I have the following method
public Message JavaMethod(String id1, String id2)
In which I need to call a Dao class's method to verify that an user with the provided Id exist, and if it does not, create a message detailing the Id that couldn't be found on the database with the following method:
createMessage("Message string",Enum.TYPE,IdofMissingUser);
At first I thought of doing it like this:
public Message JavaMethod(String id1, String id2) {
if(Dao.findUser(id1) == null || Dao.findUser(id2) == null){
return createMessage("Error",Enum.Error,id1);
//do some other stuff
But obviously this way I won't know which of the ids has not been found.
So I went ahead and created an ugly if else cycle:
public Message JavaMethod(String id1, String id2) {
if (Dao.findUser(id1) == null) {
return createMessage("Error", Enum.Error, id1);
} else if (Dao.findUser(id2) == null) {
return createMessage("Error", Enum.Error, id2);
} else {
// Do stuff after veryfing users exists
return createMessage("All OK", Enum.OK, messageData);
But I'm not feeling really confident that this is the best solution for this basic issue.
What would you guys recommend in this case?
You could wrap the ids in a list and use a for loop:
public Message someMethod(String id1, String id2) {
for (String id: Arrays.asList(id1, id2)) {
if (Dao.findUser(id) == null) {
return createMessage("Error", Enum.Error, id);
// Do stuff after verifying users exists
return createMessage("All OK", Enum.OK, messageData);
If you're only ever going to have two IDs, you could deal with a shorthand boolean. Question is whether that makes it less readable though. E.g.
public Message JavaMethod(String id1, String id2) {
User user1 = Dao.findUser(id1);
User user2 = Dao.findUser(id2);
if(user1 == null || user2 == null){
return createMessage("Error",Enum.Error,user1 == null ? id1 : id2);
//do some other stuff
This also doesn't deal with if both of the IDs were null, for that you could extend it:
public Message JavaMethod(String id1, String id2) {
User user1 = Dao.findUser(id1);
User user2 = Dao.findUser(id2);
if(user1 == null || user2 == null){
return createMessage("Error",Enum.Error,user1 == null && user2 == null? both : user1 == null ? id1 : id2);
//do some other stuff
You'd need to define what you would return for the both variable
More details on the shorthand boolean annotation can be found here
My application cannot find the roommate I added to the room, see sequence:
Please select one of the following options:
Add a room in the apartment[1]
Search for a room in the apartment[2]
Add a roommate to an existing room[3]
Check if a room has a roommate[4]
Count the number of existing rooms that have roommates living in them[5]
What is the name of this roommate?
What is the surname of thid roommata?
What is the age of this roommate?
Which room you want to add this roommate in?[A]/[B]/[C]
The roommate was added to the room!
Do you want to continue using the App? (Y/N)
Please select one of the following options:
Add a room in the apartment[1]
Search for a room in the apartment[2]
Add a roommate to an existing room[3]
Check if a room has a roommate[4]
Count the number of existing rooms that have roommates living in them[5]
What is the ID of the room?[A]/[B]/[C]
Sorry! There is no roommate in this room.
I am not sure where I have to rewrite. I want to know which part is wrong and how I should rewrite my code. The code is following, and the first part is to add roommate and the second part is to check if there is a roommate in the room:
public boolean addRoommate(String pName, String pSurname, int pAge, char pID) {
boolean response = false;
if (roomA != null && roomA.getID() == (pID)) {
Roommate newRoommate = new Roommate(pName, pSurname, pAge);
response = true;
} else if (roomB != null && roomB.getID() == (pID)) {
Roommate newRoommate = new Roommate(pName, pSurname, pAge);
response = true;
} else if (roomC != null && roomC.getID() == (pID)) {
Roommate newRoommate = new Roommate(pName, pSurname, pAge);
response = true;
return response;
Here is the second part of the code, which is where I check for roommate:
public Roommate checkRoommate(char pID) {
Roommate response = null;
if (roomA != null && roomA.getID() == (pID) && roomA.getRoommate() != null) {
response = roomA.getRoommate();
} else if (roomB != null && roomB.getID() == (pID) && roomB.getRoommate() != null) {
response = roomB.getRoommate();
} else if (roomC != null && roomC.getID() == (pID) && roomC.getRoommate() != null) {
response = roomC.getRoommate();
return response;
You need to put the rommate into a rool, for example this way:
i have a signup page connected to sql database.now i want to have validations in signup page like firstname,lastname,username etc can not be empty using java how can i do that
My code is
String fname=Fname.getText();
String lname=Lname.getText();
String uname=Uname.getText();
String emailid=Emailid.getText();
String contact=Contact.getText();
String pass=String.valueOf(Pass.getPassword());
Connection conn=null;
PreparedStatement pstmt=null;
pstmt=conn.prepareStatement("Insert into signup1 values(?,?,?,?,?,?)");
int i=pstmt.executeUpdate();
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Successfully Registered");
catch(Exception e)
First your question is not direct. Validation occurs before database query. You should not proceed to database Connetction or making any query.
What should you do:
public static boolean nullOrEmpty(String value) {
return value == null || value.trim().equals("") ? true : false;
public void yourMethod(){
//YourCode Here
String fname=Fname.getText();
new throw ValidationException("First name should not be null.");
//YourCode Here
}catch(ValidationException e){
Check for every string to validate.
that should not be hard, you can do it with simple if and else like below
if(fname != null && fname.isEmpty()){
throw new Exception(fname+" cannot be empty");
}else if(lname != null && lname.isEmpty()){
throw new Exception(fname+" cannot be empty");
as a recommendation you should abstract validation and database access objects . see example of MVC here
You may do it just by downloading a jar named org.apache.commons.lang
Stringutils Class Reference
Sample Code
StringUtils.isBlank(null) = true
StringUtils.isBlank("") = true
StringUtils.isBlank(" ") = true
StringUtils.isBlank("bob") = false
StringUtils.isBlank(" bob ") = false
StringUtils.isEmpty(obj_String); // Another method to check either null or "";
To check if a String is empty you can use the method .isEmpty(). You'll probably want to use .trim() first, as this removes all the whitespaces at the beginning and ending of the String. For more options check out the full documentation here.
I have a form and I put the forms data in an intent and then start a new activity and send the data with the intent, but I wanna do a check if the strings are empty I should display and error message. If the strings are not empty the activity can be started.
I've tried the following code but it doesn't seem to be working. If the field is empty it just starts the other activity
(I've tried with only 1 field for now, because I don't know how to to it for multiple fields)
//getting the field values
String firstname = editTextFirstname.getText().toString();
String lastname = editTextLastname.getText().toString();
String amount = editTextBedrag.getText().toString();
String timespan = spinnerPeriode.getSelectedItem().toString();
String iban = editTextIBAN.getText().toString();
if(firstname != null) {
//putting data in the intent
intent.putExtra(FIRSTNAME, firstname);
intent.putExtra(LASTNAME, lastname);
intent.putExtra(AMOUNT, amount);
intent.putExtra(TIMESPAN, timespan);
intent.putExtra(IBAN, iban);
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Oops, you forgot to fill in some fields!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
A cleaner way to do this is
public static boolean isAnyStringNullOrEmpty(String... strings) {
for (String s : strings)
if (s == null || s.isEmpty())
return true;
return false;
Then you can call it like this
if (isAnyStringNullOrEmpty(firstname, lastname, amount, timespan, iban)) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Oops, you forgot to fill in some fields!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} else {
Using apache commons, we can do this as:
boolean valid = StringUtils.isNoneEmpty(firstname, lastname, amount, timespan, iban)
if(firstname != null)
if(!TextUtils.isEmpty(firstname) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(lastname) &&
!TextUtils.isEmpty(amount) &&!TextUtils.isEmpty(timespan) &&
Java 8 + Apache Commons Lang only:
String firstname = editTextFirstname.getText().toString();
String lastname = editTextLastname.getText().toString();
String amount = editTextBedrag.getText().toString();
String timespan = spinnerPeriode.getSelectedItem().toString();
String iban = editTextIBAN.getText().toString();
boolean valid = Stream.of(firstname, lastname, amount, timespan, iban)
if(firstname != null && lastname != null && amount != null && timespan != null
&& iban != null & firstname.trim().isEmpty() && !lastname.trim().isEmpty() &&
!amount .trim().isEmpty() && !timespan.trim().isEmpty() && !iban.trim().isEmpty())
Using Java Stream API:
private boolean anyBlank(String...strings) {
return Stream.of(strings).anyMatch(string -> isBlank(string));
I have sql select with parameters:
SELECT * FROM tbl t WHERE t.name = ? AND t.age = ? AND t.number = ? AND ... AND t.last_parameter = ? order by t.some desc //many parameterss
I get parameters from form's fields and some fields may be empty. I build sql string:
String sqlStatementText;
MessageFormat sqlStatementTextTemplate = new MessageFormat(Queries.WAR_GET_REPORT_COUNT);
List<Object> parametrs = new ArrayList<>();
if (null == subscriberMSISDN || subscriberMSISDN.length() == 0) {
} else {
if (null == operatorID || operatorID.length() == 0) {
} else {
if (null == operatorNickname || operatorNickname.length() == 0) {
} else {
if (null == msg1 || msg1.length() == 0) {
} else {
if (null == msg2 || msg2.length() == 0) {
} else {
sqlStatementText = sqlStatementTextTemplate.format(parametrs.toArray());
ant them i do it:
try (Connection sqlConnection = connectionPool.getConnection();
PreparedStatement sqlStatment = sqlConnection.prepareStatement(sqlStatementText)) {
int paramID = 1;
sqlStatment.setInt(paramID++, 1);
sqlStatment.setDate(paramID++, new java.sql.Date(fromDate.getTime()));
sqlStatment.setDate(paramID++, new java.sql.Date(toDate.getTime()));
if (null != subscriberMSISDN && subscriberMSISDN.length() != 0) {
sqlStatment.setString(paramID++, subscriberMSISDN);
if (null != operatorID && operatorID.length() != 0) {
sqlStatment.setString(paramID++, operatorID);
if (null != operatorNickname && operatorNickname.length() != 0) {
sqlStatment.setString(paramID++, operatorNickname);
if (null != msg1 && msg1.length() != 0) {
sqlStatment.setString(paramID++, msg1);
if (null != msg2 && msg2.length() != 0) {
sqlStatment.setString(paramID++, msg2);
try (ResultSet resultSet = sqlStatment.executeQuery()) {
while (resultSet.next()) {
count = resultSet.getInt(1);
But i thig it not correctly. But I dont know how build sql query with many paramaters and if some parameters maybe empty.
Switch to an ORM. They will have some form of criteria-like object.
Use the param is null or column = param SQL syntax. select x from y where (? is null OR column1 = ?)
You need to set the value of the param twice, and the input value can not legitimately be null.
There is no way to do it, given the SQL statement you have.
You need to change the SQL statement WHERE conditions from things like t.name = ? to t.name = nvl(?, t.name). Then, you can bind a NULL there and the condition will always evaluate to true (so it's not acting as a filter -- which is what you want when the user leaves the field blank).
Or -- a better approach if you can do it, it's even better to use conditions like you've got them (e.g., t.name= ?), but build the conditions dynamically based on what fields the user give you. That is, for example, if the user leaves the "name" parameter blank, just omit the t.name = ? condition entirely.
That leaves you with a shorter SQL statement that makes the Oracle optimizer's job a little bit easier. With the t.name = nvl(?, t.name) approach I gave you above, you're relying on some pretty advanced optimizer features to get the best performance, because it's not immediately clear whether, say, it would be good or bad for the optimizer to use an index on t.name.
This is the sample data on which i was working:
Peter Wilkerson 27 M
James Owen 26 M
Matt Wo 30 M
Kenny Chen 28 M
I created a simple UDF for filtering the age like this:
public class IsApplicable extends FilterFunc {
public Boolean exec(Tuple tuple) throws IOException {
if(tuple == null || tuple.size() > 0){
return false;
try {
Object object = tuple.get(0);
if(object == null){
return false;
int age = (Integer)object;
return age > 28;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException(e);
This is the Script I used for using this UDF:
records = LOAD '~/Documents/data.txt' AS (firstname:chararray,lastname:chararray,age:int,gender:chararray);
filtered_records = FILTER records BY com.udf.IsApplicable(age);
dump filtered_records;
Dumping does not display any record. Please let me know where I missed.
tuple.size() > 0 condition is always true in the if stmt, so it will never go to the try block(ie filtering logic), that is the reason you are getting empty result. Can you change the if condition like this?
if(tuple == null || tuple.size() < 0){
return false;
Sample debug output in console:
2015-02-13 07:40:46,994 [Thread-2] INFO org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigMapOnly$Map - Aliases being processed per job phase (AliasName[line,offset]): M: records[3,10],records[-1,-1],filtered_records[4,19] C: R:
This is returning false for all of the rows:
if (tuple == null || tuple.size() > 0) {
return false;
This is fetching the userName and not age:
Object object = tuple.get(0);