Oracle to MySQL migration using Spring Boot - java

Is there any available/aiding tool in java/Spring to do read data from Oracle (old/existing table structure), do some transformation and basically send to Spring-data-REST exposed MySQL database(new table structure).
Basically, want to build a Spring boot application/service which does the same.
P.S.,we have a audit log table in Oracle which we want to use it to drive/sync from Oracle to MySQL.
Does Flyway support this?


Is it possible to use memSQL/SingleStore with Spring Data JPA?

I want to use SingleStore database with my Spring Boot Application which uses Spring Data JPA. How it can be achieved?
To leverage SingleStoreDB with Spring Boot, you would use the JDBC connectors for both technologies - Spring + SingleStore. If you are using some ORM style features, use the mysql dialect. If you run into issues you can raise them here, on the forum or to support if you're an active customer.

How to connect different databases like Mysql and oracle having same schema, table name and data in spring boot using JPA?

I want to connect 2 different database Mysql and Oracle having same schema, table and data in spring boot JPA. I've configure properties file with 2 different data sources with respective database configuration but i am stuck how to access properties of second data source.

How to use flyway to manage schema in OceanBase

I try to use flyway to manage database schema in OceanBase, but failed.
The version I used
Flyway compile("org.flywaydb:flyway-core:5.2.1")
MySQL driver runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.41'
Is there anyway to use database schema management in OceanBase?
I'm not sure if oceanbase supports flyway. If you are trying to perform migration, try using OMS(Oceanbase migration service) instead, or you are trying to manage the database itself, try using ODC(Oceanbase developer center). Both are GUI tools to manage oceanbase databases. You can find more details on official website of Oceanbase.

How to create table postgresql Heroku?

I have database postgresql in Heroku and i have local app. My entity is "Product".
When i wanna open my application in spring boot i get ERROR: relation "product" does not exist.
I dont have any idea how create new table "product" in postgresql.
In mysql everythink is good
You can with do it manually by running heroku pg:psql and then running the appropriate SQL statements. Or you can use a migration framework in your app.
For more information on running database migrations see the Heroku docs.

Loading initial data at application startup with Spring Data MongoDB

I use embedded MongoDB database in a development environment. It is setup empty at the application startup. I would like to load initial data which is needed for the application when the Spring context is setup.
Is there a way in Spring Data MongoDB to point a JSON file(s) which would be loaded into a database (something like import.sql (hibernate.hbm2ddl.import_files) in Hibernate or #UsingDataSet in NoSql Unit)?
mongeez see wiki link for spring integration wiki

