();
for(int i = 0; i < Board.height; ++i) { //Assumes you have stored your height
for(int j = 0; j < Board.width; ++j) { //and your width
if(isEmpty(i, j) && hasNonEmptyNeighbor(new int[]{i,j})) {
//Found one.
foundPoints.add(new Point(i, j));
//If you need to return a RANDOM empty field with non-empty neighbor
//you could randomize over length of foundPoints here and select from that list.
I am trying to write a program which can solve the 8-Puzzle problem.I am using the A* algorithm to find the solution.
I have reviewed my code many times and also tried making some changes.
Even my friends tried to help me find the bug,but they couldn't. I still don't understand where i went wrong.I used javadocs to see if I did something wrong,even that din't solve my problem. I have created three classes to solve this problem.
import java.util.*;
public class Solver implements Iterable<State>
ArrayList<State> queue,solQueue;
public int sol[][] = { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 }, { 7, 8, 0 } };
int temp[][],i;
int moves;
int leastPriority,removeIndex;
State removeTemp;
public Solver(State initial)
queue = new ArrayList<State>();
solQueue = new ArrayList<State>();
temp = new int[3][3];
leastPriority = 100;
Iterator<State> qu = queue.iterator();
leastPriority = 100;
for (State s : queue)
if((s.mh + s.count) <leastPriority)
leastPriority = (s.mh + s.count);
removeIndex = i;
for(State s : removeTemp.neighbours() )
public int moves()
System.out.print("Solution found out in "+ moves+" moves");
moves = removeTemp.count;
return moves;
public Iterable<State> solution()
for(State s : solQueue)
return solQueue;
#SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public Iterator iterator() {
return null;
And the JVM is throwing an exception.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0,Size: 0
at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(Unknown Source)
at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source)
at Solver.<init>(Solver.java:41)
at Main.main(Main.java:13)
What i don't understand is that how can the size of the ArrayList be 1 when i have explicitly state it as 16.
The State Class has the heuristic function which is suppose to make the algorithm efficient.The following is the State Class.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class State implements Iterable<State>
public int sol[][] = { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 }, { 7, 8, 0 } };
int m[][], bi, bj, count, priority, si, sj;
int i,j,tempm[][];
int mh = 0;
boolean isInitialState, isRepeatedState;
State previousState, tempState;
ArrayList<State> neighbourStates;
public State(State s, int c, int[][] array)
neighbourStates = new ArrayList<State>();
tempState =this;
m = new int[3][3];
if (s == null)
isInitialState = true;
count = 0;
previousState =null;
previousState = s;
count = c+1;
private void findZero()
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
private void manhattanHeuristic() {
int n = 1;
mh = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
Z: for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if ((i == bi) && (j == bj)) {
continue Z;
else if (m[i][j] == n) {
else {
mh = mh + Math.abs(i - si) + Math.abs(j - sj);
void getSolutionIndex() {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if (m[i][j] == 0) {
si = i;
sj = j;
public Iterable<State> neighbours()
tempm = m;
tempState = new State(this,count,tempm);
tempState = new State(this,count,tempm);
tempState = new State(this,count,tempm);
tempState = new State(this,count,tempm);
return neighbourStates;
public boolean equals(int s[][])
if((isInitialState==false)&&(previousState.m == s))
return true;
return false;
public Iterator<State> iterator() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public void up()
if ((bi > 1) && (bi < 2) && (bj < 3)&& (bj > 1))
i = bi;
i = i + 1;
public void down()
if ((bi > 2) && (bi < 3) && (bj < 3) && (bj > 1))
i = bi;
i = i - 1;
public void left()
if ((bi > 1) && (bi < 3) && (bj < 2)&& (bj > 1)) {
j = bj;
j = j + 1;
this.move(bi, j);
public void right()
if ((bi > 1) && (bi < 3) && (bj < 3) && (bj > 2)) {
j = bj;
j = j - 1;
this.move(bi, j);
public void move(int x, int y) {
tempm = m;
if ((tempm[x + 1][y] == 0) || (tempm[x - 1][y] == 0) || (tempm[x][y + 1] == 0)|| (tempm[x][y - 1] == 0)) {
tempm[bi][bj] = tempm[x][y];
tempm[x][y] = 0;
bi = x;
bj = y;
And the finally the class with the main function.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
int[][] tiles = new int[3][3];
System.out.println("Enter the elements");
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
tiles[i][j] = sc.nextInt();
State initial = new State(null,0,tiles);
Solver solver = new Solver(initial);
System.out.println("Minimum number of moves = " + solver.moves());
What i don't understand is that how can the size of the ArrayList be 1 when i have explicitly state it as 16.
You did not set the size of the ArrayList to 16. You've set the capacity:
This does not make the ArrayList have a size of 16.
An ArrayList has an array to hold its data. When you add more elements to the ArrayList and its internal array is full, it will have to allocate a larger array and copy the content of what it currently holds plus the new element.
The capacity of the ArrayList is the minimum size that the internal array has. You can use ensureCapacity to make sure that the ArrayList doesn't have to resize too often (resizing and copying the content is an expensive operation). So, ensureCapacity is a call you make to make it work effiently.
It does not make the ArrayList have 16 elements; it only makes sure that the ArrayList has room for at least 16 elements.
If you want the ArrayList to have 16 elements, you'll have to add those elements one by one.
Size of the collection and the capacity are 2 different concepts.
capacity represents the maximum size of items a collection can hold without a reallocation.
size represents the current number of items in the collection.
IndexOutOfBoundsException is saying that you are trying to access an item with index that does not exist in the collection.
please try the below code in Solver.java
I have this path finding code which does the first part of the finding by only going one square
public class PathFinding {
static Vector2 start;
static Vector2 end;
static Cell[][] cells;
static Node currentNode;
static Arena arena;
public static void calcPAth(Vector2 from, Vector2 to,
Cell[][] mapCells, Arena a) {
start = from;
end = to;
cells = mapCells;
arena = a;
List<Node> openList = new ArrayList<Node>();
List<Node> closedList = new ArrayList<Node>();
Gdx.app.log(PArena.LOG, "Lists Created");
currentNode = new Node(null, start);
Gdx.app.log(PArena.LOG, "Added start to openList");
// check squares around this and add
int startPX = (int) currentNode.parentV.x / 32;
Gdx.app.log(PArena.LOG, "Start X" + startPX);
int startPY = (int) currentNode.parentV.y / 32;
Gdx.app.log(PArena.LOG, "Start Y" + startPY);
Gdx.app.log("", "");
int MIN_X = startPX - 1;
int MIN_Y = startPY - 1;
int MAX_X = startPX + 1;
int MAX_Y = startPY + 1;
int startPosX = (startPX - 1 < MIN_X) ? startPX : startPX - 1;
int startPosY = (startPY - 1 < MIN_Y) ? startPY : startPY - 1;
int endPosX = (startPX + 1 > MAX_X) ? startPX : startPX + 1;
int endPosY = (startPY + 1 > MAX_Y) ? startPY : startPY + 1;
// Check boundaries on start cell
for (int rowNum = startPosX; rowNum <= endPosX; rowNum++) {
for (int colNum = startPosY; colNum <= endPosY; colNum++) {
// All the neighbors will be grid[rowNum][colNum]
if (!cells[rowNum][colNum].getTile().getProperties()
.containsKey("blocked")) {
Node node = new Node(currentNode, new Vector2(
rowNum, colNum));
if (rowNum != startPX && colNum != startPY) {
} else
System.out.print(node.getFValue() + "|");
} else
int n = openList.get(0).getFValue();
int index = 0;
for (Node temp : openList) {
if (temp.getFValue() < n) {
n = temp.getFValue();
index = openList.lastIndexOf(temp);
Gdx.app.log("n", "n = " + n);
currentNode = openList.get(index);
// need to calc move cost;
Gdx.app.log("", "");
This is my Node class
public static class Node {
int hVal;
int gVal;
int fVal;
Node parentNode;
Vector2 parentV;
private Node(Node node, Vector2 p) {
this.parentV = p;
public void setMovementCost(int c) {
this.gVal = c;
private void calcFVal() {
fVal = gVal + hVal;
// Gdx.app.log("Node", "HVal = " + hVal);
// Gdx.app.log("Node", "GVal = " + gVal);
// Gdx.app.log("Node", "FVal = " + fVal);
private void calcHValue() {
int x = (int) (parentV.x - end.x);
if (x < 0)
x *= -1;
int y = (int) (parentV.y - end.y);
if (y < 0)
y *= -1;
hVal = (int) (x + y) / 32;
// Gdx.app.log(PArena.LOG, "Heuristic Value" + hVal);
private void setParent(Node node) {
this.parentNode = node;
public int getFValue() {
return fVal;
public Vector2 getVectorPos() {
return parentV;
My problem is that my debugging outputs like this
So basically it isnt actually calculating the total value. It is just adding the movement cost, not heuristic.
What is th problem? Am i missing a step?
You are missing the Successor list i think. An A* does have a Successorlist and while the openlist isnt empty you do the following stuff:
while (openList.size() != 0) {
q = openList.remove(); //first element of the prio queue
// generate your neighbornodes of q and add them to the successorlist
//after this you iterate over the successor and check if its your goalnode.
//If so you do return it else you add it to the openlist. (still inside of the while!)
//Dont forget to check if the neighbor is inside of the close list!
//if so you do not need to add it to the successorlist
//Here is how it does look at mine A*. It also contains a check if there is a betterone
// calc
for (Node suc : successor) {
if (suc.x == (int) this.screen.character.mapPos.x
&& suc.y == (int) this.screen.character.mapPos.y)
return suc; //return the goalnode
boolean add = true;
if (betterIn(suc, openList))
add = false;
if (betterIn(suc, closeList))
add = false;
if (add)
Last but not least you do delete the q note from the openlist and add it to the close ist.
}//end of while
Some more minor improvmements would be that you do add a compareable to the Node..
public int compareTo(Node o) {
if ((this.g + this.h) < (o.g + o.h))
return -1;
else if ((this.g + this.h) >= (o.g + o.h))
return 1;
return 0;
also override the equals and the hashCode method for it for example like this:
public boolean equals(Object o) {
// override for a different compare
return ((Node) o).x == this.x && ((Node) o).y == this.y;
public int hashCode() {
return x + y;
After that your openList can be a PriorityQueue<Node> and the first object you are getting from the is always the one with the smallest h.
Dont forget to return our final Node to iterate over the getparent method to get the path.
private boolean betterIn(Node n, Collection<Node> l) {
for (Node no : l) {
if (no.x == n.x && no.y == n.y && (no.g + no.h) <= (n.g + n.h))
return true;
return false;
I'm writing a sliding block solver that has a list of block objects (which contains block size and location of upper left corner), and a 2D array that represents the tray. Wherever there is a block, that location in the array points to the block object, otherwise it is null.
In my solver I'm generating possible moves that haven't been seen, hashing them, then choosing one to do (which changes the tray layout) and calling the solver recursively on the new tray layout. When there are no more possible move layouts that haven't been seen before I return the call, reverse the last move and continue checking the previous call, and so on until either it is solved or I run out of moves (no solution).
The problem is, I'm getting a Null Pointer Exception when I make a move. The weird thing is that it only happens after quite a few recursive calls. The program runs through several calls/moves fine, and then it seems to mess up.
generateMoves() tests if a move has been seen before by calling move(), and then reversing the move once it has checked. I think the Null Pointer is happening after it calls move(), and move() is setting toMove = layout[][]. Evidently it is looking up a position in the array that is null instead of one with the block. It seems there is a discrepancy between the list of blocks and the Tray array... Because when move() then calls setTrayAfterMove() it throws the exception. What I can't figure out is why it works for several recursive calls to solveHelper() but then breaks.
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Solver {
Tray initial;
Tray goal;
HashSet<Integer> visited;
LinkedList<Integer> movesToSolution; // list of moves leading to solution
int recursionCounter;
boolean isSolved;
public Solver(String initial, String goal) {
this.initial = new Tray(initial);
this.goal = new Tray(this.initial, goal);
visited = new HashSet<Integer>();
movesToSolution = new LinkedList<Integer>();
recursionCounter = 0;
isSolved = false;
public void solve() {
if (goal.equals(initial)) {
System.out.println("Solver finished no moves");
if (movesToSolution.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("No solution");
System.out.println("Solver finished");
private void solveHelper(Tray t) {
Stack<Integer> possibleMoves = new Stack<Integer>();
int lastMoveMade = 0;
if (recursionCounter > 5000 || isSolved) {
if (goal.equals(t)) {
isSolved = true;
// movesToSolution.addFirst(lastMoveMade);
LinkedList<Integer> movesToAdd = t.generateMoves();
Iterator<Integer> movesIter = movesToAdd.iterator();
while (movesIter.hasNext()) {
while (!possibleMoves.isEmpty()) {
lastMoveMade = possibleMoves.pop();
boolean isMoved = t.move(lastMoveMade, false);
if (isMoved) {
int moveHash = t.hashCode();
if (isSolved) {
t.move(lastMoveMade, true);
public void printMoves() {
for (Integer move : movesToSolution) {
public class Tray {
private int length; // number of rows
private int width; // number of columns
private LinkedList<Block> blocks;
private Block[][] layout;
public Tray(String file) {
blocks = new LinkedList<Block>();
try {
Scanner s = new Scanner(new FileReader(file));
length = s.nextInt();
width = s.nextInt();
layout = new Block[width][length];
while (s.hasNextLine()) {
int l = s.nextInt();
int w = s.nextInt();
int r = s.nextInt();
int c = s.nextInt();
Block b = new Block(l, w, r, c);
for (int blockX = b.col; blockX < b.col + b.width; blockX++) {
for (int blockY = b.row; blockY < b.row + b.length; blockY++) {
layout[blockX][blockY] = b;
// isOK();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("File not found");
public Tray(Tray t, String file) {
blocks = new LinkedList<Block>();
try {
this.length = t.length;
this.width = t.width;
Scanner s = new Scanner(new FileReader(file));
layout = new Block[this.width][this.length];
while (s.hasNextLine()) {
int l = s.nextInt();
int w = s.nextInt();
int r = s.nextInt();
int c = s.nextInt();
Block b = new Block(l, w, r, c);
for (int blockX = b.col; blockX < b.col + b.width; blockX++) {
for (int blockY = b.row; blockY < b.row + b.length; blockY++) {
layout[blockX][blockY] = b;
// isOK();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("File not found");
public void print() {
for (Block b : blocks) {
System.out.println(b.length + " " + b.width + " " + b.col + " "
+ b.row);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
for (int x = 0; x < this.width; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < this.length; y++) {
if (this.layout[x][y] != null
&& (((Tray) o).layout[x][y] == null || !((Tray) o).layout[x][y]
.equals(this.layout[x][y]))) {
return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
// TODO come up with hashcode unique to layout taking in
// consideration block at each coordinate, size of block
int hashCode = 0;
for (Block b : blocks) {
hashCode += (17 * (b.width * b.col)) + (7 * (b.length * b.row));
return hashCode;
public boolean isOK() {
Block[][] trayChecker = new Block[width][length];
Iterator<Block> blockIter = blocks.iterator();
while (blockIter.hasNext()) {
Block b = blockIter.next();
for (int x = b.col; x < x + b.width; x++) {
for (int y = b.row; y < y + b.length; y++) {
if (trayChecker[x][y] != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Two blocks cannot be in the same location");
if (x < 0 || x > width || y < 0 || y > length) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Block must be completely on the board");
trayChecker[x][y] = b;
return true;
// only returns possible valid moves that haven't been seen before
public LinkedList<Integer> generateMoves() {
LinkedList<Integer> movesToTry = new LinkedList<Integer>();
// TODO: generate moves that haven't been seen
int[] moveDir = { -10, 10, -1, 1 };
for (Block b : blocks) {
for (int m : moveDir) {
if (canMove(b, m)) {
int trayMove = createMove(b, m);
move(trayMove, false);
if (!visited.contains(hashCode())) {
move(trayMove, true); // reverse the move
return movesToTry;
public boolean canMove(Block b, int dir) {
int tmp = Math.abs(dir);
int y = tmp % 10;
int x = tmp / 10;
if (dir < 0) {
x = -x;
y = -y;
if ((b.col + x < 0 || b.col + b.width + x > this.width)
|| (b.row + y < 0 || b.row + b.length + y > this.length)) {
return false;
if (x == 0) {
for (int xBlock = b.col; xBlock < b.col + b.width; xBlock++) {
if (layout[xBlock][b.row + y] != null) {
return false;
// } else if(x > 0 && layout[xBlock][b.row + y + b.length -
// 1] != null) {
// return false;
// }
if (y == 0) {
for (int yBlock = b.row; yBlock < b.row + b.length; yBlock++) {
if (layout[b.col + x][yBlock] != null) {
return false;
// } else if(x > 0 && layout[b.col + x + b.width -
// 1][yBlock] != null) {
// return false;
// }
return true;
// only takes valid input
public boolean move(int moveDirections, boolean reverse) {
Block toMove = null;
if (moveDirections == 0) {
return false;
// System.out.println(moveDirections + " " + recursionCounter);
int tmp = Math.abs(moveDirections);
int moveY = tmp % 10;
tmp /= 10;
int moveX = tmp % 10;
tmp /= 10;
int blockY = tmp % 1000;
tmp /= 1000;
int blockX = tmp;
System.out.println(blockX + " + " + blockY);
if (reverse) {
if (moveDirections > 0) {
toMove = layout[blockX + moveX][blockY + moveY];
} else {
toMove = layout[blockX - moveX][blockY - moveY];
setTrayAfterMove(toMove, true);
if (moveDirections < 0) {
toMove.col += moveX;
toMove.row += moveY;
} else {
toMove.col -= moveX;
toMove.row -= moveY;
setTrayAfterMove(toMove, false);
} else {
toMove = layout[blockX][blockY];
setTrayAfterMove(toMove, true);
if (moveDirections < 0) {
toMove.col -= moveX;
toMove.row -= moveY;
} else {
toMove.col += moveX;
toMove.row += moveY;
setTrayAfterMove(toMove, false);
return true;
// 256x256
// 1x256 23x256
// 100x01 100x001 100x100
// 1x01 1x001 1x100
// 10x01 10x001 10x100
private int createMove(Block b, int dir) {
// multiply b.x to get 8 digits
// multiply bh .y to get 5 digits
int move = b.col * 100000;
move += (b.row * 100);
move += Math.abs(dir);
if (dir < 0) {
move *= -1;
return move;
private void setTrayAfterMove(Block b, boolean isBeforeMove) {
for (int blockX = b.col; blockX < b.col + b.width; blockX++) {
for (int blockY = b.row; blockY < b.row + b.length; blockY++) {
if(isBeforeMove) {
layout[blockX][blockY] = null;
} else {
layout[blockX][blockY] = b;
public class Block {
private int length;
private int width;
private int row;
private int col;
public Block(int l, int w, int r, int c) {
length = l;
width = w;
row = r;
col = c;
public boolean equals(Block b) {
return this.length == b.length && this.width == b.width
&& this.row == b.row && this.col == b.col;
public static void main(String[] args) {
if (args.length < 2 || args.length > 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Must have at least 2 and no more than 3 arguments");
String initialLayout = args[0];
String goalLayout = args[1];
String debug = "";
if (args.length == 3) {
if (args[0].substring(0, 2).equals("-o")) {
debug = args[0].substring(2, args[0].length());
switch (debug) {
// cases for debugging arguments go here
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"First argument must start with -o");
initialLayout = args[1];
goalLayout = args[2];
Solver s = new Solver(initialLayout, goalLayout);
Could someone please take a look at my code? Suggestions on how to improve efficiency are also welcome. Thanks!
Instead of solving your problem, let me give you some advice on how you can root cause this yourself.
Are you developing in and IDE? If you aren't, start now.
Have you ever used a debugger? If not, start now.
Have you ever set a conditional breakpoint? If not, start now.
Set a conditional breakpoint on the variable that is null, with the condition being that the variable is null. Run your program in debug mode and see whats going on.
If the community solves this problem for you, you haven't learned anything about becoming a better programmer. Make it a point to solve this problem yourself - otherwise you are just postponing the inevitable : becoming a mediocre programmer.
I'm trying to solve the problem of positioning N queens on NxN board without row, column and diagonal conflicts. I use an algorithm with minimizing the conflicts. Firstly, on each column randomly a queen is positioned. After that, of all conflict queens randomly one is chosen and for her column are calculated the conflicts of each possible position. Then, the queen moves to the best position with min number of conflicts. It works, but it runs extremely slow. My goal is to make it run fast for 10000 queens. Would you, please, suggest me some improvements or maybe notice some mistakes in my logic?
Here is my code:
public class Queen {
int column;
int row;
int d1;
int d2;
public Queen(int column, int row, int d1, int d2) {
this.column = column;
this.row = row;
this.d1 = d1;
this.d2 = d2;
public String toString() {
return "Queen [column=" + column + ", row=" + row + ", d1=" + d1
+ ", d2=" + d2 + "]";
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return ((Queen)obj).column == this.column && ((Queen)obj).row == this.row;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Random;
public class SolveQueens {
public static boolean printBoard = false;
public static int N = 100;
public static int maxSteps = 2000000;
public static int[] queens = new int[N];
public static Random random = new Random();
public static HashSet<Queen> q = new HashSet<Queen>();
public static HashSet rowConfl[] = new HashSet[N];
public static HashSet d1Confl[] = new HashSet[2*N - 1];
public static HashSet d2Confl[] = new HashSet[2*N - 1];
public static void init () {
int r;
rowConfl = new HashSet[N];
d1Confl = new HashSet[2*N - 1];
d2Confl = new HashSet[2*N - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
r = random.nextInt(N);
queens[i] = r;
Queen k = new Queen(i, r, i + r, N - 1 + i - r);
if (rowConfl[k.row] == null) {
rowConfl[k.row] = new HashSet<Queen>();
if (d1Confl[k.d1] == null) {
d1Confl[k.d1] = new HashSet<Queen>();
if (d2Confl[k.d2] == null) {
d2Confl[k.d2] = new HashSet<Queen>();
public static void print () {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
System.out.print(queens[i] == j ? "♕ " : "◻◻◻ ");
public static boolean checkItLinear() {
Queen r = choseConflictQueen();
if (r == null) {
return true;
Queen newQ = findNewBestPosition(r);
if (rowConfl[newQ.row] == null) {
rowConfl[newQ.row] = new HashSet<Queen>();
if (d1Confl[newQ.d1] == null) {
d1Confl[newQ.d1] = new HashSet<Queen>();
if (d2Confl[newQ.d2] == null) {
d2Confl[newQ.d2] = new HashSet<Queen>();
queens[r.column] = newQ.row;
return false;
public static Queen choseConflictQueen () {
HashSet<Queen> conflictSet = new HashSet<Queen>();
boolean hasConflicts = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 2*N - 1; i++) {
if (i < N && rowConfl[i] != null) {
hasConflicts = hasConflicts || rowConfl[i].size() > 1;
if (d1Confl[i] != null) {
hasConflicts = hasConflicts || d1Confl[i].size() > 1;
if (d2Confl[i] != null) {
hasConflicts = hasConflicts || d2Confl[i].size() > 1;
if (hasConflicts) {
int c = random.nextInt(conflictSet.size());
return (Queen) conflictSet.toArray()[c];
return null;
public static Queen findNewBestPosition(Queen old) {
int[] row = new int[N];
int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int minInd = old.row;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (rowConfl[i] != null) {
row[i] = rowConfl[i].size();
if (d1Confl[old.column + i] != null) {
row[i] += d1Confl[old.column + i].size();
if (d2Confl[N - 1 + old.column - i] != null) {
row[i] += d2Confl[N - 1 + old.column - i].size();
if (i == old.row) {
row[i] = row[i] - 3;
if (row[i] <= min && i != minInd) {
min = row[i];
minInd = i;
return new Queen(old.column, minInd, old.column + minInd, N - 1 + old.column - minInd);
public static void main(String[] args) {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
int steps = 0;
while(!checkItLinear()) {
if (++steps > maxSteps) {
steps = 0;
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Done for " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms\n");
Here is my a-little-bit-optimized solution with removing some unused objects and putting the queens on diagonal positions when initializing.
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Vector;
public class SolveQueens {
public static boolean PRINT_BOARD = true;
public static int N = 10;
public static int MAX_STEPS = 5000;
public static int[] queens = new int[N];
public static Random random = new Random();
public static int[] rowConfl = new int[N];
public static int[] d1Confl = new int[2*N - 1];
public static int[] d2Confl = new int[2*N - 1];
public static Vector<Integer> conflicts = new Vector<Integer>();
public static void init () {
random = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
queens[i] = i;
public static int getD1Pos (int col, int row) {
return col + row;
public static int getD2Pos (int col, int row) {
return N - 1 + col - row;
public static void print () {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
System.out.print(queens[i] == j ? "Q " : "* ");
public static boolean hasConflicts() {
if (conflicts.isEmpty()) {
return false;
int r = random.nextInt(conflicts.size());
int conflQueenCol = conflicts.get(r);
int currentRow = queens[conflQueenCol];
int bestRow = currentRow;
int minConfl = getConflicts(conflQueenCol, queens[conflQueenCol]) - 3;
int tempConflCount;
for (int i = 0; i < N ; i++) {
tempConflCount = getConflicts(conflQueenCol, i);
if (i != currentRow && tempConflCount <= minConfl) {
minConfl = tempConflCount;
bestRow = i;
queens[conflQueenCol] = bestRow;
return true;
public static void generateConflicts () {
conflicts = new Vector<Integer>();
rowConfl = new int[N];
d1Confl = new int[2*N - 1];
d2Confl = new int[2*N - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
int r = queens[i];
d1Confl[getD1Pos(i, r)]++;
d2Confl[getD2Pos(i, r)]++;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
int conflictsCount = getConflicts(i, queens[i]) - 3;
if (conflictsCount > 0) {
public static int getConflicts(int col, int row) {
return rowConfl[row] + d1Confl[getD1Pos(col, row)] + d2Confl[getD2Pos(col, row)];
public static void main(String[] args) {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
int steps = 0;
while(hasConflicts()) {
if (++steps > MAX_STEPS) {
steps = 0;
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Done for " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms\n");
Comments would have been helpful :)
Rather than recreating your conflict set and your "worst conflict" queen everything, could you create it once, and then just update the changed rows/columns?
I tried playing around with your code a bit. Since the code is randomized, it's hard to find out if a change is good or not, since you might start with a good initial state or a crappy one. I tried making 10 runs with 10 queens, and got wildly different answers, but results are below.
I psuedo-profiled to see which statements were being executed the most, and it turns out the inner loop statements in chooseConflictQueen are executed the most. I tried inserting a break to pull the first conflict queen if found, but it didn't seem to help much.
Grouping only runs that took more than a second:
I realize I only have 10 runs, which is not really enough to be statistically valid, but hey.
So adding breaks didn't seem to help. I think a constructive solution will likely be faster, but randomness will again make it harder to check.
Your approach is good : Local search algorithm with minimum-conflicts constraint. I would suggest try improving your initial state. Instead of randomly placing all queens, 1 per column, try to place them so that you minimize the number of conflicts. An example would be to try placing you next queen based on the position of the previous one ... or maybe position of previous two ... Then you local search will have less problematic columns to deal with.
If you randomly select, you could be selecting the same state as a previous state. Theoretically, you might never find a solution even if there is one.
I think you woud be better to iterate normally through the states.
Also, are you sure boards other than 8x8 are solvable?
By inspection, 2x2 is not, 3x3 is not, 4x4 is not.