I have this code from my computer science class:
int input=15;
while (input < n ) { input = input *3;}
This code has the ceiling of log3(n/15) loops. How can we obtain this result?
I think he is talking about the analytical solution to complexity. I think it's something like this (long time ago i did logaritms):
15 * 3^x = n // x would be the number of iterations until value reaches n
ln(15*(3^x)) = ln(n)
ln(15) + ln(3^x) = ln(n)
ln(15) + x*ln(3) = ln(n)
x = (ln(n) - ln(15)) / ln(3)
x = ln(n/15) / ln(3)
x = log3(n/15) / log3(3)
x = log3(n/15)
For what values of n does the code loop k times?
It must be that 15 < n, and 15*3 < n and 15*3*3 < n and .... and 15*3^(k-1) < n. Also, it must be that 15*3^k >= n (otherwise the code would do at least one more loop).
That is, 3^k >= n/15 > 3^(k-1), and taking logs (base 3), k >= log3(n/15) > k-1.
Thus k is the smallest integer greater than or equal to log3(n/15), or equivalently: k = ceil(log3(n/15)) as required.
For this formula:
I had to make a method to automate it, and I've received 4 examples to try it out.
x = 1 > p = 2
x = 3 > p = -226
x = 4 > p = 9854
however, when I insert 11 the answer should be 3.0198773447 and I receive -1.78316945E8 instead :/
here is my code:
System.out.println("Insira o numero: ");
int x = input.nextInt();
int fat = 1;
int contador = 0;
int contador1 = 0;
double p = 0;
for(double i = 1; i <=x; i++){
fat = 1;
contador1 = contador* 2;
for(double j = 1; j <= contador1; j++){
fat *=j;
if(contador <=1){
p += fat / contador;
if(contador % 2 ==0 && contador > 1){
p += fat / contador;
}else if( contador % 2 != 0 && contador > 1){
p -= fat / contador;
If you type in 11, that means contador1 will become as high as 22 (you will loop 11 times, every loop you first increment contador, and contador1 is twice that, so, 22. In other words, you'll end up having to calculate 22!.
The int type does not hold any arbitrary integer. It can only hold integers between -2^31 and +2^31-1. If you try to go beyond those bounds, it just loops around. Witness it in action:
int x = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // a constant representing 2^31-1.
int y = x + 1;
// Prints: 2147483647
// -2147483648
Where'd that minus come from? That's that whole 'loops around' thing. 22! is much lager than than this upper bound. Hence, your code doesn't work and it also explains why your algorithm tosses a negative number in there.
You could choose to use long instead which can hold it, but long, too, has limits - 2^63-1 to be precise. You could use double which goes ever further (up to about 1e308 which is a lot more than 2^63), but doubles are not accurate and the lack of accuracy gets worse as you move further away from 0. Past 2^53 or so, the distance between 2 representable numbers in the double range is more than 1, meaning, +1 no longer does anything (all operations on double values are rounded to the nearest representable double after every operation).
More generally trying to do 'math' on really large numbers is a non-trivial affair, and your basic + and / can no longer get the job done. Look up the API of BigDecimal which guarantees you perfect accuracy at the cost of, naturally, performance. You could use that, and get perfect answers. Though it'll take a while.
The problem in question asks to reverse a 32-bit signed integer. Here's the given solution in Java:
public int reverse(int x) {
int rev = 0;
while (x != 0) {
int pop = x % 10;
x /= 10;
if (rev > Integer.MAX_VALUE/10 || (rev == Integer.MAX_VALUE / 10 && pop > 7)) return 0;
if (rev < Integer.MIN_VALUE/10 || (rev == Integer.MIN_VALUE / 10 && pop < -8)) return 0;
rev = rev * 10 + pop;
return rev;
​According to the solution's explanation, it's time complexity is O(log10(n)) because there are roughly log10(x) digits in x. Intuitively, there seems to be n-1 iterations of the while loop, where n is the number of digits. (I.E: a 7 digit number requires 6 iterations) However, the solution and given complexity implies that the n is the integer itself and not the number of digits. Can anyone help me gain an intuitive understanding of why the above solution is log10(n) ?
If x is an integer, then floor(log10(x)) + 1 is equal to the number of digits in x.
Let log(10)x = some number y. Then 10^y = x.
For example,
log(10) 10 = 1
log(10) 100 = 2
log(10) 1000 = 3
When x is not a perfect power of 10:
floor( log(213) ) = 2
Let me know if this doesn't answer your question.
Let's say the x = 123.
int rev = 0;
rev = rev * 10 + x % 10; // rev = 3, 1st iteration.
x = x/10; // x = 12
rev = rev * 10 + x % 10; // rev = 3 * 10 + 2 = 32, 2nd iteration
x = x/10; // x = 1
rev = rev * 10 + x % 10; // rev = 32 * 10 + 1 = 321, 3rd iteration.
x = 0 so the loop terminates after 3 iterations for 3 digits.
The conditionals within the loop check to see if the reversed values would exceed what a 32 bit number could hold.
So it is log10(n) exactly for the reason you stated in your question. The log of a number n to a given base is the exponent required to raise the base back to the number n. And the exponent is an approximation of the number of digits in the number.
Based on your comment, it could also have been stated that "For any number n, where m is the the number of digits in n, the time complexity is O(m)."
The given reverse algorithm requires in the worst case log_10(x) iterations. In other words, if the given input x consists of k decimal digits, it requires k iterations. But stating that this algorithm is O(log_10(x)) is misleading. This is not logarithmic algorithm. If the input size is not intuitive (for example, testing whether given integer is a prime), we need to rigorously apply the correct definition of input size. In Big O analysis, the input size is defined as the number of characters it takes to write the input. Since we normally encode integers in binary digits, the input size of this algorithm n is approximately log_2 x. Therefore, x is roughly 2^n. The worst case complexity W(x) = log_10 (x) = log_10(2^n) = n log_10(2). Therefore, the big O of reverse algorithm is O(n).
I came across the following question.
Given a list where each item represents the duration expressed in seconds of a song, return the total number of pairs of songs such their durations sum to minutes (e.g., 1m0s, 2m0s,..)
Input: [10,50,20,110,40]
Output: 3 (considering pairs at indexes (0,1),(0,3),(2,4))
I can only think to a brute force approach where I consider all pairs of songs. The time complexity of this approach is O(n^2).
Is there any better way of doing it?
The given problem can be reduced to the fact that we need to discover pairs (a,b) such that (a + b) mod 60 == 0 from the given list A.
Observation #1: For any integer x, (x mod 60) lies from o to 59.
Initialise an array of length 60 with default value set to 0 the index i of which will store the number of elements in the list A, such that x mod 60 = i for all x belonging to A
int freq[60] = {0};
for(int i = 0; i < A.size(); i++)
freq[(A[i] % 60)]++;
Now iterate over the array A again and for for every x, we need the count for the index 60 - (x mod 60) from our cumulative frequency map, which will corresponds to the number of elements it can form a pair with. The case where (x mod 60) == 30 would be a tricky one, which will require us to subtract 1 from the frequency count.
int ans = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < A.size(); i++) {
ans += freq[60 - (A[i] % 60)];
if(A[i] % 60 == 30) ans--;
The overall complexity of the solution is O(n).
Think on the lines of hashing, creating buckets and modulo division. All the possible minutes will go into one of 60 possible buckets. Then think how many possible combinations can there be when you choose two of second values from any two buckets. Then use nC2 to count. Here's my solution in Java.
public int numPairsDivisibleBy60(int[] time) {
int k = 60;
int[] mods = new int[k];
for (int i = 0; i < time.length; i++)
mods[time[i] % k]++;
// n(n-1)/2 pairs for multiples of k and numbers which leave remainder as half multiple of k
int count = ((mods[0] * (mods[0] - 1)) / 2) +
((mods[k / 2] * (mods[k / 2] - 1)) / 2);
for (int i = 1; i < k / 2; i++)
count += mods[i] * mods[k - i];
return count;
So I need to output a sum of factorials like 1!+2!...+n!=sum I found a way to get a single factorial but I don't know how to sum them together. This is my attempt at doing so:
System.out.println("Ievadiet ciparu");
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
n = in.nextInt();
if ( n < 0 )
System.out.println("Ciparam jabut pozitivam.");
while (x>2){
for ( c = 1 ; c <= n ; c++ )
fact = fact*c;
if (n==0) break;
System.out.println("Faktorialu summa "+sum);
Rather than have a loop 1-n and calculate each factorial elsewhere, I would accumulate the sum as you calculate the factorials - ie have two local variables; one for factorial and one for the sum:
long factorial = 1, sum = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
factorial *= i;
sum += factorial;
When tested with n = 5, sum is 153, which is correct: 1 + 2 + 6 + 24 + 120
Your problem was that the sum was outside the loop - you just needed braces like here.
Also, your while loop condition x < 2 will never change, so either the loop will never execute (if x > 1) or the loop will never terminate, because x is not changed within the loop.
hmmm my search for finding a recursive(via recursive method calling) version of these code still getting nowhere
`public static long factorialSum(long n){
long x = n;
for(int i = 1; i < n; i++){
x = (n-i)*(1+x);
return x;
if you just look at the problem more closely you'll see you can do it in linear time, the trick is in (n-1)! + n! = (n-1)!*(1 + n), to understand this more deeply i recommend add (n-2)! just to see how it grows.
i have an array which contains only 2 types of numbers(x and x-1) eg:- {5,5,4,4,5,5,5} and i am given a range like 12-14(inclusive). i already know the length of the array is constant 7 and i also know how many elements of each type there are in an array(count)
now i need to find if there is any combination of elements in the array whose sum falls into that range.
All i need is the number of elements in the subset whose sum falls in that range.
i have solved this problem by using brute force in the following way but it is very in efficient.
here count is the number of x-1's in the array
for(int i=0;i<=7-count;i++){
for(int j=0;j<=count;j++){
if(x*(i)+(x-1)*j>=min && x*(i)+(x-1)*j<=max){
could some one plz tell me if there is a better way of solving this
the array given is {5,5,4,4,5,5,5} and the range given is 12-14.
so i would pick {5,5,4} subset whose sum is 14 and so the answer to the number of elements in the subset will be 3.{5,4,4} can also be picked in this solution
You can improve your brute force by using some analysis.
with N being the array length and n being the result:
0 <= n <=N
0 <= j <= count
0 <= i <= N - count
n = i + j -> j <= n
sum = x * i + (x - 1) * j = x * n - j
min <= x * n - j <= max -> x * n - max <= j <= x * n - min
min <= x * n - j -> n >= (min + j) / x >= min / x
x * n - j <= max -> n <= (max + j) / x <= (max + count) / x
summing up you can use your cycle but with other range:
for (int n = min / x; n <= min (N, (max + count) / x); n++)
for (int j = max (0, x * n - max); j <= min (count, x * n - min, n); j++)
sum = x * n - j;
if (sum >= min && sum <= max)
output1 = n;
P.S.: here's some picture that may help to understand the idea
graph http://i.zlowiki.ru/110917_768e5221.jpg
say you want to find out the number of as and bs which add to n When testing a number of a you only need to use division to find the number of b.
number of a * a + number of b * b = n
number of b = (n - number of a * a)/b;
EDIT: If this number is a whole number you have a solution.
To test if the division is a whole number you can do
(`n` - `number of a` * `a`) % `b` == 0
if you have a spread of the range which is smaller than b you can do
(`min` - `number of a` * `a`) % `b` <= `max` - `min`
if the spread is greater or equal to b you always have a number of solutions.
I am assuming b is positive.