There I have a loop:
public void updateDrawee(View view) {
if (begin) {
begin = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
CloseableReference<CloseableImage> reference = createBitmapRefer(i);
Log.i("reference", reference+"");
}Log.i("imgList", imgList.toString());Log.i("imgList.0", imgList.get(0)+"");
//...some code
and the method createBitmapRefer(int count) follow:
public CloseableReference<CloseableImage> createBitmapRefer(int count) {
ImagePipeline pipeline = Fresco.getImagePipeline();
int[] drawableIds = {R.drawable.alpha1, R.drawable.alpha2,
R.drawable.alpha3, R.drawable.alpha4, R.drawable.alpha5};
ImageRequest levelRequest
= ImageRequestBuilder.newBuilderWithResourceId(drawableIds[count])//++
CloseableReference<CloseableImage> bmpReference = null;
DataSource<CloseableReference<CloseableImage>> dataSource
= pipeline.fetchImageFromBitmapCache(levelRequest, this);
try {
if (!dataSource.hasResult()) {
dataSource = pipeline.fetchDecodedImage(levelRequest, this);
//count %= 5;
Log.i("dataSource has result", dataSource.hasResult() +"");
Log.i("dataSource fail?", dataSource.hasFailed() + "");
bmpReference = dataSource.getResult();
Log.i("bmpRefer", bmpReference+"");
if (bmpReference != null) {
CloseableReference<CloseableImage> returnRef;
returnRef = bmpReference.clone();
return returnRef;
}else {
return null;
}finally {
when I debug, if i click step into and see the code step by step, it will return a CloseableReference just as I want, and the imgList(its a ArrayList) can get the element too.BUT if I step over the for loop, it return nothing!
Is there any different between keep looking at it or not???
the watches show elements in imgList, when index=1 and 4, I clicked step into.
and the logcat show what Log.i() print.
Or because I have not use this classCloseableReference in Standardized way?
Let me try to explain what happens here.
You are not using Fresco in the intended way. I will step back for a moment and strongly suggest that you use SimpleDraweView if you just need to display images. If however you really need the underlying bitmap, you can get it from the ImagePipeline in way similar to what you already doing, but with one key difference. Fetching images happens asynchronously. What that means is that you can't just do dataSource = pipeline.fetchDecodedImage(...) and then immediately dataSource.getResult. If the image was not found in the memory cache, getResult will just return null. What you need to do instead is to subscribe to the DataSource as explained in the Fresco documentation. I strongly suggest that you read those few chapters about ImagePipeline if you intend to use it directly. Otherwise you may cause your app to leak the memory or to crash because of rendering recycled bitmap.
What you see in debugger is exactly what I described above. The array of size 5 looks like this:
0 = null,
1 = CloseableReference#4908,
2 = null,
3 = null,
4 = CloseableReference#5231
The AndroidStudio UI just hides the null entries for brevity. You can turn this off if you don't like it by right-clicking there and opening options. The reason you get something for 1 and 4 is because the image has been found in the bitmap memory cache and was retrieved from it immediately. The reason you get null for 0, 2 and 3 is because the image has not been loaded yet. Fresco might need to download the image, and even if it is already downloaded and in the disk cache, it may need to decode the image. All of this takes some time and is not instantaneous. That's why you need to subscribe your callback and ImagePipeline will notify you when the image is ready.
I am writing an app that generates Maths worksheets for school students. It will, for example, generate 2 to 5 pages of simple Maths questions and 1 to 2 pages of answers. The PDF can be saved to file and loaded again later. Then it has a print function that can print all the pages. I want to make it skip printing the answer pages.
Is it possible to automatically identify which pages are the answer pages? I can only think of a workaround by making those answer pages have special height or width but not even sure if this works. Are there any better ways to do this?
Ok, I continued the project and used the following method: when constructing the PDF, I put the word "Answer on the top left corner with a gray rectangle surrounding it drawn with drawRect(). Then before the actual printing, I used the following code inside the PrintDocumentAdapter() class to check whether the color of the pixel 0,0 is gray or not.
public void onStart() {
if (parcelFileDescriptor != null) {
try {
pdfRenderer = new PdfRenderer(parcelFileDescriptor);
} catch (IOException e) {
int tempTotal = pdfRenderer.getPageCount();
Bitmap[] tempBitmap = new Bitmap[tempTotal];
finalTotal = tempTotal;
for (int pageNum = 0; pageNum < tempTotal; pageNum++) {
PdfRenderer.Page tempPage = pdfRenderer.openPage(pageNum);
tempBitmap[pageNum] = Bitmap.createBitmap(WS_WIDTH, WS_HEIGHT, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
tempPage.render(tempBitmap[pageNum], null, null, PdfRenderer.Page.RENDER_MODE_FOR_PRINT);
if (tempBitmap[pageNum].getPixel(0, 0) == Color.GRAY) {
It works fine. At least should cause no problem if the users only attempt to print PDF files constructed with my app. :P
Please tell me if you know a better way to do this. Thanks!
I have once again run out of ideas for an error and returned to the helpful Stack Overflow community for guidance. I understand that this is a very long post to wade through, but I believe that it could be helpful to others in the community, and provide a challenge for veterans.
Essentially, I am building an app that processes a video frame by frame. Initially, this process was done linearly, but speed is a major concern for this application. The natural thought was that seperate threads could be implemented to process the frames. Each thread would simply be a single iteration of the previous loop; retrieving the frame from the video, processing it, and placing the resulting data into the correct index of an array.
The issue is that during the transition from a loop to threads, a NullPointerException is sometimes thrown (Roughly once every 200 frames), when attempting to access the frame returned by MediaMetadataRetriever.getFrameAtTime()
Here are some sections of the code that may be of use:
Excerpt from the onClickListener attached to the button that starts the processing. The onClickListener starts a ThreadPoolExecutor which manages the threads for frame processing.
long videoLength = getVideoLength(videoUri);
coords = new coordinate[(int)(videoLength/frameIntervalInMicroSeconds)];
ThreadPoolExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(
new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>());
for (long a = 0; a < videoLength; a += frameIntervalInMicroSeconds) {
new ProcessFrame().executeOnExecutor(executor, (long) a);
getVideoFrame(), a helper method that takes in a Uri for a video, and a time in microseconds, and returns the frame of the video as a Bitmap
private Bitmap getVideoFrame(Uri uri, long timeInUSeconds) {
MediaMetadataRetriever retriever = new MediaMetadataRetriever();
retriever.setDataSource(this, uri);
Bitmap temp = retriever.getFrameAtTime(timeInUSeconds, MediaMetadataRetriever.OPTION_CLOSEST);
return temp;
Excerpt from ProcessFrame, the thread (as an ASyncTask) that is run by the ThreadPoolExecutor. As mentioned above, the thread simply gets the frame, processes the frame, and places it into the correct location in the array.
protected Void doInBackground(Long... frameTime){
/* Excluded variable declarations */
Bitmap bMap;
synchronized (this) {
bMap = getVideoFrame(videoUri, frameTime[0]);
try {
//This line below is where the NullPointerException is thrown
bMap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bMap, bMap.getWidth() / RESIZE_FACTOR, bMap.getHeight() / RESIZE_FACTOR, true);
}catch (Exception e){
System.out.println("Caught NullPointerException");
return null;
/* I excluded the frame processing done here */
//add coordinate to the list
try {
synchronized (this){
coords[(int) (frameTime[0] / frameIntervalInMicroSeconds)] = temp;
}catch (Exception e){
System.out.println("Caught out of bounds coordinate");
/* excluded clean up */
Error message produced when a null frame is accessed:
7043-7856/com.example.tyler.laserphysicsappb E/MediaMetadataRetrieverJNI﹕ getFrameAtTime: videoFrame is a NULL pointer
General comments, observations, and things I have tried:
The line where the exception is thrown is marked with a comment in the last code block.
Without the try/catch block, my phone does not not display the normal app crashed message on this exception, it flashes a black screen, and then quickly returns to the home screen. (I discovered which line it was by quickly taking a screenshot of logcat while the black screen flashed)
Without the try/catch block, another phone that I tried simply ignores the error and continues, but this ruins the results.
Adding the synchronized block around bMap = getVideoFrame(videoUri, frameTime[0]) seems to have made the error less common, but it still happens.
I have tried the ffmpegMediaMetadataRetriever alternative. This package did not eliminate the error, and slowed down the processing time.
Once the nullPointerException has been thrown, all subsequent threads seem to be more likely to throw the exception again.
Running the ThreadPoolExecutor with a maximum of one thread does not produce the error.
Even if I enclose the entire body of doInBackground() in a synchronize block, the error still appears
I have been able to fix the bug, but with lackluster results. The only way I have found to stop the exception from appearing is by putting a synchronize block around the MediaMetadataRetriever getFrameAtTime() function call. The new getVideoFrame method is below.
private Bitmap getVideoFrame(Uri uri, long timeInUSeconds) {
MediaMetadataRetriever retriever = new MediaMetadataRetriever();
retriever.setDataSource(this, uri);
synchronize (this) {
Bitmap temp = retriever.getFrameAtTime(timeInUSeconds, MediaMetadataRetriever.OPTION_CLOSEST);
return temp;
Sadly, as this fixes the bug, the speed concern is not aleviated, as getting the frame still takes a substantial amount of time, far more so than actually processing the frames. Nevertheless, the pr
I am making a simple sequence from randomly generated numbers. Each number will show an image linked to it.
for example,
the value 1 will show a picture of a cat.
value 2 a dog
and value 3 a mouse.
Each image has it's own dedicated imageview, the layout looks like this by default, i.e image views that store black until it's number is called:
Each time the sequence increments. so on the second run two images will show, on the third 3 will show and so on.
The problem I am having is that all the images show at once. So for sequence one just the one image flashes (which is what I want). but on the second run both images show at once together instead of showing the first image then the second.
So to clarify let's say on the four runs the stored array is 1,2,3,3 I would want
image 1 to show, and disappear.then
image 2 show and disappear. then
image 3 show and disappear
and then image 3 to show and disappear.
But what I actually get is on the fourth run 1,2&3 will show at once and disappear at the same time together. How can I break this up to achieve what I want. I have tried many methods and the same result happens. I can't get my head around this problem.
Here is my code:
ArrayList<Integer> stored_vals = new ArrayList<Integer>();
public void Gen() {
int i=0 ;
Random rand = new Random();
int rndInt = rand.nextInt(3)+ 1 ;
int totalElements = list.size();
Log.d("LOOK", Integer.toString(rndInt));
Log.i("VALUE LIST ", list.toString()+" <<<<LIST HERE");
while(i < totalElements) {
retval =list.get(i);
Log.d("RETVAL", Integer.toString(retval));
String imgName = "flash" + retval;
int id = getResources().getIdentifier(imgName, "drawable", getPackageName());
if (retval==1){
else if (retval==2){
else if (retval==3){
To try and delay the images showing at one at a time and to reset to it's default after showing for a few seconds I call Reset_View(); which is the following code:
CountDownTimer Reset_View = new CountDownTimer(1000 , 0010){
public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
public void onFinish() {
So how can I achieve what I want. I have been stuck on this idea for weeks.
This is a high level idea of what you could do.
Put all the showing and hiding in the countdowntimer. So basically you would need to handle the 'onTick' and hide or show the images when needed. Something like 'time > 0 and < 1000' hide all but the first image. 1000 to 2000, show only second image. 2000 to 3000, show only third image. On finish, hide all.
When you instantiate the timer after the for loop, if retval is 1 - then 1000 would be how long to run, retval = 2, then 2000, retval = 3, then 3000.
There is probably a better way to do it but this is the first thing that comes to my mind.
One problem might be that Reset_View(); is not a method. The line even states public CLASS Reset_View(); extends CountDownTimer. ( I don't know ho that can be a valid class name but whatever) Therefore, calling Reset_View(); will not actually do anything.
You need to change the name of the class to something else, I suggest ResetTimer. Then to reset the Views you must create an instance of ResetTimer and use its start() method like this:
new ResetTimer(1000, 1000).start();
Note: the first number in the constructor is the total time (in milliseconds) until the timers onFinish() is called. The second one it the time between the onTick()s. Since you don't use this method, the number you put in there doesn't matter.
Looking for a GWT DataGrid component which implements infinite scroll, BUT also makes sure to discard the results no longer visible on the screen : such as the previously loaded results that are not shown anymore.
This is to avoid a memory hog.
I've been trying to find this on Google, but no luck so far.
Please note : I could take a JS library and adapt it to what I need, but I don't think it would work good with GWT's DataGrid component.
Edit: I am interested specifically in an infinite scroll which ALSO discards/releases the topmost results that are not visible (and loads them up as appropriate).
Any ideas ?
As a matter of fact the showcase example has an infinite scrolling CellList. (you can find the code there).
Although this was done with a CellList the same principles should also apply to a DataGrid.
Check out the file.
The onScroll function of will add the new records at the bottom. However you can easily change the behavior:
Something along the lines (not tested tough):
HasRows display = getDisplay();
if (display == null) {
boolean loadData = false;
// If scrolling up, change newStart
int oldScrollPos = lastScrollPos;
lastScrollPos = scrollable.getVerticalScrollPosition();
// get the current visible Range
Range currentRange = display.getVisibleRange();
if (oldScrollPos >= lastScrollPos) {
int newStart = Math.max(
currentRange.getStart() - incrementSize,0);
loadData = true;
int maxScrollTop = scrollable.getWidget().getOffsetHeight()
- scrollable.getOffsetHeight();
if (lastScrollPos >= maxScrollTop) {
// We are near the end, so increase the page size.
int newPageSize = Math.min(
display.getVisibleRange().getLength() + incrementSize,
loadData = true;
if (loadData) {
display.setVisibleRange(newStart, newPageSize);
I am just trying to figure out the logic of why I have an error. I'm trying to add 2 displays in 1 for the first time and switching the views using the commandListener. I thought logically I did everything right but I'm getting a null pointer exception. I never want to know the answers, I enjoy working hard so maybe if anyone can maybe ask me a question as to what I am trying to achieve that can lead me to think of the answer using your clues or hints. It will be appreciated.
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
public class ClassApp extends MIDlet implements CommandListener {
private Display mydisplay;
private TextBox d;
private Alert alert;
private Command c,e,f,mNextCommand,l;
private List mList;
public ClassApp(){
alert = new Alert("Listen", "Do you really want to start this app?", null, null);
c = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 2);
e = new Command("Back", Command.BACK, 0);
f = new Command("Alert", Command.SCREEN, 3);
mNextCommand = new Command("Next", Command.SCREEN, 4);
l = new Command("List", Command.SCREEN, 3);
d = new TextBox("ClassApp", "Commander", 20, TextField.ANY | TextField.PASSWORD);
String[] stringElements = { "Airplane", "Car", "Hotel" };
Image[] imageElements = { loadImage("/airplane.png"),
loadImage("/car.png"), loadImage("/hotel.png") };
mList = new List("Reservation type", List.IMPLICIT,
stringElements, imageElements);
public void startApp()
mydisplay = Display.getDisplay(this);
public void commandAction(Command j, Displayable s)
if(j == f)
if(j == l)
if (j == mNextCommand || j == List.SELECT_COMMAND) {
int index = mList.getSelectedIndex();
Alert alert2 = new Alert("Your selection",
"You chose " + mList.getString(index) + ".",
null, AlertType.INFO);
mydisplay = Display.getDisplay(this);
mydisplay.setCurrent(alert2, mList);
else if(j == c)
public void pauseApp() { }
public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) { }
private Image loadImage(String name) {
Image image = null;
try {
image = Image.createImage(name);
catch (IOException ioe) {
return image;
And the error I get is :
Starting emulator in execution mode
Installing suite from:
java.lang.NullPointerException: 0
at ClassApp.<init>(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(), bci=0
at com.sun.midp.main.CldcMIDletLoader.newInstance(), bci=46
at com.sun.midp.midlet.MIDletStateHandler.createMIDlet(), bci=66
at com.sun.midp.midlet.MIDletStateHandler.createAndRegisterMIDlet(), bci=17
at com.sun.midp.midlet.MIDletStateHandler.startSuite(), bci=27
at com.sun.midp.main.AbstractMIDletSuiteLoader.startSuite(), bci=52
at com.sun.midp.main.CldcMIDletSuiteLoader.startSuite(), bci=8
at com.sun.midp.main.AbstractMIDletSuiteLoader.runMIDletSuite(), bci=161
at com.sun.midp.main.AppIsolateMIDletSuiteLoader.main(), bci=26
maybe if anyone can maybe ask me a question as to what I am trying to achieve that can lead me to think of the answer using your clues or hints...
OK here we go. part of error message says you which line of the code in is problematic. Side note cryptic looking part ClassApp.<init> is telling you that bad things are happening within ClassApp constructor.
If you count to line 33 from top, you'll probably find this:
Now, if you look for the way how mList is dealt with inside the constructor (there are about 20 lines to check), you'll discover one amusing fact that will guide you in finding what is wrong there.
Another thing worth keeping in mind investigating bugs like that is the name NullPointerException shown at the top of stack trace. It translates to human language as
There is null value somewhere where it should not be.
This often indicates that some variable has not been properly assigned as you probably already noticed.
I'm going to continue to look for better efficiency (like moving the code into startapp)
Initializing in startApp is rather a matter of reliability than that of efficiency.
There are couple things that are recommended to initialize in the startApp instead of constructor. These are explained for example in tutorial MIDlet Life Cycle -> Execution States: "Typically, you'll use startApp() to allocate record stores, network connections, UI components, and such..."
As far as I understand there is no definitive list of what is guaranteed to be safely initialized in constructor. Because of that I try to do a much initialization as possible in startApp - that way, I don't need to bother with cumbersome checks in specification for whether it is safe or not.