Gradle "compile fileTree" not working when src in module - java

I use IDEA.
My gradle config is this:
The point is compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']).
And this is my project structure:
Then I found compile fileTree is not working when java file is in module 'main', but when the java file is under main project, it is working.
How can I get the config valid on module 'main'?

Oh,god!I know why.
NOTE: "dir" is relative to the project root, if you add the dependencies to your android project, 'libs' would need to be in the android/ directory. If you added the dependencies in the core project, 'libs' would need to be in the core/ directory.
So,the libs must in module "main",then is done.


How to create *.aar Android library with gradle

I would like to create my own library .aar library file, and add it to different projects as a dependency in gradle. Also, how can I add *.aar library with own gradle file in local repository?
If you are planning to release the lib, it will be better not to include the dependent libraries in the packaged aar and instead add the same compile dependencies found in lib build script inside the build script of the app as such:
app build.gradle:
dependencies {
compile ':my-lib'
compile ''
compile ''
compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.3.0'
compile ''
compile 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:2.0.1'
compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:adapter-rxjava2:2.3.0'
compile ''
That way users of your library won't face merging conflicts when they use public libraries like your library does, gradle will automatically resolve them.
If you are looking looking for a better way to include all dependencies in a single library: Don't. Gradle cannot resolve merging conflicts if a aar contains a certain lib packaged inside while the app as well depends on the lib and contains code calling methods from lib
You can read more details here: Exclude jar-library from aar
And here Generate AAR file with all dependencies
So, I guess you should move your .aar file to lib directory in the project folder (create it if necessary). After that in your build.gradle file in dependency section write like that
dependencies {
implementation(name: 'your-library-name', ext: 'aar')

Gradle project dependency error in Jenkins

I have a project structure similar to
//Directory structure
Root Folder/
Now, project B is dependent on project A
The settings.gradle and build.gradle for Project B is as follows
include ':ProjectA'
project(':ProjectA').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../ProjectA')
compile project(':ProjectA')
When I try to build project B on my local machine (Gradle version 3.2) it builds successfully and everything looks good.
When i try to build the same project in jenkins (same gradle version as my local), i am getting the error
Caused by: org.gradle.api.artifacts.UnknownConfigurationException: Configuration with name 'default' not found.
It looks like in jenkins, it is not able figure out the relative path.
How do I solve this?
Is there a way in jenkins I can ignore the dependency from gradle and use the pre build to compile ProjectA and put that in the classpath? If so how can we do it?
I was able to solve this by adding a jenkins property which I check in the build file
if (project.hasProperty('jenkins')) {
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar')
} else {
dependencies {
compile project(':ProjectA')
So when we build it locally, since we are not passing the property it is able to compile ProjectA. In Jenkins, the build job, in the gradle command I am passing the following -Pjenkins clean build. This goes to the if condition and pulls the jar from projectA and puts that in the lib directory.
This has solved the problem for me, let me know if there are better solutions for it

How to use external Jars in javafxports-Application

i write a javafx andoid application in netbeans with javafxports and gradle. I added the dependencies to gradel, but now i dont know how to add the jars to my project or to use it in my app-code. . .
Do you know how i can us it? I tried searching the www for hours ...
Ok i tried it but i dont get it ...
I did exactly what you said but netbeans still says:
package io.netty.bootstrap does not exist
I created a folder unter src/android/ called libs and add my jar there ...
Here are my dependencies:
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'src/android/libs', include: ['*.jar'])
compile files('src/android/libs/netty-all-4.0.29.Final.jar')
You have to add: compile 'io.netty:netty-all:4.0.24.Final' to the build.gradle file. (Example for netty JAR-Libary)
I copy the Libary (netty) to an Folder called "libs" in my main Folder not in sry and so on. Create the folder if not exist
Write your code and you will see, import works.
Thank you to José Pereda for the time and the final solution!
Based on the edited question, these are a few suggestions for working with dependencies on a JavaFXPorts project.
Dependencies and build.gradle file
According to this, the default dependency configurations compile and runtime are supported, and the jfxmobile plugin adds extra configurations for each supported platform like androidCompile or desktopRuntime.
To access third party dependencies, from a given repository this should be added:
repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'groupId:artifactId:version'
Since jcenter() is a superset of 'mavenCentral()`, you can use any maven dependency that was in the form of:
as compile 'groupId:artifactId:version'. So in this case:
dependencies {
compile 'org.glassfish:javax.json:1.0.4'
Local files
Accesing local jars can be done using files:
dependencies {
compile files('lib/my-jar.jar')
having my-jar.jar at a lib folder inside your project, but outside the src folder.
If you want to add several jars:
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'lib', include: ['*.jar'])
Gluon plugin for NetBeans
After any change in the build.gradle file, it is necessary to reload the project, so the new changes are taken into account, and the new dependencies are retrieved.
Under the Projects view, right click on the Project root and select Reload Project.
Check also the Dependencies folders, those should contain the jars included in the build.
Since there are several of these folders, you can see for instance that Compile for android includes android.jarand jfxdvk-8u60-b3.jar. Compile for main should contain all the jars defined for compile.
These are some projects where the build.gradle contains dependencies, so they are a good way to start with JavaFXPorts.
HelloPlatform and other samples.

How to compile Android library?

In my project I am using SlidingUpPanel.
Due to a feature that I needed, I cloned the project to my machine and manipulated the library. I tested my feature on its demo project and everything is okay based on this project.
Now, I want to compile its library module in order to get .aar file and add it to my project. What I did is:
I opened cmd and navigated to root folder of slidingUpPanel project.
Ran this command: ./gradlew :library:build
Library compiled and created .aar under /library/build/outputs/aar/library-debug.aar
I copy/pasted this file into /libs folder of my project and updated build.gradle like this:
dependencies {
compile ''
compile 'com.googlecode.libphonenumber:libphonenumber:7.0.1'
compile ''
// Local libs not in Maven Central
compile files('src/main/libs/httpclientandroidlib-1.2.1.jar')
compile files('src/main/libs/nineoldandroids-2.4.0.jar')
compile files('src/main/libs/niftynotification-1.2.jar')
compile files('src/main/libs/zendesk-')
compile files('src/main/libs/library-debug.aar')
After I sync gradle file, I'm getting error which is because SlidingUpPanelLayout does not recognise.
Any idea why the library cannot be recognised? Any idea would be appreciated. Thanks.
So, first, lets add this kind of repository in our build.gradle file.
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs 'libs'
Here, I assume that your aar files will be stored in the libs folder in your project.
You can now add a dependency like
dependencies {
compile ''

Android Build: Classes of a JAR file inside a AAR package are not recognized

I have a library project that I want to share as AAR file.
This library project contains several JAR files, some of them are classes I made and are used in the library project. For example I have a class in the lib project that inherits from a class inside the JAR file.
I was able to create the AAR file, and now I'm testing the AAR file in a sample app made in Android Studio.
I added the AAR file modifying the build.gradle file of the app module like this:
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs 'libs'
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
compile(name: 'mightylibrary', ext:'aar')
compile ''
Then when I try to use methods from the parent class I'm not able to see them, only the methods implemented in the child class.
Is there any known limitation of accessing classes inside JARs packaged within a AAR file?
Any solution?
So it seems I missed to add this
repositories {
mavenLocal() // Missed this
In the project (not the module) build.gradle file so it searchees in the local cache repo. What seems funny is then why it detected the classes within "classes.jar" but not in the other jars within "libs" folder of my AAR file. Interesting...

