I am currently trying to access the primary key by searching for a duplicate field in a database in java using sql statements. My database contains a primary key for the book ids and contains multiple copies of the same book. Those books have the same ISBN but different book ids. Is it possible to extract those unique ids using an SQL select statement? Whenever I run the following select statement, I can only obtain data on one of the copies:
String queryString =
"select bid, title, author, checked from book where isbn = " + ID;
ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(queryString);
if (resultSet.next()){
bid = resultSet.getString(1);
title = resultSet.getString(2);
author = resultSet.getString(3);
checked = resultSet.getString(4);
If I run the same statement in my SQL workbench, all of the data is extracted. How can I extract the unique keys in java?
rset2.next() moves the cursor to the next row. Since you don't seem to have any loop iterating through the resultset, it isn't going beyond the first row.
You have used if condition that allows you to get only the first record fetched from query.
Rather use :
while(rs.next()) {
// TO DO
Change the if(resultSet.next()) for while(resultSet.next()) :
String queryString =
"select bid, title, author, checked from book where isbn = " + ID;
ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(queryString);
// "while" instead of "if"
while (resultSet.next()){
bid = resultSet.getString(1);
// etc
// do something
"if" only get the first element, "while" get all the element
See the answer of this question: Similar Question
I am building a simple program for a library database system in Java where patrons can borrow and return books. The database has 4 tables: Book, Author, Patrons, and AuthorIds. I'm using the SQL statement below to retrieve 1 row of data that includes everything plus a column that counts how many books the patron has already borrowed. The problem is that the program never goes into the while(res.next()) loop and I think it's because the result set is empty. The test print doesn't get printed and membID doesn't get changed to the MemberID of the patron.
But when I try that same SQL statement on db browser on the same database it returns 1 row as expected with the BooksBorrowed column. All of my other ResultSet while loops have worked and returned rows with other SQL statements, it's just this one that doesn't and I don't know why.
public void borrowBooks(String fName, String lName, Scanner input) throws SQLException {
//first find out how many books the user has already borrowed
int booksBorrowed = 0;
int membID = 1; //this will be used for later
sql = "select *, Count(MemberID) AS BooksBorrowed\r\n" +
"FROM Book\r\n" +
" JOIN AuthorIds USING (BookID)\r\n" +
" JOIN Author USING (AuthorID)\r\n" +
" JOIN Patron USING (MemberID)\r\n" +
"WHERE PatronFirstName LIKE ? AND PatronLastName LIKE ?\r\n" +
"GROUP BY MemberID\r\n" +
PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement( sql );
stmt.setString(1, fName);
stmt.setString(2, lName);
ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery();
while(res.next()) {
booksBorrowed = res.getInt("BooksBorrowed");
membID = res.getInt("MemberID");
if(booksBorrowed >= 2) {
System.out.println("You have already borrowed the maximum amount of 2 books. Return books to borrow more");
I figured it out and it was that I should have gotten the memberID in a separate query because I was trying to change it to the corresponding patron in the same query as I was trying to get the number of books borrowed. The problem was that if the patron didn't have any books borrowed, then the result set would be empty and the memberID wouldn't change from what it was temporarily initialized as. This memberID was later inserted into the table for when a book was borrowed so it would be the temporary stand in each time and not the actual memberID of the patron, so the patron would have no books under their name as borrowed.
So, I'm trying to extract msgID and msgStatus values from database for each reference Id(variable msgRefList) stored in the list object and I'm trying to store these extracted values in String objects for further processing. But rs.next() method is returning false and hence it is not going into the while loop where the assignment statements are. I checked in database with the query that i'm using in the code and it shows one record in the result, but still rs.next() is returning false. Screenshot attached with the database results.
Below is the actual code that i'm using
List<String> msgRefList = listofRefrnceValues:
try {
Connection connect = connectToDB(ENV);
for(String reference: msgRefList){
String query="select ID, MSG_STS from TABLE where INSTR_ID = ?";
PreparedStatement stmt = connect.prepareStatement(query);
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
while(rs.next()) {
P_MID = rs.getString("P_MID");
P_MSG_STS = rs.getString("P_MSG_STS");
}catch (Exception e) {
You have some typos in your SQL-Query-String in java. Instead of TABLE you probably meant MINF (your real table) also all of your properties don't have the prefix P_ and ID is probably MID. So change:
String query="select ID, MSG_STS from TABLE where INSTR_ID = ?";
String query="select P_MID, P_MSG_STS from MINF where P_INSTR_ID = ?";
And you'll be fine.
Why can't I retrieve two values from different fields but same row?
If I write this, it works perfectly.
String sql = "SELECT * FROM soal ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1";
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sql);
String question = rs.getString("questions");
But after I add this
String hint = rs.getString("hint_questions");
It won't work.
NOTE: I need two Strings, question, and hint from the same row and class for different purpose. So I have to use single select query SQL so that value from question and hint is related (from the same row).
You can try Either of the solution:
String var = rs.getString(1);
through index
String var = rs.getString("column_name");
through column name
I'm working with my project just for a academic purposes where I encounter a SQL problem. Where the Foreign Key its not getting the value of inserted ID. For me to achieve 2nd Normal Form. I split out in an independent tables. And match them up using the SECTION_ID as foreign keys. Here where I create a two tables.
1st Table
2nd Table
String inputSectionName = Section_SectionName_TextField.getText();
int inputStudentLimit = Section_Student_Limit_ComboBox.getSelectedIndex();
String inputRoomAssign = Section_Student_Limit_ComboBox2.getSelectedItem().toString();
String inputAdviserAssign = Section_Student_Limit_ComboBox1.getSelectedItem().toString();
String inputSession = Section_Session_Settings_ComboBox.getSelectedItem().toString();
String inputYearLevel = Section_Session_Level_ComboBox.getSelectedItem().toString();
String inputSchoolYear = Section_SchooYear_ComboBox.getSelectedItem().toString();
+ "VALUES (?)";
+ "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)";
try (Connection myConn = DBUtil.connect())//Connection
myConn.setAutoCommit(false);//Turn off auto commit
try (PreparedStatement myPs = myConn.prepareStatement(insertALLSECTION_LIST))//Prepared Statement
}//end of try
try (PreparedStatement myPs = myConn.prepareStatement(insertALLSECTIONS_SETTINGS))//Prepared Statement
myPs.setString(2, inputRoomAssign);
myPs.setString(3, inputAdviserAssign);
myPs.setString(4, inputSession);
myPs.setString(5, inputYearLevel);
myPs.setString(6, inputSchoolYear);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Insert Successful");
}//end of try
}//end of try
catch(SQLException e)
}//end of catch
When I run my query for the 1st Table it gives me output like this.
But when I run my query for the 2nd Table the SECTION_ID column gives a me null value.
Feel free to comment. If I miss something guide me where I go wrong. Thanks.
It looks like you're assuming the SECTION_ID column in your ALLSECTIONS_SETTINGS table will be automatically populated with the last primary-key value that was inserted into the ALLSECTIONS_LIST table. This doesn't happen.
What you need to do instead is to get the value that was automatically generated for the SECTION_ID column in the first PreparedStatement and set it in the second PreparedStatement.
Here's how to modify your first PreparedStatement to obtain the generated SECTION_ID:
int sectionId;
try (PreparedStatement myPs = myConn.prepareStatement(insertALLSECTION_LIST, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS))//Prepared Statement
ResultSet generatedKeys = myPs.getGeneratedKeys();
if (generatedKeys.next()) {
sectionId = generatedKeys.getInt(1);
} else {
throw new SQLException("No generated section ID returned");
The changes are:
add a new variable sectionId to hold the generated section ID,
add Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS to the call to prepareStatement on the first line. This tells your database to return the generated value for SECTION_ID.
fetch the generated-keys result-set from the statement and read the section ID out of it..
I'll leave it up to you to modify your second PreparedStatement to set the value for the SECTION_ID column when you insert into ALLSECTIONS_SETTINGS.
please i am trying to check if an entry exists in an sqlite database column.
and i am using java. here is what my code looks like
String name =JTextField.getText();
String sql0 = "select * from Objects where Description like " + name;
pStmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql0);
rs = pStmt.executeQuery();
if (rs.next()) {//if there is such entry...
System.out.println("there is an entry");
} else {//no such entry add the asset normally...
System.out.println("there is no such entry");
the code is just a test code for testing my sqlite query...
name is the the entry to search for in the Description Column. whenever i run this i get an error saying no such column as the value i have stored as name. please i really need help on this thanks.
I am not really familiar with sql in java but propably you need to use quotes to escape the string
String sql0 = "select * from Objects where Description like " + name;
String sql0 = "select * from Objects where Description like '" + name + "'";
Another way is to use prepared staments