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Closed 6 years ago.
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In one of my NLP assignments I have to read PDF files and extract information out of them. Using Java I am able to read the textual content from PDF and able to apply our NLP algorithms on the text, but I also need to extract information present in Tables in PDF, I am trying to read them but not able to get them in proper format. Any idea how I can read tables from PDF document , or any hint if any library is available in OpenNLP, GATE, Stanford NLP for achieving these.
Unfortunately, tables as structures are not stored in PDFs. You have to apply some serious coordinate math to figure out/estimate where a table is, where the columns are and where the rows are.
For PDFs, Apache Tika doesn't have any special table handling (it does for MSWord, MSPPT and many other formats, but not PDFs).
To extract tables as tables from PDFs, you might consider tabulapdf; see also John Hewson's recommendation. There are also commercial tools that likely do a decent job with table extraction from PDFs -- Abby Finereader, Nuance *PDF products.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I Need to convert below file format to pdf format.
Do we have any open source API to convert into PDF. I tried APACHE POI. but its not look sufficient. Let me know any open source api is available.
Creating a PDF that contains nothing but an image is quite easy using the iText library; its web site has an example that shows how to do that.
Converting Excel files is not hard; the Apache POI library can be used for reading the Excel file, and then again the iText library can be used for creating PDFs that contain tables.
Word can be dealt with in a similar manner (POI also supports it), but it'll be quite a bit tricker, especially if the file contains tables and images, since the POI API for handling DOC/DOCX isn't as advanced as the one handling XLS/XLSX, and of course Word files have a less regular structure than Excel files.
JAI won't be of any help with this.
There are commercial packages available that can be used from Java applications; you may want to investigate those before embarking on writing your own, especially if you need to deal with complex documents - writing your own converter that handles those and generates good quality output could easily take a couple of weeks (or a month) of your time.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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Within my organization, we have maintained a sharepoint site to store a large amount of files related to previous/ongoing projects. These files can be word, pdf and ppt files. We are interesting to build a solution that have following functionalities
1) Advanced search, return a set of files that matches the keyword input by users. It is better to mark the returned files with some label (like using color) on the contents that are directly related to the search keyword.
2) Enable users to perform some types of analysis on the sharepoint site. Such as social network analysis of the person who are authors of some sharepoint files.
Are there any commercial software or open source library to fulfill these types of tasks?
This response is assuming you are using SharePoint 2010 or 2013.
Consider using faceted search. If you have an Enterprise cal you can easily set this up. The trick is making sure the metadata for the facets is available. This would obtain the search behavior your looking for, but not the interaction and tagging.
For this it would be best to create a custom solution, and leverage term sets in managed metadata. In SharePoint 2010 there is conditional formatting that you could use for color coding, however this is deprecated in 2013.
Hope those directions are helpful, but ultimately you are likely going to need to do a combination with custom code and event handlers.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was trying to use a Named Entity Recognizer for extracting the product names from a given text.
Input text : " Google makes google fit "
Expected output : Google Fit (Product)
Is there any tool already available for this ?
(I tested Alchemy API which is not relevant for extracting product names)
If no such tools are present , How can I build my own a training model for accomplishing this ?
The Apache OpenNLP library is a machine learning based toolkit for the processing of natural language text.
It supports the most common NLP tasks, such as tokenization, sentence segmentation, part-of-speech tagging, named entity extraction, chunking, parsing, and coreference resolution. These tasks are usually required to build more advanced text processing services. OpenNLP also includes maximum entropy and perceptron based machine learning.
Some Examples: Click Here
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to develop an eBook reader app. What are some good libraries available to parse formats like .azw, .mobi, .pdf etc.?
As Ranhiru said, here and here you can see how PDFs are parsed.
For .mobi, however, there is no library, so you'll have to parse the format yourself. A full specification of the format can be read on the mobileread wiki.
With .azw files, it's different: if the Kindle ebook is DRM-free, then its format coincides with the .mobi one, i.e. they are absolutely interchangeable. Otherwise, it's very difficult to do, since you'll also have to generate a Kindle PID and perform the de-DRM-ing of the .azw file. There's a guide on how to do that on the desktop here. However, it is strongly not recommended, since it breaks the whole point of DRM and is illegal pretty much everywhere.
For mobi there isn't complete spec sheet available, but you should directly jump into PDB format which is extended & used by MOBI
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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is it possible to convert PDF to Word in Java? I'm not talking about parsing a PDF document and then custom render it again to Word. I want a Java library that can directly convert it.
Reading PDF documents is a very involved process and there are no good free libraries for extracting non-text information from PDF documents in Java. Worse yet, PDF documents have a lot of layout information that is hard to reconstruct, for example a table in a Word document becomes some lines and a bunch of pieces of text in PDF.
It is almost impossible to recreate semantic information from an arbitrary PDF. If you have the same tool that wrote it you have somewhat more chance but even so there is much uncertainty. The only thing you can be sure of in a (text) PDF is the position of each character on the page. (Note that some PDFs include bitmaps in which textual information occurs and that has to rely on OCR).
There are several groups in computer science departments and elsewqhere who are spending very significant effort to try and get semantic information. We collaborate with Penn State - one of the leaders - and they are working on extracting tables. In good casees they get 90% in bad ones 50%.
So the answer is formally that you cannot, but you may occasionally be fortunate. (We do a lot of this for chemistry and count ourselves lucky if we get 50% on a regular basis).
You can try to do it with the iText library. Read the PDF and then write it as an RTF.
This is not that simple though, as you have to preserve the different style that the PDF has.
You can use some external tools.
Install some free program like "Free PDF to Doc" and execute it from you java program.
This Works fine in most cases.
use the Acrobat Pro SDK from you java code.
Best of luck