Transforming an Image to move diagnally - java

public void draw(Graphics g, Graphics g2d, double theta, int NEWY){
int drawLocationX = character.x;
int drawLocationY = character.y-47;
double rotationRequired = Math.toRadians (theta);
double locationX = this.getWidth()/2;
double locationY = this.getHeight()/2;
AffineTransform tx = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(rotationRequired, locationX, locationY);
AffineTransformOp op = new AffineTransformOp(tx, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR);
g2d.drawImage(op.filter(image, null), drawLocationX, NEWY, null);
public int getHeightWorld(int x){
//meant to find height of land at specified location
int highest = 0;
int checked = 0;
for(int c = panel.HEIGHT-1; c >= 0; c--){
if(this.inColRange(x)&& this.inRowRange(c))
if(LandList[c][x] == 2){
highest = c;
return (1000 - highest);
public double getAngleWorldT1(){
//meant to find angle tank needs to be rotated at
int g = this.getHeightWorld(tank1.getNEWX());
int h = this.getHeightWorld((tank1.getWidth()+ tank1.getNEWX()));
double trythis = this.NewEquation();
int newg = tank1.getWidth()+ tank1.getNEWX();
int newh = tank2.getWidth()+ tank2.getNEWX();
double newery = (trythis*newg);
double newery2 = (trythis*tank1.getNEWX());
double newval = newery - newery2;
double u = 5;
double width = tank1.getWidth();
if(Math.abs(h-g) > tank1.getWidth()){
u = width/(g-h);
u = (g-h)/width;
double p = 57.6846779*Math.asin(Math.toRadians(u));
return p;
public double NewEquation(){
int dividethis = 0;
int subtractthis = 0;
int numnegative = 0;
for(int what = 0; what < tank1.getWidth(); what++){
if(Math.abs(this.getHeightWorld(what)-this.getHeightWorld(what-1)) < 2){
dividethis += this.getHeightWorld(what);
if(this.getHeightWorld(what)-this.getHeightWorld(what-1) < 0){
dividethis = dividethis/(tank1.getWidth()-subtractthis);
if((numnegative - tank1.getWidth()) > tank1.getWidth()/2){
dividethis = dividethis*-1;
return dividethis;
public void draw(Graphics g) {
int newy = this.getHeightWorld(tank1.getNEWX()) - tank1.getHeight();
int newy2 = this.getHeightWorld(tank2.getNEWX()) - tank2.getHeight();
if( LandList[newy][tank1.getNEWX()] == 2){
while (LandList[newy][tank1.getNEWX()] == 2){
// System.out.println("FIRST HERE");
// System.out.println(newy);
// System.out.println("FIRST");
if( LandList[newy+1][tank1.getNEWX()] != 2){
while (LandList[newy+1][tank1.getNEWX()] != 2){
// System.out.println("SECOND HERE");
// System.out.println("SECOND");
//System.out.println("YESSSSS" +Math.toDegrees(this.getAngleWorldT1()) );
tank1.draw(g, g, Math.toDegrees(this.getAngleWorldT1()), newy - tank1.getHeight()-50);
tank2.draw(g, g, Math.toDegrees(this.getAngleWorldT2()), newy2 - tank2.getHeight());
// System.out.println("2");
for(int x = 0; x < platforms.size(); x++){
(Sorry for the messy code.)
These are two classes I am using to design a tank shooter game. In this portion, I am attempting to make the image rotate according to the land it is over(to appear traveling uphill or downhill) and I don't want any piece inside of the land. "LandList" is a 2D array that has a value of 2 if there is land and 1 if there is no land. Two issues is A) rotating at incorrect heights and not rotating at all points
B)Image cuts off at a certain height
Thank you for your help.
public class World {
Land[][] land;
List<Land> platforms = new ArrayList<Land>();
private GraphicsPanel panel;
int[][] LandList = new int[800][1500];
private int delay = 30;
private Timer timer;
private Random r;
Tank tank1;
Tank tank2;
public World(GraphicsPanel marioPanel) {
panel = marioPanel;
land = new Land[panel.WIDTH][panel.HEIGHT-500-3];
private void setUpWorld() {
for(int r = 0; r < panel.WIDTH; r++){
for(int c = 0; c < panel.HEIGHT; c++){
LandList[c][r] = 1;
//tank not displaying
//a lot of stuff copied over
tank1 = new Tank(25,442,100,60,1);
tank2 = new Tank(700,442,100,60,2);
r = new Random();
int w = 0;
int n = 0;
for(int x = 0; x < panel.WIDTH; x+=5){
if(x > 0 && x < panel.WIDTH/6 +1){
//for(int y = (int) (500+(-(100*Math.random())*((x%2)+1))); y < panel.HEIGHT; y+=5){
for(int y = 500; y < panel.HEIGHT; y+=5){
Land creating = new Land(x, y, 5, 5);
for(int r = 0; r < 5; r++){
for(int c = 0; c < 5; c++){
if(inRowRange(x+r) && inColRange(y+c))
LandList[y+r][x+c] = 2;
if(x > panel.WIDTH/6 && x < 2*panel.WIDTH/6 +1){
//for(int y = (int) (500+(-(100*Math.random())*((x%2)+1))); y < panel.HEIGHT; y+=5){
for(int y = 500+ 4*w; y < panel.HEIGHT; y+=5){
Land creating = new Land(x, y, 5, 5);
for(int r = 0; r < 5; r++){
for(int c = 0; c < 5; c++){
if(inRowRange(y+r) && inColRange(x+c))
LandList[y+r][x+c] = 2;
if(x > 2*panel.WIDTH/6 && x < 3*panel.WIDTH/6 +1){
//for(int y = (int) (500+(-(100*Math.random())*((x%2)+1))); y < panel.HEIGHT; y+=5){
for(int y = 500+ 4*w; y < panel.HEIGHT; y+=5){
Land creating = new Land(x, y, 5, 5);
for(int r = 0; r < 5; r++){
for(int c = 0; c < 5; c++){
if(inRowRange(y+r) && inColRange(x+c))
LandList[y+r][x+c] = 2;
if(x > 3*panel.WIDTH/6 && x < 4*panel.WIDTH/6 +1){
//for(int y = (int) (500+(-(100*Math.random())*((x%2)+1))); y < panel.HEIGHT; y+=5){
for(int y = 500+ 4*n; y < panel.HEIGHT; y+=5){
Land creating = new Land(x, y, 5, 5);
for(int r = 0; r < 5; r++){
for(int c = 0; c < 5; c++){
if(inRowRange(y+r) && inColRange(x+c))
LandList[y+r][x+c] = 2;
if(x > 4*panel.WIDTH/6 && x < 5*panel.WIDTH/6 +1){
//for(int y = (int) (500+(-(100*Math.random())*((x%2)+1))); y < panel.HEIGHT; y+=5){
for(int y = 500+ 4*n; y < panel.HEIGHT; y+=5){
Land creating = new Land(x, y, 5, 5);
for(int r = 0; r < 5; r++){
for(int c = 0; c < 5; c++){
if(inRowRange(y+r) && inColRange(x+c))
LandList[y+r][x+c] = 2;
if(x > 5*panel.WIDTH/6){
//for(int y = (int) (500+(-(100*Math.random())*((x%2)+1))); y < panel.HEIGHT; y+=5){
for(int y = 500; y < panel.HEIGHT; y+=5){
Land creating = new Land(x, y, 5, 5);
for(int r = 0; r < 5; r++){
for(int c = 0; c < 5; c++){
if(inRowRange(y+r) && inColRange(x+c))
LandList[y+r][x+c] = 2;
// System.out.println(LandList[x+r][y+c]);
// else{
// for(int y = 500; y < panel.HEIGHT; y+=5){
// Land creating = new Land(x, y, 5, 5);
// platforms.add(creating);
// }
// }
for(int r = 0; r < panel.WIDTH; r++){
for(int c = 0; c < panel.HEIGHT; c++){
for(int checked = 0; checked < panel.WIDTH; checked++){
// System.out.println(LandList);
private boolean inColRange(int i) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return i>=0 && i<LandList[0].length;
private boolean inRowRange(int i) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return i>=0 && i<LandList.length;
private void setUpTimer() {
timer = new Timer(delay, new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
// what should happen each time the timer goes off?
protected void checkHitBoxes() {
protected void moveStuff() {
public int getHeightWorld(int x){
//meant to find height of land at specified location
int highest = 0;
int checked = 0;
for(int c = panel.HEIGHT-1; c >= 0; c--){
if(this.inColRange(x)&& this.inRowRange(c))
if(LandList[c][x] == 2){
highest = c;
return (1000 - highest);
public double getAngleWorldT1(){
//meant to find angle tank needs to be rotated at
int g = this.getHeightWorld(tank1.getNEWX());
int h = this.getHeightWorld((tank1.getWidth()+ tank1.getNEWX()));
double trythis = this.NewEquation();
int newg = tank1.getWidth()+ tank1.getNEWX();
int newh = tank2.getWidth()+ tank2.getNEWX();
double newery = (trythis*newg);
double newery2 = (trythis*tank1.getNEWX());
double newval = newery - newery2;
double u = 5;
double width = tank1.getWidth();
if(Math.abs(h-g) > tank1.getWidth()){
u = width/(g-h);
u = (g-h)/width;
double p = 57.6846779*Math.asin(Math.toRadians(u));
return p;
public double getAngleWorldT2(){
int a = this.getHeightWorld(tank2.getNEWX());
int s = this.getHeightWorld((tank2.getWidth() + tank2.getNEWX() + 100) );
// a = 100;
// s = 700;
int o = (a-s)/tank2.getWidth();
double p = -57.6846779*(Math.asin(Math.toRadians(o)));
return p;
public double NewEquation(){
int dividethis = 0;
int subtractthis = 0;
int numnegative = 0;
for(int what = 0; what < tank1.getWidth(); what++){
if(Math.abs(this.getHeightWorld(what)-this.getHeightWorld(what-1)) < 2){
dividethis += this.getHeightWorld(what);
if(this.getHeightWorld(what)-this.getHeightWorld(what-1) < 0){
dividethis = dividethis/(tank1.getWidth()-subtractthis);
if((numnegative - tank1.getWidth()) > tank1.getWidth()/2){
dividethis = dividethis*-1;
return dividethis;
public void draw(Graphics g) {
int newy = this.getHeightWorld(tank1.getNEWX()) - tank1.getHeight();
int newy2 = this.getHeightWorld(tank2.getNEWX()) - tank2.getHeight();
if( LandList[newy][tank1.getNEWX()] == 2){
while (LandList[newy][tank1.getNEWX()] == 2){
// System.out.println("FIRST HERE");
// System.out.println(newy);
// System.out.println("FIRST");
if( LandList[newy+1][tank1.getNEWX()] != 2){
while (LandList[newy+1][tank1.getNEWX()] != 2){
// System.out.println("SECOND HERE");
// System.out.println("SECOND");
//System.out.println("YESSSSS" +Math.toDegrees(this.getAngleWorldT1()) );
tank1.draw(g, g, Math.toDegrees(this.getAngleWorldT1()), newy - tank1.getHeight()-50);
tank2.draw(g, g, Math.toDegrees(this.getAngleWorldT2()), newy2 - tank2.getHeight());
// System.out.println("2");
for(int x = 0; x < platforms.size(); x++){
public class Tank extends Moveable{
private boolean moveRight,moveLeft;
private String direction = "NONE";
private int dx =5;
BufferedImage image = null;
private URL file;
private Rectangle character;
private Rectangle hitBox;
JLabel label = new JLabel();
private int NEWX;
public Tank(int x, int y, int w, int h, int color){
character = new Rectangle(x,y,w,h);
NEWX = character.x;
BufferedImage img =null;
if(color == 1){
// file= getClass().getResource("pictures\\green_tank1");
try {
img = File("green_tank1.png"));
image = img;
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// file = getClass().getResource("pictures\\blue_tank1");
try {
img = File("blue_tank1.png"));
image = img;
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public void draw(Graphics g, Graphics g2d, double theta, int NEWY){
int drawLocationX = character.x;
int drawLocationY = character.y-47;
double rotationRequired = Math.toRadians (theta);
double locationX = this.getWidth()/2;
double locationY = this.getHeight()/2;
AffineTransform tx = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(rotationRequired, locationX, locationY);
AffineTransformOp op = new AffineTransformOp(tx, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR);
g2d.drawImage(op.filter(image, null), drawLocationX, NEWY, null);
//System.out.println("This is new X " + NEWX);
// label.setVisible(true);
// label.isOpaque();
// label.setBounds(character.x, character.y, character.width, character.height);
// label.repaint();
//g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
// int centerx = character.x + character.width/2;
// int centery = character.y + character.height/2;
// int point1 = (int) (centerx + (character.width/2)*Math.cos(Math.toRadians(theta)) - (character.height/2)* Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta)));
// int point2 = (int) (centery + (character.height/2)*Math.cos(Math.toRadians(theta))+(character.width/2)*Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta)));
// int point3 =(int) (centerx - (character.width/2)*Math.cos(Math.toRadians(theta)) + (character.height/2)* Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta)));
// int point4 = (int) (centery - (character.height/2)*Math.cos(Math.toRadians(theta))-(character.width/2)*Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta)));
// //System.out.println(theta);
// g.drawImage(image, point1,point2,point3,point4, null);
//// System.out.println("3");
// Rotation information
// AffineTransform tx = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(Math.toRadians (theta), character.x, character.y);
// AffineTransformOp op = new AffineTransformOp(tx, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR);
// // Drawing the rotated image at the required drawing locations
// g.drawImage(op.filter((BufferedImage) image, null), character.x, character.y, null);
// System.out.println(this.getX());
// System.out.println(this.getY());
// System.out.println(this.getWidth());
// System.out.println(this.getHeight());
// g.fillRect(this.getX(), this.getY(), this.getWidth(), this.getHeight());
// this.setBounds(this.getX(), this.getY(), this.getWidth(), this.getHeight());
public Rectangle getRect(){
return this.character;
public void move(){
if(moveLeft == true){
character.setBounds(character.x -2, character.y, character.width, character.height);
character.x = character.x -2;
NEWX += -2;
if(moveRight == true){
character.setBounds(character.x +2, character.y, character.width, character.height);
character.x = character.x +2;
NEWX += 2;
public void setDirection(String s){
this.direction = s;
String x = s.toUpperCase().substring(0, 1);
moveLeft = true;
moveRight = false;
moveRight = true;
moveLeft = false;
// System.out.println("im here");
else if(x.equals("N")){
moveRight = false;
moveLeft =false;
// System.out.println("I Got Here #2");
public String getDirection(){
return this.direction;
public int getNEWX(){
return this.NEWX;


while loop returns a repeating random value rather than a new random value

I am currently just messing around with some code and I keep running into an issue. I want to create ten circles and simply have them bounce around the window. I've had a couple of problems (like when I want the circles to bounce off the wall, for some reason the 400,400 window isn't actually that size. I have the circles collide on the right by checking if x + width >= 400, but it bounces outside the screen unless I change the 400 to 380?), but my main issue is that when I create the circles, I want them to be in different locations (so they aren't colliding before they can even move). I am trying to get it so that if a circle is going to be 'inside' another circle then instead create random x and y coordinates again until it isn't inside another circle. But for some reason, if I put r.nextInt() inside the while loop it keeps giving me the same values. Can anyone help?
p.s. I wouldn't mind advice on any other mistakes I have made.
package practicedots;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class PracticeDots extends JPanel {
float dots[][] = new float[10][7];
Random r = new Random();
boolean first = true;
float x = 0;
float y = 0;
float xAccel = 0;
float yAccel = 0;
int wall = 380;
int width = 50;
float radius = 0;
float centreX = 0;
float centreY = 0;
boolean collision;
* #param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame f = new JFrame();
f.add(new PracticeDots());
f.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 400));
* #return
public float[][] CreateDots() {
if (first == true) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
while(collision == true){
x = r.nextInt(300);
y = r.nextInt(300);
xAccel = r.nextFloat() / 2;
yAccel = r.nextFloat() / 2;
radius = width/2;
centreX = x + radius;
centreY = y + radius;
dots[i][0] = x;
dots[i][1] = y;
dots[i][2] = xAccel;
dots[i][3] = yAccel;
dots[i][4] = radius;
dots[i][5] = centreX;
dots[i][6] = centreY;
first = false;
} else if (first == false) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
dots[i][0] = dots[i][0] + dots[i][2];
dots[i][1] = dots[i][1] + dots[i][3];
if (dots[i][0] >= wall - width) {
dots[i][2] = -dots[i][2];
if (dots[i][1] >= wall - 20 - width) {
dots[i][3] = -dots[i][3];
if (dots[i][0] < 0) {
dots[i][2] = -dots[i][2];
if (dots[i][1] < 0) {
dots[i][3] = -dots[i][3];
return dots;
//(x2-x1)^2 + (y1-y2)^2 <= (r1+r2)^2
public void bounce() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int a = 0; a < 10; a++) {
if (a != i) {
System.out.println((dots[i][0] - dots[a][0])*(dots[i][0] - dots[a][0]) + (dots[i][1] - dots[a][1])*(dots[i][1] - dots[a][1]) <= (dots[i][4] + dots[a][4]) * (dots[i][4] + dots[a][4]));
collision = (dots[i][0] - dots[a][0])*(dots[i][0] - dots[a][0]) + (dots[i][1] - dots[a][1])*(dots[i][1] - dots[a][1]) <= (dots[i][4] + dots[a][4]) * (dots[i][4] + dots[a][4]);
* #param g
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
g.drawOval((int) dots[i][0], (int) dots[i][1], width, width);
g.fillOval((int) dots[i][0], (int) dots[i][1], width, width);
<!-- end snippet -->
There were a couple of problems:
During bounce you should return the first time you find a collision, otherwise the collision will be set to true, but then could be set back to false on the next iteration in the for-loop.
In the first == true condition, you should initialize collision to true or it will never do the while loop at all. Either that or change it to a do-while.
During paintComponent you should not call CreateDots within the for-loop since it loops over all dots itself. Just call it before.
The code seems to work with these changes (including width of 400 not 380):
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class PracticeDots extends JPanel {
float dots[][] = new float[10][7];
Random r = new Random();
boolean first = true;
float x = 0;
float y = 0;
float xAccel = 0;
float yAccel = 0;
int wall = 400;
int width = 50;
float radius = 0;
float centreX = 0;
float centreY = 0;
boolean collision;
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame f = new JFrame();
f.add(new PracticeDots());
f.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 400));
public float[][] CreateDots() {
if (first == true) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
do {
x = r.nextInt(300);
y = r.nextInt(300);
xAccel = r.nextFloat() / 2;
yAccel = r.nextFloat() / 2;
radius = width / 2;
centreX = x + radius;
centreY = y + radius;
dots[i][0] = x;
dots[i][1] = y;
dots[i][2] = xAccel;
dots[i][3] = yAccel;
dots[i][4] = radius;
dots[i][5] = centreX;
dots[i][6] = centreY;
} while (collision == true);
first = false;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
dots[i][0] = dots[i][0] + dots[i][2];
dots[i][1] = dots[i][1] + dots[i][3];
if (dots[i][0] >= wall - width) {
dots[i][2] = -dots[i][2];
if (dots[i][1] >= wall - 20 - width) {
dots[i][3] = -dots[i][3];
if (dots[i][0] < 0) {
dots[i][2] = -dots[i][2];
if (dots[i][1] < 0) {
dots[i][3] = -dots[i][3];
return dots;
public void bounce() {
collision = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int a = 0; a < 10; a++) {
if (a != i && !(dots[a][0] == 0 && dots[a][1] == 0)) {
boolean thisCollision = (dots[i][0] - dots[a][0]) * (dots[i][0] - dots[a][0]) + (dots[i][1] - dots[a][1]) * (dots[i][1] - dots[a][1]) <= (dots[i][4] + dots[a][4]) * (dots[i][4] + dots[a][4]);
// System.out.println("collision: "+collision+" i="+i+" a="+a);
if (thisCollision) {
collision = true;
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
g.drawOval((int) dots[i][0], (int) dots[i][1], width, width);
g.fillOval((int) dots[i][0], (int) dots[i][1], width, width);

Java game a bullet killed all object on the screen

I am trying to make a plane shooting game.
I have a plane with a number of laser(maxLaser) and a number of random enemies.
When I create a single random enemy it is fine but when I make a number of enemy I have a tiny problem.
When I shot any of enemy with the bullet(laser) kills every enemies on the screen.
I guess I have a problem with two nested loops (maxLaser and maxEnemy) but I could not figure out.
This is the code I am trying to fix that calculate distance laser and enemy
public void updatehelicopter(double dt) {
helicopterSpin = getFrame(0.2, 4);
// nested loop for kill enemies
for(int l =0; l<maxHelicopter; l++){
helicopterPositionX[l] += helicopterVelocityX[l] * dt;
helicopterPositionY[l] += helicopterVelocityY[l] * dt;
// if(helicopterActive[l]==true){
for (int i = 0; i < maxLaser; i++) {
if (laserActive[i] == true) {
if (distance(laserPositionX[i], laserPositionY[i], helicopterPositionX[l], helicopterPositionY[l]) < 20* 1.2) {
// Destroy the laser
laserActive[i] = false;
// Create an explosion
createExplosion(helicopterPositionX[i], helicopterPositionY[l]);
// Create a new random helicopter
The idea is, I want to create 10 enemies and when shot one of them the program that I want to create one more simultaneously.
Here is my Laser and Enemies classes that you can imagine.
Image helicopters;
Image[] helicopterF = new Image[4];
Image[] helicopterR = new Image[4];
Image[] helicopterL = new Image[4];
Image helicopterImage;
// helicopter Position
double[] helicopterPositionX;
double[] helicopterPositionY;
double[] helicopterVelocityX;
double[] helicopterVelocityY;
double[] helicopterAngle;
int helicopterSpin;
boolean helicopterLeft;
boolean helicopterRight;
boolean[] helicopterActive;
int maxHelicopter;
int numhelicopter ;
public void inithelicopter() {
maxHelicopter = 10;
numhelicopter = maxHelicopter;
helicopterPositionX = new double[maxHelicopter];
helicopterPositionY = new double[maxHelicopter];
helicopterVelocityX= new double[maxHelicopter];
helicopterVelocityY= new double[maxHelicopter];
helicopterAngle = new double[maxHelicopter];
helicopterActive = new boolean[maxHelicopter];
for(int i =0; i<maxHelicopter;i++){
// Load image
// helicopterPositionX= 300;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
helicopterF[i] = subImage(helicopters, 0 + i * 300, 0, 300, 300);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
helicopterR[i] = subImage(helicopters, 0 + i * 300 + 1200, 0, 300, 300);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
helicopterL[i] = subImage(helicopters, 0 + i * 300 + 2400, 0, 300, 300);
// helicopterPositionY= 400;
// helicopterImage = subImage(spritesheet, 480, 0, 240, 240);
// Randomly position helicopter
public void randomhelicopter() {
for (int i = 0; i < numhelicopter; i++) {
// Random position
// random number between lower and upper limit for direction of items
helicopterPositionX[i] = (int) (Math.random() * (600 - 500)) + 500;
helicopterPositionY[i] = rand(-500);
// Random Velocity
helicopterVelocityX[i] = -20;
helicopterVelocityY[i] = 80;
// Random Angle
helicopterAngle[i] = 40;
// Function to update 'move' the helicopter
public void updatehelicopter(double dt) {
helicopterSpin = getFrame(0.2, 4);
for(int l =0; l<maxHelicopter; l++){
helicopterPositionX[l] += helicopterVelocityX[l] * dt;
helicopterPositionY[l] += helicopterVelocityY[l] * dt;
// if(helicopterActive[l]==true){
for (int i = 0; i < maxLaser; i++) {
if (laserActive[i] == true) {
if (distance(laserPositionX[i], laserPositionY[i], helicopterPositionX[l], helicopterPositionY[l]) < 20* 1.2) {
// Destroy the laser
laserActive[i] = false;
// Create an explosion
createExplosion(helicopterPositionX[i], helicopterPositionY[l]);
// Create a new random helicopter
public void drawhelicopter() {
// Save the current transform
for(int i=0; i<maxHelicopter; i++){
// ranslate to the position of the helicopter
translate(helicopterPositionX[i], helicopterPositionY[i]);
// Rotate the drawing context around the angle of the helicopter
// Draw the actual helicopter
//int i = getAnimationFrame(explosionTimer, explosionDuration, 30);
drawImage(helicopterF[helicopterSpin], -30, -30, 110, 110);
// Restore last transform to undo the rotate and translate transforms
Image laserImage;
double[] laserPositionX;
double[] laserPositionY;
// Laser velocity
double[] laserVelocityX;
double[] laserVelocityY;
// Laser Angle
double[] laserAngle;
// Laser active
boolean[] laserActive;
// Laser Mode
int laserMode;
double rapidFireDelay;
double rapidFireTimer;
int maxLaser, numLaser;
// NOTE: try first add 5 different level and if works then you should try make
// one laser and should cahnge only image
public void laserInit() {
maxLaser = 9;
numLaser = maxLaser;
laserMode = 0;
rapidFireDelay = 0.1;
laserPositionX = new double[maxLaser];
laserPositionY = new double[maxLaser];
laserVelocityX = new double[maxLaser];
laserVelocityY = new double[maxLaser];
laserAngle = new double[maxLaser];
laserActive = new boolean[maxLaser];
for (int i = 0; i < maxLaser; i++) {
laserActive[i] = false;
laserImage = subImage(laser, 1536, 0, 512, 512);
public void fireLaser(double x, double y, double angle) {
for (int i = 0; i < numLaser; i++) {
if (laserActive[i] == false) {
laserPositionX[i] = x;
laserPositionY[i] = y;
laserVelocityX[i] = sin(angle) * 350;
laserVelocityY[i] = -cos(angle) * 350;
laserAngle[i] = angle;
// laseractive[i] == true;
laserActive[i] = true;
public void fireLaser() {
// NOTE: check variable of laserpower
if (laserMode == 0) {
// Normal Mode
fireLaser(airplanePositionX, airplanePositionY, airplaneAngle);
} else if (laserMode == 1) {
// Scatter Shot
int inactiveLasers = 0;
// For all lasers
for (int i = 0; i < numLaser; i++) {
// Check if laser is inactive
if (laserActive[i] == false) {
// Count number of inactive lasers
// Check if at least 3 lasers are free
if (inactiveLasers >= 3) {
// Fire three lasers
fireLaser(airplanePositionX, airplanePositionY, airplaneAngle - 15);
fireLaser(airplanePositionX, airplanePositionY, airplaneAngle);
fireLaser(airplanePositionX, airplanePositionY, airplaneAngle + 15);
} else if (laserMode == 2) {
// Rapid-Fire Mode
fireLaser(airplanePositionX, airplanePositionY, airplaneAngle + rand(20.0) - 10);
public void createLaser() {
for (int i = 0; i < maxLaser; i++) {
if (laserActive[i]) {
translate(laserPositionX[i], laserPositionY[i]);
drawImage(laserImage, -30, -30, 60, 60);
public void laserUpdate(double dt) {
if (laserMode == 2 && space) {
// Increment Timer
rapidFireTimer += dt;
// If Timer is greater than delay
if (rapidFireTimer > rapidFireDelay) {
// Decrement delay
rapidFireTimer -= rapidFireDelay;
// Fire laser
for (int i = 0; i < maxLaser; i++) {
laserPositionX[i] += laserVelocityX[i] * dt;
laserPositionY[i] += laserVelocityY[i] * dt;
if (laserPositionX[i] < 0) {
laserActive[i] = false;
if (laserPositionX[i] >= width()) {
laserActive[i] = false;
if (laserPositionY[i] < 0) {
laserActive[i] = false;
I am not sure how correct I am so can I get your advise?
Externally some class in code:
public double distance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
// Calculate and return the distance
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x2-x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2-y1, 2));

Raytracing: Dark rings appear

I am getting strange rings of black on my spheres when I render with lighting. I just added lighting and I cannot figure out why the black rings are being created.
Here is my code for my tracer.
public class Tracer {
public Camera Cam;
public int Width, Height;
public BufferedImage Image;
public Color BackGroundColor;
public int StartX, StartY, EndX, EndY,RowCount,ColCount;
public ArrayList<GeometricObject> GeoObjects;
public ArrayList<LightObject> LightObjects;
public boolean Tracing;
public double AmbientLight;
public Tracer(Camera cam, int width, int height, BufferedImage image, Color backGroundColor, int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY, int rowCount, int colCount, ArrayList<GeometricObject> Geoobjects,ArrayList<LightObject> Lightobjects,double ambientLight) {
Cam = cam;
Width = width;
Height = height;
Image = image;
BackGroundColor = backGroundColor;
StartX = startX;
StartY = startY;
EndX = endX;
EndY = endY;
RowCount = rowCount;
ColCount = colCount;
GeoObjects = Geoobjects;
LightObjects = Lightobjects;
if(ambientLight > 1){
AmbientLight = 1;
}else if(ambientLight < 0){
AmbientLight = 0;
AmbientLight = ambientLight;
public void TracePixelFast(int x, int y) {
Color color = new Color(BackGroundColor.r,BackGroundColor.g,BackGroundColor.b);
for(int o = 0;o < GeoObjects.size();o++){
GeometricObject GO = GeoObjects.get(o);
Ray r = new Ray(Cam.GetRayPos(Width, Height, x, y, 1, 1, RowCount, ColCount), Cam.GetRayDir(Width, Height, x, y, 1,1, RowCount, ColCount));
double hit = GO.hit(r);
if (hit != 0.0) {
color = Cal_Pixel(x,y);
Image.setRGB(x, y, color.toInt());
public void TracePixelSmooth(int x, int y) {
Image.setRGB(x, y,Cal_Pixel(x,y).toInt());
public Color Cal_Pixel(int x,int y){
Color color = new Color(BackGroundColor);
Color colorh = new Color(BackGroundColor);
Color bgc = new Color(BackGroundColor);
int HIT = 0;
int MISS = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < RowCount; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < ColCount; col++) {
double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (int o = 0; o < GeoObjects.size(); o++) {
GeometricObject GO = GeoObjects.get(o);
Ray r = new Ray(Cam.GetRayPos(Width, Height, x, y, row, col, RowCount, ColCount),Cam.GetRayDir(Width, Height, x, y, row, col, RowCount, ColCount));
double hit = GO.hit(r);
if (hit != 0.0 && hit < min) {
min = hit;
colorh = ShadePixel(GO, r, hit);
} else {
double min2 = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (int o2 = 0; o2 < GeoObjects.size(); o2++) {
GeometricObject GO2 = GeoObjects.get(o2);
double hit2 = GO2.hit(r);
if (hit2 != 0.0 && hit2 < min2) {
min2 = hit2;
bgc = ShadePixel(GO2, r, hit2);
for(int h = 0;h < HIT;h++){
for(int m = 0;m < MISS;m++){
color.Divide(RowCount * ColCount);
return color;
public Color ShadePixel(GeometricObject GO,Ray ray,double t){
ArrayList<Color> PixelShade = new ArrayList<Color>();
Normal normal = GO.Cal_Normal(ray, t);
for(int l = 0;l < LightObjects.size();l++){
LightObject light = LightObjects.get(l);
Vector3D r_Dir = light.Pos.Sub(normal.Origin);
Ray raytolight = new Ray(normal.Origin,r_Dir);
int WAS_HIT = 0;
for(int o = 0;o < GeoObjects.size();o++){
GeometricObject NGO = GeoObjects.get(o);
double hit = NGO.hit(raytolight);
if (hit != 0.0) {
WAS_HIT = 1;
if(WAS_HIT == 0){
double Dot = normal.Direction.Dot(r_Dir);
if(Dot < 0){
Dot = 0;
double Diffuse = 1 - AmbientLight;
Color color = new Color(GO.Color);
double Shade = AmbientLight + Diffuse*Dot;
Color color = new Color(GO.Color);
double Shade = AmbientLight;
Color Final = new Color();
for(int s = 0;s < PixelShade.size();s++){
return Final;
public void TraceArea(boolean SmoothTracing) {
Tracing = true;
for (int x = StartX; x < EndX; x++) {
for (int y = StartY; y < EndY; y++) {
for (int x = StartX; x < EndX; x++) {
for (int y = StartY; y < EndY; y++) {
And here is the code for the sphere.
public class Sphere extends GeometricObject{
public Vector3D Center;
public double Radius;
public Sphere(Vector3D Center,double Radius,Color Color){
this.Center = Center;
this.Radius = Radius;
this.Color = Color;
public double hit(Ray ray) {
double a = ray.Direction.Dot(ray.Direction);
double b = 2 * ray.Origin.Sub(Center).Dot(ray.Direction);
double c = ray.Origin.Sub(Center).Dot(ray.Origin.Sub(Center))-Radius*Radius;
double discreminant = b*b-4*a*c;
if(discreminant < 0.0f){
return 0.0;
double t = (-b - Math.sqrt(discreminant))/(2*a);
if(t > 10E-9){
return t;
return 0.0;
public Normal Cal_Normal(Ray ray,double t) {
Vector3D NPos = new Vector3D(ray.Origin.x + ray.Direction.x*t,ray.Origin.y + ray.Direction.y*t,ray.Origin.z + ray.Direction.z*t);
Vector3D NDir = NPos.Sub(Center).Div(Radius);
return new Normal(NPos,NDir);
I am sure the problem is in shadepixel() but I could be wrong.
I just found out that the more objects that I add the more rings there are:
1 object no rings.
2 objects 1 ring.
3 objects 2 rings.
If you need me to post more of my code.Just ask and I will.
When I get back from school I will post my color class and fix the color problem. I still do not understand why the more objects (spheres) I add, the more rings there are. Can anyone explain to me why this is happening?
Here is my Color code.
public class Color {
public float r,g,b;
public Color(){
r = 0.0f;
g = 0.0f;
b = 0.0f;
public Color(float fr,float fg,float fb){
r = fr;
g = fg;
b = fb;
public Color(Color color){
r = color.r;
g = color.g;
b = color.b;
public void Add(Color color){
r += color.r;
g += color.g;
b += color.b;
public void Divide(int scalar){
r /= scalar;
g /= scalar;
b /= scalar;
public void Mul(double mul){
r *= mul;
g *= mul;
b *= mul;
public int toInt(){
return (int) (r*255)<<16 | (int) (g*255)<<8 | (int) (b*255);
There are multiple issues with this code, but the direct reason for the rings is that color component values are overflowing 0-255 range. This in turn is caused by incorrect calculations in what I take to be an attempt at antialiasing in Cal_Pixel(), as well as by no control whatsoever of numeric range in ShadePixel().
Think about how you can visually debug this scene.
First are the normals correct? Display them as the colour to see.
Taking the range for each component [-1..1] to the range [0..255]:
r = 255*(n.x + 1)/2;
g = 255*(n.y + 1)/2;
b = 255*(n.z + 1)/2;
Once you think they look correct move on to the next stage and build it up stage by stage.
e.g. you might look at if your dot product is as expected (again [-1..1] because the vectors are supposedly normalised):
r = 255*(dot + 1)/2;
g = 255*(dot + 1)/2;
b = 255*(dot + 1)/2;

How to make circle clickable

I am developing game using canvas. I have drawn grid of circles using loop. I want to get x,y coordinates of circles. For that I have to make those circles clickable so that whenever player click on a circle it should return its coordinates. I will pass those coordinates to lineDraw() method for drawing line between those circles.
This loop is defining grid of circles:
for (int y=0;y<rows;y++)
for (int x=0;x<cols;x++)
canvas.drawCircle((x + 1) * dw, (y + 1) *(3* dh), 20, pDot);
Here dw is (displayWidth) and dh is (displayHeight). Please suggest how I should make these circles clickable?
I had played with this project a little after your previous questions. I'm sure this isn't the most optimized way to do this, but without knowing how you plan to implement the game logic, I think this is flexible enough to adapt. The following is your custom View class, which I've renamed Board, in keeping with Java naming conventions.
public class Board extends View
Paint pBack = new Paint();
Paint pDot = new Paint();
Paint pLine = new Paint();
int cols = 5;
int rows = 6;
// Default initialization = false
boolean[][] dots = new boolean[cols][rows];
int canWidth = 0;
int canHeight = 0;
float xStep = 0;
float yStep = 0;
float[] xCoords = new float[cols];
float[] yCoords = new float[rows];
public Board(Context context)
pBack.setARGB(255, 255, 102, 0);
pDot.setARGB(255, 255, 255, 255);
pLine.setARGB(255, 90, 10, 0);
public void setDots(boolean[][] dotSelected)
this.dots = dotSelected;
public boolean[][] getDots()
return dots;
protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh)
canWidth = w;
canHeight = h;
xStep = canWidth / (cols + 1);
yStep = canHeight / (rows + 1);
for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++)
yCoords[y] = (y + 1) * yStep;
for (int x = 0; x < cols; x++)
xCoords[x] = (x + 1) * xStep;
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
// Grid, lines and box markings
for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++)
canvas.drawLine(xStep, yCoords[y], cols * xStep, yCoords[y], pDot);
for (int x = 0; x < cols; x++)
if (y == 0)
canvas.drawLine(xCoords[x], yStep, xCoords[x], rows * yStep, pDot);
if (dots[x][y])
boolean left = x > 0 && dots[x - 1][y];
boolean up = y > 0 && dots[x][y - 1];
if (left)
canvas.drawLine(xCoords[x], yCoords[y], xCoords[x - 1], yCoords[y], pLine);
if (up)
canvas.drawLine(xCoords[x], yCoords[y], xCoords[x], yCoords[y - 1], pLine);
if (left && up && dots[x - 1][y - 1])
canvas.drawCircle(xCoords[x] - xStep / 2, yCoords[y] - yStep / 2, 10, pLine);
// Dots
for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < cols; x++)
canvas.drawCircle(xCoords[x], yCoords[y], 20, pDot);
if (dots[x][y])
canvas.drawCircle(xCoords[x], yCoords[y], 15, pBack);
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)
if (event.getAction() != MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN)
return true;
int xNear = 0;
int yNear = 0;
float xMin = canWidth;
float yMin = canHeight;
for (int x = 0; x < cols; x++)
if (Math.abs(xCoords[x] - event.getX()) < xMin)
xMin = Math.abs(xCoords[x] - event.getX());
xNear = x;
for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++)
if (Math.abs(yCoords[y] - event.getY()) < yMin)
yMin = Math.abs(yCoords[y] - event.getY());
yNear = y;
dots[xNear][yNear] = !dots[xNear][yNear];
return true;
Store the data of your circles (for instance the position and the radius) in a list and check each of them for mouse collision(register a mouseeventlistener).
public class Circle
private int radius;
private int positionX;
private int positionY;
public Circle(int positionX, int positionY, int radius)
this.radius = radius;
this.positionX = positionX;
this.positionY = positionY;
public int getPositionX()
return this.positionX;
public int getPositionY()
return this.positionY;
public boolean contains(int posX, int posY)
int distanceX = this.positionX - posX;
int distanceY = this.positionY - posY;
return Math.sqrt((distanceX * distanceX) + (distanceY * distanceY)) <= this.radius;

java graphics gouraud shading

I want to fill triangles with gouraud shading
I calculated normals for each vertex and used the following code but it dosn't work correctly
I interpolated colors against y using these formulas
Ir = Ir2 - (Ir2 - Ir1)* (v2.y -y)/dy;
Ig = Ig2 - (Ig2 - Ig1)* (v2.y -y)/dy;
Ib = Ib2 - (Ib2 - Ib1)* (v2.y -y)/dy;
and against x direction using
rr = r2- (r2-r1)*(Xs2-j)/dxs;
in method drawCurrentTriangle(Graphics2D g) how can i calculate color from interpolated vertex normal.(there is no lights in the scene (only triangle color))
public boolean convert(Triangle triangle) {
triangle.getVlist()[0].r = triangle.normals[0].x;
triangle.getVlist()[0].g = triangle.normals[0].y;
triangle.getVlist()[0].b = triangle.normals[0].z;
triangle.getVlist()[1].r = triangle.normals[1].x;
triangle.getVlist()[1].g = triangle.normals[1].y;
triangle.getVlist()[1].b = triangle.normals[1].z;
triangle.getVlist()[2].r = triangle.normals[2].x;
triangle.getVlist()[2].g = triangle.normals[2].y;
triangle.getVlist()[2].b = triangle.normals[2].z;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
Vector3d v1 = triangle.getVlist()[i];
Vector3d v2;
if (i == 2) {
v2 = triangle.getVlist()[0];
} else {
v2 = triangle.getVlist()[i + 1];
// ensure v1.y < v2.y
if (v1.y > v2.y) {
Vector3d temp = v1;
v1 = v2;
v2 = temp;
double dy = v2.y - v1.y;
Ir1 = v1.r;
Ig1 = v1.g;
Ib1 = v1.b;
Ir2 = v2.r;
Ig2 = v2.g;
Ib2 = v2.b;
// ignore horizontal lines
if (dy == 0) {
int startY = Math.max(FastMath.ceil(v1.y), minY);
int endY = Math.min(FastMath.ceil(v2.y) - 1, maxY);
top = Math.min(top, startY);
bottom = Math.max(bottom, endY);
double dx = v2.x - v1.x;
double Ir;
double Ig;
double Ib;
double Ic;
double Ia;
double Yc;
// special case: vertical line
if (dx == 0) {
int x = FastMath.ceil(v1.x);
// ensure x within view bounds
x = Math.min(maxX + 1, Math.max(x, minX));
for (int y = startY; y <= endY; y++) {
Ir = Ir2 - (Ir2 - Ir1)* (v2.y -y)/dy;
Ig = Ig2 - (Ig2 - Ig1)* (v2.y -y)/dy;
Ib = Ib2 - (Ib2 - Ib1)* (v2.y -y)/dy;
scans[y].setBoundary(x, Ir, Ig, Ib);
} else {
// scan-convert this edge (line equation)
double gradient = dx / dy;
// (slower version)
for (int y = startY; y <= endY; y++) {
int x = FastMath.ceil(v1.x + (y - v1.y) * gradient);
// ensure x within view bounds
x = Math.min(maxX + 1, Math.max(x, minX));
Ir = Ir2 - (Ir2 - Ir1)* (v2.y -y)/dy;
Ig = Ig2 - (Ig2 - Ig1)* (v2.y -y)/dy;
Ib = Ib2 - (Ib2 - Ib1)* (v2.y -y)/dy;
scans[y].setBoundary(x, Ir, Ig, Ib);
// check if visible (any valid scans)
for (int i = top; i <= bottom; i++) {
if (scans[i].isValid()) {
return true;
return false;
protected void drawCurrentTriangle(Graphics2D g) {
int y = scanConverter.getTopBoundary();
double Xs1 = 0;
double Xs2 = 0;
double dxs = 0;
double r1 = 0;
double g1 = 0;
double b1 = 0;
double r2 = 0;
double g2 = 0;
double b2 = 0;
double rr = 0;
double gg = 0;
double bb = 0;
while (y <= scanConverter.getBottomBoundary()) {
GouraudTriangleScanConverter.Scan scan = scanConverter.getScan(y);
if (scan.isValid()) {
r1 = scan.rL;
g1 = scan.gL;
b1 = scan.bL;
r2 = scan.rR;
g2 = scan.gR;
b2 = scan.bR;
Xs1 = scan.left;
Xs2 = scan.right;
dxs = Xs2-Xs1;
for (int j = scan.left; j < scan.right; j++) {
rr = r2- (r2-r1)*(Xs2-j)/dxs;
gg = g2- (g2-g1)*(Xs2-j)/dxs;
bb = b2- (b2-b1)*(Xs2-j)/dxs;
if(rr > 255) rr = 255;
if(gg > 255) gg = 255;
if(bb > 255) bb = 255;
g.setColor(new Color((int)rr, (int)gg, (int)bb));
public static class Scan {
public int left;
public int right;
public double rL = -1;
public double gL = -1;
public double bL = -1;
public double rR = -1;
public double gR = -1;
public double bR = -1;
* Sets the left and right boundary for this scan if
* the x value is outside the current boundary.
public void setBoundary(int x, double r, double g, double b) {
if (x > max)
max = x;
if (x < left) {
left = x;
rL = r;
gL = g;
bL = b;
if (x - 1 > right) {
right = x - 1;
rR = r;
gR = g;
bR = b;
* Determines if this scan is valid (if left <= right).
public boolean isValid() {
return (left <= right);
how can i apply colors to mesh.when i in
fix colors(no lighting)

