I have an indexed entity, like below :
public static class Model{
private Integer id;
private boolean isDeleted;
and the indexed class is :
public class ProductModel extends Model{
private String name;
//getters & setters
Well, when I do a research on ProductModel, I get the value of the flag isDeleted while its not annotated with #Field.
I'm asking if this is a normal behavior, does Hibernate-search Index the whole Object Or does it fetch the missing data from data base, I need an explanation for this behavior please.
Hibernate Search only stores in the index the fields you declare explicitly (more precisely, it indexes by default and you can ask Hibernate Search to store it by adding the store option to your #Field annotation).
What you observe is that Hibernate Search hydrates the objects with the information of the database after having performed the search. This is one of the main interest in using Hibernate Search: the objects returned are managed entities.
Say I have some collection called candidates. I want to create a text index on all fields inside this collection. In mongo, I know that I can do it this way
Here is my java pojo or entity.
#Document(collection = "candidates")
public class Candidate {
private String id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
// Other stuff: removed for brevity
Now how do I do db.candidates.createIndex({"$**":"text"},{name:"TextIndex"}) in java? That is how do I index an entire pojo or how do I do index all fields in my collection?
This question tried to do the same thing, but it does not have full details.
Also I looked at #Indexed annotation, however how can I use to index an entire collection since it can only be applied to a field?
With #TextIndexed you can at least index all the field you want to include in your index. https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/mongodb/docs/current/api/org/springframework/data/mongodb/core/index/TextIndexed.html
Alternatively you can use the mongotemplate for this. How to set #TextIndex name in an entity with Spring-Data-MongoDB
I have an entity with two Embedded classes of the same type and which one has an ElementCollection of the same type two. The business logic is apparently correct, but I am experiencing some problems with lack of knowledge in JPA, I guess.
Let's check my classes:
public class Etapa extends EntidadeBase {
private CronogramaDeDesembolso cronogramaDeReceita;
private CronogramaDeDesembolso cronogramaDeDespesa;
public class CronogramaDeDesembolso {
private List<Parcela> parcelas;
I am receiving the following error log.
Caused by: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Found shared references
to a collection:
Do you guys have any clue of what is wrong and how can I fix it?
Due comments I did this edit and it do not worked too
public class Etapa extends EntidadeBase {
#AttributeOverride(name = "parcelas", column = #Column(name = "parcelasReceita"))
private CronogramaDeDesembolso cronogramaDeReceita;
#AttributeOverride(name = "parcelas", column = #Column(name = "parcelasDespesa"))
private CronogramaDeDesembolso cronogramaDeDespesa;
Is there any reason why you have decided to use this structure ? Typically when converting an object to an RDBMS you would need to model the relationships. When you use an embeddable it will add the column (or columns) associated with it to the table. So when you do this normally (not collections) it is fine.
When you do a collection it runs into issues. Mainly there is no way to represent a collection in a single row (since this is an entity you could have many of them so effectively for each object you only have one row) & one column. So when you represent a collection you actually have to have a second table with a column referencing it back to the first. It's really the opposite thinking of a normal object. The collection entries need to know what collection they were associated with instead of the collection being knowledgeable of its entries.
So in some POJO you could have and these....
MyListObject {
//Some implementation of things you want to collect
MyClass {
List<MyListObject> myListObject;
But to model this in JPA you would need to have these represented by two tables.
Your object that will be in the list.
MyListObject {
#JoinColumn(name = "MY_CLASS_KEY")
private MyClass myClass;
Your object/entity that will have the list.
MyClass {
#Column(name = "MY_CLASS_KEY")
private Long myClassKey;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "myClass")
private List<MyListObject> myString;
I hope this helps.
A quick search on Google turned up this in StackOverflow:
JPA Multiple Embedded fields
It would seem as though you have to do some explicit annotation overriding over the fields within the embeddable class. There are some code examples in the linked answer as well that should give you a good idea of where to go.
I am using Java, Hibernate, Spring Data and fairly new to this technology. I need to figure out how to Skip rows that are marked as 'archived.' We have a strict guidance from our DB architect that no rows shall be deleted from the database.
public class AbstractEntity implements Identifiable<String> {
#GenericGenerator(name="system-uuid", strategy="uuid")
private String id;
private boolean archived; //<----?
public class Employee extends AbstractEntity {
private String title;
private String fullName;
private Department dept;
public class Department extends AbstractEntity {
private String name;
In the above example, any class extending AbstractEntity should never return rows that have archived == true. All my domain classes will be extending AbstractEntity so I'd like a solution that's either implemented in AbstractEntity.java or at some global configuration so that all generated SQL calls are 'where [table].archived <> true'
Take a look at Hibernate Filters.
#Filter(name="activeOnly", condition= "archived <> 1")
// assumes that all tables have a numeric column "archived"
// as you can notice, this is a filter at the SQL Level
// (not at the Entity level)
public class AbstractEntity // ....
I've never used Spring Data, but the Adding custom behavior to all repositories section of the official documentation lead me to belieave that it is quite easy to obtain an injected EntityManager and customize its behaviour. Just unwrap it and enable the filter.
Session session = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);
If you want the filter to be applied for all subclasses of the #MappedSuperclass use a recent version of Hibernate. Only version 3.5 and greater (see HHH-4332) supports this behaviour.
Also, there is one gotcha, you may need to repeat the filter on associations (See Hibernate Filters on related table with MappedSuperClass).
If you want to customize the delete operations as well, use #SQLDelete to mark archived = 1 (see Soft deletes using Hibernate annotations). But to the best of my knowledge this only works on mapped entities (nothing can be done at the #MappedSuperclass level)
I have a Java class that is mapped to a database table using JPA. Inside this class I have a List<Code> that I need to store in database.
So the Code class is not mapped into Hibernate. Is there a way to Serialize the List<Code> without mapping the Code class into Hibernate? Thanks in advance.
Error Message:
org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not insert collection [com.app.Account.codes#2]
Problem is that I'm getting error when Hibernate attempts to Serialize my List.
#Table (name="account", catalog="database1")
public class Account{
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
#Column (name = "id")
private String id
#Column (name = "type")
private String type;
#Column (name = "codes")
List<Code> codes;
public class Code implements Serializable{
//This is a basic POJO that is not mapped into Hibernate. I just want this object
//to be stored in database.
You need to annotate the codes field with #Lob, not with #CollectionOfElements.
See http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/core/3.6/reference/en-US/html_single/#d0e6099 and the following paragraph.
This is a very fragile way of persisting a list of objects, though, because it uses binary serialization, which might quickly become non-backward compatible if the list or the Code class changes. It's also impossible to query or inspect using database tools.
I would rather map the Code class as an entity or as an embeddable.
Given the following example (departments - projects):
A department has the following properties (composite primary key):
public class Department
private Integer number;
private String country;
private String name;
private Collection<Project> projects;
Here the PK class:
public class DeptId implements Serializable
private Integer number;
private String country;
The relationship between projects and departments is many-to-one, that is a deptartment can have many projects. The Project class is itself using a composite key referencing Department's composite key. Important note: it's only about the implementation with #IdClass not #EmbeddedId.
Then the (problematic) JPA 1.0 #IdClass implementation would have to look something like that (redundant deptNum and deptCtry properties): -> it's just a unique name within a department
public class Project
private Integer deptNumber;
private String deptCountry;
private String name;
#JoinColumn(name="dept_number", referencedColumnName="number"),
#JoinColumn(name="dept_country", referencedColumnName="country")
private Department dept;
The ProjectId is:
public class ProjectId implements Serializable
private String name;
private DeptId dept;
The problem with this is that neither Hibernate nor EclipseLink know how to map the two redundant properties deptNum and deptCtry in Project to the dept property in DeptId (or the properies within it). -> MappingException etc.
My question is:
Is this a limitation of JPA 1.0, that tables with composite keys referencing other composite keys with #IdClass implementations generally WON'T work, because the JPA implementation simply can't know how to map these fields?
As a workaround, you'd have to use #EmbeddedId for these classes or use JPA 2.0 syntax to annotate the #XToX associations with #Id. I just want to make sure my view on this is right.
Yes, this is a limitation of JPA 1.0, corrected in JPA 2.0. In the new JPA 2.0, you can put the ID annotation on your dept relationship and completely avoid having the redundent deptCountry and deptNumber attributes, with the key class using nesting. In JPA 1.0, only basic mappings can be marked as apart of the ID, requiring redundent mappings and some code to ensure that the values/relationships get put into the cache correctly when persisting. Because of the redundancy, as mentioned in other answers, one of the mappings for a field needs to be marked read-only via the insertable/updatable=false. Doing so though means that value is not merged into the cache - so changes (such as on insert, since you can't change an objects ID once it exists) will not be reflected unless the object is refreshed from the database. If you mark the JoinColumns as read-only, you will need to get the values from the referenced dept and put them into the correspoinding basic id attributes manually when you want to persist a Project. But, you can also mark the basic attributes as read-only. Eclipselink anyway will not have any problems and will correctly set the field values using the associated dept entity (as long as it is set before persist is called on the Project). Notice though that the basic attributes may or may not be populated when you read back the project in a different context- this will depend on if the entity is refreshed from the database or not. If they are read-only, they do not get merged into the shared cache since they, being read only, should not have changed. So they can be just ignored, or if they must be populated, the entity refreshed or the values set from the dept in an event.
This same model can be reused by using the JPA2.0 #MapsId, which will also maintain the basic mappings using the values from the relationship for you. Only benifit I see is that you don't need to access the relationship (potentially causing unneccessary joins or database access on lazy relationships) to get the foreign key/id field values.
As for the ZipArea EclipseLink exceptions, they are due to ZipAreaId having a ZipId zip attribute instead it being flattened out. JPA 1.0 requires the key class to have an attribute of the same type and name for each #ID attribute in the Entity.
The problem with this is that neither Hibernate nor EclipseLink know how to map the two redundant properties deptNum and deptCtry in Project to the dept property in DeptId
This is why you need to define the ManyToOne foreign key(s) as read-only with this kind of mapping. This is done by setting the JoinColumn attributes insertable and updatable to false.
So try the following:
public class Project
private Integer deptNumber;
private String deptCountry;
private String name;
#JoinColumn(name="dept_number", referencedColumnName="number", insertable=false, updatable=false),
#JoinColumn(name="dept_country", referencedColumnName="country", insertable=false, updatable=false)
private Department dept;
The problem with the posted code is, that JPA 1.0 really doesn't allow nesting of composite primary key classes. This ProjectId is invalid:
public class ProjectId implements Serializable
private String name;
private DeptId dept;
DeptId has to be flattened, like:
public class ProjectId implements Serializable
private Integer deptNumber;
private String deptCountry;
private String name;
I just got an EclipseLink version to go, but Hibernate has problems with that. I wonder how to tell Hibernate that JPA 1.0 is assumed.