Connection refused when calling endpoints from android client - java

My android app uses google endpoints as a scalable backend solution. However, I am having trouble calling it from the android client.
I call an async task class from an activity and in the async task class call the endpoints method. In this case the default sayHi() method is called and the message should be displayed in a toast using the onPostExecute(String result) method.
However when I run the app module in the emulator, this error appears in the toast:
failed to connect to / (port 8080) after 20000ms: isConnected failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
Here is the code that calls the async task from the activity:
Profile profile = new Profile(firstName, lastName, birthday);
new EndpointTask(). new SaveProfileTask(profile, this).execute();
Here is the async task class:
public class EndpointTask {
public class SaveProfileTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, String> {
private final String LOG_TAG = SaveProfileTask.class.getSimpleName();
private MyApi mApi;
private Profile mProfile;
private Context mContext;
public SaveProfileTask(Profile profile, Context context) {
mProfile = profile;
mContext = context;
protected String doInBackground(Void... params) {
if (mApi == null) {
MyApi.Builder builder = new MyApi.Builder(AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport(),
new AndroidJsonFactory(), null)
// options for running against local devappserver
// - is localhost's IP address in Android emulator
// - turn off compression when running against local devappserver
.setGoogleClientRequestInitializer(new GoogleClientRequestInitializer() {
public void initialize(AbstractGoogleClientRequest<?> abstractGoogleClientRequest) throws IOException {
mApi =;
try {
return mApi.sayHi(mProfile.getFirstName()).execute().getData();
} catch (IOException e) {
return e.getMessage();
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
Toast.makeText(mContext, result, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "ERROR: " + result);
Most of this is taken from the github repo here. Which is part of the official android documentation for hooking up the client with the backend for google app engine.
Why is this error occurring and how can it be fixed?
Thanks guys, happy coding.


Problem Using Ethernet and Wifi on Android at the same time

Let me quickly describe my setup and goal. I have a android tablet display running Android version 7.1.2
I have a motor controller that is hooked up to the Android tablet via ethernet. In my Android app that controls the motor controller, I use Wifi to communicate with some servers that provide/store data. Currently, I can use an Android simulator (in Android Studio) that allows me to communicate with the motor controller while also using the wifi for calls to the server. When I run the app on the Android tablet itself, I can only have Wifi OR Ethernet active at one time.
According to this post this is a hard limitation in Android itself. It also details some possible fixes, but its quite old and to be honest I do not have any experience in the required steps described by their vague instructions.
Can anyone provide a more up-to-date solution to this problem, preferably one that is a little more detailed for newbies like me? Even just a pointer to learning how to do the necessary steps for fixing this would be great, I've been stuck on this for awhile! Thanks for any help!
EDIT: Here's some relevant info in regards to AlwaysLearning's answer...
The class I use to manage reading from Modbus
public class ModbusRead {
private static final String TAG = "MODBUS READ";
ModbusClient mClientReadAll;
public ModbusRead()
// IP = "";
// port = 502;
mClientReadAll = new ModbusClient(Modbus.IP, Integer.valueOf(Modbus.port));
public Runnable readAll()
return () -> {
ReadAllFromModbus mReadAll = new ReadAllFromModbus();
public class ReadAllFromModbus extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> {
private final String TAG = "READ ALL FROM MODBUS";
protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
// get all registers
int[] registerBlock = mClientReadAll.ReadHoldingRegisters(Constants.RegisterRead.HR_MODE.getRegister()- 1, 16);
int[] wideRegisters = new int[] {
Modbus.convertWideRegister(mClientReadAll.ReadHoldingRegisters(Constants.RegisterRead.HR_ACTUAL_POSITION.getRegister() - 1, 2)),
Modbus.convertWideRegister(mClientReadAll.ReadHoldingRegisters(Constants.RegisterRead.HR_TARGET_POSITION.getRegister() - 1, 2)),
Modbus.convertWideRegister(mClientReadAll.ReadHoldingRegisters(Constants.RegisterRead.HR_ROM_DELTA.getRegister() - 1, 2)),
Modbus.convertWideRegister(mClientReadAll.ReadHoldingRegisters(Constants.RegisterRead.HR_REWIND_ZERO.getRegister() - 1, 2))
int[] tensionRegister = mClientReadAll.ReadHoldingRegisters(Constants.RegisterRead.HR_ACTUAL_TENSION.getRegister() - 1, 1);
Modbus.updateAllRegisters(registerBlock, wideRegisters, tensionRegister);
catch (Exception e)
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(String s) {
catch(Exception e)
The relevant part of my Dashboard class that would handle starting the thread that does all the modbus reading
How would I go about forcing the ModbusRead class to use the Ethernet here?
ModbusRead modbusRead = new ModbusRead();
final ConnectivityManager connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager) this.getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
final NetworkRequest requestEthernet = new NetworkRequest.Builder()
final ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback cbEthernet = new ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback() {
public void onAvailable(Network network) {
// connectivityManager.bindProcessToNetwork(network);
// Modbus.IP = ""
// Modbus.port = 502
InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(Modbus.IP);
Log.i(TAG, "ADDRESS: " + address.toString());
Socket socket = new Socket(address, Modbus.port);
Log.i(TAG, "SOCKET CREATED..." + socket.getInetAddress());
catch (Exception e)
Log.i(TAG, "EXCEPTION: " + e.getMessage());
connectivityManager.requestNetwork(requestEthernet, cbEthernet);
ScheduledExecutorService executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
executorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(modbusRead.readAll(), 2000, 250, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

One Service data Multiple Activity in android

Hi I make Android application for Xamarin. I have created a simple application in the Android studio. so any answer welcome either Java or C#
I have a service(GPS service) and 2 Activities.
MainActivity - GPS service are well connected with the broadcast. I hope MainActivity -> Another activity real time GPS point.(It is also okay to send from the GPS service to another activity.) but it is is dead..
MainActivity code
private void RegisterService()
_gpsServiceConnection = new GPSServiceConnection(_binder);
_gpsServiceIntent = new Intent(Android.App.Application.Context, typeof(GPS.GPSService));
BindService(_gpsServiceIntent, _gpsServiceConnection, Bind.AutoCreate);
private void RegisterBroadcastReceiver()
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(GPSServiceReciever.LOCATION_UPDATED);
_receiver = new GPSServiceReciever();
RegisterReceiver(_receiver, filter);
private void UnRegisterBroadcastReceiver()
public void UpdateUI(Intent intent)
LatLng_txt.Text = intent.GetStringExtra("Location");
Lat = intent.GetDoubleExtra("Lat", 0.0);
Lng = intent.GetDoubleExtra("Lng", 0.0);
protected override void OnResume()
protected override void OnPause()
internal class GPSServiceReciever : BroadcastReceiver
public static readonly string LOCATION_UPDATED = "LOCATION_UPDATED";
public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
if (intent.Action.Equals(LOCATION_UPDATED))
GPS Service code
public void OnLocationChanged(Location location)
_currentLocation = location;
if (_currentLocation == null)
_location = "Unable to determine your location.";
_location = String.Format("{0}, {1}", _currentLocation.Latitude, _currentLocation.Longitude);
Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(this);
IList<Address> addressList = geocoder.GetFromLocation(_currentLocation.Latitude,
_currentLocation.Longitude, 10);
Address addressCurrent = addressList.FirstOrDefault();
if (addressCurrent != null)
StringBuilder deviceAddress = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < addressCurrent.MaxAddressLineIndex; i++)
_address = deviceAddress.ToString();
_address = "Unable to determine the address.";
IList<Address> source = geocoder.GetFromLocationName(_sourceAddress, 1);
Address addressOrigin = source.FirstOrDefault();
var coord1 = new LatLng(addressOrigin.Latitude, addressOrigin.Longitude);
var coord2 = new LatLng(addressCurrent.Latitude, addressCurrent.Longitude);
var distanceInRadius = Utils.HaversineDistance(coord1, coord2, Utils.DistanceUnit.Miles);
_remarks = string.Format("Your are {0} miles away from your original location.", distanceInRadius);
Intent intent = new Intent(this, typeof(MainActivity.GPSServiceReciever));
intent.PutExtra("Location", _location);
intent.PutExtra("Lat", _currentLocation.Latitude);
intent.PutExtra("Lng", _currentLocation.Longitude);
_address = "Unable to determine the address.";
Is not there a good way?
I understood your problem.But dont know more about GPS etc.I have faced the same problem when I was creating Music App.
Two activities were there and one service.And successfully got real time song position and song data from both activities.
My MainActivity has
ServiceConnection sc=null;
public static PlayerService ps;
And gets its value in onCreate of MainActivity
sc=new ServiceConnection(){
public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName p1, IBinder p2)
PlayerService.Getters getters=(PlayerService.Getters) p2;
public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName p1)
// TODO: Implement this method
Then PlayerService.Getters class is
public class Getters extends Binder
public PlayerService getService()
return PlayerService.this;
PlayerService has
public IBinder onBind(Intent p1)
return new Getters();
getService of Getters gives the object of PlayerService to my MainActivity.
Now I can get real time values of service variables and methods using static ps from multiple activities.
In order to send data or information from Service to Activity, you'll need to use Messenger API. This API will allow you to create an inter process communication (IPC) i.e. a communication link between two or more processes. In Android, Activity and Service are two separate processes, so you can use the IPC technique to establish a communication link in between them.
In the IPC technique, there are two ends, the Server end and the Client end. The Service acts as the Server and Activity acts as the Client.
Note: Service will only be able to communicate with one Activity at a time.
Messenger allows for the implementation of message-based communication across processes by help of Handlers.
Handler is a that allows you to send and process these messages.
Steps for implementing a Messenger:
Step 1. Service implements a Handler which receives the callbacks from the Activity
Step 2. The Handler then creates a Messenger object which further on creates an IBinder that the Service returns to the Activity.
Step 3. Activity then uses the IBinder to instantiate the Messenger, which the Activity uses to send messages to the Service.
Step 4. The Service receives the messages in the Handler created in the 1st step.
Lets now understand it with an example:
Create a Handler in the Service like this:
class ServiceHandler extends Handler {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
switch (msg.what) {
Now, add the Messenger object along with onBind() method to the Service as mentioned in 2nd step above:
final Messenger messenger = new Messenger(new ServiceHandler());
public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
return messenger.getBinder();
In the Activity, we will create a ServiceConnection to fetch the iBinder from the Service to instantiate the Messenger object as mentioned in the 3rd step above.
Messenger messenger;
private ServiceConnection serviceConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder iBinder) {
messenger = new Messenger(iBinder);
public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className) {
Bind the Service to the Activity by help of the ServiceConnection created above:
bindService(new Intent(this, MessengerService.class), serviceConnection,
To send messages to the Service from the Activity, use the send() method of the Messenger object.
If you want to receive messages from the Service in the Activity, you need to create a Messenger in the Activity along with a Handler and use the replyTo parameter of the Messenger to receive messages to the respective Handler.

Amazon cognito: identity not found

I am working on developer authenticated project.And I am trying to get credentials using this below code.But it is giving me following error.
I have pasted IdentityId and Token manually into this code from server code:
Caused by: Identity 'ap-northeast-1:fe81cd76-e9d4-4416-99ea-b684b78743c8' not found. (Service: AmazonCognitoIdentity; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ResourceNotFoundException; Request ID: 2ac65fe8-d41a-11e5-8674-677eefdb5331)
at com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient.handleErrorResponse(
at com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient.executeHelper(
at com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient.execute(
at android.os.AsyncTask$
Here is my code:
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
Button button;
protected static CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = null;
private GetCredentialsForIdentityResult credentialsForIdentityResult;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
button = (Button)findViewById(;
button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
network net = new network();
public class network extends AsyncTask<Void,Void,String>{
protected void onPreExecute() {
protected String doInBackground(Void... params) {
Authentication developerProvider = new Authentication(
CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider(
HashMap<String, String> loginsMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
loginsMap.put(developerProvider.getProviderName(), "7386372772");
GetCredentialsForIdentityRequest credentialsForIdentityRequest = new GetCredentialsForIdentityRequest();
AmazonCognitoIdentityClient cognitoIdentityClient = new AmazonCognitoIdentityClient(credentialsProvider);
credentialsForIdentityResult = cognitoIdentityClient.getCredentialsForIdentity(credentialsForIdentityRequest);
return credentialsForIdentityResult.getCredentials().getAccessKeyId();
protected void onPostExecute(String s) {
public class Authentication extends AWSAbstractCognitoDeveloperIdentityProvider {
private static final String PROVIDERNAME = "";
public String response = " ";
String line = " ";
public Authentication(String accountId, String identityPoolId, Regions region) {
super(accountId, identityPoolId, region);
public String getProviderName() {
public String refresh() {
if (getProviderName() != null &&
!this.loginsMap.isEmpty() &&
this.loginsMap.containsKey(getProviderName())) {
update(identityId, token);
return "eyJraWQiOiJhcC1ub3J0aGVhc3QtMTEiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1MiLCJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJhcC1ub3J0aGVhc3QtMTpmZTgxY2Q3Ni1lOWQ0LTQ0MTYtOTllYS1iNjg0Yjc4NzQzYzgiLCJhdWQiOiJhcC1ub3J0aGVhc3QtMTphODcxZmE1Zi0yM2EyLTQ4MGQtYmFhNi1iNGVkMzE0MzcyNDQilCJhbXIiOlsiYXV0aGVudGljYXRlZCIsImxvZ2luLmJsdXBpbmNoLmFwcCIsImxvZ2luLmJsdXBpbmNoLmFwcDphcC1ub3J0aGVhc3QtMTphODcxZmE1Zi0yM2EyLTQ4MGQtYmFhNi1iNGVkMzE0MzcyNDQ6NzM4NjM3Mjg3MiJdLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2NvZ25pdG8taWRlbnRpdHkuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ1NTU5NTM5NywiaWF0IjoxNDU1NTU5Mzk3fQ.fHHH6aeCn5EaJGxGD6tw7bWyQpPHuYcW8SZLRGVn-3cbamJrWEPmUnNvcLJ-D6nL8AvMQy7-s1LGQ5MNaiuIH7QF6W8aWt2OMALmA_Y7eqpGQ6iQXVma_jTZSpiyBe2cPNggWgeslPtFxomwE90vW0rzS1sY3D5Y3UbnrIHNdiPKIzzP9JaQo1IsTJMKEpQM-jzWP6stV1radDuIzWQroBVQseOQSD-MXV_-cgWWSx0eQmtFbjJW6RP_nACgh0uTbGmMuOi2iKXKQAdGlYWO-PHlShbiHT-WLQoZNWuh95Hh9dMldv-mNdnYSblqYyqptLA3kObioI08XXkTqwaaAw";
} else {
return null;
public String getIdentityId() {
identityId = "ap-northeast-1:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
if (identityId == null) {
if (getProviderName() != null && !this.loginsMap.isEmpty()
&& this.loginsMap.containsKey(getProviderName())) {
update(identityId, token);
return "ap-northeast-1:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
} else {
return super.getIdentityId();
} else {
return identityId;
I have tried it in PHP where I performed getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity , stsClient and AssumerolewithWebIdentity to get credentials it worked great. Thank you in advance.
When using Developer Authenticated Identities, the logins map for the call GetCredentialsForIdentity should have "" as the key instead of developer provider name.
Also, you should not be calling this method yourself, the SDK will take care of this.
When calling getCredentialsForIdentity, in the logins map, when key is "", the value should be the token you got from your backend after calling GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity. You do not need to get the credentials for doing AWS operations, just initialize the AWS Service Client with this credentials provider and you should be good to go.
(1) In your application, you do not need to call GetCredentialsForIdentity, the CredentialsProvider does all of this for you. (And ensures the correct arguments are passed in).
--> You can test that you are getting credentials by making a call to another service that requires credentials (ex S3)
--> Another option is to call getCredentials() on the Credentials Provider and validate that an exception is not thrown
(2) In, refresh, you seem to be using a hard coded token? This is likely expired, and you should make sure to get new ones. (If you are just testing app side, make sure you hard code a fresh one).
(3) In, refresh, it looks like you are calling update with a null token.
(4) Also make sure you are getting tokens for the hard coded identity you are using. (Again, you should only be hard coding this if you are testing).

Google Cloud Endpoints Setup Trouble

I'm completely new to Google's Cloud Platform and I'm having trouble setting it up for my Android device. I am attempting to follow this tutorial and I'm at the point of trying to test my backend with my Android Emulator. The emulator, however, gives me this message after 20 seconds, Where instead it should say my name. Here's my code so far:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
new EndpointsAsyncTask().execute(new Pair<Context, String>(this, "Solomon"));
public class EndpointsAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Pair<Context, String>, Void, String> {
private static MyApi myApiService = null;
private Context context;
protected String doInBackground(Pair<Context, String>... params) {
if(myApiService == null) { // Only do this once
MyApi.Builder builder = new MyApi.Builder(AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport(),
new AndroidJsonFactory(), null)
// options for running against local devappserver
// - is localhost's IP address in Android emulator
// - turn off compression when running against local devappserver
.setGoogleClientRequestInitializer(new GoogleClientRequestInitializer() {
public void initialize(AbstractGoogleClientRequest<?> abstractGoogleClientRequest) throws IOException {
// end options for devappserver
myApiService =;
context = params[0].first;
String name = params[0].second;
try {
return myApiService.sayHi(name).execute().getData();
} catch (IOException e) {
return e.getMessage();
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
Toast.makeText(context, result, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
All Help is appreciated!
EDIT: Part of the problem was that I was running Endpoints Backend rather than the App Engine Servlet Backend. But now I'm now getting "connection refused" and I am running the App Engine Servlet Backend. Any Ideas?
After a tough few days, i found that the problem was that I needed to change my rootUrl from to my appspot domain. Now I'm getting the Hello World message.

Using android login template correctly

I am new to android and java and am trying to setup a login page that posts to a webpage that verifies the credentials and returns a cookie.
I am using the login template included with eclipse. I am not sure what to put for the
// TODO: attempt authentication against a network service.
All I need it so post to my page like this:
and if the credentials are correct I get a json success string and cookie back. How can I incorporate this into this template or what do i need to put in place of the authentication against a network service
public class UserLoginTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Boolean> {
protected Boolean doInBackground(Void... params) {
// TODO: attempt authentication against a network service.
try {
// Simulate network access.
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return false;
for (String credential : DUMMY_CREDENTIALS) {
String[] pieces = credential.split(":");
if (pieces[0].equals(mEmail)) {
// Account exists, return true if the password matches.
return pieces[1].equals(mPassword);
// TODO: register the new account here.
return true;
protected void onPostExecute(final Boolean success) {
mAuthTask = null;
if (success) {
} else {
protected void onCancelled() {
mAuthTask = null;
edit: I tried searching for an example of this but did not find one that fit my case. Any links to a solution or example of what im trying to do are appreciated.

