Effective ways to find partial sha1 collision - java

I need to find 2 different string and compare their hash value. Both string must contain "abc". I looking for the first eight character that are the same and stop. I have been running for more than 24 hours and still not found. My code has no problem running but i am wondering is there any more effective ways to find the collision
public static void main(String[] args) {
String message1 = "abc";
String message2 = "abc";
int x=0;
if (message1.equals(message2)) {
String temp1 = message1 + x;
String temp2 = x + message2;
String result1 = sha1Hashing(temp1);
String result2 = sha1Hashing(temp2);
while (!result1.equals(result2)){
temp1 = message1 + x;
temp2 = x + message2;
result1 = sha1Hashing(temp1);
result2 = sha1Hashing(temp2);
System.out.println("First message = " + temp1 + " Second message = " + temp2 + "\n");
System.out.println("First hash = " + result1);
System.out.println("Second hash = " + result2 + "\n");
public static String sha1Hashing (String message) {
String sha1 = "";
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
try {
MessageDigest mDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");
byte[] result = mDigest.digest(message.getBytes());
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
sb.append(Integer.toString((result[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1));
} catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
//return first 8 char
sha1 = sb.toString().substring(0,8);
return sha1;


Remove some text between square brackets in Java 6

Would it be possible to change this:
[quote]user1 posted:
[quote]user2 posted:
to this:
Using Java 6?
ok, wrote some not regex solution.
String str ="[quote]user1 posted:[quote]user2 posted:Test1[/quote]Test2[/quote]Test3";
String startTag = "[quote]";
String endTag = "[/quote]";
String subStr;
int startTagIndex;
int endTagIndex;
while(str.contains(startTag) || str.contains(endTag)) {
startTagIndex = str.indexOf(startTag);
endTagIndex = str.indexOf(endTag) + endTag.length();
if(!str.contains(startTag)) {
startTagIndex = 0;
if(!str.contains(endTag)) {
endTagIndex = startTagIndex + startTag.length();
subStr = str.substring(startTagIndex, endTagIndex);;
str = str.replace(subStr, "");
I compiled this to Java 8. I don't believe I'm using any features not available in Java 6.
Edited: System.lineSeparator() was added in Java 1.7. I changed the line to
public class RemoveQuotes {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String input = "[quote]user1 posted:\r\n" +
" [quote]user2 posted:\r\n" +
" Test1\r\n" +
" [/quote]\r\n" +
" Test2\r\n" +
"[/quote]\r\n" +
input = input.replace(System.getProperty("line.separator"), "");
String endQuote = "[/quote]";
int endPosition;
do {
int startPosition = input.indexOf("[quote]");
endPosition = input.lastIndexOf(endQuote);
if (endPosition >= 0) {
String output = input.substring(0, startPosition);
output += input.substring(endPosition + endQuote.length());
input = output;
} while (endPosition >= 0);

multiple String location find using a key in a tag

I want to parse an input eg: GH123FG12B1A58 .
'GH' / 'FG' / 'A' / 'B' will be there in all the tags in same order but different position . eg: GH14555523FG1555552B55551A55558
Need to find the value after every keys
I see this can be done by using patter , get start & end index ? Is there any other way to acomplish this ?
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Shipparse {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner Iname = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter the invoice :");
String Maintag = Iname.nextLine();
String GH = "GH";
String FG = "FG";
String AB = "AB";
String B = "B";
String A = "A";
int cus = Maintag.indexOf(GH);
int cys = Maintag.indexOf(FG);
int ats = Maintag.indexOf(AB);
int ss = Maintag.indexOf(B);
int se = Maintag.indexOf(A);
int tlength = Maintag.length();
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(Maintag);
String cnum;
if ( ats == -1) {
cnum = str.substring((cus +2) , cys);
System.out.println("Customer :" + cnum);
String cyn = str.substring((cys + 2), ss);
System.out.println("Agent :" + cyn);
} else {
cnum = str.substring((cus +2) , ats);
System.out.println("Customer :" + cnum);
String cyn = str.substring((ats + 2), ss);
System.out.println("Company:" + cyn);
String spoint = str.substring((ss +1) , se);
System.out.println("TYPE NUM:" + spoint);
String send = str.substring((se +1) , tlength);
System.out.println("FIELD NUM :" + send);

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException :

I have a String = "abc model 123 abcd1862893007509396 abcd2862893007509404", if I provide space between abcd1 & number eg. abcd1 862893007509396 my code will work fine, but if there is no space like abcd1862893007509396, I will get java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, please help ?:
PFB the code :
String text = "";
final String suppliedKeyword = "abc model 123 abcd1862893007509396 abcd2862893007509404";
String[] keywordarray = null;
String[] keywordarray2 = null;
String modelname = "";
String[] strIMEI = null;
if ( StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase( suppliedKeyword,"model")) {
keywordarray = suppliedKeyword.split("(?i)model");
if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(keywordarray[1], "abcd")) {
keywordarray2 = keywordarray[1].split("(?i)abcd");
modelname = keywordarray2[0].trim();
if (keywordarray[1].trim().contains(" ")) {
strIMEI = keywordarray[1].split(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < strIMEI.length; i++) {
if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(strIMEI[i],"abcd")) {
text = text + " " + strIMEI[i] + " "
+ strIMEI[i + 1];
} else {
text = keywordarray2[1];
After looking at your code the only thing i can consider for cause of error is
if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(strIMEI[i],"abcd")) {
text = text + " " + strIMEI[i] + " "
+ strIMEI[i + 1];
You are trying to access strIMEI[i+1] which will throw an error if your last element in strIMEI contains "abcd".

Multiline strings concatenation in Java

I'm looking for some help. What is the easiest way to concatenate multiline strings in Java and print it after ?
For example : I've got two strings :
String turtle1 = " _\r\n .-./*)\r\n _/___\\/\r\n U U\r";
String turtle2 = " _\r\n .-./*)\r\n _/___\\/\r\n U U\r";
And I want to get this result in the Java Eclipse console :
_ _
.-./*) .-./*)
_/___\/ _/___\/
I've already try some algorithms to divide my strings in differents parts and after re-concatenate it. But it was without success.
I know there are StringBuffer class and StringBuilder class but after some research, I didn't found something that correspond to my need.
Thanks in advance for your help.
See my example below, should be self explaining.
public class Turtle {
private static final String returnpattern = "\r\n";
public static void main(String[] args) {
// the data to run through
String turtle1 = " _\r\n .-./*)\r\n _/___\\/\r\n U U\r\n";
String turtle2 = " _\r\n .-./*)\r\n _/___\\/\r\n U U\r\n";
// split the data into individual parts
String[] one = turtle1.split(returnpattern);
String[] two = turtle2.split(returnpattern);
// find out the longest String in data set one
int longestString = 0;
for (String s : one) {
if (longestString < s.length()) {
longestString = s.length();
// loop through parts and build new string
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < one.length; i++) {
String stringTwo = String.format("%1$" + longestString + "s", two[i]); // left pad the dataset two to match
// length
// output
Just for fun, here is another solution using streams, prepared for more than two turtles to be shown side-by-side:
public static void main(String[] args) {
String turtle1 = " _\r\n .-./*)\r\n _/___\\/\r\n U U\r";
String turtle2 = " _\r\n .-./*)\r\n _/___\\/\r\n U U\r";
// split lines into fragments
List<List<String>> fragments = Stream.of(turtle1, turtle2)
.map(x -> Stream.of(x.split("\\r\\n?|\\n")).collect(Collectors.toList()))
// make all lists same length by adding empty lines as needed
int lines = fragments.stream().mapToInt(List::size).max().orElse(0);
fragments.forEach(x -> x.addAll(Collections.nCopies(lines - x.size(), "")));
// pad all fragments to maximum width (per list)
List<List<String>> padded = fragments.stream().map(x -> {
int width = x.stream().mapToInt(String::length).max().orElse(0);
return x.stream().map(y -> String.format("%-" + width + "s", y)).collect(Collectors.toList());
// join corresponding fragments to result lines, and join result lines
String result = IntStream.range(0, lines)
.mapToObj(i -> padded.stream().map(x -> x.get(i)).collect(Collectors.joining()))
Not so pretty but works:
String turtle1 = " _\r\n .-./*)\r\n _/___\\/\r\n U U\r\n";
String turtle2 = " _\r\n .-./*)\r\n _/___\\/\r\n U U\r\n";
String[] turtle1Lines = turtle1.split("\r\n");
String[] turtle2Lines = turtle2.split("\r\n");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int turtle1Width = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (turtle1Lines[i].length() > turtle1Width) {
turtle1Width = turtle1Lines[i].length();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int j = turtle1Width - turtle1Lines[i].length(); j > 0; j--) {
sb.append(' ');
String turtles = sb.toString();
I'm here too ;)
public class Test {
static String turtle1 = " _\r\n .-./*)\r\n _/___\\/\r\n U U\r".replace("\r", "");
static String turtle2 = " _\r\n .-./*)\r\n _/___\\/\r\n U U\r".replace("\r", "");
public static int countRows(String string){
return string.length() - string.replace("\n", "").length() + 1;
public static int getMaxLength(String string){
int maxLength = 0;
int currentLength = 0;
char[] data = string.toCharArray();
for(Character c : data){
if(c != '\n'){
if(++currentLength > maxLength) {
maxLength = currentLength;
currentLength = 0;
return maxLength;
public static String[] toStringArray(String string){
int length = getMaxLength(string);
int rows = countRows(string);
String[] result = new String[rows];
int last = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
int temp = string.indexOf("\n", last);
String str;
if(temp != -1) {
str = string.substring(last, temp);
str = string.substring(last);
while(str.length() < length){
str += " ";
result[i] = str;
last = temp + 1;
return result;
public static String concatMultilineStrings(String first, String second){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String[] arrayFirst = toStringArray(first);
String[] arraySecond = toStringArray(second);
if(arrayFirst.length != arraySecond.length){
for(int i = 0; i < arrayFirst.length; i++){
return sb.toString();
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(concatMultilineStrings(turtle1, turtle2));

Split 2 string and join

I have 2 string which I want to join as per my requirements. Say I have
String sa = {"as,asd,asdf"};
String qw = {"12,123,1234"};
String[] separated = ItemSumm.split(",");
String[] separateds = Itemumm.split(",");
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < separateds.length; i++)
if (separated.length == i + 1)
sb.append(separated[i] + "(" + separateds[i] + ")");
} else
sb.append(separated[i] + "(" + separateds[i] + "),");
it gives as(12),asd(123),asdf(1234)
But problem is , it can be like
String sa = {"as,asdf"};
String qw = {"12,123,1234"};
So in this I want like
Try this code :
String sa = {"as,asd"};
String qw = {"12,123,1234"};
String[] separated = ItemSumm.split(",");
String[] separateds = Itemumm.split(",");
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < separateds.length; i++) {
if (separated.length == i + 1) {
if(separated.length == i) {
sb.append(separateds[i] + "");
} else {
sb.append(separated[i] + "(" + separateds[i] + ")");
} else {
if(separated.length == i) {
sb.append("," + separateds[i]);
} else {
sb.append(separated[i] + "(" + separateds[i] + "),");
// Answer : as(12),asd(123),1234
String sa = {"as,asd,asdf"};
String qw = {"12,123,1234"};
String[] separated = ItemSumm.split(",");
String[] separateds = Itemumm.split(",");
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
// first loop through separated, starting with a comma
for (int i = 0; i < separated.length; i++) {
// append remaining items in separateds
for (int i = separated.length; i < separateds.length; i++) {
deleteListItem.list_summ.setText(sb.toString().substring(1)); // remove starting comma
if the lenghts of the strings are the sa, do the join
if (separated.length == i + 1 && (separated[i].lenght == separateds[i].lenght))

