I'm developing an android app using Text-to-Speech (TTS) engine. TTS component return the list of available languages as list of Locale objects.
But both methods Locale::getLanguage and Locale::getISO3Language of each Locale object return the same 3-character code (ISO 639-2). Usually getLanguage() return the language code in 2-character format (ISO 639-1) but for a particular device the code is three characters. Same for country code. However I need to have the language and country code in two character format (ISO 639-1).
Someone know a way to make a conversion? Please note, I need a corresponding Locale object with both language and country codes in two letter format.
As a workaround, make your own Map< Locale , String> mapping each known Locale to its 2-letter language code per ISO 639-1.
new LocaleLookup().lookupTwoLetterLanguageCode( Locale.CANADA_FRENCH )
Or maybe just parse the text of Locale::toString.
.toString() // fr_CA
.split( "_" ) // Array: { "fr" , "CA" }
[ 0 ] // Grab first element in array, "fr".
For two-letter country code, use the second part of that split string. Use index of 1 instead of 0.
.toString() // fr_CA
.split( "_" ) // Array: { "fr" , "CA" }
[ 1 ] // Grab first element in array, "CA".
It seems to be a bug that Locale::getLanguage would return a 3-letter code. The Javadoc uses a 2-letter code in its code example. But unfortunately the Javadoc fails to specify explicitly 2 or 3 letters. I suggest you file a request with the OpenJDK project to clarify this Javadoc.
As a workaround, perhaps you could call Locale.getISOLanguages to get an array of all known languages in 2-letter codes. Then loop those. For each, use the code seen in the Javadoc, passing 2-letter code to constrict a Locale object for comparison:
if (locale.getLanguage().equals(new Locale("he").getLanguage()))
From this build your own Map between locale and 2-letter code.
Example class
Here is my first stab at such a workaround map.
In the constructor, we get a list of all known locales, and all known 2-letter ISO 639-1 language codes.
Next we do a nested loop. For each locale, we loop all the 2-letter language codes until we find a match. Notice that we do not do a string match. The Javadoc warns us that the ISO 639 standard is not stable; the codes are changing. Quoting:
Note: ISO 639 is not a stable standard— some languages' codes have changed. Locale's constructor recognizes both the new and the old codes for the languages whose codes have changed, but this function always returns the old code. If you want to check for a specific language whose code has changed, don't do
if (locale.getLanguage().equals("he")) // BAD!
Instead, do
if (locale.getLanguage().equals(new Locale("he").getLanguage())) // GOOD.
So our inner loop looks at each known 2-letter language code, and gets a Locale object for that language. Then our if statement compares the output of getLanguage for (a) our outer loop’s Locale, and (b) our inner loop’s generated language-only Locale (generated by our 2-letter code). In your case, you claim some device is outputting 3-letter code value for our call to getLanguage. But whether 2 or 3 letters, does not matter. We are just looking for a match.
Once instantiated, we can ask our LocaleLookup instance for the two-letter code matching a particular Locale by calling the lookupTwoLetterLanguageCode method.
LocaleLookup localeLookup = new LocaleLookup();
Locale locale = Locale.CANADA_FRENCH;
String code = localeLookup.lookupTwoLetterLanguageCode( locale );
System.out.println( "Locale: " + locale.toString() + " " + locale.getDisplayName( Locale.getDefault() ) + " | ISO 639-1 code: " + code );
Locale: fr_CA French (Canada) | ISO 639-1 code: fr
I'm just guessing at all this. I have not thought it through, nor have I tested any of this. So buyer-beware, this solution is worth every penny you paid for it. Good luck.
Here is the entire class, with a public static void main to use as demonstration.
package work.basil.example;
import java.util.*;
public class LocaleLookup
private Map < Locale, String > mapLocaleToTwoLetterLangCode;
public LocaleLookup ( )
this.mapLocaleToTwoLetterLangCode = new HashMap <>( Locale.getAvailableLocales().length );
System.out.println( "mapLocaleToTwoLetterLangCode = " + mapLocaleToTwoLetterLangCode );
private void makeMaps ( )
// Get all locales.
Set < Locale > locales = Set.of( Locale.getAvailableLocales() );
// Get all languages, per 2-letter code.
Set < String > twoLetterLanguageCodes = Set.of( Locale.getISOLanguages() ); // Returns: An array of ISO 639 two-letter language codes.
for ( Locale locale : locales )
for ( String twoLetterLanguageCode : twoLetterLanguageCodes )
if ( locale.getLanguage().equals( new Locale( twoLetterLanguageCode ).getLanguage() ) )
this.mapLocaleToTwoLetterLangCode.put( locale , twoLetterLanguageCode );
// System.out.println( "locales = " + locales );
// System.out.println( "twoLetterLanguageCodes = " + twoLetterLanguageCodes );
public String lookupTwoLetterLanguageCode ( final Locale locale )
String code = this.mapLocaleToTwoLetterLangCode.get( locale );
Objects.requireNonNull( code );
return code;
public static void main ( String[] args )
LocaleLookup localeLookup = new LocaleLookup();
Locale locale = Locale.CANADA_FRENCH;
String code = localeLookup.lookupTwoLetterLanguageCode( locale );
System.out.println( "Locale: " + locale.toString() + " " + locale.getDisplayName( Locale.getDefault() ) + " | ISO 639-1 code: " + code );
And here is the map I produce in a pre-release version of Java 15. Note this may be incorrect, as I have seen some goofiness with locales in the pre-release version.
mapLocaleToTwoLetterLangCode = {nn=nn, ar_JO=ar, bg=bg, zu=zu, am_ET=am, fr_DZ=fr, ti_ET=ti, bo_CN=bo, qu_EC=qu, ta_SG=ta, lv=lv, en_NU=en, en_MS=en, zh_SG_#Hans=zh, ff_LR_#Adlm=ff, en_GG=en, en_JM=en, vo=vo, sd__#Arab=sd, sv_SE=sv, sr_ME=sr, dz_BT=dz, es_BO=es, en_ZM=en, fr_ML=fr, br=br, ha_NG=ha, fa_AF=fa, ar_SA=ar, sk=sk, os_GE=os, ml=ml, en_MT=en, en_LR=en, ar_TD=ar, en_GH=en, en_IL=en, sv=sv, cs=cs, el=el, af=af, ff_MR_#Latn=ff, sw_UG=sw, tk_TM=tk, sr_ME_#Cyrl=sr, ar_EG=ar, sd__#Deva=sd, ji_001=yi, yo_NG=yo, se_NO=se, ku=ku, sw_CD=sw, vo_001=vo, en_PW=en, pl_PL=pl, ff_MR_#Adlm=ff, it_VA=it, sr_CS=sr, ne_IN=ne, es_PH=es, es_ES=es, es_CO=es, bg_BG=bg, ji=yi, ar_EH=ar, bs_BA_#Latn=bs, en_VC=en, nb_SJ=nb, es_US=es, en_US_POSIX=en, en_150=en, ar_SD=ar, en_KN=en, ha_NE=ha, pt_MO=pt, ro_RO=ro, zh__#Hans=zh, lb_LU=lb, sr_ME_#Latn=sr, es_GT=es, so_KE=so, ff_LR_#Latn=ff, ff_GH_#Latn=ff, fr_PM=fr, ar_KM=ar, no_NO_NY=no, fr_MG=fr, es_CL=es, mn=mn, tr_TR=tr, eu=eu, fa_IR=fa, en_MO=en, wo=wo, en_BZ=en, sq_AL=sq, ar_MR=ar, es_DO=es, ru=ru, az=az, su__#Latn=su, fa=fa, kl_GL=kl, en_NR=en, nd=nd, kk=kk, en_MP=en, az__#Cyrl=az, en_GD=en, tk=tk, hy=hy, en_BW=en, en_AU=en, en_CY=en, ta_MY=ta, ti_ER=ti, en_RW=en, sv_FI=sv, nd_ZW=nd, lb=lb, ne=ne, su=su, zh_SG=zh, en_IE=en, ln_CD=ln, en_KI=en, om_ET=om, no=no, ja_JP=ja, my=my, ka=ka, ar_IL=ar, ff_GH_#Adlm=ff, or_IN=or, fr_MF=fr, ms_ID=ms, kl=kl, en_SZ=en, zh=zh, es_PE=es, ta=ta, az__#Latn=az, en_GB=en, zh_HK_#Hant=zh, ar_SY=ar, bo=bo, kk_KZ=kk, tt_RU=tt, es_PA=es, om_KE=om, ar_PS=ar, fr_VU=fr, en_AS=en, zh_TW=zh, sd_IN=sd, fr_MC=fr, kw=kw, fr_NE=fr, pt_MZ=pt, ur_IN=ur, ln=ln, en_JE=en, ln_CF=ln, en_CX=en, pt=pt, en_AT=en, gl=gl, sr__#Cyrl=sr, es_GQ=es, kn_IN=kn, ff__#Adlm=ff, ar_YE=ar, en_SX=en, to=to, ga=ga, qu=qu, ru_KZ=ru, en_TZ=en, et=et, en_PR=en, jv=jv, ko_KP=ko, in=in, sn=sn, ps=ps, nl_SR=nl, en_BS=en, km=km, fr_NC=fr, be=be, gv=gv, es=es, gd_GB=gd, nl_BQ=nl, ff_GN_#Adlm=ff, fr_CM=fr, uz_UZ_#Cyrl=uz, pa_IN_#Guru=pa, en_KE=en, ja=ja, fr_SN=fr, or=or, fr_MA=fr, pt_LU=pt, ff_GM_#Adlm=ff, fr_BL=fr, en_NL=en, ln_CG=ln, te=te, sl=sl, ha=ha, mr_IN=mr, ko_KR=ko, el_CY=el, ku_TR=ku, es_MX=es, es_HN=es, hu_HU=hu, ff_SN=ff, sq_MK=sq, sr_BA_#Cyrl=sr, fi=fi, bs__#Cyrl=bs, uz=uz, et_EE=et, sr__#Latn=sr, en_SS=en, bo_IN=bo, sw=sw, fy_NL=fy, ar_OM=ar, tr_CY=tr, rm=rm, fr_BI=fr, en_MG=en, uz_UZ_#Latn=uz, bn=bn, de_IT=de, kn=kn, fr_TN=fr, sr_RS=sr, bn_BD=bn, de_CH=de, fr_PF=fr, gu=gu, pt_GQ=pt, en_ZA=en, en_TV=en, lo=lo, fr_FR=fr, en_PN=en, fr_BJ=fr, en_MH=en, zh__#Hant=zh, zh_HK_#Hans=zh, cu_RU=cu, nl_NL=nl, en_GY=en, ps_AF=ps, bs__#Latn=bs, ky=ky, os=os, bs_BA_#Cyrl=bs, nl_CW=nl, ar_DZ=ar, sk_SK=sk, pt_CH=pt, fr_GQ=fr, xh=xh, ki_KE=ki, am=am, fr_CI=fr, en_NG=en, ia_001=ia, en_PK=en, zh_CN=zh, en_LC=en, rw=rw, ff_BF_#Adlm=ff, wo_SN=wo, gv_IM=gv, iw=iw, en_TT=en, mk_MK=mk, sl_SI=sl, fr_HT=fr, te_IN=te, nl_SX=nl, ce=ce, fr_CG=fr, xh_ZA=xh, fr_BE=fr, ff_NE_#Adlm=ff, es_VE=es, mt_MT=mt, mr=mr, mg=mg, ko=ko, en_BM=en, nb_NO=nb, ak=ak, dz=dz, vi_VN=vi, en_VU=en, ia=ia, en_US=en, ff_SL_#Latn=ff, to_TO=to, ff_SN_#Adlm=ff, fr_BF=fr, pa__#Guru=pa, it_SM=it, su_ID=su, fr_YT=fr, gu_IN=gu, ii_CN=ii, ff_CM_#Latn=ff, pa_PK_#Arab=pa, fr_RE=fr, fi_FI=fi, ca_FR=ca, sr_BA_#Latn=sr, bn_IN=bn, fr_GP=fr, pa=pa, tg=tg, fr_DJ=fr, rn=rn, uk_UA=uk, ks__#Arab=ks, hu=hu, fr_CH=fr, en_NF=en, ff_GW_#Adlm=ff, ha_GH=ha, sr_XK_#Cyrl=sr, bm=bm, ar_SS=ar, en_GU=en, nl_AW=nl, de_BE=de, en_AI=en, en_CM=en, cs_CZ=cs, ca_ES=ca, tr=tr, ff_GW_#Latn=ff, rm_CH=rm, ru_MD=ru, ms_MY=ms, ta_LK=ta, en_TO=en, ff_SN_#Latn=ff, ff_SL_#Adlm=ff, cy=cy, en_PG=en, fr_CF=fr, pt_TL=pt, sq=sq, tg_TJ=tg, fr=fr, en_ER=en, qu_PE=qu, sr_BA=sr, es_PY=es, de=de, es_EC=es, ff_CM_#Adlm=ff, lg_UG=lg, ff_NE_#Latn=ff, zu_ZA=zu, fr_TG=fr, su_ID_#Latn=su, sr_XK_#Latn=sr, en_PH=en, ig_NG=ig, fr_GN=fr, zh_MO_#Hans=zh, lg=lg, ru_RU=ru, se_FI=se, ff=ff, en_DM=en, en_CK=en, sd=sd, ar_MA=ar, ga_IE=ga, en_BI=en, en_AG=en, fr_TD=fr, fr_LU=fr, en_WS=en, fr_CD=fr, so=so, rn_BI=rn, en_NA=en, mi_NZ=mi, ar_ER=ar, ms=ms, sn_ZW=sn, iw_IL=iw, ug=ug, es_EA=es, ga_GB=ga, th_TH_TH_#u-nu-thai=th, hi=hi, fr_SC=fr, ca_IT=ca, ff_NG_#Latn=ff, en_SL=en, no_NO=no, ca_AD=ca, ff_NG_#Adlm=ff, zh_MO_#Hant=zh, en_SH=en, qu_BO=qu, vi=vi, sd_PK_#Arab=sd, fr_CA=fr, de_LU=de, sq_XK=sq, en_KY=en, mi=mi, mt=mt, it_CH=it, de_DE=de, si_LK=si, en_AE=en, en_DK=en, so_DJ=so, eo=eo, lt_LT=lt, it_IT=it, en_ZW=en, ar_SO=ar, ro=ro, en_UM=en, ps_PK=ps, eo_001=eo, ee=ee, fr_MU=fr, nn_NO=nn, se_SE=se, pl=pl, en_TK=en, en_SI=en, ur=ur, uz__#Arab=uz, pt_GW=pt, se=se, lo_LA=lo, af_ZA=af, ar_LB=ar, ms_SG=ms, ee_TG=ee, ln_AO=ln, be_BY=be, ff_GN=ff, in_ID=in, es_BZ=es, ar_AE=ar, hr_HR=hr, as=as, it=it, pt_CV=pt, ks_IN=ks, uk=uk, my_MM=my, mn_MN=mn, ur_PK=ur, en_FM=en, da_DK=da, es_PR=es, en_BE=en, ii=ii, fr_WF=fr, tt=tt, ru_BY=ru, fo_DK=fo, ee_GH=ee, en_SG=en, ar_BH=ar, ff_GM_#Latn=ff, om=om, en_CH=en, hi_IN=hi, fo_FO=fo, yo_BJ=yo, fr_KM=fr, fr_MQ=fr, ff_GN_#Latn=ff, en_SD=en, es_AR=es, ff__#Latn=ff, en_MY=en, ja_JP_JP_#u-ca-japanese=ja, es_SV=es, pt_BR=pt, ml_IN=ml, en_FK=en, uz__#Cyrl=uz, is_IS=is, hy_AM=hy, en_GM=en, en_DG=en, fo=fo, ne_NP=ne, pt_ST=pt, hr=hr, ak_GH=ak, lt=lt, uz_AF_#Arab=uz, ta_IN=ta, fr_GF=fr, en_SE=en, zh_CN_#Hans=zh, es_419=es, is=is, pt_AO=pt, si=si, en_001=en, jv_ID=jv, en=en, es_IC=es, fr_MR=fr, ca=ca, ru_KG=ru, ar_TN=ar, ks=ks, zh_TW_#Hant=zh, ff_BF_#Latn=ff, bm_ML=bm, kw_GB=kw, ug_CN=ug, as_IN=as, es_BR=es, zh_HK=zh, sw_KE=sw, en_SB=en, th_TH=th, rw_RW=rw, ar_IQ=ar, en_MW=en, mk=mk, en_IO=en, pa__#Arab=pa, en_DE=en, ar_QA=ar, en_CC=en, ro_MD=ro, en_FI=en, bs=bs, pt_PT=pt, fy=fy, az_AZ_#Cyrl=az, th=th, es_CU=es, ar=ar, en_SC=en, en_VI=en, eu_ES=eu, en_UG=en, en_NZ=en, es_UY=es, sg_CF=sg, ru_UA=ru, sg=sg, uz__#Latn=uz, el_GR=el, da_GL=da, en_FJ=en, de_LI=de, en_BB=en, km_KH=km, hr_BA=hr, de_AT=de, nl=nl, lu_CD=lu, ca_ES_VALENCIA=ca, ar_001=ar, so_SO=so, lv_LV=lv, sd_IN_#Deva=sd, es_CR=es, ar_KW=ar, fr_GA=fr, ar_LY=ar, sr=sr, sr_RS_#Cyrl=sr, en_MU=en, da=da, gl_ES=gl, az_AZ_#Latn=az, en_IM=en, en_LS=en, ig=ig, en_HK=en, en_GI=en, ce_RU=ce, gd=gd, en_CA=en, ka_GE=ka, fr_SY=fr, sw_TZ=sw, so_ET=so, fr_RW=fr, nl_BE=nl, ar_DJ=ar, mg_MG=mg, en_VG=en, cy_GB=cy, cu=cu, sr_RS_#Latn=sr, os_RU=os, en_TC=en, sv_AX=sv, ky_KG=ky, af_NA=af, lu=lu, en_IN=en, yo=yo, ki=ki, es_NI=es, nb=nb, sd_PK=sd, ti=ti, ms_BN=ms, br_FR=br}
Substring of Locale.toString?
Now, after having done all that work, I notice that the toString representation of the locale name starts with the two-letter language code! 🤦
If this always the case for all Locale objects, we can simply parse that string.
String twoLetterLanguageCode = Locale.CANADA_FRENCH.toString().split( "_" )[ 0 ];
twoLetterCode = fr
For country code, do the same, but pull the second part. Use an index value of 1 versus 0.
String twoLetterCountryCode = Locale.CANADA_FRENCH.toString().split( "_" )[ 1 ];
For this quick check on my pre-release Java 15, it does seem to be the case that every Locale object’s toString text starts with the 2-letter language code. But I do not know if you can count on that always being the case in the past and in the future.
System.out.println( Locale.getAvailableLocales().length );
ArrayList < Locale > problemLocales = new ArrayList <>( Locale.getAvailableLocales().length );
for ( Locale locale : Locale.getAvailableLocales() )
String parsed = locale.toString().split( "_" )[ 0 ];
if ( ! parsed.equalsIgnoreCase( locale.getLanguage() ) )
problemLocales.add( locale );
System.out.println( "problemLocales = " + problemLocales );
problemLocales = []
Or, vice-versa:
System.out.println( "Locale.getAvailableLocales().length: " + Locale.getAvailableLocales().length );
ArrayList < Locale > matchingLocales = new ArrayList <>( Locale.getAvailableLocales().length );
for ( Locale locale : Locale.getAvailableLocales() )
String parsed = locale.toString().split( "_" )[ 0 ];
if ( parsed.equalsIgnoreCase( locale.getLanguage() ) )
matchingLocales.add( locale );
System.out.println( "matchingLocales.size: " + matchingLocales.size() );
System.out.println( "matchingLocales = " + matchingLocales );
Locale.getAvailableLocales().length: 810
matchingLocales.size: 810
I need to detect some stuff within a String that contains, among other things, dates. Now, parsing dates using regex is a known question on SO.
However, the dates in this text are localized. And the app needs to be able to adapt to differently localized dates. Luckily, I can figure out the correct date format for the current locale using DateFormat.getDateInstance(SHORT, locale). I can get a date pattern from that. But how do I turn it into a regex, dynamically?
The regex would not need to do in-depth validation of the format (leap years, correct amount of days for a month etc.), I can already be sure that the data is provided in a valid format. The date just needs to be identified (as in, the regex should be able to detect the start and end index of where a date is).
The answers in the linked question all assume the handful of common date formats. But assuming that in this case is a likely cause of getting an edge case that breaks the app in a very non-obvious way. Which is why I'd prefer a dynamically generated regex over a one-fits-all(?) solution.
I can't use DateFormat.parse(...), since I have to actually detect the date first, and can't directly extract it.
Since you're doing getDateInstance(SHORT, locale), with emphasis on Date and SHORT, the patterns are fairly limited, so the following code will do:
public static String dateFormatToRegex(Locale locale) {
StringBuilder regex = new StringBuilder();
String fmt = ((SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale)).toPattern();
for (Matcher m = Pattern.compile("[^a-zA-Z]+|([a-zA-Z])\\1*").matcher(fmt); m.find(); ) {
String part = m.group();
if (m.start(1) == -1) { // Not letter(s): Literal text
} else {
switch (part.charAt(0)) {
case 'G': // Era designator
case 'y': // Year
case 'M': // Month in year
if (part.length() > 2)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Date format part: " + part);
case 'd': // Day in month
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Date format part: " + part);
return regex.toString();
To see what regex's you'll get for various locales:
Locale[] locales = Locale.getAvailableLocales();
Arrays.sort(locales, Comparator.comparing(Locale::toLanguageTag));
Map<String, List<String>> fmtLocales = new TreeMap<>();
for (Locale locale : locales) {
String fmt = ((SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale)).toPattern();
fmtLocales.computeIfAbsent(fmt, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(locale.toLanguageTag());
fmtLocales.forEach((k, v) -> System.out.println(dateFormatToRegex(Locale.forLanguageTag(v.get(0))) + " " + v));
\p{L}+\d{1,4}\Q.\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q.\E(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]) [ja-JP-u-ca-japanese-x-lvariant-JP]
(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q/\E(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q/\E\d{1,4} [brx, brx-IN, chr, chr-US, ee, ee-GH, ee-TG, en, en-AS, en-BI, en-GU, en-MH, en-MP, en-PR, en-UM, en-US, en-US-POSIX, en-VI, fil, fil-PH, ks, ks-IN, ug, ug-CN, zu, zu-ZA]
(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q/\E(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q/\E\d{1,4} [es-PA, es-PR]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q-\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q-\E\d{1,4} [or, or-IN]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q. \E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q. \E\d{1,4} [ksh, ksh-DE]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q. \E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q. \E\d{1,4} [sl, sl-SI]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q.\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q.\E\d{1,4} [fi, fi-FI, he, he-IL, is, is-IS]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q.\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q.\E\d{1,4} [be, be-BY, dsb, dsb-DE, hsb, hsb-DE, sk, sk-SK, sq, sq-AL, sq-MK, sq-XK]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q.\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q.\E\d{1,4}\Q.\E [bs-Cyrl, bs-Cyrl-BA, sr, sr-CS, sr-Cyrl, sr-Cyrl-BA, sr-Cyrl-ME, sr-Cyrl-RS, sr-Cyrl-XK, sr-Latn, sr-Latn-BA, sr-Latn-ME, sr-Latn-RS, sr-Latn-XK, sr-ME, sr-RS]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q.\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q.\E\d{1,4} [tr, tr-CY, tr-TR]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q.\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q.\E\d{1,4}\Q 'г'.\E [bg, bg-BG]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q/\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q/\E\d{1,4} [agq, agq-CM, bas, bas-CM, bm, bm-ML, dje, dje-NE, dua, dua-CM, dyo, dyo-SN, en-HK, en-ZW, ewo, ewo-CM, ff, ff-CM, ff-GN, ff-MR, ff-SN, kab, kab-DZ, kea, kea-CV, khq, khq-ML, ksf, ksf-CM, ln, ln-AO, ln-CD, ln-CF, ln-CG, lo, lo-LA, lu, lu-CD, mfe, mfe-MU, mg, mg-MG, mua, mua-CM, nmg, nmg-CM, rn, rn-BI, seh, seh-MZ, ses, ses-ML, sg, sg-CF, shi, shi-Latn, shi-Latn-MA, shi-MA, shi-Tfng, shi-Tfng-MA, sw-CD, twq, twq-NE, yav, yav-CM, zgh, zgh-MA, zh-HK, zh-Hant-HK, zh-Hant-MO]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q/\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q/\E\d{1,4} [ast, ast-ES, bn, bn-BD, bn-IN, ca, ca-AD, ca-ES, ca-ES-VALENCIA, ca-FR, ca-IT, el, el-CY, el-GR, en-AU, en-SG, es, es-419, es-AR, es-BO, es-BR, es-CR, es-CU, es-DO, es-EA, es-EC, es-ES, es-GQ, es-HN, es-IC, es-NI, es-PH, es-PY, es-SV, es-US, es-UY, es-VE, gu, gu-IN, ha, ha-GH, ha-NE, ha-NG, haw, haw-US, hi, hi-IN, km, km-KH, kn, kn-IN, ml, ml-IN, mr, mr-IN, pa, pa-Guru, pa-Guru-IN, pa-IN, pa-PK, ta, ta-IN, ta-LK, ta-MY, ta-SG, th, th-TH, to, to-TO, ur, ur-IN, ur-PK, zh-Hans-HK, zh-Hans-MO]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q/\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q/\E\d{1,4} [th-TH-u-nu-thai-x-lvariant-TH]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q/\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q/\E\d{1,4} [nus, nus-SS]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q/\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q/\E\d{1,4} [en-NZ, es-CO, es-GT, es-PE, fr-BE, ms, ms-BN, ms-MY, ms-SG, nl-BE]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q-\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q-\E\d{1,4} [sv-FI]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q-\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q-\E\d{1,4} [es-CL, fy, fy-NL, my, my-MM, nl, nl-AW, nl-BQ, nl-CW, nl-NL, nl-SR, nl-SX, rm, rm-CH, te, te-IN]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q.\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q.\E\d{1,4} [mk, mk-MK]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q.\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q.\E\d{1,4} [nb, nb-NO, nb-SJ, nn, nn-NO, nn-NO, no, no-NO, pl, pl-PL, ro, ro-MD, ro-RO, tk, tk-TM]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q.\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q.\E\d{1,4}\Q.\E [hr, hr-BA, hr-HR]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q.\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q.\E\d{1,4} [az, az-AZ, az-Cyrl, az-Cyrl-AZ, az-Latn, az-Latn-AZ, cs, cs-CZ, de, de-AT, de-BE, de-CH, de-DE, de-LI, de-LU, et, et-EE, fo, fo-DK, fo-FO, fr-CH, gsw, gsw-CH, gsw-FR, gsw-LI, hy, hy-AM, it-CH, ka, ka-GE, kk, kk-KZ, ky, ky-KG, lb, lb-LU, lv, lv-LV, os, os-GE, os-RU, ru, ru-BY, ru-KG, ru-KZ, ru-MD, ru-RU, ru-UA, uk, uk-UA]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q.\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q.\E\d{1,4}\Q.\E [bs, bs-BA, bs-Latn, bs-Latn-BA]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q/\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q \E\d{1,4} [kkj, kkj-CM]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q/\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q/\E\d{1,4} [am, am-ET, asa, asa-TZ, bem, bem-ZM, bez, bez-TZ, cgg, cgg-UG, da, da-DK, da-GL, dav, dav-KE, ebu, ebu-KE, en-001, en-150, en-AG, en-AI, en-AT, en-BB, en-BM, en-BS, en-CC, en-CH, en-CK, en-CM, en-CX, en-CY, en-DE, en-DG, en-DK, en-DM, en-ER, en-FI, en-FJ, en-FK, en-FM, en-GB, en-GD, en-GG, en-GH, en-GI, en-GM, en-GY, en-IE, en-IL, en-IM, en-IO, en-JE, en-JM, en-KE, en-KI, en-KN, en-KY, en-LC, en-LR, en-LS, en-MG, en-MO, en-MS, en-MT, en-MU, en-MW, en-MY, en-NA, en-NF, en-NG, en-NL, en-NR, en-NU, en-PG, en-PH, en-PK, en-PN, en-PW, en-RW, en-SB, en-SC, en-SD, en-SH, en-SI, en-SL, en-SS, en-SX, en-SZ, en-TC, en-TK, en-TO, en-TT, en-TV, en-TZ, en-UG, en-VC, en-VG, en-VU, en-WS, en-ZM, fr, fr-BF, fr-BI, fr-BJ, fr-BL, fr-CD, fr-CF, fr-CG, fr-CI, fr-CM, fr-DJ, fr-DZ, fr-FR, fr-GA, fr-GF, fr-GN, fr-GP, fr-GQ, fr-HT, fr-KM, fr-LU, fr-MA, fr-MC, fr-MF, fr-MG, fr-ML, fr-MQ, fr-MR, fr-MU, fr-NC, fr-NE, fr-PF, fr-PM, fr-RE, fr-RW, fr-SC, fr-SN, fr-SY, fr-TD, fr-TG, fr-TN, fr-VU, fr-WF, fr-YT, ga, ga-IE, gd, gd-GB, guz, guz-KE, ig, ig-NG, jmc, jmc-TZ, kam, kam-KE, kde, kde-TZ, ki, ki-KE, kln, kln-KE, ksb, ksb-TZ, lag, lag-TZ, lg, lg-UG, luo, luo-KE, luy, luy-KE, mas, mas-KE, mas-TZ, mer, mer-KE, mgh, mgh-MZ, mt, mt-MT, naq, naq-NA, nd, nd-ZW, nyn, nyn-UG, pa-Arab, pa-Arab-PK, qu, qu-BO, qu-EC, qu-PE, rof, rof-TZ, rwk, rwk-TZ, saq, saq-KE, sbp, sbp-TZ, sn, sn-ZW, sw, sw-KE, sw-TZ, sw-UG, teo, teo-KE, teo-UG, tzm, tzm-MA, vai, vai-LR, vai-Latn, vai-Latn-LR, vai-Vaii, vai-Vaii-LR, vi, vi-VN, vun, vun-TZ, xog, xog-UG, yo, yo-BJ, yo-NG]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q/\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q/\E\d{1,4} [cy, cy-GB, en-BE, en-BW, en-BZ, en-IN, es-MX, fur, fur-IT, gl, gl-ES, id, id-ID, it, it-IT, it-SM, nnh, nnh-CM, om, om-ET, om-KE, pt, pt-AO, pt-BR, pt-CH, pt-CV, pt-GQ, pt-GW, pt-LU, pt-MO, pt-MZ, pt-PT, pt-ST, pt-TL, so, so-DJ, so-ET, so-KE, so-SO, ti, ti-ER, ti-ET, uz, uz-AF, uz-Cyrl, uz-Cyrl-UZ, uz-Latn, uz-Latn-UZ, uz-UZ, yi, yi-001, zh-Hans-SG, zh-SG]
(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q/\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q/\E\d{1,4} [ar, ar-001, ar-AE, ar-BH, ar-DJ, ar-DZ, ar-EG, ar-EH, ar-ER, ar-IL, ar-IQ, ar-JO, ar-KM, ar-KW, ar-LB, ar-LY, ar-MA, ar-MR, ar-OM, ar-PS, ar-QA, ar-SA, ar-SD, ar-SO, ar-SS, ar-SY, ar-TD, ar-TN, ar-YE]
\d{1,4}\Q-\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q-\E(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]) [af, af-NA, af-ZA, as, as-IN, bo, bo-CN, bo-IN, br, br-FR, ce, ce-RU, ckb, ckb-IQ, ckb-IR, cu, cu-RU, dz, dz-BT, en-CA, en-SE, gv, gv-IM, ii, ii-CN, jgo, jgo-CM, kl, kl-GL, kok, kok-IN, kw, kw-GB, lkt, lkt-US, lrc, lrc-IQ, lrc-IR, lt, lt-LT, mgo, mgo-CM, mn, mn-MN, mzn, mzn-IR, ne, ne-IN, ne-NP, prg, prg-001, se, se-FI, se-NO, se-SE, si, si-LK, smn, smn-FI, sv, sv-AX, sv-SE, und, uz-Arab, uz-Arab-AF, vo, vo-001, wae, wae-CH]
\d{1,4}\Q. \E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q. \E(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q.\E [hu, hu-HU]
\d{1,4}\Q/\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q/\E(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]) [fa, fa-AF, fa-IR, ps, ps-AF, yue, yue-HK, zh, zh-CN, zh-Hans, zh-Hans-CN, zh-Hant, zh-Hant-TW, zh-TW]
\d{1,4}\Q/\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q/\E(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]) [en-ZA, eu, eu-ES, ja, ja-JP]
\d{1,4}\Q-\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q-\E(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]) [eo, eo-001, fr-CA, sr-BA]
\d{1,4}\Q. \E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q. \E(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Q.\E [ko, ko-KP, ko-KR]
\d{1,4}\Q/\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q/\E(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]) [sah, sah-RU]
\d{1,4}\Q/\E(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\Q/\E(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]) [ak, ak-GH, rw, rw-RW]
What you're asking is really complicated, but it's not impossible — just likely many hundreds of lines of code before you're done. I'm really not sure that this is the route you want to go — honestly, if you already know what format the date is in, you should probably just parse() it — but let's say for the sake of argument that you really do want to turn a date pattern like YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm:ss into a regular expression that can match dates in that format.
There are several steps in the solution: You'll need to lexically analyze the pattern; transform the tokens into correct regex pieces in the current locale; and then mash them all together to make a regex you can use. (Thankfully, you don't need to perform complex parsing on the date-pattern string; lexical analysis is good enough for this.)
Lexical analysis or tokenization is the act of breaking the input string into its component tokens, so that instead of an array of characters, it becomes a sequence of enumerated values or objects: So for the previous example, you'd end up with an array or list like this: [YYYY, Hyphen, mm, Hyphen, dd, Space, HH, Colon, mm, Colon, ss]. This kind of tokenization is often done with a big state machine, and you may be able to find some open-source code somewhere (part of the Android source code, maybe?) that already does it. If not, you'll have to read each letter, count up how many of that letter there is, and choose an appropriate enum value to add to the growing list of tokens.
Once you have the tokenized sequence of elements, the next step is to transform each into a chunk of a regular expression that is valid for the current localization. This is probably a giant switch statement inside a loop over the tokens, and thus would turn a YYYY enum value into the string piece "[0-9]{4}", or the mmm enum value into a big chunk of regex string that matches all of the month names in the current locale ("jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec"). This obviously involves you pulling all the data for the given locale, so that you can make regex chunks out of its words.
Finally, you can concatenate all of the regex bits together, wrapping each bit in parentheses to ensure precedence is correct, and then finally Pattern.compile() the whole string. Don't forget to make it use a case-insensitive test.
If you don't know what locale you're in, you'll have to do this many times to produce many regexes for each possible locale, and then test the input against each one of them in turn.
This is a project-and-a-half, but it is something that could be built, if you really really really need it to work exactly like you described.
But again, if I were you, I'd stick with something that already exists: If you already know what locale you're in (or even if you don't), the parse() method already not only does the lexical analysis and input-validation for you — and is not only already written! — but it also produces a usable date object, too!
I still think that parsing from each position in the string and seeing if it succeeds is simpler and easier than first generating a regular expression.
Locale loc = Locale.forLanguageTag("en-AS");
DateTimeFormatter dateFormatter
= DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDate(FormatStyle.SHORT).withLocale(loc);
String mixed = "09/03/18Some data06/29/18Some other data04/27/18A third piece of data";
// Check that the string starts with a date
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
LocalDate.from(dateFormatter.parse(mixed, pos));
int dataStartIndex = pos.getIndex();
System.out.println("Date: " + mixed.substring(0, dataStartIndex));
int candidateDateStartIndex = dataStartIndex;
while (candidateDateStartIndex < mixed.length()) {
try {
LocalDate.from(dateFormatter.parse(mixed, pos));
// Date found
System.out.println("Data: "
+ mixed.substring(dataStartIndex, candidateDateStartIndex));
dataStartIndex = pos.getIndex();
System.out.println("Date: "
+ mixed.substring(candidateDateStartIndex, dataStartIndex));
candidateDateStartIndex = dataStartIndex;
} catch (DateTimeException dte) {
// No date here; try next
pos.setErrorIndex(-1); // Clear error
System.out.println("Data: " + mixed.substring(dataStartIndex, mixed.length()));
The output from this snippet was:
Date: 09/03/18
Data: Some data
Date: 06/29/18
Data: Some other data
Date: 04/27/18
Data: A third piece of data
If you’re happy with the accepted answer, please don’t let me take that away from you. Only please allow me to demonstrate the alternative to anyone reading along.
Exactly because I am presenting this for a broader audience, I am using java.time, the modern Java date and time API. If your data was originally written with a DateFormat, you may want to substitute that class into the above code. I trust you to do that in that case.