It has been known that you must use the following pattern in order to update an order in ATG Form-Handlers that doesn't inherit from the PurchaseProcessFormHanlder:
boolean acquireLock = false;
ClientLockManager lockManager = getLocalLockManager();
try {
acquireLock = !lockManager.hasWriteLock(profile.getRepositoryId(), Thread.currentThread());
if (acquireLock) {
lockManager.acquireWriteLock(profile.getRepositoryId(), Thread.currentThread());
boolean shouldRollback = false;
TransactionDemarcation transactionDemarcation = new TransactionDemarcation();
TransactionManager transactionManager = getTransactionManager();
transactionDemarcation.begin(transactionManager, TransactionDemarcation.REQUIRED);
try {
synchronized (getOrder()) {
} catch (final Exception ex) {
shouldRollback = true;
vlogError(ce, "There has been an exception during processing of order: {0}", getOrder().getId());
} finally {
try {
} catch (final TransactionDemarcationException tde) {
vlogError(tde, "TransactionDemarcationException during finally: {0}", tde.getMessage());
} finally {
vlogDebug("Ending Transaction for orderId: {0}", order.getId());
} catch (final DeadlockException de) {
vlogError(de, "There has been an exception during processing of order: {0}", order.getId());
} catch (final TransactionDemarcationException tde) {
vlogError(tde, "There has been an exception during processing of order: {0}", order.getId());
} finally {
try {
if (acquireLock) {
lockManager.releaseWriteLock(getOrder().getProfileId(), Thread.currentThread(), true);
} catch (final Throwable th) {
vlogError(th, "There has been an error during release of write lock: {0}", th.getMessage());
In theory, any FormHandler that inherits from the PurchaseProcessFormHandler already implements the following steps OOTB:
Acquire LocalLockManager in order to avoid concurrent threads to modify the same order:
try {
acquireLock = !lockManager.hasWriteLock(profile.getRepositoryId(), Thread.currentThread());
if (acquireLock) {
lockManager.acquireWriteLock(profile.getRepositoryId(), Thread.currentThread());
} catch (final DeadlockException de) {
vlogError(de, "There has been an exception during processing of order: {0}", order.getId());
Create a new Transaction:
try {
TransactionDemarcation transactionDemarcation = new TransactionDemarcation();
TransactionManager transactionManager = getTransactionManager();
transactionDemarcation.begin(transactionManager, TransactionDemarcation.REQUIRED);
} catch (final TransactionDemarcationException tde) {
vlogError(tde, "There has been an exception during processing of order: {0}", order.getId());
Ending the Transaction being used:
try {
TransactionManager transactionManager = getTransactionManager();
Transaction transaction = transactionManager.getTransaction();
// If transaction is elegible for commiting:
// otherwise
} catch (final Exception ex) {
error = true;
vlogError(ex, "There has been an exception during processing of order: {0}", order.getId());
} finally {
// handle the error
Release the lock being used for the transaction:
finally {
ClientLockManager lockManager = getLocalLockManager();
lockManager.releaseWriteLock(profile.getRepositoryId(), Thread.currentThread(), true);
As per ATG documentation, the following methods implement the behaviour descripted above:
Method: beforeSet
Called before any setX methods on this form are set when a form that modifies properties of this form handler is submitted. Creates a transaction if necessary at the beginning of the form submission process, optionally obtaining a local lock to prevent multiple forms from creating transactions that may modify the same order.
Steps: 1 & 2
Method: afterSet
Called after any setX methods on this form are set when a form that modifies properties of this form handler is submitted. Commits or rolls back any transaction created in beforeSet, and releases any lock that was acquired at the time.
Steps: 3 & 4
Such as you will only have to handle the following procedures in order to update the order:
Syncronize the block of code that's going to be used for order updating in order to avoid thread concurrency.
synchronized (getOrder()) {
Perform order modifications:
synchronized (getOrder()) {
Update the order (updateOrder pipeline chain will be invoked):
synchronized (getOrder()) {
This is pretty straightforward, unless you have to edit an order in any of the following scenarios:
Form handlers or custom form handler that are not in the PurchaseProcessFormHandler's hierachy.
Helpers or Tools classes.
ATG REST Web Services
If so, you will have to implement the Transactional Pattern within your components.
Is there any other pattern known to use instead of using the transactional pattern?
Would it be possible to implement/override the beforeSet & afterSet methods in FormHandlers just the same way ATG does it in PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Are you aware of any other approach?
The series of steps you have outlined above is the prescribed series of steps for updating an order.
Feel free to factor it out in any way you find useful. Just ensure that when you update an order, you, or your inherited code, have performed the requisite steps.
One common way that ATG does similar factoring is for a given method, say X(...), you would have a preX(...), doX(...), and postX(...) method. You can create an abstract class with all your boilerplate code in the preX() and postX() methods, maybe even declared final, and have the doX() declared abstract. Your component then will inherit from the abstract class and must implement the doX() method. You may need to handle exceptions explicitly as well.
This is, essentially, what the standard form handlers do (under different names).
For example;
public final void X(...) {
preX(...); // call the pre method
try {
doX(...); // call the do method
} catch (XException xe) {
// handle error
postX(...); // call the post method
protected final void preX(...) {
// do everything you need to do before your customer code
protected final void postX(...) {
// do everything you need to do after your customer code
protected abstract void doX(...) throws XException;
Another thing you could do, instead of inheriting from an abstract class, is to define an annotation that has all the boilerplate code.
A third thing you could do, in a similar way, but a lot harder to shoehorn into your ATG code, might be to define an aspect or a method invocation interceptor using third party frameworks.
However, once again, whatever you do, and however you do it, just ensure that you follow all the steps.
I've read CDI 2.0 specification (JSR 365) and found out the existence of the #Observes(during=AFTER_SUCCESS) annotation, but it actually requires a custom event to be defined in order to work.
This is what i've got:
//simple """transactional""" file system manager using command pattern
#Transactional(value = Transactional.TxType.REQUIRED)
public class TransactionalFileSystemManager implements SessionSynchronization {
private final Deque<Command> commands = new ArrayDeque<>();
public void createFile(InputStream content, Path path, String name) throws IOException {
CreateFile command = CreateFile.execute(content, path, name);
public void deleteFile(Path path) throws IOException {
DeleteFile command = DeleteFile.execute(path);
private void commit() throws IOException{
for(Command c : commands){
private void rollback() throws IOException{
Iterator<Command> it = commands.descendingIterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Command c =;
public void afterBegin() throws EJBException{
public void beforeCompletion() throws EJBException{
public void afterCompletion(boolean commitSucceeded) throws EJBException{
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new EJBException(e);
else {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new EJBException(e);
However, I want to adopt a CDI-only solution so I need to remove anything EJB related (including the SessionSynchronization interface). How can i achieve the same result using CDI?
First the facts: the authoritative source for this topic is the Java Transaction API (JTA) specification. Search for it online, I got this.
Then the bad news: In order to truly participate in a JTA transaction, you either have to implement a connector according to the Java Connector Architecture (JCA) specification or a XAResource according to JTA. Never done any of them, I am afraid both are going to be hard. Nevertheless, if you search, you may find an existing implementation of a File System Connector.
Your code above will never accomplish true 2-phase commit because, if your code fails, the transaction is already committed, so the application state is inconsistent. Or, there is a small time window when the real transaction is committed but the file system change have not beed executed, again the state is inconsistent.
Some workarounds I can think of, none of which solves the consistency problem:
Persist the File System commands in a database. This ensures that they are enqueued transactionally. A scheduled job wakes up and actually tries to execute the queued FS commands.
Register a Synchronization with the current Transaction, fire an appropriate event from there. Your TransactionalFileSystemManager observes this event, no during attribute needed I guess.
I have a method in CDI bean which is transactional, on error it creates an entry in database with the exception message. This method can be called by RESTendpoint and in multithread way.
We have a SQL constraint to avoid duplicity in database
public RegistrationRuleStatus performCheck(RegistrationRule rule, User user) {
try {
//check if rule is dependent of other rules and if all proved, perform check
List<RegistrationRule> rules = rule.getRuleParentDependencies();
boolean parentDependenciesAreProved = true;
if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(rules)) {
parentDependenciesAreProved = ruleDao.areParentDependenciesProved(rule,user.getId());
if (parentDependenciesAreProved) {
Object service = CDI.current().select(Object.class, new NamedAnnotation(rule.getProvider().name())).get();
Method method = service.getClass().getMethod(rule.getProviderType().getMethod(), Long.class, RegistrationRule.class);
return (RegistrationRuleStatus) method.invoke(service, user.getId(), rule);
} else {
RegistrationRuleStatus status = statusDao.getStatusByUserAndRule(user, rule);
if (status == null) {
status = new RegistrationRuleStatus(user, rule, RegistrationActionStatus.START, new Date());
return status;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("could not perform check {} for provider {}", rule.getProviderType().name(), rule.getProvider().name(), e.getCause()!=null?e.getCause():e);
return statusDao.createErrorStatus(user,rule,e.getCause()!=null?e.getCause().getMessage():e.getMessage());
create Error method:
public RegistrationRuleStatus createErrorStatus(User user, RegistrationRule rule, String message) {
RegistrationRuleStatus status = getStatusByUserAndRule(user, rule);
if (status == null) {
status = new RegistrationRuleStatus(user, rule, RegistrationActionStatus.ERROR, new Date());
}else {
status.setStatusDate(new Date());
return status;
the problem is method is called twice at same time and the error recorded is DuplicateException but we don't want it. We verify at the beginning if object already exists, but I think it is called at exactly same time.
Any idea?
I'd suggest you to consider following approaches:
1) Implement retry logic. Catch exception, analyze it. If it indicates an unexpected duplicate (like you described), then don't consider it as an error and just repeat the method call. Now your code will work differently: It will notice that a record already exists and will not create a duplicate.
2) Use isolation level SERIALIZABLE. Then within a single transaction your will "see" a consistent behaviour: If select operation hasn't found a particular record, then till the end of this transaction no other transaction will insert such record and there will be no exception related to duplicates. But the price is that the whole table will be locked for each such transaction. This can degrade the application performance essentially.
Is the following code considered a bad practice? Do you think it can be done otherwise?
The goal is to always update the status, either with success (i.e invocation to service.invoke(id);returns normally ) or with failure...
private Service service;
public void onMessage(Message message) {
String id = null;
String status = "FAILED";
try {
id = ((TextMessage) message).getText();
status = service.invoke(id); //can throw unchecked exception
} catch (final JMSException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} finally {
if (StringUtils.isNumeric(id)) {
service.update(id, status);
It depends on your Use-case, whether you have to perform a step or not based on previous step. Using finally may execute your second step regardless what exception you may receive.
I would recommend having the second step outside try...catch block so that you'll update only when you have got any exception you've Expected and continue to your second step, else, your method will throw and exit.
i think you should not use implementation of message listener , you should wire them independent of spring tech . just pojo based . use <jms:listener-container > with <jms:listener>
This is a very simple example of hibernate usage in java: a function that when it's called, it creates a new object in the database. If everything goes fine, the changes are stored and visible immediately (no cache issues). If something fails, the database should be restored as if this function was never called.
public String createObject() {
PersistentTransaction t = null;
try {
t = PersistentManager.instance().getSession().beginTransaction();
Foods f = new Foods(); //Foods is an Hibernate object
//set some values on f;
return "everything allright";
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error while creating object");
try {
System.out.println("Database restored after the error.");
} catch (Exception e1) {
System.out.println("Error restoring database!");
return "there was an error";
Is there any error? Would you change / improve anything?
I don't see anything wrong with your code here. As #Vinod has mentioned, we rely on frameworks like Spring to handle the tedious boiler plate code. After all, you don't want code like this to exist in every possible DAO method you have. They makes things difficult to read and debug.
One option is to use AOP where you apply AspectJ's "around" advice on your DAO method to handle the transaction. If you don't feel comfortable with AOP, then you can write your own boiler plate wrapper if you are not using frameworks like Spring.
Here's an example that I crafted up that might give you an idea:-
// think of this as an anonymous block of code you want to wrap with transaction
public abstract class CodeBlock {
public abstract void execute();
// wraps transaction around the CodeBlock
public class TransactionWrapper {
public boolean run(CodeBlock codeBlock) {
PersistentTransaction t = null;
boolean status = false;
try {
t = PersistentManager.instance().getSession().beginTransaction();
status = true;
catch (Exception e) {
try {
catch (Exception ignored) {
finally {
// close session
return status;
Then, your actual DAO method will look like this:-
TransactionWrapper transactionWrapper = new TransactionWrapper();
public String createObject() {
boolean status = CodeBlock() {
public void execute() {
Foods f = new Foods();;
return status ? "everything allright" : "there was an error";
The save will be through a session rather than on the object unless you have injected the session into persistent object.
Have a finally and do a session close also
finally {
Suggestion: If this code posted was for learning purpose then it is fine, otherwise I would suggest using Spring to manage this boiler plate stuff and worry only about save.
I need to extract data from a DB2 table, run some processing on each returned row and output to a flat file. I'm using iBatis but found that using the queryForList I started getting out of memory errors, I'll be looking at 100k+ rows of data increasing.
I've looked at using queryWithRowHandler instead but the iBatis RowHandler interface doesn't throw an exception from its handleRow function so if it gets an error I can't properly report it back and stop iterating the rest of the data. It looks like I can throw a RuntimeException but that doesn't strike me as a neat way of doing things.
I'd like to be able to stop processing while throwing a meaningful Exception indicating whether the error occurred on the data manipulation, the file access or whatever.
Has anyone had experience with this approach or have an alternative solution using iBatis. I know I could look to do this without iBatis, just using JDBC, but as iBatis is used for all other DB access in my app I'd like to avail of this architecture if possible.
1) Create your own RowHandler interface with checked Exceptions in signature:
public interface MySpecialRowHandler {
public void handleRow(Object row)
throws DataException, FileException, WhateverException;
2) Inherit (or even better, delegate ) from SqlMapDaoTemplate to add a new method that will manage your own handler with the same Exceptions in signature:
public class MySpecialTemplate extends SqlMapDaoTemplate {
public void queryWithRowHandler(String id,
final MySpecialRowHandler myRowHandler
) throws DataException, FileException, WhateverException {
// "holder" will hold the exception thrown by your special rowHandler
// both "holder" and "myRowHandler" need to be declared as "final"
final Set<Exception> holder = new HashSet<Exception>();
this.queryWithRowHandler(id,new RowHandler() {
public void handleRow(Object row) {
try {
// your own row handler is executed in IBatis row handler
} catch (Exception e) {
// if an exception was thrown, rethrow it.
if (!holder.isEmpty()) {
Exception e = holder.iterator().next();
if (e instanceof DataException) throw (DataException)e;
if (e instanceof FileException) throw (FileException)e;
if (e instanceof WhateverException) throw (WhateverException)e;
// You'll need this, in case none of the above works
throw (RuntimeException)e;
3) Your business code will look like this:
// create your rowHandler
public class Db2RowHandler implements MySpecialRowHandler {
void handleRow(Object row) throws DataException, FileException, WhateverException {
// what you would have done in ibatis RowHandler, with your own exceptions
// use it.
MySpecialTemplate template = new MySpecialTemplate(daoManager);
try {
template.queryWithRowHandler("selectAllDb2", new Db2RowHandler());
} catch (DataException e) {
// ...
} catch (FileException e) {