I'm implementing a polygon rotation with Java AWT.
I'm already able to draw polygons on the screen, and I'd like to apply a rotation matrix manually upon my polygons coordinates (rotation is done around the lookAt point of the user).
What I've already done
In order to rotate the world, the user first clicks on the screen and then drags the mouse around to perform the rotation.
Let's note the first click point as S, the following point from the drag event as L, and the center of the screen as C.
In order to calculate the rotation angle, when first clicking the screen, I keep a vector from C to S: C-S.
Then, when a drag event occurs, I calculate the vector from C to L: C-L.
I then calculate the angle in radians between C-S to C-L, and that's what I apply on my world.
This works well, and the polygon is indeed rotation around the lookAt point.
My problem
The problem occurs when the user finishes a rotation of PI, and then the polygon is rotating backward.
e.g. When the user starts rotating, the angle starts from 0.1.... 0.2... 1.. 2.. 3.. and in value ~3.1 (I assume PI), the values are starting to go down: 3... 2.. 1.. until 0, and vice versa.
This makes sense since the radians range is [0, PI].
I assume the base vector C-S lies on the right side of X axis, and when the rotation goes down below the X axis the polygon is rotating backwards.
However, I have no idea how to keep the polygon rotating in the same direction all the time (when the user performs a full rotation around the polygon).
Angle function is:
public final double angle(Vector2D v1)
double vDot = this.dot(v1) / ( this.length()*v1.length() );
if( vDot < -1.0) vDot = -1.0;
if( vDot > 1.0) vDot = 1.0;
return ((double) (Math.acos( vDot )));
This is a problem of the arcus cosine, acos(cos(x)) is a periodic hat function moving up and down in the range of 0 to pi.
In higher dimensions that can not be avoided, as there is no preferred frame of reference, so there is no way to say that phi should really be -phi. In 2 dimensions there is a prefered orientation of the plane so that one can say what is the first and what the second vector and define a unique angle in positive orientation. Rotate the situation so that the first vector comes to lay on the positive real half axis to get the angle and correct quadrant from the coordinates of the rotated second vector.
Easiest to reconstruct is the complex picture, to compute the angle from a=a.x+i*a.y to b=b.x+i*b.y rotate b back by multiplying with the conjugate of a to get an angle from the zero angle resp. the positive real axis,
=atan2( a.x*b.y-a.y*b.x , a.x*b.x+a.y*b.y )
Note that screen coordinates use the opposite orientation to the cartesian/complex plane, thus change atan2(y,x) to atan2(-y,x) to get an angle in the usual direction.
public Point rotate(Point original, Point vertex, double angle){
Point translated = new Point(original.x - vertex.x, original.y - vertex.y);
int x = (int)Math.round(translated.x * Math.cos(angle) - translated.y * Math.sin(angle));
int y = (int)Math.round(translated.x * Math.sin(angle) + translated.y * Math.cos(angle));
return new Point(vertex.x+x,vertex.y+y);
This is a simple rotation method that you can use to rotate a point around a given vertex.
I am trying to make a circle (actually a flat cylinder) rotate so that the edge crosses two points in world position. These two points can be anywhere on a sphere. The sphere has the same radius and position as the cylinder. the origin of both is [0,0,0].
It's a little bit hard to explain, so I included three pictures that I hope illustrates what I am trying to accomplish.
Here you see what I am trying to accomplish. The yellow circle represents one of the points along the sphere, while the red circle represents the other point. The blue line is actually a flat cylinder going through the sphere, and is rotated so that it goes through both points.
Here is another similar picture, but with the points at different locations.
In this picture one can see the cylinder in full, as the sphere has been hidden.
Now, I am really terrible at math, so I would really love an answer made up of pseudo code or a programming language. And if I should be so lucky, java.
The circles rotation can be represented with either a quaternion or a matrix
So far, what I have tried, is rotating the cylinder with an up vector towards one of the points, and a forward vector towards the other point. But I can't seem to make it work. I have also tried other solutions, most of them involving two rotations (one for each point), but I end up having trouble when combining the rotations.
Here is my current non-working code:
This code makes the circle go through the first point, and then rotates it with an "up vector" towards the same point, this second rotation varies depending on the first point position, and is kind off all over the place.
//calculate direction vector between the two points
//subtract point two position
//make two quaternions for rotation
Quaternion rot1=new Quaternion();
Quaternion rot2=new Quaternion();
//set first rotation two a rotation between X-axis and point1 position. Vector3.X = (1,0,0)
rot1.set(m.quatUtils.getRot(Vector3.X, point1Pos));
//crossmuliply direction vector between the two points with X-axis
//set the second rotation to a rotation between Z-Axis and the crossmultiplied direction vector
rot2.set(m.quatUtils.getRot(Vector3.Z, point1point2dir));
//multiply the two rotations
//apply the rotation to the cylinders matrix
//the function that gets the quaternion rotation between two vectors
Quaternion getRot(Vector3 pStart, Vector3 pDest) {
cosTheta = Vector3.dot(start.x, start.y, start.z, dest.x, dest.y,
rotationAxis.set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
if (cosTheta < -1.0f + 0.001f) {
if (rotationAxis.len2() < 0.01f) {
resultQuat.set(rotationAxis, 180.0f);
return resultQuat;
s = (float) Math.sqrt((1 + cosTheta) * 2);
invs = 1.0f / s;
resultQuat.set(rotationAxis.x * invs, rotationAxis.y * invs,
rotationAxis.z * invs, s * 0.5f);
return resultQuat;
I would suggest this solution:
Calculate v1 and v2 as the vectors from the center of the sphere to each point that you want the cylinder to pass trough.
Cross product v1 and v2 to get the vector up of the cylinder, let's call it n.
Position the center of the cylinder in the center of the sphere.
Rotate the cylinder using n as vector up.
I figured out the solution! It was actually really simple. I don't know how I managed to bungle the math as much as I did earlier. I actually did spend alot of time on this >:)
Sorry if I wasted anybodys time!
The solution:
find direction vector from point1 (A) to point2 (B).
crossmultiply direction vector with point2 to get (C)
Find the quaternion which represents the rotation from Z-axis to the crossmultiplied direction vector (C), function for doing this included in the code attached to the question.
apply rotation.
Here is the working code (yay):
//the rotation
Quaternion rot=new Quaternion();
//the direction from point1 to point 2 (the point positions are in this case also the direction vectors from center)
//crossmultiplied with point2
//set the rotation to the rotation between Z-axis and the crossmultiplied direction between point 1 and 2
rot.set(m.quatUtils.getRot(Vector3.Z, point1point2dir));
//apply rotation
And here is the code for the function that returns the quaternion between two vectors:
Quaternion getRot(Vector3 pStart, Vector3 pDest) {
cosTheta = Vector3.dot(start.x, start.y, start.z, dest.x, dest.y,
rotationAxis.set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
if (cosTheta < -1.0f + 0.001f) {
if (rotationAxis.len2() < 0.01f) {
resultQuat.set(rotationAxis, 180.0f);
return resultQuat;
s = (float) Math.sqrt((1 + cosTheta) * 2);
invs = 1.0f / s;
resultQuat.set(rotationAxis.x * invs, rotationAxis.y * invs,
rotationAxis.z * invs, s * 0.5f);
return resultQuat;
Assuming that the initial cylinder is axis aligned with the "circle" ends in positive and negative X direction, and assuming cylinder and sphere is initially unit size (radius=1.0) I would do the following:
Convert the world coordinate representation of the Red and "Yellow" points (let's just for fun call them A and B shall we) to normalized vectors pointing from centre [0,0,0] (from now on called C)
Calculate the angle between CA and CB (which is really just between A and B). Let's call this angle W
Calculate the vector perpendicular to both A and B by doing a cross product. Lets call this new vector D.
Find the rotation matrix that rotates from [0,0,1] to B. Lets call this M1. This can be done in the same way as in point 3 (create a perpendicular vector and rotate identity matrix around it with the angle between the normalized vectors).
Find the rotation matrix that rotates W around D. Let's call this M2
Combine M1 + M2 into M3
You result is M3
This was not tested and so I don't know if it works.
Hi I am new to java games programming and I was reading through some code and I couldn't understand a few things. I was hoping someone here would be able to clear a few things for me.
1) I know you use "bounding rectangle" to check for collision. But my question is that when you are creating for example a polygon or square object in java from the grahpics2d/shapes classes. Do they already contain a bounding rectangle? or do we have to create it. Also what is the following the code doing, is it creating a bounding rectangle and also what information is it taking in as arguments.
public Rectangle getBounds(){
Rectangle r;
r = new Rectangle((int)getX() -6,(int) getY() -6,50,50);
return r;
2)I know you use something called Affine transformation to transform, rotate and scale stuff in java. But the following code is a bit confusing. Can you expelling what this code is doing:
int rotation=0;
AffineTransformation identity = new AffineTransformation();
g2d.translate(width/2, height/2);
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent k) { }
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent k) { }
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent k) {
switch (k.getKeyCode()) {
case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
if (rotation < 0) rotation = 359;
case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:
if (rotation > 360) rotation = 0;
Now I'm mostly confused about how the if statement is processing. The rotation variable is 0 in the beginning then its decremented to -1 by (rotation--) and it checks whether -1 < 0 which it is and it then sets rotation=359 but after break does rotation goes back to 0?
And whats happening in this line:
Is the if statement sending the value to this rotate method and that method converts it into radians and does radians are the pixels on the screen and it rotates to those pixels. Is this right?
I'll be grateful if someone can explain this to me. And please don't link me to java docs I've already read them and they have not helped me Im looking for an explanation from someone who can make it easier.
Thank you in advance.
Here rotation is the angle in degrees, the value is 0 <= rotation < 360
g2d.rotate(angle) rotates an image. It requires angle to be specified in radians.
Math.toRadians(rotation) translates degrees to radians, the value 0 <= radians < 2Pi
The code rotates the image when cursor keys pressed. It rotates it by 1 degree to the right or 1 degree to the left.
The full turn is 360 degrees. When it reaches 360 it resets the rotation variable to zero, which is the same angle as 360. Hence :
if (rotation > 360) rotation = 0;
OK I am not familiar with the Java version but in general speaking
The "bounding rectangle" can be easily calculated even if it's not any method available. Of course if the rectangle is not rotated is just the rectangle itself but lets consider the general case where rotation exist and also polygon exist also. The "bounding rectangle"'s coordinated are the min x & y of every corner upto the max x & y of every corner. Just do a loop for all corners. So 2 points are (minX, minY) -> (maxX, maxY)
From the above code I just see a method increasing or decreasing the rotation angle as long a key is pressed. And of course if the angle if greater than 360 or less than 0 the whole circles are extracted from the degrees.
e.g. 360 degrees = 10 degrees
-10 degrees = 350 degrees etc
As for the g2d.rotate(Math.toRadians(rotation)); part, what you do not understand on this code? It just converts degrees to radians (I guess the rotate() methods needs rads) and it just rotates the g2d object.
Hope it helped.
I have a character in my game that must rotate smoothly to get to a desired angle. Consider angle as the current angle and touchAngle as the desired angle which is always between 0 to 360. I want to add +1/-1 to current angle in every game update to get to the desired touchAngle. The problem is first it must chose direction and it must be between 0 to 360. this is my pseudo code:
int touchAngle;
float angle;
public void update()
if ((int)angle != touchAngle) angle += ???
Since you have values that are always normalized in the interval [0 360] this should not be too hard.
You just need to distinguish two different cases:
angle < touchAngle
angle > touchAngle
in the first case we want to rotate counterclockwise so the update has to be angle =+ 1 (assuming that you want to turn of 1 every update cycle).
In the second case we want to turn clockwise so the update should be angle -= 1.
The problem is that this is not always the shortest way to rotate. For instance if:
angle == 359
touchAngle == 1
we don't want to make all the way 358, 357, 356...instead we want to rotate counterclockwise for just 2 units: 360, 1.
This can be achieved comparing the distance between the angles abs(angle - touchAngle).
If this value is bigger than 180 it means we are going the wrong way, so we have to do the way around so
if(angle < touchAngle) {
if(abs(angle - touchAngle)<180)
angle += 1;
else angle -= 1;
else {
if(abs(angle - touchAngle)<180)
angle -= 1;
else angle += 1;
of course all of this until ((int)angale != touchAngle).
I might have made mistakes with the cases but this is the principle.
Generally you want to bring in time to the equation, so that you can smoothly change the angle over time. Most setups have a way to get a time it took to render the previous frame and the typical way to do this is to say..
int touchAngle;
float angle;
float deltaTime; //Time it took to render last frame, typically in miliseconds
float amountToTurnPerSecond;
public void update()
if((int)angle != touchAngle) angle += (deltaTime * amountToTurnPerSecond);
This will make it so that each second, your angle is changed by amountToTurnPerSecond, but changed slowly over each frame the correct amount of change so that it is smooth. Something to note about this is that you wont evenly end up at touchAngle most of the time, so checking to see if you go over and instead setting to touchAngle would be a good idea.
Edit to follow up on comment:
I think the easiest way to attain the correct direction for turn is actually not to use angles at all. You need to get the relative direction from your touch to your character in a 2d space. Typically you take the touch from screen space to world space, then do the calculations there (at least this is what I've done in the past). Start out by getting your touch into world space, then use the vector cross product to determine direction. This looks kind of like the following...
character position = cx, cy
target position = tx, ty
current facing direction of character = rx, ry
First we take the distance between the character and the target position:
dx = tx - cx
dy = ty - cy
This not only gives us how far it is from us, but essentially tells us that if we were at 0, 0, which quadrant in 2d space would the target be?
Next we do a cross product:
cross_product = dx * ry - dy * rx
If this is positive you go one way, if it's negative you go the other. The reason this works out is that if the distance is for instance (-5, 2) then we know that if we are facing directly north, the point is to our left 5 and forward 2. So we turn left.
So I'm rendering points in 3D space. To find their X position on the screen, I'm using this math:
double sin = Math.sin(viewPointRotX);
double cos = Math.cos(viewPointRotX);
double xx = x - viewPointX;
double zz = z - viewPointZ;
double rotx = xx * cos - zz * sin;
double rotz = zz * cos + xx * sin;
double xpix = (rotx / rotz * height + width / 2);
I'm doing a similar process for Y.
This works fine, but points can render as if they were in front of the camera when they are actually behind it.
How can I work out using the data I've got whether a given point is in front of or behind the camera?
We can tell if a point is in front or behind a camera by comparing coordinates with a little 3D coordinate geometry.
Consider a very simple example: The camera is located at (0,0,0) and pointed straight up. That would mean every point with a positive Z coordinate is "in front" of the camera. Now, we could get more complicated and account for the fact that the field of view of a camera is really a cone with a particular angle.
For instance, if the camera has a 90 degree field of view (45 degrees in both directions of the way it is facing), then we can handle this with some linear math. In 2D space, again with camera at the origin facing up, the field of view would be bound by the lines y = x and y = -x (or all points within y = |x|).
For 3D space, take the line y = x and spin it around the z-axis. We now have the cone:
z = x*x + y*y, so if
if(z < x*x + y*y && z>0)
then the point is in front of the camera and within the field of view.
If the camera is not at the origin, we can just translate the coordinate system so that it is and then run the calculation above. If the viewing angle is not 90 degrees, then we need to trace out some line y = mx (where m = Math.tan(viewAngle/2) ) and spin this line about the z-axis to get the light cone.
The way it looks like you are doing this is transforming the point coordinates so that they are aligned with and relative to the view.
If you do this the right way then you can just check that the rotated z-value is positive and greater than the distance from the focal-point to the "lens".
Find the view direction vector:
V = (cos(a)sin(b), sin(a)sin(b), cos(b)), where a and b are the camera's rotation angles.
Project the offset vector (xx, yy, zz) onto the view direction vector, and find the magnitude, giving the distance along the camera's view axis of the point:
distance = xx * cos(a)sin(b) + yy * sin(a)sin(b) + zz * cos(b)
Now just check that distance > focalLength.
This should work but you have to be careful to set everything up right. You might have to use a different calculation to find the view direction vector depending on how you are representing the camera's orientation.
So i've made my own FPS, graphics and guns and all of that cool stuff; When we fire, the bullet should take a random direction inside the crosshair, as defined by:
float randomX=(float)Math.random()*(0.08f*guns[currentWeapon].currAcc)-(0.04f*guns[currentWeapon].currAcc);
float randomY=(float)Math.random()*(0.08f*guns[currentWeapon].currAcc)-(0.04f*guns[currentWeapon].currAcc);
bulletList.add(new Bullet(new float[]{playerXpos, playerYpos, playerZpos}, new float[]{playerXrot+randomX, playerYrot+randomY}, (float) 0.5));
We calculate the randomness in X and Y (say you had a crosshair size (guns[currentWeapon].currAcc) of 10, then the bullet could go 0.4 to any side and it would remain inside the crosshair.
After that is calculated, we send the player position as the starting position of the bullet, along with the direction it's meant to take (its the player's direction with that extra randomness), and finally it's speed (not important atm, tho).
Now, each frame, the bullets have to move, so for each bullet we call:
position[0] -= (float)Math.sin(direction[1]*piover180) * (float)Math.cos(direction[0]*piover180) * speed;
position[2] -= (float)Math.cos(direction[1]*piover180) * (float)Math.cos(direction[0]*piover180) * speed;
position[1] += (float)Math.sin(direction[0]*piover180) * speed;
So, for X and Z positions, the bullet moves according to the player's rotation on the Y and X axis (say you were looking horizontally into Z, 0 degrees on X and 0 on Y; X would move 0*1*speed and Z would move 1*1*speed).
For Y position, the bullet moves according to the rotation on X axis (varies between -90 and 90), meaning it stays at the same height if the player's looking horizontally or moves completely up if the player is looking vertically.
Now, the problem stands as follows:
If i shoot horizontally, everything works beautifully. Bullets spread around the cross hair, as seen in https://dl.dropbox.com/u/16387578/horiz.jpg
The thing is, if i start looking up, the bullets start concentrating around the center, and make this vertical line the further into the sky i look.
The 1st image is around 40ยบ in the X axis, the 2nd is a little higher and the last is when i look vertically.
What am i doing wrong here? I designed this solution myself can im pretty sure im messing up somewhere, but i cant figure it out :/
Basicly the vertical offset calculation (float)Math.cos(direction[0]*piover180) was messing up the X and Z movement because they'd both get reduced to 0. The bullets would make a vertical line because they'd rotate on the X axis with the randomness. My solution was to add the randomness after that vertical offset calculation, so they still go left and right and up and down after you fire them.
I also had to add an extra random value otherwise you'd just draw a diagonal line or a cross.
float randomX=(float)Math.random()*(0.08f*guns[currentWeapon].currAcc)-(0.04f*guns[currentWeapon].currAcc);
float randomY=(float)Math.random()*(0.08f*guns[currentWeapon].currAcc)-(0.04f*guns[currentWeapon].currAcc);
float randomZ=(float)Math.random()*(0.08f*guns[currentWeapon].currAcc)-(0.04f*guns[currentWeapon].currAcc);
bulletList.add(new Bullet(new float[]{playerXpos, playerYpos, playerZpos}, new float[]{playerXrot, playerYrot}, new float[]{randomX,randomY, randomZ},(float) 0.5));
And the moving code...
vector[0]= -((float)Math.sin(dir[1]*piover180) * (float)Math.cos(dir[0]*piover180)+(float)Math.sin(random[1]*piover180)) * speed;
vector[1]= ((float)Math.sin(dir[0]*piover180)+(float)Math.sin(random[0]*piover180)) * speed;
vector[2]= -((float)Math.cos(dir[1]*piover180) * (float)Math.cos(dir[0]*piover180)+(float)Math.sin(random[2]*piover180)) * speed;
You didn't need to bust out any complex math, your problem was that when you were rotating the bullet around the y axis for gun spread, if you were looking directly up (that is, through the y axis, the bullet is being rotated around the path which its going, which means no rotation whatsoever (imagine the difference between sticking your arm out forwards towards a wall and spinning in a circle, and sticking you arm out towards the sky and spinning in a circle. Notice that your hand doesn't move at all when pointed towards the sky (the y-axis)) and so you get those "diagonal" bullet spreads.
The trick is to do the bullet spread before rotating by the direction the player is looking in, because that way you know that when you are rotating for spread, that the vector is guaranteed to be perpendicular to the x and y axes.
this.vel = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,-1);
var angle = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2;
var mag = Math.random() * this.gun.accuracy;
this.spread = new THREE.Vector2(Math.cos(angle) * mag,Math.sin(angle) * mag);
this.vel.applyAxisAngle(new THREE.Vector3(0,1,0),this.spread.y / 100); //rotate first when angle gaurenteed to be perpendicular to x and y axes
this.vel.applyAxisAngle(new THREE.Vector3(1,0,0),this.spread.x / 100);
this.vel.applyAxisAngle(new THREE.Vector3(1,0,0),player.looking.x); //then add player looking direction
this.vel.applyAxisAngle(new THREE.Vector3(0,1,0),player.looking.y);
this.offset = this.vel.clone()
I don't use java but I hope you get the main idea of what im doing by this javascript. I am rotating a vector going in the negative z direction (default direction of camera) by the spread.y, and spread.x, and then I am rotating by the pitch and yaw of the angle at which the player is facing.